Farmington Hills Church of God We Welcome Our Guests! Stop at the Welcome Center to receive a Gift Bag for visiting us today! For Children… During 9:00 AM Worship K – 12th Gr. classes available During 9:00 & 10:30 AM Worship: Nursery available (infants – 2-1/2) During 9:00 & 10:30 AM Worship: Pre-School available (2-1/2 – 4 yrs.) “Kidz Time” – K-5th Gr. Kids are dismissed from the 10:30 AM Worship Parents, please keep your child(ren) with you until they are dismissed! Please turn off all cell phones. October 5, 2014 – 9:00 & 10:30 AM At any and all times… You are welcome to use the altars as a place to kneel & pray! Multiple Worship Every Sunday Worship—9:00 & 10:30AM Children’s & Youth Sunday School—9:00AM Kidz Time (K-5th)—10:30AM R&R (Refreshments & Relationships)—10-10:45AM Nursery & Pre-School Care are available during both worship services. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANK YOU LUNCHEON for our LAWN CREWS & SNOW HELPERS! Sunday, October 12 @ noon. … Our church if very blessed to have people who volunteer to make our church safe and beautiful! So, for those on our lawn crews and those who shovel snow, you (and your families) are invited to a special luncheon in your honor. Please sign up at the Welcome Center TODAY! * “Lord I Lift Your Name on High” “You Are Holy” Psalm 23 “What the Lord Has Done” 2 Kings 6:8-17 “Whom Shall I Fear God of Angel Armies” Greet One Another / Announcements Dismiss for Kidz Time We Give God’s Tithes & Our Offerings (Please complete the information in the Friendship Exchange Folder) “I Will Praise Him Hallelujah” We Hear & Respond to God’s Word “Stay Focused on Jesus…” Pastor Gordon Communion “Thank You God for Saving Me” *2nd Service Only Please Note: If you bring a beverage into the sanctuary, please use a lid. Clean any spills or notify an usher so that they can be taken care of promptly. THANK YOU! Gordon Steinke, Pastor [email protected] Jason Nelson, Assoc. Pastor [email protected] Carron Odokara, Assoc. Pastor [email protected] (Cell) 248-229-2184 (Cell) 248-515-0567 (Home) 313-244-7473 We HIGHLY RECOMMEND this class, taught by Ben Salyer, to everyone who works will children and youth so that you can become CPR & First Aid Certified. Sign up at the Welcome Ctr TODAY! For more information, contact Clyde Beaver. Sunday, Oct. 12 @ Noon Lunch Is Provided This class is for everyone who has visited the church, is already calling this his or her “home” church, or has questions or would like to know more. It is not about making a commitment to this church. This is an opportunity to explore and learn more. Childcare is available, if needed. Please pre-register by October 8 via: [email protected] , 248.477.9144, or the signup sheet at Welcome Center. YACM (Young Adult & College Ministry) Men’s Bible Study TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 7:00 PM Steinke Small Grp @ Steinke Home WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 7:00 PM 7:00PM REVOLUTION YOUTH GROUP Women’s Bible Study (Church Office) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 7:00 PM BAPTISM CLASS (CHURCH OFFICE) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014 BREAKFAST & WORK / CLEANUP DAY 9:00AM CPR & First Aid Class 9:00 & 10:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Worship Celebrations Sunday School for Children & Youth R&R Kidz Time (dismissed from Worship) WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 7:00 – 8:30 PM Grades 6 – 12 Save the Date… Saturday, October 25, 4:30pm Get Involved… To participate… Sign up at the Welcome Center! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS TOO! (Materials, Lunch & Certification) “You Never Let Go” 7:00 PM 7:00 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 Come and learn more about what the Bible has to say about baptism, sign up at the Welcome Center for this class taught by Pastor Gordon. CPR & First Aid @ FHCoG! Saturday, October 11 9AM – 3PM -- Kirby Hall $30/person Regular Worship Schedule 8:30AM Thursday, October 9 @ 7PM “10,000 Reasons” We Bow in Prayer 9:00 & 10:30AM MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 YOU are invited! WT Prelude – “Whom Shall I Fear God of Angel Armies” This Week at FHCoG… SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2014 Join us & Invite some friends! Mondays @ 7PM We’ll learn from the Bible & each other! J o i n th e F a c e b o o k G r o u p – “ F H C o G Y AC M ” PRAYERS & PRAISES “With thanksgiving present your requests to God…” Please keep us updated on the names listed below. Pastor Gordon Is Making Breakfast!!! Friday, October 10 @ 8:30AM Your delicious breakfast will be followed by an “opportunity” to participate in fix-up and clean-up projects around the church. There are a variety of projects for all levels of skill. So… everyone who is available is encouraged to participate! Men and women, let’s “GET IT DONE” together! New This Week: Health & Healing Debbie Ritzema Katrina’s sister (Ann Keiser) Tammy Hall Virgil Napier Continue to Pray for: Alison Cole (Larry Westcott’s niece) Aunt Betty (Denise Riehl) Aunt Helen (Devores) Barbara Guthrie (Debbie Ritzema) Betsy Law (Dave Churches) Brenda (Keeli Shave) Brenda Staley Charlene (Linda Cook) Charles & Inell Cromer Christine (End-of-life issues) Connie Carl (Al Riehl’s sister) David Salisz (Ione Fitzgerald) Don McCune (Vicki Westcott’s dad) Drew (Naithalene Suathojame) Elaine (Silvia Rankin’s sister) Guy Russell (Wesch Family) Hannah Kopinsky (Debbie Ritzema) Helen Weber (Matt Sawyer) Ione FitzGerald Jeni (Madalina Serbanescu’s mother) Jim Taylor Joe N (Gloria Weaks) Judy (Silvia Rankin’s niece) Judy DeBres (Ken & Deb Ritzema) Justin (Silvia Rankin’s nephew)Karen Krumback (Jim Moody) Kristi Markham (Healthy pregnancy) Kyle McDowell (Bobbi Pomponio) Lucille (Penningtons) M. Lyle Weston (Jeffrey Goodman) Madison Kean Maggie Demos Mona Ashworth Maureen Gonzales (Ginger Riehl’s sister) Natalie Maloziac (Travis Maki) Patricia (Randy Oakes) Paul Churches (Dave’s brother) Rafa Moraes Randy Oakes Rev. Judy DeBress (Deb Ritzema) Robyn Ritzema (Healthy pregnancy) Ron (Barb Williams) Ruth Schultz Ryan Hudak (Keetons) Sherry-Father in hospice (Randy Oakes) Stephen McNutt (Churches) Susie (Randy Oakes) Susie & Peter (Sherri McClain) Tena VanLoon (Diana Hicks) Tony DiGirolamo (Nancy Ludwick) William Stanley, Jr. (Penningtons) For Your Notes Mark 6:45-54 Stay Focused on Jesus… JESUS… JESUS ____________ about & _______________ his disciples October 5, 2014 THURSDAY, OCT 9 @ 7PM We need to learn to be self-_________ BAPTISM CLASS and provide self-_________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ without become self______ or reclusive! FRIDAY, OCT 10 @ 8:30AM JESUS ______________ time to be ___________ & ___________ BREAKFAST & WORK/CLEANUP DAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A lot of what happens in prayer SATURDAY, OCT 11, 9AM – 3PM is what happens _____ us… CPR & FIRST AID CLASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JESUS ________ his disciples in their _________ crisis / struggle SUNDAY, OCT 12 @ NOON NEWCOMERS’ CLASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JESUS doesn’t always _________ to __________ … or at least it feels like that! JESUS’ presence brings _____________, not ______________ JESUS with us… does not mean we SUNDAY, OCT 19, 10-10:45AM TASTES OF TEMPTING TREATS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SATURDAY, OCT 25 @ 4:30PM TRUNK OR TREAT & MOVIE NIGHT __________________ everything Mark 6:50 … so wherever you are today, reach into your personal basket of bread and enjoy God’s provision for you! 25717 Power Road Tel: (248) 477-9144 Fax: (248) 477-2212 • Farmington Hills MI 48336 [email protected] WHAT IS TRUNK or TREAT? SAVE THE DATE! OPEN YOUR TRUNK! INVITE NEIGHBORS & FRIENDS! CHECK OUT THE DETAILS ON THE REVERSE SIDE Trunk of Treat is a safe alternative to traditional Halloween festivities that encourage participation from the entire church body. Picture our parking lot filled with vehicles, each decorated in a variety of fun themes. Then imagine the trunks filled with treats! That’s where the name “TRUNK or TREAT” comes from. Next, imagine another area filled with games, activities, and more treats. The Trunk or Treat portion of the afternoon/evening will run from 4:30-6:30pm, followed by a Family Movie Night in Kirby Hall with pizza and snacks as we show the classic... “”It’s a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” & You are invited to this great event, where your family can plan how to decorate the trunk of your vehicle and possibly win a prize for best decorations! The parking lot will be roped off for safe trunk-or-treating, freeing kids and families to skip or stroll from place to place, collecting candy trunk to trunk, all the while being loved on by our church family. HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Sign up to reserve a parking place for your vehicle Donate a few bags of candy Help with games / snack area Provide a snack (ideas will be given) Serve pizza & snacks during movie time SATURDAY, OCT 25 4:30PM—8:30PM Farmington Hills Church of God Once you sign up to participate (at the Welcome Center), you will be contacted by Clyde Beaver with further instructions. If you are willing to do a trunk, you will be given guidelines along with times to arrive to set up on the day of the event. If you are willing to help in any other way, you will be notified as to when, where, and how you will be needed. Giving Thanks LOVE GOD… LOVE OTHERS As a way to serve our community… we will be collecting food during October & November for the Macomb County DHS Hall Road Food Pantry This food pantry, started by Ellen Watts, benefits families in crisis—single parents, couples with children & young adults. Please give generously! Some suggested items are… Spaghetti sauce/pasta Tuna Helper Cereal or Pancake mix Peanut butter / Jelly Large cans of Soup Please bring in your donations and place them in the boxes in the lobby through November.
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