NORTHERN COLORADO ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY October 2014 Newsletter CONTENTS Page 2-3: Science news Page 4: Science videos Page 5: NCAS info Page 6-7: October & November event calendars Page 8: NoCo resources MEETINGS TMT construction begins! Photos of the Oct 8 lunar eclipse 2014 OFFICERS add to email Date: November 6, 2014 Meeting (NEW TIME): 6:15 pm Dinner (NEW TIME): 7:45 pm Location: FoCo Museum of Discovery Speaker: Dr. Ken Ogan Topic: An inside tour of the new, large astronomical observatories in Chile TITLE: NAME: EMAIL: Want more? Check out The Museum of President Dave Karp pres@ Vice President Greg Halac vp@ Discovery news & events here or NCAS Secretary David Auter sec@ Treasurer Jeff Blume treas@ Newsletter Editor Amanda Bell objview@ Web Editor & Outreach Coordinator Greg Halac web-edit@ member submissions, events, meeting and more at our website. SCIENCE NEWS Share your favorite stories, articles, photos or events with your fellow members! Submit anything and everything to your newsletter editor, Amanda, at objview at MOON S AW GE OLOGICA LLY RE CEN T VOLCAN IC ER UPTI O NS: Dark outpourings of lava gave the "man in the moon" his face more than three billion years ago. And volcanic activity continued on the moon until it halted a billion years ago – or so lunar scientists have long thought… ! S CIEN T IST S N AME L ARGE BOUL D ER ON COMET 67P/ CH URY UMOV-GE RAS IM EN KO: Since this cluster of boulders reminded the scientists of the pyramids of Giza, the boulder has been named Cheops after the largest pyramid within the Giza Necropolis. MA PPIN G T H E WE AT H ER ON A N E XT RE ME EXOPLANE T: Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have mapped the temperature and water vapor in an exoplanet’s atmosphere. Tidally locked with its star, this planet has different sides for day and night. Think: howling winds at the speed of sound from a day side that is hot enough to melt iron (nearly 3000 degrees F) to the black night side that seeds temps plunge to nearly 1000 degrees F. View a timelapse video of one planet rotation. D IVERS E MIC ROBES FO UND D EE P BELOW AN TAR CTI C I CE SHEE T: Nearly 4,000 species of microorganisms were found in the cold, dark waters of Lake Whillans, which sits about half a mile below Antarctica’s ice sheet. Scientists have isolated the genetic material (ribosomal RNA gene sequences) and detected nearly 4,000 species of bacteria in water taken from below 800 meters of ice and almost 2,500 species of bacteria in the sediment. N AS A PR EPARE S IT S S CIEN CE FL EE T F OR OCT 19: NASA’s extensive fleet of science assets, particularly those orbiting and roving Mars, have front row seats to image and study a once-in-a-lifetime comet flyby on Sunday, Oct. 19. "I would have been very surprised if you had told me we were going to use CRISM to look at a comet," Humm said. "The likelihood of being this close to a new comet is really very small, and we're operating well beyond our design lifetime, so this exciting an opportunity is completely unexpected." MEAS UR IN G AT M O SP HE RI C CA RB O N D I OX I DE FR OM S PACE : 2014 PHY SIC S NOB EL: Atmospheric scientists have recently launched space-based instruments with the potential to provide global measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations, including carbon dioxide (CO2). If we can account for the confounding effects of aerosols, satellite-based measurements of CO2 will improve our understanding of Earth’s carbon cycle. Developers of blue LEDs win 2014 physics Nobel. This invention greatly extended the range of applications for efficient and long-lived solid-state lighting. Besides the potential for slashing the world's electricity bill, GaN-based LEDs have other important and widespread applications. The devices deliver light to the screens of cell phones, computers, and TVs. In poor countries, solar-powered LED lights are supplanting lamps fueled by kerosene. THE DAYS I DE : WO M E N I N P H YS I C S - A V I E W FROM 1948: Physics Today made its debut in 1948. In that year's December issue the young magazine ran a feature article about a topic that continues to challenge the physics community: encouraging women to become and remain physicists. ENTE R T HE N A M E - E XO -WO RLD S CO N T EST: The IAU invites all public organisations with an interest in astronomy to register on the IAU Directory for World Astronomy website for the NameExoWorlds contest, where they will in early 2015 be able to suggest names for exoplanets and their host stars. For the first time in history the public will then be able to vote for the official name of stars and planets. Isamu Akasaki MEGA F L AR E S F R O M A MI N I STAR: On April 23, NASA's Swift satellite detected the strongest, hottest, and longestlasting sequence of stellar flares ever seen from a nearby red dwarf star. The initial blast from this record-setting series of explosions was as much as 10,000 times more powerful than the largest solar flare ever recorded. (Video.) Hiroshi Amano Shuji Nakamura MONST E R BL AC K H O L E I N DWARF GAL AX Y: Astronomers have just discovered the smallest known galaxy that harbors a huge, supermassive black hole at its core. The relatively nearby dwarf galaxy may house a supermassive black hole at its heart equal in mass to about 21 million suns. COS MIC Q UER IE S : FUN D IN G SPACE E XPLORAT IO N WIT H BI LL NY E: SCIENCE Bill Nye, CEO of the Planetary Society, is back as guest host for an episode about a CONTENTS subject near and dear to hisD heart: funding space exploration. You’ll learn how N O R T H E R N C O L O R A O VIDEOS NASA works with contractors and why the privatization of space still costs Page 2-3: Science news money, and why for every $1 we spend on NASA, we get back $3.60. A S T R O N O Mtaxpayers ICA L SOCIETY Page 4: Science videos Page 5: NCAS info Page 6-7: October & November event AN T I-M AT T ER EX PL AIN ED : calendars Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new Page 8: NoCo resources problems in physics -- all in a minute! October 2014 Newsletter IS S PA S SIN G IN FRON T OF T H E MOON : MEETINGS This video is actually only 1.3 seconds long. Watch this amazing sequence slowed 10x with the moon 240,000 miles away and ISS 400 miles away. Date: November 6, 2014 Meeting (NEW TIME): 6:15 pm Dinner (NEW TIME): 7:45 pm Location: FoCo Museum of Discovery AR E YOU LIVIN G IN A S IMULAT ION ? Speaker: Dr. Ken Ogan Philosophers have long considered the possibility that we live in an artificial or Topic: An inside tour of the new, large simulated reality. Dr. Beane gives a short overview of some of the simulation add to email astronomical observatories in Chile arguments/scenarios that he personally finds most compelling. Dr. Beane then TMT construction begins! Many photos of the Oct 8 lunar eclipse. 2014 OFFICERS TITLE: attempts to frame the simulation argument in the context of science. In NAME: , discusses recent EMAIL: particularly work which suggests various observational tests of President the hypothesis that we are currently living in a simulated universe. Dave Karp pres@ Vice President Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Web Editor & Outreach Coordinator Want more? Check out The Museum of Discovery news & events here or NCAS Greg Halac vp@ N EIL D EG RAS S E TYS ON DICUS S E S T H E IG N OBE L P RIZ E: member submissions, events, David Auter sec@ DiveJeff intoBlume the strange world of the Ig® Nobel Prize. You’ll discover the “first and more at our website. treas@ scientifically documented case of homosexual necrophilia in the Mallard Duck Amanda Bell objview@ community”, “whether it is mentally hazardous for a human being to own a cat,” Greg Halac web-edit@ prize-winning teams that have researched Coca Cola as a spermicide and the validity of the “5-Second Rule.” meeting F R O M N C A S T R O. O R G NCAS was officially established in 1995 as a non-profit organization to promote interest in the science and hobby of astronomy. We meet the first Thursday of each month to discuss our interests and share our experience in the universal world of astronomy. MEM BE R P HOTO AL BUM S: You'll want to see all of the amazing photos taken by our members. NCAS E M AI L : Anyone can join the email lists but subscription requests are monitored. Only approved subscribers are allowed to post. BORR OW E QUI PMEN T H ER E: Club items may be borrowed at NO COST to NCAS members. Find out more here. CLUB M EE TI NG OVE RVIEW: Recommend a future speaker or find out how to join speakers for dinner before the NCAS meeting. Don’t forget to renew your membership today! Membership dues are only $20 / year, collected in January and prorated for new members who join at other times of the year. Membership benefits include: membership in the Astronomical League (and their Reflector Magazine), use of club equipment and books and a NCAS ADM IN I ST R AT I VE INFO N CAS P UBLIC OUT RE ACH PROG RAMS : Renew your membership here. Find group bylaws and constitution. Help NCAS fulfill its primary mission: to educate and engage the public with yearround public events. discount on Sky and Telescope Magazine and/or Astronomy magazines. NCAS Event Calendar October Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 ! NCAS Meeting 6:15pm Fort Collins MoD 5 6 7 Uranus at Op. Lunar Eclipse Draconids Shower Draconids Shower ! 12 8 13 Astronomy Day Part 2 9 15 16 Globe at Night Globe at Night 26 Globe at Night 21 22 Orionid Shower Orionid Shower Solar Eclipse Globe at Night Globe at Night Globe at Night Globe at Night ! 27 ! 28 Globe at Night 18 Globe at Night 23 24 30 31 ! 29 Progress 57 ! Globe at Night Orionid Shower ! 17 Bobcat Ridge Skygazing ! 20 11 Public Skygazing Orbital-3 ISS Resupply Flight 19 10 ! 14 4 Launch of Sputnik School/Public Skygazing 25 NCAS Event Calendar November Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 30 1 Open House Chamberlin Obsv. ! Public skygazing Fossil Creek, 7-9pm 2 3 4 5 Taurid meteor shower Taurid meteor shower NCAS Meeting 6:15pm, FoCo MoD ! 9 10 11 23 Leonids meteor shower Globe at Night Globe at Night 8 13 14 15 America By Air Opened 2007 ! Globe at Night ! Globe at Night 19 Globe at Night 20 Globe at Night 21 LTO public star night ! 24 12 18 Leonids meteor shower ! Globe at Night Launch to ISS 17 7 ! Taurid meteor shower Taurid meteor shower 16 6 School outreach Globe at Night 25 AMNH Astronomy Live ! Globe at Night 26 Globe at Night 27 22 LTO volunteer training night 28 29 Public skygazing Fossil Creek, 7:30-9pm NORTHERN COLORADO Astronomy Clubs, Museums, Observatories and Planetariums BO ULDE R AST RO N O MY & S PAC E S OC IETY ( BAS S ) : D EN VE R AST RON OMICAL S OCIETY ( DAS ): ESTES PARK M EM OR IAL OBSE RVATORY ( EPM O): Meetings are hosted by the UC campus at the Fiske Planetarium. Open to students and the public. Membership and meeting info here. DAS Promotes understanding of astronomical phenomenon with monthly meetings, outreach and activities at the University of Denver’s historic Chamberlin Observatory. Don’t forget to follow the Chamberlin Observatory on Twitter. Has many goals, including raising interest of kids in K-12th grade in math, physics and science. EPMO encourages enthusiasm for physics and math and wants their facility to be free of charge to everyone. F ORT CO L LI N S MU S E U M O F D I S COV ERY ( F OCO M OD) : FRON T RA N GE AST RON OMICAL S UPE RCLUST ER ( FR AS C) : F RO NT RAN GE COM M UNI TY COLLEG E ( FR CC ) OBS ERVATOR IE S: The MoD isn't just where we hold our meetings. Check out their calendar for current events to find out more or just schedule a visit any time. A confederation of regional astronomy clubs for sharing information and hosting joint summertime star parties. Includes societies in Denver, CO Springs, Pueblo, Cheynne, FoCo (That's us!), Longmont, Boulder and many more… Sunlight Peak Observatory and Stargazer Observatory of Fort Collins are both operated by FRCC. Sunlight Peak Observatory is located on campus; Stargazer Observatory in Observatory Village near Fossil Ridge High School. LIT T LE T H OMP S O N O B S E RVATO RY ( LTO ): LON GM ON T AST RONO MICAL S O CIETY ( LA S) : SO M MER S BAUS C H OBSE RVATORY ( SBO ): No-charge public access to the universe available during regularly-scheduled public star nights or a private event. Promotes amateur astronomy through monthly meetings, star parties and public observing sessions. Meetings are open to the public. SBO is operated by the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS) at CU Boulder. Check out the visitor’s guide for more info.
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