S UNDAY BULLE TI N - WE EK LY ANNO UNCE MENT S October 19, 2014 –October 25, 2014 VOL. 23 NO. 42 SAINTS MARKELLA AND DEMETRIOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 104 Bryn Mawr Blvd., Mary Esther, FL 32569 OFFICE: (850) 244-0822 FAX: (850) 243-7995 WEBSITE: www.stmarkella.org E-Mail: [email protected] Father Thomas Guerry, Pastor Cell: 850-598-0152 E-Mail: [email protected] TODAY 3rd Sunday of Luke REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED BY: VICKI BOOLOS Refreshments next week provided by: GOYA/St. Demetrios Luncheon USHERS: Pam Valakas, Jeanette Rosa, Cookie Kostopoulos, & Steve Paros OUR GREETERS: Gene Bass & Jeanette Rosa Altar Boys Team: Zacharias Fletcher, Aaron Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Nicholas McBroom, Jonathan Morgan, Jet Reaves, Kadin Reaves, Zack Verzwyvelt, Nicholas Kasch L O O K W H A T ’ S H A P P E N I N G I N O U R P A R I S H T H I S W E E K Sunday, October 19th 9:00AM - Orthros 10:00AM – Divine Liturgy Friday, October, 24th 9:30AM – Bible Study Saturday, October 25th 9:00AM to 3:00PM – Prosphora Brigade 6:00PM – Vespers for St. Demetrios Sunday, October 26th 9:00AM – Orthros 10:00AM – Divine Liturgy 12:15PM – GOYA Luncheon Fundraiser ANNOUNCEMENTS ST. DEMETRIOS DAY LUNCHEON OCTOBER 26 This year, St. Demetrios Day, October 26, falls on Sunday. The Parish Luncheon this year is being done by GOYA as a fundraiser for the Youth Group. GOYA will be offering a Spaghetti Luncheon for $10 a plate after Liturgy. Please join us for food & fellowship!! Also, we will be offering Vespers for St. Demetrios on Saturday the 25th at 6PM. ORTHODOXY 101 STARTS OCTOBER 29 Our Introduction to Orthodoxy class will start again on Wednesday, Oct 29 at 6pm. The initial Class will go for 4 weeks before breaking for Thanksgiving. Our Facilitators will be Neal Simpson, Presvytera Kathy & Fr. Thomas. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Faith, as well as a great way for Inquirers to discover Orthodoxy. MAIRRAGE SEMINAR DECEMBER 12-13 Sts. Markella & Demetrios will be hosting a Special Marriage Seminar on Friday & Saturday, December 13. Fr. Gregory Grigoriou of the Metropolis Family Life Ministry will be joining us for this Special Event: Preparing for the Journey of Marriage in the Orthodox Church. This event is being offered for all of the Parishes in the surrounding area (Western Conference). It is open to couples who are engaged, and also to married couples who would like to gain a better understanding of Marriage from the Orthodox perspective. The Friday Session is for Facilitators, both Clergy & Laity.It runs from 1pm to 6:30. The Saturdat Session is for couples. it is from 9:30am to 4:30pm. for more information, please contact Fr. Thomas. WELCOME NEAL SIMPSON TO THE PARISH COUNCIL We welcome Neal Simpson into our Parish Council. Neal is taking the spot of Angelos Thomas, who has moved out of the country. We are very thankful for the talents Neal will be offering in our Church Leadership. TIM BOOLOS TO SERVE AS INTERIM PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT The Parish is very grateful to Tim Boolos for graciously stepping in to serve as Parish Council President. Tim is taking over Angelos’ role as President until the end of this year, when we again have our Parish Council elections. Tim of course is a past Parish Council President and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge into the position. LIGHT THE ALTAR VIGIL & PRAY FOR YOUR LOVED ONES: PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL ARE EFFECTIVE We light candles for different reasons. One reason is to seek the intercession of a particular Saint. We might place it in the sand or in front of an icon. On an Orthodox Altar, a vigil candle burns constantly. We give everyone the opportunity to receive a blessing for lighting the Altar Vigil candle (more than one may sign-up for the week). Please include in your personal prayers the names of those for whom the vigil candle is lit. This does not replace the traditional Memorial Service. Altar Vigil Forms are available in the Narthex or the office. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING * Margaret Abbate * Katia Antonis * Thea Bassim Bulger * Vonnie Cobb * Angela Walters Comfort * Dorothy Eshelman (family & health) * Father Eusebius * Zachary Fletcher * Stephen Randall Green (leukemia) * Chryssoula Henderson * Elaine Hlavity * Nancy Janos * Philip Kanellopoulos * Sayre Karis * George and Julia Karov * Andrea Keenan * Katy Kruljac * Ariel McBroom * Nicholas McBroom * George Michas * Joe Mosley * LCDR Jason Papadopoulos, 9 month deployment on the USS George W. Bush * Tina Puffer * Xan Reaves * Tom Rosa * David Stewart * Sue & John Tullis * Joyce Walter * Athena and Ascher Zannis * All service members who are currently overseas. Do you need prayer? Do you have a loved one who needs prayer? With permission, we will list the names of those who would like the parish to pray for them. Your need does not have to be only health-related, but can be of any nature. The names will remain on the list until you contact the office and let us know to remove them. PARISH COUNCIL CONTACT INFORMATION: Fr. Thomas Guerry [email protected] Tim Boolos [email protected] Gene Bass [email protected] Gary Johnson [email protected] “Cookie” Kostopoulos [email protected] Steve Paros [email protected] Jeanette Rosa [email protected] Connie Morgan [email protected] Terri Grammas [email protected] Neal Simpson [email protected] 598-0152 279-6121 or 217-1650 621-2633 or 654-1320 (571) 332-5008 490-1737 871-4210 or 819-2167 240-3771 582-6961 265-8815 or 624-8815 418-2256 2014 PLEDGES To date the following individuals have submitted a Pledge Card for 2014: * Joseph Abbate * Barbara Zachas Koshinsky * Gene, Thea, and Alexis Bass * Barbara Kostopoulos * Kathryn Bastian * Carl and Katy Kruljac * Stella Benaquis * Helen Angelas Kuritz * Timothy and Shelby * Colin and Lydia LaFavor * Rene and Lena Buckley * Eftichia Maris * Dana Cazacu * Andrew and Angela McBroom * Vonni Cobb * Louis and Maria McCloud * Harold and Anita Diamond * Dr. Elizabeth Michas * Sophia G. Dudek * Dr. George and Nina Michas * Luis Espinel and Sophia Savvaides * John and Connie Morgan * Keith and Rebecca Fletcher * Joseph and Mary Mosley * Malpa and Demetrius Fuller * Andrew and Toni Nicolopoulos * Alan and Mary Gardner * Joe and Despina O’Neil * Peter and Kathryn Gardner * Garry and Patricia Overholt * Lena Giannios * Nicholas and Tanya Papadopoulos * Terri L. Grammas * Edward and Michelle Parimuha * Barbara Gunn * Steve and Elisavet Paros * Tom and Janice Hewlett * Anastas and Betsy Pazevic * Nick and Linda Holoviak * Dale and Molly Perkins * Susan Horner * Peter and Barbara Petropoulos * Danny and Hannah Hunt * Natasha Pezevezentseva * Gary and Melinda Johnson * Timothy and Evangelia Raper, Christos * Spiridoula Kalista and John Pope Costalas * Kathleen Reed * Thomas and Jeanette Rosa * David and Helen Russo * Joann Yanora Salazar * Jason Schneider * Xaire Sheikho * Neal and Natalie Simpson * Michael and Alexandra Sneeder * Saundra Tashik * Angelos and Katrina Thomas * Karl and Sandy Trammell * Louis Vagias, Sr. * Artemios and Pamela Valakas * Pete and Irene Vallianatos * Vaselike Betty Vallianatos * Stelios and Alice Vatsolakis * Brett and Stella Verzwyvelt * Nicholas Vlahos * Harold and Joyce Walter * Mary Walters * Rodney and Jamilah Williams * Jon and Athena Zannis Please be sure to write “pledge” in the memo section of your check! SUNDAY – October 19 3rd Sunday of Luke II Corinthians 11:31-33, 12:1-9 Luke 7:11-16 MONDAY – October 20 Philippians 2:12-15 Luke 9:18-22 TUESDAY – October 21 II Corinthians 9:6-11 Luke 9:23-27 WEDNESDAY – October 22 Philippians 2:24-30 Luke 9:44-50 Joel the Prophet Felix the Hieromartyr & Eusebius the Deacon John the Wonderworker of Kronstadt Saint Varys the Martyr Saint John of Rilas Gerasimos of Cephalonia Matrona the Righteous of Chios Artemios the Great Martyr of Antioch Hilarion the Great Our righteous Father Christodoulos, the Wonderworker of Patmos John the New Martyr of Peleponnesos Martyrs Theodote & Socrates Righteous Philotheus Abercius, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Wonderworker of Hierapolis Seven Holy Martyred Youths of Ephesus Saint Cecilia the Martyr THURSDAY – October 23 Galations 1:11-19 Matthew 13:54-58 James the Apostle, brother of our Lord Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople FRIDAY – October 24 Philippians 3:8-19 Luke 10:1-15 Arethas the Great Martyr & Syncletiki and her two daughters Sebastiane the Martyr SATURDAY – October 25 II Corinthians 1:8-11 Luke 7:1-10 Tabatha, who was raised from the dead by Peter the Apostle Marcianos & Martyrios the Notaries, Chrysanthe
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