October 12th through 18th— Pentecost XVIII Sun. Oct. 12 8:30 am

LET’S SHOW THEM JESUS – We would like to do a direct mail campaign
targeting the western area of Canton to advertise our Advent/Christmas
activities. We’re looking for people who have experience, resources or
connections for direct mail campaigns. There’s no money in HTLC’s
budget for advertising – so we are also seeking directed donations for this
project. Contact Dale Love for more information.
SCRIP ORDER DATES: Remember to place your gift card orders by Oct
22, Nov. 19, or Dec. 10 Gift cards are great gifts for the holidays. On the
counter in the office is the 12-page list of products/stores available.
Forms are available in the Welcome Center. Online ordering directions
are also available. Your participation supports Tiny Tots ministry.
PUMPKIN TIME IS COMING! Pumpkins arrive Sat. a.m., Oct. 18. Many
hands are needed to unload, and volunteers for selling are needed
through October 31. Proceeds benefit local families needing utility
assistance through the Livonia Cares program. Sign up to sell at the
Welcome Center, and invite friends & neighbors to purchase pumpkins
here. For info, contact Sue Francis, Coordinator.
FALL FUN NIGHT OCT. 18 All ages, join us at 3 Cedars Farm, 6 to 10 Sat.
evening. Enjoy fellowship and a corn maze, hayride, bonfire treats, and
play land. Cost is $10 for a fun, fresh-air evening. Sign up on the kiosk.
will lead a First Communion retreat for 5th & 6th grade children on Sat.
Oct. 25, 9 am to 3 pm. Participants receive first Holy Communion on
Reformation Sunday, Oct. 26 at the 11 am service. Contact Dale for info.
HTLC WOMAN OF THE YEAR Place your ballot in the hatbox at the
Welcome Center during October to nominate women exemplifying a faith
-filled life. Two women will be honored, one under age 30.
FOR YOUR NOVEMBER CALENDAR: Plan now for our November 7
Share the Bounty event. Details are in the October newsletter. It will
soon be time to start filling the tables in the Narthex with gift items.
ALL SAINTS DAY NOV. 1 & 2 As a way of honoring our loved ones, we
will be planting bulbs this week for Spring flowers. You are invited
to join us in planting bulbs in a special place outside the church, or
we will do it for you, or you may take a bulb home to plant. Please
sign up on the kiosk poster. Donations to offset the cost may be
made in honor of your loved one.
IT’S A NEW YEAR FOR KIDS’ HOPE As Kids’ Hope volunteers are
commissioned this Sunday, we thank all of our volunteers for their
commitment to this ministry. Please welcome our newest volunteers:
Linda Brevick, Joe Gilmore and Lisa Hissong. Let’s keep all Kids Hope USA
volunteers (and their kids) in our prayers throughout the school year as
they show God’s love to the students and staff at Randolph School.
October 12th through 18th— Pentecost XVIII
Sun. Oct. 12
8:30 am
9:45 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
Mon. Oct. 13
Tue. Oct. 14
Wed. Oct. 15
12:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30-9 am
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
Thur. Oct. 16
Sat. Oct. 18
7:00 pm
Worship with Holy Communion
Middle School Bible Study
Music & Enrichment, PreK-5th Grade &
Parent-to-Parent Coffee
Worship: Holy Communion & PreK-5th
Grade Sunday School
Confirmation Lesson
Board Meetings
Coffee, Pr. Golden, Panera 6 & Newbrgh
Recommendations Task Force
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Tiny Tots Scholastic Book Fair
Fall Fun Night, 3 Cedars Farm.
Ministers: All Baptized People of Holy Trinity
The Reverend Linda M. Golden, Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Ann C. Buland, Director of Music Ministries
[email protected]
Dale Love, Director of Youth & Family Ministries and
Assistant Director of Music Ministries
[email protected]
Kathy Weinberg, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Lynelle Brummel, Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Carol Koponen, Kids Hope USA
[email protected]
Debbie LaFontaine, Kids Hope USA
[email protected]
Martha Rotter, Tiny Tots Director,
[email protected]
Don MacRae & Gene Slowik, Custodians
In Worship: At each worship service we offer prayers of the people. Included
in this are the names of members and friends who have particular prayer needs.
Those for whom we pray are published in the Announcement Page each week so
that you may also offer prayers during the week. You may request that someone
be added to this list by contacting the church office or noting it on the back side
of the communication card. Prayer requests will remain on the list for 4 weeks
unless otherwise noted.
Prayer Chain: The prayer chain is designed to serve the short term, emergency
and confidential prayer needs of members, friends and family. There is both a
telephone and email component. You may request prayers by contacting Sue
Corney by phone or Valerie Musselman at [email protected].
Those for Whom We Pray
Stephine Anders
Jacob Baker
Geraldine Beauchamp
Jim Cruze
Kay Darkangelo
Ursela Darkangelo
Britta DeFrank
John Dilworth
Marlene Dodge*
Layne Fagnani*
Eleanor Frommert*
Claudia Fuchs*
Joan Garver*
Lois Gerigk
Heather Gordon
Tracy Gorton-Farmer
Rita Grifza-Silva
Marlene Hamilton
John Hawley
Darlene Hermann
Harold Hirvela
Laurie Holmes
Denise Hostetter*
Lillian Jahr
Bob Kasperik
Marcella Kephart
Agnes Killingbeck
Jeanette Laramie*
Tim Leason
June Lee
*indicates member
Glaydon Lucore
Becky Mason
Tina Masserang
Dori-Ellen McVittie
Charlie Miller*
Mike Mobley
Kathy Modica
Amy Myers
Diane Norton
Bertha Oswald*
Wendy Peterson
Roseann Rollins
Mabel Rudnick
Sandy Sandhu
Suzie Schnetter
Lucian Sieja
Rita Solack
David Steward
Bob Stroebel
Scott Theiring
Christine Thompson
Sarah Thornburg
Elmer Tolentino
Jerry Ungerleider
Trevor Waldecker*
Ida Washlawski
Kellen Weakley
Stella Weidner
Weaver family
Judy Williams
Health care workers stay healthy
to care for others
39020 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154
734.464.0211 www.holytrinitylivonia.org
A congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Announcements — October 11 & 12, 2014
WELCOME TO WORSHIP! We are delighted to have you with us today.
Please stop by the Welcome Center after today’s service to
pickup information and learn more about Holy Trinity.
ENTER TO WORSHIP This is a holy place & time. We invite you to enter
God’s Sanctuary with joy and anticipation. When you have taken your seat,
greet those around you in Christian fellowship. When the Prelude begins,
spend a few moments in quiet reflection, preparing your heart for worship.
ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God by Layne Fagnani.
FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP As we go into the third week of our
stewardship program, Found Faithful, we will be talking about how to be
faithful with much. This is a reminder for us to examine everything we
have today. After all, aren’t our money, possessions and home gifts from
God, to be used wisely, shared openly and given generously? It wouldn’t
take much to move Holy Trinity forward, if we all have God’s ministry as our
priority. With our gifts we can all be faithful in much together.
WORSHIP LEADER TRAINING for veterans & rookies: Come & learn or
refresh on various roles. Sun. 10/12 at 12:15 pm Communion Servers. Sun.
10/12 at 10 am: Altar Guild, Greeters, Lectors. New this Fall, Tech
Minister: run soundboard or computer slides; training will be provided
by Craig Moeller on an individual basis. Contact Craig if interested.
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR OCTOBER 16-22 The Tiny Tots fundraiser
book fair will be open after each worship service on Saturday,
October 18 & Sunday, October 19. Come & browse the colorful
assortment of books & gift items — ideal gifts for the young
people in your life.
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP: Thursday, Oct. 23 HTLC men will meet at 6:30 pm.
Join us for a meal, Bible Study and discussion led by Gary Hafemeister.
Come as you are — leave enriched. Contact person is Paul Stratton.