PORTAGE LAKE UNITED CHURCH NEWS United Church of Christ & Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 1400 E. Houghton Avenue; Houghton, MI 49931-1208 (906) 482-5224 • [email protected] • www.pluc.org May 2015 What’s Happening @ PLUC Consistory Highlights submitted by Liz Evensen, Clerk April 8, 2015: Terry Bazin, Angel Mission CoDirector, requested and received approval to submit Angel Mission’s monthly financial reports the third week of each month, regardless of the timing of the monthly Consistory meeting. The reports will reflect the current monthly bank statements. Consistory anticipates reviewing Angel Mission’s April Financial Report at its May meeting. MONEY: Helping Hands Fund is $103. Beth Smock noted that Helping Hands received two requests for assistance last month and is getting low. She intends to ask for donations again, this month, for the second time. The Financial Secretary reported that all receipts appear slightly above the first quarter budget, with Unpledged and Building Use donations substantially above budget. The Treasurer reported that overall; everything seems to be ‘on-track’. OPERATIONS: The snow shoveler is staying in Houghton this summer and will be able to continue as our yard worker. Rev. Quivik reviewed a letter from the Presbytery on same-sex marriages. Presbyteries voting on this amendment are running roughly two-to-one in favor of revamping the marriage section in the Book of Order, already surpassing the majority of 86 required for its passage. The change will become officially effective on June 21, 2015. This amendment aligns with the Book of Order and has already been approved by General Assembly. The General Assembly has authorized pastors and congregations to solemnize marriages of couples who have received legal marriage licenses in states that grant such licenses to same-sex couples. The decision allows each congregation to determine its action on this amendment. Rev. Quivik noted that she supports samesex marriages, and your Clerk stated that PLUC has supported this position for a long time. Consistory suggested purchasing a hard copy of the Book of Order, one that includes the new wording on the marriage amendment. Smock checked out this suggestion and realized we have to wait for the 2016 Book of Order to include the new wording. It was brought to Consistory’s attention that, for Communion, we do not offer a bread substitute. Your Clerk has since purchased gluten-free crackers that can be used in place of bread at Communion. Please make the Office Manager aware if you would prefer the gluten-free crackers for Communion. Consistory approved Rev. Quivik’s request to be away from the office, May 1214. Consistory asked the Clerk to write a letter to PLUC’s members, asking if they would once again contribute towards their Per Capita expense. This is a great help to the budget. The Clerk reported on correspondence that Consistory asked her to do in March: 1) Calumet Senior Center – Moore, a Self Development of People (SDOP) committee member called to assure Consistory that the Calumet Senior Center has been visited and it met all expectations. Moore re-iterated that this is OGHS donations at work. 2) Sharing PLUC’s building – Both UCC and Presbytery have given their approval but the Presbytery will require a lease and the lease agreement must be approved by the Presbytery. 3) Communion Elements – Researching past records, it was determined that when the UCC/Presbyterian USA churches merged to form PLUC, both churches had similar communion customs and it appeared that no further action was taken. According to the Book of Order, the session (Consistory) determines what form of the fruit of the vine is to be used. Currently PLUC offers only juice. No action was taken. Dianne Sprague will be attending the NWA/WI Annual Conference on April 11 in Nekoosa, WI. Fund Drive. Last fall, Consistory approved a Fund Drive for April 2015 to encourage members/friends in making a one-time donation for offsetting the church deficit. Since then, several concerns have surfaced. Consistory voted to cancel the Fund Drive and re-evaluate this option when a permanent minister is in place, and we can focus on a ‘new’ life for our church. Sherry Middlemis-Brown reported that the Pastor Search committee has conducted two phone interviews; no decision was made to invite either candidate for a visit. The committee has received two more resumes to review, one in particular looks promising. The committee continues their search to find a match for PLUC…Consistory thanked the committee. A preliminary report has been received from the engineer working on the redesign of our church roof. Though the trusses are the primary cause for the sagging roof, the aesthetics also need to be considered. This is a work in progress. Spring Clean-Up was deferred to the May Agenda. There is still concern about the furnace and warmth of the building. This concern is being directed to the Building & Grounds committee. Christian Formation hosted a successful Easter Breakfast; approximately 25 enjoyed the quiches and complimentary cuisine. Fellowship Guild will have their annual Rummage Sale, this year on May 16. Karen Hubbard will coordinate the event and she encourages everyone to contribute their almost new ‘about-to-be thrown away’ treasures! A memorial reception is being planned by the Bereavement committee for longtime member Elvis Scott on May 11 at 11AM. PLUC’s former minister, Rev. Sam Oliver will lead the service and he will be assisted by Rev. Melinda Quivik. The Publicity committee had a ‘brainstorming’ meeting and came away with a lot of good ideas to make PLUC more visible in the community. Consistory approved $100 for the committee to ‘kickstart’ its plans. Members/Friends can look for an updated brochure and sandwich doodle board, to begin the process! “If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you.” —Author unknown The complete April 8, 2015 Minutes will be available, following approval at the May 20, 2015 meeting. Rummage Sale Schedule submitted by Karen Hubbard April Financial Report Information received from Financial Secretary Received in April Pledged Un-pledged Loose Plate $4,146.00 650.00 165.52 In Other News Easter Celebration May 12-15: Items can be put in the choir room. Friday, May 15 at 5:00 PM: Set up tables and transfer donations from choir room. Start sorting and pricing. Finish at 8:00 PM. Saturday, May 16 at 9:00 AM- 12:00 noon: Sell items. Bag sale at 11:30 AM. Saturday, May 16 at 12:00 noon: Take down tables and pack up leftovers for Angel Mission. One definition of rummage: To poke around in all corners looking for something. submitted by Lois Jambekar E aster was special at Portage Lake United this year. It was a cool and sunny day that seemed to put everyone in a happy mood. The Easter celebration began with breakfast which was held at 9:45. Two dozen people enjoyed eating the delicious breakfast of various types of quiches, egg casseroles, fruited oatmeal, a colorful and tasty fresh fruit salad, various types of sweet muffins, and orange and tomato juice. The tables were decorated with Easter baskets filled with Easter bunnies on each table that were surrounded with colorful plastic eggs filled with jelly beans and Easter candy. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and fellowship. When the meal was over as is a custom at our church many people worked together to clean up, and all was set by the time the Easter church service began at 11:00 a.m. The Christian Formation committee would like to thank all the people who contributed food for the meal and helped clean up after the meal. A Note From Shelly I want to thank all of you who sent emails, letters, and cards on the death of Andrew. It was wonderful to be remembered by so many of you, and a great comfort to know that his quiet, gentle presence was so appreciated. You may remember that when we returned to Houghton in 2001, I was ready to be off to another ministry somewhere. Andrew wanted to remain in Houghton, and I am so glad we did. PLUC was a major part of our lives in the years we were at home there. Thank you for all you contributed to the rich ten years on our return. Beth's Buzz I was very excited the other day. It has been a long winter, and like everyone else, I am ready for it to be over. The other day, while working at Walmart, I was taking out a pallet of empty milk crates. As I was coming back into the building, I saw a bird out of the corner of my eye. At first, I thought it was a goose, but then I saw it was alone. Upon a closer look, I saw the long, skinny legs, long neck, and beak. I had seen either my first blue heron or sandhill crane of the year (not sure which one). Must be spring. Mother's Dictionary Dumbwaiter: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert. Feedback: The inevitable result when your baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots. Grandparents: The people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right. Sterilize: What you do to your first baby's pacifier by boiling it and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it. Whodunit: None of the kids that live in your house.. Editor's note: I saw this picture on line and could not refuse it. May 10, 2015 Alleluia! Christ is risen! During these seven weeks of the Easter season –– when we hear each Sunday from the Gospel readings about the many times Jesus appeared to the disciples and others –– we have the opportunity to ask ourselves and to meditate on what it means for us. What does Jesus’ being raised from the dead have to do with Portage Lake United Church? The answer has everything to do with where we are and who we are as a Christian congregation concerned with the needs of our church, our community, and the world. WHERE WE ARE: On a map, we are situated in the Keweenaw, a place of great beauty and fragility. We live in communities that include a wide range of people. We worship next to a great university that welcomes people of many colors and faiths to study and to teach. Because we enjoy (and endure) a climate shaped by a great lake, we are acutely aware of the well-being of Earth and our neighbors. How shall we express our care for this place and its people? WHO WE ARE: We are a people called to live with hope, knowing that what looks impossible is not impossible. As Christians, we have been given life abundant: the abilities, resources, and reason to stretch ourselves –– even to go out on a limb –– to make good things happen. Each one of us has needed gifts. How will your gifts contribute to expressing hope? As this congregation looks ahead to the coming months and years, the Resurrection reminds us to take courage in God’s Word from 1 John 3:2 –– “Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed.” May you grow in peace and courage. Pastor Melinda Quivik
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