Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania www.oswp.org Looking Ahead Upcoming Events October 19, 2014 we have a special speaker, Jim Rose from Cal Orchids. Lycastes October 2014 Nov. 16th 2014 – Nancy Mountford of Orchids Dominicana – Mini Complex Paphs OSWP meetings are held at the Phipps Garden Center on Shady Avenue and are open to members, their guests and the general public. Program Calendar is also available at www.oswp.org OSWP Officers Secretary : Mary Lou Kosis President: Carolyn Bolton Treasurer: Richard Raiff First Vice President: Carolyn Bolton Librarian: Garry Marshal Second Vice President: Gary Van Gelder Directors: JoanMarkert, Daniel Schenk, Circe Curley, Janet Greenberg and Virginia Mortimer Rossioglossum grande Despite being native to the higher elevation rainforests of Mexico and Guatemala, this spectacular species grows great outdoors alongside our cymbidiums. Flowers can reach 5 inches across. Temperature Tolerant. Fall blooming. Species from Mexico and Guatemala. It requires a dry period in the fall to mimick the native growing conditions. Spring is the start of the grand growth time because of bring north of the equator. Page 1 President’s Letter September 2014 Dear OSWP Friends, It is with deep regret I am announcing the resignation of Don Bell as President of the OSWP. He has done an outstanding job of obtaining a great selection of speakers for last year, this year and the beginning of the next. We wish him well and hope he is able to join us at our meetings in-between his family obligations. We have begun a new year with an informative speaker in Ray Barkalow of First Rays Orchids. His information about plant nutrition was thought provoking. I know I am always interested in new ideas to help my orchids grow and bloom better. I look forward to using one of the new products he brought with him. Thank you, Daniel Schenck, for recommending this speaker. If others of you have program ideas please let me know. There are still a few months this year that do not have speakers. I, also, want to thank the audit committee, headed by Janet Greenberg and including Vicki Strod and Arlene Ricker, for their conscientious efforts in reviewing the year’s fiscal expenditures and reports with corrections in entries. This should prove to be an interesting year with the speakers that are already slated to come to the OSWP. Although this year we will not have an Orchid Festival in October due to an unfortunate double booking of the Garden Center we have other events that I hope you are able to actively participate in. For the Society to continue and fulfill our mission statement we need everyone’s help. You make this Society great! And remember…think Orchids Sincerely, Carolyn Bolton [email protected] Dear Friends, It is with regret that I have decided to resign and will no longer be the President of the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania. When I accepted the nomination I thought that I could somehow find a way to manage the responsibility of being your President. I now realize that I won’t be able to do that. My other obligations are requiring more and more of my time and attention. Please don’t worry about how this transition will affect the OSWP. The societies’ by-laws provide a very easy way to cope with these circumstances. Carolyn Bolton, your 1st VP, will take on the duties of being the President. Carolyn was the President a few years ago, and so she is fully qualified to handle this change in leadership. Carolyn did an excellent job then and will do so again. This won’t be the last time you hear from me, it’s just that you might not see me as often. Sincerely, Don Bell OSWP Board Meetings Schedule 2014/15 *Please Note: Members of the OSWP are invited and welcome to attend our board meetings held in the library at The Garden Center. January 18th, 2015 @1:15 April 19th, 2015 @1:15 Page 2 ORCHID SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Audit of Fiscal Year Ended 06/30/14 The Audit Committee, consisting of Janet Greenberg, Chair, Vicki Strod, and Arlene Ricker has completed an audit of the financial records of the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania, on September 2, 2014, for the fiscal year ended 06/30/14. This represents a period of 13 months, reflecting the fiscal year reporting change from 05/31 to 06/30 to match the tax reporting period. Also in attendance was Don Bell, President. The audit included a review of the monthly bank statements, bank reconciliations, Quicken file, test transactions, accounting procedure checklist and prior year’s recommendations for compliance. The equity of OSWP is healthy with a total value of $41,019 at 06/30/14. This reflects the cash balances in the checking, CD, Money Market and PayPal accounts. The club did incur a loss for the year due to several factors, one being a one-time only expense of a $4,000 donation to Phipps Conservatory that was offset by a board authorized grant of $4,000 from OSWP reserves. Funds raised by the Super Slipper Weekend for the specific purpose of supporting Phipps’ Slipper Collection resulted in a restricted net income of $6,318 which, when coupled with the $4,000 OSWP grant, allowed the OSWP to make a significant gift totaling $10,000 in the OSWP’s name Other factors included a substantial increase of $1,400 in speaker-related expenses compared to the equivalent prior 12 month period, and that OSWP dues income was down $1,000 from the previous year. The Spring Show net income also includes a one-time only expense of $800 to purchase requested vendor shelving and photographic display boards. Please note that a $2,000 reported increase in rent and security is an artifact associated with a pre-payment system that OSWP no longer uses, and does not represent an actual rise in costs. Finally, since the Income /Expense Report for this last fiscal year is for a 13 month period, it naturally reflects the additional Month 13 expenses (= to $1,026). Our audit was limited to test transactions and balances, and therefore, will not necessarily disclose any classification errors. We found no evidence of significant errors or omissions. In our opinion, the financial reports of the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania are fairly stated. In our opinion, our Treasurer, Richard Raiff, is doing an outstanding job on a timely and detailed basis. We wish to commend him for his fine performance. Respectfully Submitted Janet Greenberg, Chair Audit Committee Page 3 OSWP BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 18, 2014 Lester Olsen, Gary Marshall, Norma Raiff, Richard Raiff, Daniel Schneck, Joan Markert, Mary Lou Kosis, Barbara Tisherman, Carolyn Bolton, Don Bell and Arlene Ricker were in attendance. A decision was make to have a table at a garden show in the Galleria Shops on June 28th and 29th so the OSWP can hand out information about orchids and the OSWP. The treasurers report was given by Richard Raiff. Gary Marshall motioned to approve, which was seconded by Norma Raiff. The board approved. February Minutes were approved with a few corrections. At the June 15th OSWP meeting the OSWP members will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the organization. There will be a special cake, balloons etc. Members will have the option of dressing as their favorite decade. Those members who have existing life memberships will be presented with an official certificate. Barbara Tisherman will research all the past life members . Life memberships to be given this year were discussed. Lester Olson made a motion to give Paul Spencer a life time membership for his years of service to the organization. The motion was seconded by Joan Markert. All approved. Awarding a life membership to Jim Yamber was also discussed and approved. Norma Raiff gave a report on the Greta Evans pastel collection of orchids that she had painted over the years. ( 78 pieces of mostly botanical drawings. These pieces were given to the OSWP in care of Norma by Greta's son. Norma will try to get them appraised and also get a letter of donation. Barbara Tisherman wants to have a discussion of the OSWP joining the MID AMERICA ORCHID CONFERENCE at some time in the future. Discussion will be tabled until the new board is established. At 2:00 pm Don Bell moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Joan Markert. Respectfully submitted by Mary Lou Kosis, Secretary MINUTES OF THE OSWP BOARD MEETING APRIL 13, 2014 The board meeting was called to order by President Norma Raiff at 1:00 pm Activities were discussed such as the NEW MEMBERS BRUNCH and the new members desire to have more information on repotting orchids as well as other basic information, as noted in a recent survey of some new members. Dates, times and place were mentioned for the brunch. Mary Lou Kosis reported that the nominating committee consisting of Demetria Marsh, John Whiting and Mary Lou Kosis have selected officers and directors for the 2014-2015 year term. Mary Lou presented the slate of officers for the year July 1,, 2014 to June 30, 2015. They are as follows: President, Don Bell; First Vice President, Carolyn Bolton; Second Vice President, Gary Van Gelder; Treasurer, Richard Raiff; Secretary, Mary Lou Kosis; Directors: Joan Markert, Daniel Schenk, Circe Curley, Janet Greenberg, Virginia Mortimer. A discussion of reviving the Culture Study Group followed . The proposed budget was discussed and modified to allow for additional speaker expense if needed pending board approval. The proposed budget is balanced at this time. R. Nietert proposed the board accept the budget and the motion was seconded by Carolyn Bolton. The budget was voted on and passed unanimously. There is no festival or auction scheduled in October of this year due to conflict of timing with the garden center. The facility is booked for the OSWP for the 2015-2016 season. The process of choosing "Life Memberships". was explored. A written policy was reviewed and adjusted. Don Bell motioned that the board accept this policy with Lester Olson seconding the motion. The motion was approved and will take place beginning July 1, 2014. Don Bell gave an update on speakers for the 2013--2014 season. The board discussed the society joining the Slipper Orchid Alliance. A society membership costs $50.00 per year. A motion was made by Arlene Ricker and seconded by Carolyn Bolton that the OSWP join the Slipper Orchid Alliance. The board approved the motion. The subject of charging for the orchid show versus donations was reviewed. If we keep the free admission we must make larger signs saying donations appreciated and bookmarks must be modified to say donations appreciated . The board discussed and approved changing the fiscal year from (June 1 to May 31) to (July 1 to June 30) beginning with the year 2014. After discussion and a motion made by Arlene Ricker and seconded by Carolyn Bolton, the board approve a gift of $25.00 be made to Phipps ( to be used for orchids) in memory of a deceased member. The board approved the motion. The 60th birthday of the OSWP was mentioned. Nothing was decided upon at this time. The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 pm. Page 4 Respectfully submitted by Mary Kou Kosis, secretary We are the OSWP By Demetria Marsh It seems like we are at a pivotal time for the Orchid Society of Western PA as our officers are changing. First, many thanks to Don Bell, who is a terrific orchid grower and great teacher to other orchidists. To watch him teach others about repotting and growing is joyful. He does a great job. And as 2nd VicePresident and then 1st Vice-President, he has given the OSWP great service organizing great miniclasses for new members and the wonderful speakers for all of us. Many thanks! Also, thanks to Norma and Richard Raiff, both of whom have served 6 years each moving from 2nd Vice-President thru the Presidency, for Richard’s stepping in an emergency when our late Treasurer passed away suddenly. Richard spent weeks straightening out the bank accounts and finances and installed an auditing process to be sure that did not re-occur. Richard also keeps the membership list and emails the OSWP newsletter to everyone as well as the eblasts when needed. Norma spearheaded the Super Slipper Celebration. The Raiffs have also hosted many OSWP social functions at their home and welcomed overnight speakers with no charge to the OSWP. Who is the OSWP? We are. People, human beings, who love to grow orchids and want to do better and learn more and have fun doing it. Orchid information accessible on the internet is enough for some growers. Others want to see orchid in person and hear others stories and learn and ask questions in person. Some love the social aspects, some not so much. Speakers are vital to most of us. Our show is important to most of us. The Fall Festival is important to some of us, others not so much. Our work at Phipps is important to some of us, others not so much. Who is the OSWP. We are. We have the power to be what the majority who attend meetings, want, if they make their voice heard. Also, this is a group of volunteers. No one is paid for their work. And yet, the work must be done. So, if you would like to see change, help make it happen. Not only make your voice heard, but work to make the change occur. Change happens. How it happens is up to us. To me the OSWP is a great group of people from all walks of life united by their love of growing orchids. Let us make the best change possible happen. Not only talk about what you would like to see done differently, volunteer to make it happen. Be part of the change. Volunteer! We are . . . the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania. Page 5 Spring Show Meeting before the October Meeting Come One, Come All. Spring Show 2015 meeting at 12:30 before the October 19 Meeting. Please come join us there are jobs big and small and we need members to help. October 19, 2014 Jim Rose from CalOrchids on Lycastes We are very excited to have this month’s speaker, Jim Rose, here from California who will be talking about Lycastes. Both Jim and Lauris Rose began their orchid business in the 1970’s but didn’t purchase their own greenhouse until 1987. Their greenhouse is located on the Pacific Coast in Central California. They have a total of 50,000 sq. ft. of growing space in an intermediate green house and a saran covered shade area. They have traveled and brought back many plants that are unusual from many different locations. One of the genera is Lycaste from growers outside of the USA and especially from growers in Japan. At this time there is no Lycaste sale list. If you go onto their website www.calorchid.com and see any plant you are interested in purchasing Lauris requests you call them to place the order. If I receive a list from them I will have it eblasted by Richard Raiff. Members are not permitted to sell plants at this meeting. I need someone to pick up Jim Rose at the airport about 6:15pm Saturday October 18th and dropped him off to return to California for a 2:42pm flight out of Pittsburgh Airport on October 20th. Page 6 October, 2014 Thank you OSWP and Phipps! P-OSI A joint initiative between Phipps Conservatory and the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania to create and cultivate an orchid collection of note for enjoyment, education and research. On 9/13 the Phipps sale for the OSWP was a wonderful success: Phipps now has fewer duplicates and an increased orchid budget and the OSWP members and friends have some great orchids at bargain prices to grow at home. P-OSI TEAM LEADERS: time to take a look at culture and inventory! Call Georgia and set up a time to visit to make suggestions about inventory and culture (light, potting, temperature, fertilizer, air movement, etc.). Offer some ideas on how best to improve your section of the orchid collection at Phipps so a great group of plants can be shown to their best advantage. And we learn as well by our research and observations. The Slipper team is working on contacting Slipper collectors to ask for paphs for the Barbara Tisherman Slipper Orchid Collection, based on their survey results and within the budget. Neat! If you’d like to be a part of this phenomenal OSWP effort, contact us! We’d love to have you for Pfun and P-OSI! It’s a wonderful learning experience for all of us, a great way to give back to the community and make Pittsburgh someplace even more special, and keeps the OSWP growing! Nancy Kline [email protected] 412-367-1556 Demetria Marsh [email protected] 412-848-4349 OSWP Program Calendar for August 2014 – June 2016 Oct. 19th 2014 – James Rose of Cal-Orchid – Lycastes Nov. 16th 2014 – Nancy Mountford of Orchids Dominicana – Mini Complex Paphs Dec. 14th 2014 – Holiday Party Jan. 18th 2015 – program to be determined Feb. 15th 2015 – program to be determined Mar. 19th- 22nd 2015 – Spring Show April 19th 2015 – program to be determined May 17th 2015 – Terry Kennedy of Orchids in Our Tropics – topic to be determined June 21st 2015 – Tom Mirenda of the Smithsonian Gardens – topic to be determined July 2015 – Society Picnic – date to be determined August 2015 – Summer Vacation Sept. 20th 2015 – Robert Fuchs of RF Orchids – Vandas Oct. 16th- 18th 2015 – Fall Festival OSWP Mini-Class Schedule 2014/15 *Please Note: The topic of each mini-class will be in that month’s newsletter. October 19th, 2014 @1:30 November 16th, 2014 @1:30 February 15th, 2015 @1:30 May 17th, 2015 @1:30 June 21st, 2015 @1:30 Page 7 First Class Mail James Yamber 380 Western Ave. Oakdale, Pa. 15071 [email protected] The Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania Inc. is a non-profit corporation organized to advance the propagation, horticulture and preservation of orchid species and hybrids through research, education and scientific endeavors Materials under copyright use or reprint by permission. The Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania (OSWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving orchid enthusiasts. Our purpose is to stimulate interest in the exchange of information about the culture, conservation, and exhibition of orchids. Membership is open to everyone, whether they grow orchids or just want to learn more. Visit us at www.oswp.org OSWP Membership Application Form Name_________________________________________________________ Name of spouse/other family member_______________________________ Your Email____________________________________________________ Street Address__________________________________________________ City__________________ State ______ ZIP ________ Telephone (_____)______________ Annual Dues calculation: (check all that apply) [ ] Individual Membership $20 [ ] Household Membership $25 [ ] Additional fee for paper newsletter: $10 Total dues $_____________ Mail your completed form and a check made out to OSWP to: Richard Raiff 106 Markham Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15228 or contact at [email protected]
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