Newsletter No. 15 NEWSLETTER Inside this Issue Page No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10 No.11 & 12 No.13 No.14 No.15 No.16 Article Intel – Galileo Project, Multicultural Liaison Officer, Core Value Principal’s Recognition, Swim Scheme, Approaching Students & Parents, Bathurst Excursion Professional Learning, Kindergarten 2015 Information/Expo Evening, The Learning and Support Team, Cybersafety Student Absences, Car Park Safety, Emergency Clothing Quakers Hill High School CAPA Showcase, New Image Personal Conditioning 100th Birthday Celebrations Quakers Hill High School Yr 7 2015 Orientation Girraween High School Open Night Information School Banking Information Interrelate Information Junaya Family Development Services – Stop, Think, Do Teen Triple P Information Diwali Celebrations Important Dates Date 20 & 21 Oct 22 October 24 October 27 October 29 October 30 October 31 October 3 & 4 Nov Event St 3 Bathurst Camp 5M & 5H, Kindergarten 2015 Transition 9:20am School Banking, CSIRO incursion St 2, K-2 Sports Carnival PSSA Sport Kindergarten 2015 Transition 9:20am School Banking, CSIRO incursion St 2 Crazy Hair Day – Gold Coin Donation Principal’s Assembly 9:30am, PSSA Sport St 3 Bathurst Camp 6H & 6C, Kindergarten 2015 Expo evening 6pm 16 October 2014 The school calendar is also available on our website. From the Principal Welcome back for Term 4, and welcome to our new students and their families, I trust that you had a wonderful, restful time with your child(ren) over our recent break. Can you believe that it is almost the end of the year? That we only have 11 weeks to go till the Christmas break? Term 3 was such a busy, but very productive term for the students of our lovely school. Our amazing school enjoyed so many successes and achievements and so many changes in so many different areas. Sport; Our PSSA and representative teams represented our school with great pride and outstanding sportsmanship. They achieved great results and many of our students gained representative at state honours. Our netballers and Oz tag teams crowned joint champions. Stage 2 students participated in the NRL Gala Day with the boy’s team undefeated in their pool. The NSW boys and girls touch footy teams represented in the NSW Touch Football Gala Day competition. Our junior and senior girls taking out the competition as undefeated champions. Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter Debating; Our multicultural, district and premiers debating teams, led by Mr Dorrell and Miss Vumbacca, Miss Susi and Miss Kladal excelled, winning many of their debates. Highlight being, the Premier Debating Team competed in the regional semi-final. Of special note was Hayley O’Connor who was selected as a Western Sydney Regional Team representative at state level. Performing Arts; Quakers Hill held a wonderful drama night hosted by the Stage 3 drama group and 6S and 5H performing selected adapted scenes. The students treated the audience to magnificent performances, delivered by extremely talented senior students. Our Band, Choir and senior dance group performed at the Blacktown Music Festival, with schools across Blacktown and captivated the audience with their wonderful talent, passion and pride. The junior dance group, led by Mrs McDonald performed at the Hawkesbury Eisteddfod captivating the audience with their wonderful choreographed dance routine and sensational costumes. Spelling: Quakers Hill competed in the regional Premier’s Spelling Bee competition with outstanding success. In the junior section Phoebe Tan and Tasmir 16 October 2014 Ali represented Quakers Hill, whilst Prathibaha Murali and Sameen Chowdhury competed in the senior section. Academically; academically, our students achieved great success in the university competitions in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Computer Skills. Our 2014 results were outstanding with many high distinctions and distinctions achieved. The 2014 National Assessment Program, acknowledged the amazing work and powerful teaching that occurs on a daily basis with our students achieving wonderful results in literacy and numeracy, with our kiddies achieving at and well above state average. This year, 40 Year 6 students gained admission in to selective schools including, Baulkham Hills, Girraween, James Ruse High and Blacktown Girls High for 2015. This number equates to 60% of the students who sat the selective high school test were successful. Quakers Hill continues to provide quality teaching and learning programs for all of our children. Our opportunity and enrichment classes have a strong reputation within the wider community, providing an excellent education for our enrichment students. 2 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 32 Year 6 students were provided the wonderful opportunity to participate in the 'Move it' game show filmed at the Fox Studios. The students were filmed competing in an action packed series of game show activities to be broadcast in the near future. A tremendous opportunity for our school and for our amazing students. Fathers’ Day; During Term 3 the school also celebrated fathers’ day by holding a fathers’ day breakfast. What an amazing morning this was. It was wonderful to see so many dads, granddads and significant male role models interacting with their children and sharing a cuppa and hot breakfast. A stunning morning appreciated by all who attended. Education Week; Quakers Hill celebrated Education Week Open Day and what a marvellous day it was. Our students demonstrated just why they are the best children in NSW, with extremely talented teachers and wonderfully supportive parents. The students and teachers worked hard (practising every week) to provide us with an array of different and wonderfully entertaining performances which included dancing, singing, and band items. Our performance groups, the dance groups, the choir and band group were also simply sensational on the day, capturing the attention and imagination of the audience. Book Week; Book week was also celebrated during Term 3, culminating in our K-6 book parade. To see the enormous effort that parents and students put into their costumes and the enthusiastic manner in which our dedicated staff supported this event through their costumes was simply altruistic. What a memorable day. Term 4 is already shaping up to be an extremely busy time for Quakers Hill. Student reports will be sent home at the end of Week 8, Year 6 will have their farewell, Kindergarten orientation, Kindergarten Transition groups, Kindergarten Information evening and Kindergarten picnic day will be held. The Opportunity Class orientation day and information evening will also occur, not to mention Stage 3’s Bathurst excursion, presentation day and our annual swimming scheme. Wow, wow, wow! What a busy, busy Term. Intel – Galileo Project Some months ago our school was approached to take part in the Galileo pilot project. Our school is one of 15 schools in the world talking part in this initiative receiving 20 Galileo Generation 2 motherboards. 16 October 2014 The programs designed around the new ICT component of the Australian Curriculum and looking at developing coding skills in students. Stage 3 students will be involved in the Galileo program as the initial pilot group. This is in every sense an amazing opportunity for our school and wonderful recognition of the reputation our school has locally and in a wider sense in terms of our passion for technology and learning. Multicultural Liaison Officer Welcome to Helen Huynh who starts with us as the multicultural liaison officer. The school will be funded for 1 day per week for 80 weeks. Helen will work with your community building on the assets of the community. When this is established the idea is to involve other local schools in sharing the successful strategies and strengthening local parent/community partnerships. Helen’s role statement includes; - - Promoting empathy and intercultural understanding between the Department and CALD communities. Assisting schools in identifying, highlighting, mapping, connecting and celebrating the diverse range of community assets. Providing information about the cultural background of CALD students and cross cultural communication to assist schools to implement the ABCD program. Communicating information about educational policies and practices to CALD communities. Assisting schools in the identification of strategies to involve CALD parents and communities in education. Helen will be a wonderful resource for our school. Helen is well known to many of our parents and students through her work in the positive parenting programs and parent workshops. October’s core value is DEMOCRACY - Accepting and promoting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of being an Australian citizen. Bert Lo Campo – Principal 3 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter Principal’s Recognition Chloe Riley - Chloe received her medal for most outstanding player for the Blacktown Netball representative team. An outstanding achievement by a remarkable netballer. Kaitlin Brindley – Quakers Hill Public School's own newest soccer star on the cover of the 'Soccer News Monthly' magazine. A remarkably talented young soccer player. 16 October 2014 Approaching Students and Parents As a parent myself, at times issues occur in my children’s school concerning other children. I know that when issues do occur, as parents they affect us emotionally and we want to sort out these issues for our children by talking to the students concerned, this is a natural human reaction. When issues occur, I encourage you not to confront or talk to the children involved. If there is an issue with another child or parent it is imperative that you talk to your child’s teacher, any of the assistant principals, Mrs Droscher Mrs Davis or me (Bert Lo Campo). Please ensure that you do not speak to anyone else’s child or their parent as this often escalates matters. Our school has very clear expectations about this. Please be assured that the school will deal with any issues/concerns raised by parents and we will work to resolve them for you. Your co-operation on this matter is very much appreciated. I will not hesitate to take stern action in regards to such incidences. Bathurst Excursion Stage 3 will be attending their Bathurst overnight excursion commencing Week 3 and concluding Week 6. The students will be involved in a number of learning opportunities and visiting a number of venues during their time in Bathurst. Have an amazing time guys. Enrol now for 2015 don’t miss your opportunity to enrol in our great school Bert Lo Campo - Principal Swim Scheme 2014 This year’s swimming scheme will be held between Monday 1 December and Friday 14 December. As in previous years, students from Year 2 to Year 6 can participate in this event. Swim Scheme is important for any child who is not a competent swimmer. Permission notes have been sent home and there will be a cut-off date for the collection of money. Please note that money ($60) cannot be accepted after the cut-off date, as buses need to be booked and numbers confirmed with the aquatic centre. This year’s cut-off date off for money will be Friday 14 November. Quakers Hill Public School prides itself in delivering quality programs to students in a warm, caring learning environment. Our teachers are professional, caring and committed to teaching students a broad and balanced curriculum across the key learning areas (KLAs). We pride ourselves on catering for the individual learning needs of all children. 4 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter If your child is turning 5 before 31 July 2015 they can enrol at Quakers Hill Public School for 2015. Please collect an enrolment package from the office and return it as soon as possible. Proof of age and residency status will be required. Professional Learning Teacher professional learning, professional reading and dialogue are integral components in order to ensure that teachers in all schools continue to keep up to date with current trends, programs and philosophy and that our students continually receive the very best teaching and learning possible. Quakers Hill Primary School is committed to ensuring that its teachers are involved in a process of continual learning and continually attending quality professional learning opportunities. Throughout 2014, the staff has been involved in many varied and innovative professional learning activities. The knowledge, skills and pedagogy the staff bring back to our school, their classrooms and for your children will be pivotal in ensuring that what happens in the classrooms is exemplary, up-to-date teaching. Our school has a structured process in place for when teachers attend important learning opportunities. Teaching and learning programs, literacy and numeracy lessons do, at all times, continue and are carried out by teachers covering classes. Kindergarten Evening 2015 Information/Expo This year’s Kindergarten Information/Expo Evening will be held on Monday 3 November commencing at 6pm. On the night information about Kindergarten, programs, expectations and preparation will be discussed. The orientation session has been organised as an ‘expo’ style night. School uniforms will be on display and can be ordered on the night. Our transition program will run over 3 morning sessions starting at 9:20am on Wednesday 13, 20 and 27 October. I look forward to meeting as many of our new Kindergarten parents as possible. Early arrivals / late pick ups The number of students at school prior to morning supervision at 8:40am and left at school after 3:30pm has been of concern. Please note that students should not arrive at school prior to 8:40am or be left waiting for parents after 3:30pm. 16 October 2014 Before and after school care is available (run by Quakers Hill Family Services) to parents who require this service prior to 8:40am or after school after 3:30pm. Whatever arrangements you make, please understand that you remain legally responsible for your child prior to 8:40am when supervision begins. I would therefore ask that you ensure that your child is not left unsupervised at the school before 8:40am anymore. Students who are left behind after the last school bus departs will be taken to before and after school care. Please note that a cost will be incurred. The Learning and Support Team The Learning and Support Team is in the process of designing and creating stories which aim to support individual students' needs (academic or behavioural) within social contexts. These are known as 'Social Stories' or 'Social Scripts' and usually include photos of the student engaging in the appropriate behaviours for the particular setting, be it the classroom, playground or other relevant areas. These are used within the classroom as a simple but effective tool to engage students, encourage positive behaviour and reinforce expectations. Helen Davis – Deputy Principal Cybersafety Keeping your kids safe online is easy with a few simple precautions. 1. Nothing replaces parental supervision and education for kids about cybersafety. 2. Set a technology curfew. 3. Remind your child to never give out identifying information such as your home address, school name or telephone number in a public message such as chat or newsgroups. 4. Remind your child that people don't always tell the truth online, and they can't take anything at face value. 5. Reassure your child that they can tell you anything, without fear of losing the laptop or internet access. 6. If they get a message or email that's threatening or rude, they should 'STOP, BLOCK, TELL'. First step is to tell your child to stop responding to the abuse and then block those people sending threatening or rude 5 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter messages if they continue. Let your child know that if they are being bothered by someone online or know someone else who is, they should tell a trusted adult. 7. Never click on any links that are contained in emails from people they don't know. 8. If you suspect your child has been contacted by a predator, try to save a copy of the chat log (or whatever form the contact takes) for evidence. Call Crime Stoppers 24-hour line 1800 333 000 to make a formal complaint. 9. Your child will be using computers and the technology for the rest of their lives – you're in the great position of being able to get them off to a safe, positive start. (From NSW DEC School A-Z website bersafety/cybersafety-tips-every-parent-should-know) The NSW DEC digital citizen website is also a great resource /index.htm. Helen Davis – Deputy Principal Student absences Quakers Hill uses an electronic system to monitor student attendance. As part of this system letters are generated for students who have unexplained absences. These letters are sent home and I ask that you return the note to your child’s teacher explaining the reason for your child’s absence. On occasions, you will receive an attendance letter asking for an explanation of absence and which you believe you have already explained. If this occurs, please return the letter anyway with an explanation. Sometimes our electronic system has made a mistake and of course there are times when human errors are made. I do apologise for the inconvenience this causes, but I am sure that you’ll understand that it is far better to better safe than sorry and follow up on unexplained absences. A positive attitude towards punctuality and full attendance at school are most important in ensuring the best possible learning opportunities for all students. Children who attend school regularly are usually more successful and happier than those with frequent full or partial absences. We realise, that on occasion, events occur beyond your control and students are absent from school, however, we ask for 16 October 2014 your support to ensure that your child is at school by 9:05am each day. From time to time Department of Education and Training officers audit the school attendance records. In these circumstances children with attendance patterns that are of concern may be identified. If attendance and partial attendance become a concern to the school, then parents will receive an attendance concern and partial attendance concern letter. These letters will need to signed and returned to the school. If you have any concerns over your child's attendance please arrange an appointment to speak to your child's teacher. What is a justified reason for being absent from school? Justified reasons for absences may include the student: • • • • having an unavoidable medical or dental appointment (preferably, these should be made after school or during holidays) being required to attend a recognised religious holiday being required to attend an exceptional or urgent family circumstance (such as attending a funeral) being sick, or having an infectious disease. The safety of our students – car park A reminder that the parking of cars in the school car park during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up is discouraged because of the obvious safety risks to children. Children are not often as aware of what is going on around them, especially in the excitement of going home at the end of the day and when talking to their friends. The school reminds our wonderful families that entry and exit into our school is through the pedestrian gates only, not through the staff car park. Emergency Clothing From time to time it is necessary to provide students with emergency clothing. As our supplies of emergency clothing is very limited, if you have been supplied with this clothing would you please launder and return the clothing to school as soon as possible. Also, the school appreciates any donations of school clothes which you no longer require for use in our sick bay, especially smaller sizes. We also appreciate donations of clean underwear as well. 6 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter A Stellar 2014 Production is just around the corner for Quakers Hill High School Amidst a multitude of rehearsals, meetings and working bees the year has spun past us in a heartstopping blur and a new CAPA Showcase is almost upon us; the fruition of months of hard work by staff, students and parents. This year’s epic event is ‘ROAR’, a cabaret and exhibition exploring the notion of self-discovery, individuality, and self-expression. It is an arresting theatrical blend of Dance, Music, Drama and the Arts, which celebrates the diverse voices, perspectives and talents of our students and with an ensemble that exceeds 120 students in Years 7 - 10, is truly representative of the best our school has to offer. 16 October 2014 Refreshments: Will be available for purchase on both showcase evenings Performance venue: School Hall, Quakers Hill High School, 70 Lalor Rd Quakers Hill School contact number: 9837 1533 This year we witness eclectic rock anthems belted out by our own rock bands, soulful pop ballads delivered by our vocalists and inspiring renditions of classic and contemporary instrumental pieces that strike a chord with our musicians. Our dramatists take you on a comic stroll through an angst ridden playground, rife with emergent love, scheming gals and friendship quandaries, as our protagonists discover their voices and find their place in an always challenging world. Our dance ensemble will then transport you to an adrenalin filled arena where a choreographic blending of classic cultural moves and hip-hop gives form to an explosive new dance. You will savour the high energy cheer moves, the precision of the tap dancers and the choreographic skill of our teachers. Where the performance artists cannot take you, our art makers will. Our 2014 CAPA Art Exhibition will fascinate, provoke and charm you, with a rich blend of photography, ceramics, painting and a truly enchanting light installation project. This year’s CAPA Showcase, is loud, proud and completely unmissable. Performance evenings: Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 November 2014 Art exhibition commences at: Pre-show entertainment begins at: Performance begins at: 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Tickets go on sale: Tuesday 7 October And will also be available for purchase at the door Cost: $10 for children/$15 for adults New Image Personal Conditioning New Image Personal Conditioning is delighted to support QHPS by donating a prize of 10 pack of personal training sessions valued at $550.00. The winner will receive a full program for success designed by one of our expert trainers, including nutritional advice and exercise prescription. At New Image, we believe the good life starts with a healthy body. Our trainers have helped clients take control of their lives, overcome health conditions and create a body that they love. Visit our website to discover our unique fitness community. Contact details: Unit 216 (East Lobby) 33 Lexington Drive, Norwest Business Park, Bella Vista. Email [email protected], Phone 8883 4031, facebook/newimagept 7 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 100 Birthday Celebrations th When : Friday 7 November Time : 9.30am – 12.30pm approximately 9.30am - 11.30am mini fete (this includes recess) 11.30am – 12pm settle into class, crunch and sip 12pm assembly and open time capsule What Is Happening On The Day? Mini Fete Mini Fete is run by our Year 6 students. Mini Fete includes games such as: Nerf War (2 tokens) Sponge Throw (1 token) Nail Art (1 token) Soccer Shoot Out (1 token) Knock The Can (1 token) Minute To Win It (1 token) Balloon Pop (1 token) Jumping Castles(2 tokens) Photobooth (4 tokens) All mini fete activities are run on our token system. Tokens need to be prepaid. Each token = $1. Roving Sales STEP RIGHT UP TO QUAKERS HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL’S Helium Balloons $2 each (cash or tokens) Whirly Windmills $4 each (cash or tokens) Food Sausage Sizzle $2 (cash or tokens) Showbags $4 - $7 (cash or tokens) Canteen open on the day Raffles Prizes are coming in thick and fast. Prizes include: * 10 Personal Training Sessions with Sean L’Estrange * Featherdale Wildlife Park * Calmsley Hill Farm * AMF Bowling * FX Zone * M9 Laser Skirmish Creative Cake Competition Creative Cakes – Bake a cake and enter it into our cake competition. Judges will award 3 prizes for the most creative cakes (age groups do not apply). All cakes will be for sale after judging (so please make sure that containers and cake boards do not need to be returned). Cakes will need to be at the art room outside of 6H and 56P by 9.30am on the day. Please ensure all cakes are labelled with entrants name and contact details. Memorabilia Displays for viewing! Memorabilia available to purchase on the day – varied prices! Dinner There will be a celebration dinner at Quakers Inn commencing at 5.30pm. Previous staff and students from Quakers Hill PS are welcome to attend. Please contact Rob Pugh on 9626 9655 for further details. Quakers Hill Public School Alumni Quakers Hill Public School was founded at its current site on 2 November 1914. A number of former students, led by Merrilyn Attenborough decided to form a reunion committee. Quakers Hill Public School alumni will be joining us on the day. For more information please contact the current committee of: Don Pollock Jean Horsley (nee Paynter) Jude Eastwell (nee Oppy) Edna Lewis (nee Guy) Contact Details : [email protected] 8 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 9 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 GIRRAWEEN HIGH SCHOOL Invitation To Open Night 2014 To Year 5 Students And Their Parents Girraween High School is an academically selective high school which offers a curriculum for students who aspire to achieve exceptional HSC results. The school has experienced and dedicated staff, providing students with safe, engaging classes and well-equipped facilities. You are invited to attend an Open Night which will be held at the school. The school band will perform from 5:30pm and you are welcome to enjoy this performance. The Open Night will feature classroom tours, displays, presentations and the chance to meet students and teachers. Refreshments will be provided. Date: Tuesday, 4 November 2014 Time: 6pm to 8pm Venue: Girraween High School th 110 Gilba Road GIRRAWEEN NSW 2145 Tel: 9636 7293 or 9636 7303 Fax: 9896 3274 Web: F1 in Schools Challenge State Champions: Team Solar Eclipse HSC 2013 Achievements: • 50 students received an ATAR of 95 or higher. • 10 students received the Premier’s Award for All Round Excellence. • 222 mentions on the Distinguished Achievers List (Band 6 Results). • 1 student was placed 6th in the state for History Extension. • 100% of students achieved the top two bands in English Extension 1 and 2, Accelerated Chemistry, Senior Science, Modern History, Extension History, Legal Studies, French Continuers and Extension, Music 1 and 2, and Drama. • Over 96% of students achieved results in the top two bands in the Mathematics Extension 1 and Ancient History courses. • In Mathematics Extension 2, 90% of students finished in the top 2 bands. 10 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 11 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 12 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 The Challenge of Disciplining your Child Assists parents with constructive techniques in disciplining and encouraging their children Topics include: • Understand what positive discipline means and how to set clear boundaries that children respect and learn to appreciate • Use conflict as a tool to improve relationships • Use tips and hints on different discipline techniques Date: Monday 24 November 6pm – 9pm Venue: Interrelate Family Centre Suite 423, Level 4 14 Lexington Drive BELLA VISTA Cost: $25 / $15 concession To Register: Call 8882 7850 ** BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL ** 13 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 14 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 15 Quakers Hill Public School Newsletter 16 October 2014 Diwali Celebrations 16
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