CONSISTORY CONGREGATIONAL CARE GROUPS - 2014 ELDERS GROUP Tom Edighoffer (17) A - Bouwkamp DEACONS Scott VanSingel (17) 652-1981 834-7554 Property & Equip. Missions Ken Mouthaan (16) Bull- Gort Steve Bisson (15) 616-675-7667 231-349-1482 CLERK, Youth & Education Worship John Gort (16) Grabill - N Pat Gardner (16) 834-7104 834-0230 VP, Congregational Care , Worship , Executive Youth & Education, Executive CHAIMAN/DEACONS Bill Greenhoe (17) Andy Koopman (16) O-U 616-636-4164 616-826-4598 Missions TREASURER, Executive , Congregational Care John King (15) V-Z Trever Haring (17) 834-5048 231-425-0114 Congregational Care Property & Equip. Grant Reformed Church, 271 E. State St., Box 365, Grant, MI 49327 Office Phone 231-834-8668, 231-834-7366 Fax: 231-834-9069, E-mail: [email protected] October 19, 2014 We are glad you are worshipping with us today and are blessed that God has led you to worship with this fellowship of believers at Grant Reformed Church . Welcome! PRELUDE *OPENING SONGS #25 “He Has Made Me Glad” #26 “This is the Day” #27 “Bless His Holy Name” *WORDS OF WELCOME ~Rev. Bill Fennema~ OUR CALL TO WORSHIP Isaiah 12:4-6 SONGS OF PRAISE #146 “In the Name of the Lord” PREPARATORY FOR COMMUNION CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER ~Rev. Bill Fennema~ GATHERING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY Choir DOXOLOGY #7 *SONG OF PREPARATION #516 “Cleanse Me” vs 1,2 THIS WEEK AT CHURCH SERVING IN MINISTRY Sunday, October 19th: Greeters: 9:30 am - Morning Worship/Rev. Fennema October 19th: 11:00 am - Sunday Education South: Steve & Nancy Bisson 6:00 pm - Evening Worship/Rev. Fennema North: Tom & Nancy Bacon SCRIPTURE Psalm 139 Monday, October 20th: TODAY’S MESSAGE “Preparing for Communion” ~Rev. Bill Fennema~ 6:45 pm - Friendship Class *SONG OF RESPONSE #433 “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” vs 1,2 BENEDICTION *CLOSING SONG #374 “Sunshine in My Soul” vs 1 POSTLUDE 6:00 PM EVENING SERVICE SCRIPTURE Habakkuk 3:1-19 MESSAGE “In a Troubled World: Commitment” Part 2 ~Rev. Bill Fennema~ If you are joining us this morning, we welcome you and are happy you are worshiping with us today. We invite you to join us for coffee and fellowship after the morning worship service. 6:30 - Elders & Deacons meet 7:30 pm - Consistory Meeting October 26th: North: Ron & Sara Bouwkamp South: Jeff & Ingrida Cebelak Ushers: October 19th: Norma Jean & Candy Bouwkamp Tuesday, October 21st: October 26th: 6:00 am - Congregational prayer Pete & Janet Dame 1:00 pm - Stitch In Time Librarian: Wednesday, October 22nd: Release Time Bible/Elementary 6:00 - 8:00 pm - WOW Thursday, October 23rd: October 19th: AM: Mary Gort PM: Una Edighoffer October 26th: AM: Cheryl Koopman PM: Jeanne Ausema 7:00 am - FCA Breakfast Release Time Bible/Middle School Nursery: October 19th: Sunday, October 26th: 9:30 am - Morning Worship/Rev. Fennema Communion 11:00 am - Sunday Education 6:00 pm - Evening Worship/Rev. Fennema Service: Shirley Utrup & Christian DeBoer SE: Jeanne Ausema WOW: Jeanne Ausema October 26th: Service: Tina Bass & Andrea Gardner SE: Shirley Utrup WOW: Shirley Utrup dessert the easy way for the holidays... order your pies for those special holiday gatherings. There is a sign up sheet on the back bulletin board. Sign up today! COMMITTEE MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONDAY 6:30 pm - Elders & Deacons meet 7:30 pm - Consistory Meeting Shut Ins– If you would like to receive Communion in your home, please call the church office at 231-834-8668 and we will set up a time for you. Wednesday Pilgrim’s Progress Class ... Prayers requested for... Please read pages 57-72 in the book and Tom DeWindt who is having some health issues. study lesson 5 in the study guide. Ernie & Edie Walton as Edie cares for Ernie. The Luchies Family will perform a concert for the Sanctity of Life Month on Sunday afternoon October 26 at 3:00 pm in the First Reformed Church in Fremont. The concert is free and an offering will be taken to benefit the Newaygo County Right to Life, Alpha Family Center and Bethany Christian Services. The church is located at 348 E. Main St. Faith Mouthaan’s step mother and sister who are undergoing chemo. The elderly in our church for health and strength. Those who have recently lost loved ones. Remember Jim DeWindt, Faith Mouthaan, Rodney Bull, Rueben Redinger. Upcoming Events... 10/26 - Communion 11/3,4 - Pie Making Event 11/16 - Shoebox Collection 12/7 - Christmas Hymn sing Sermon Notes.. dessert the easy way for the holidays... order your pies for those special holiday gatherings. There is a sign up sheet on the back bulletin board. Sign up today! COMMITTEE MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONDAY 6:30 pm - Elders & Deacons meet 7:30 pm - Consistory Meeting Shut Ins– If you would like to receive Communion in your home, please call the church office at 231-834-8668 and we will set up a time for you. Wednesday Pilgrim’s Progress Class ... Prayers requested for... Please read pages 57-72 in the book and Tom DeWindt who is having some health issues. study lesson 5 in the study guide. Ernie & Edie Walton as Edie cares for Ernie. The Luchies Family will perform a concert for the Sanctity of Life Month on Sunday afternoon October 26 at 3:00 pm in the First Reformed Church in Fremont. The concert is free and an offering will be taken to benefit the Newaygo County Right to Life, Alpha Family Center and Bethany Christian Services. The church is located at 348 E. Main St. Faith Mouthaan’s step mother and sister who are undergoing chemo. The elderly in our church for health and strength. Those who have recently lost loved ones. Remember Jim DeWindt, Faith Mouthaan, Rodney Bull, Rueben Redinger. Upcoming Events... 10/26 - Communion 11/3,4 - Pie Making Event 11/16 - Shoebox Collection 12/7 - Christmas Hymn sing Sermon Notes..
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