Current Newsletter - St Luke`s Catholic Primary School Capalaba

45 Degen Road, Capalaba Ph (07) 3245 9595 Fax (07) 3823 2222
Email: [email protected] Website:
10 February 2015 T1 Wk 3
Our Welcome Mass and BBQ celebrated on Saturday night was lovely. It
was great to be together as a community celebrating the Eucharist. Many
thanks to all staff, parents, family members and parishioners for your help in
preparation and cooking! A special mention to our musicians and our
wonderful children who sang in the Emmaus/School Choirs. The children
dancing at the conclusion of Mass was just heart warming.
The following parents make up the representation on the School Board
for St Luke’s: Continuing members – Maura Bagster, Sarah Palfrey,
Steve Alford, Donna Norman, Michelle Summerville, Leanne Baker,
Hein Peeters, Eddie Kelleher (Parish Rep), Peta Brookwell
(Teacher Rep), Fr Emmanuel (Pastor) and Tim Lomas (Principal).
The group gathers monthly to discuss matters of strategic renewal and
planning for St Luke’s School. Parents are encouraged to approach
Board members with questions or concerns.
The parent evening is next week, Tuesday 17 February. Our friendly
and professional teachers would like to share with parents the
organizational structure of the learning that takes place in 2015. So
please take advantage of the opportunities and show support for your
child and our school.
6:00 - 6:30pm
6:30 - 7:00pm
P to Year 3 Info in classrooms
Year 4 to 6 Info in classrooms
The traditional Principal’s address will be given at the February 16
meeting of the P & F and then posted on our school website.
Thu 12 Prayer Assembly 2pm 5White
Fri 13 Pancake Tuesday orders due
Sun 15 P&F Working Bee 2-5pm
Mon 16 P&F Meeting 7.30pm
Tue 17 Pancake Tuesday
Parent Information evening
Wed 18 Ash Wednesday liturgies
9am P-2 10am Yr3-6 6Blue
Student Banking – open new
accounts 8am
Thu 19 No Prayer Assembly
Fri 20 Class Mass 6White
P&F Disco
Thu 26 Prayer Assembly 2pm 5Blue
Fri 27 Kokoda Challenge Year 6
Mon 2 St Luke’s Swimming Carnival
Yr 3 - 6
Thu 5 School Photos (formal
Prayer Assembly 2pm 4White
Fri 6
Class Mass 5Blue
Prep 2016 Enrolment forms
Bogan Bingo
Sat 7 Mass 6pm Year 6 involvement
Wed 18-Fri 20 Camp Year 6
All families are welcome to come along to the February 16 Meeting of
the School P & F as the Executive continue planning for a number of
upcoming social and fund raising events. The big focus this year and for the next few years will be a staged airconditioning project for our classrooms. Stage one insulation was completed last year and now investigations focus
on gathering quotes and looking closely at the infrastructure impacts and financial load the school will need to
carry to see this project to completion. All are welcome to this meeting!
A reminder to all members of our community that it is our collective responsibility to watch for and be observant
of appropriate standards of behaviour when looking after school, student, parent and staff property. It is a rare
occasion for property to go missing or be damaged at St Luke’s school but it can happen. We call upon high
standards of behaviour to ensure our students are well looked after. We do this by many and varied means and we
build trust to support a safe environment. I would though like to point out to all members of our community that
24 hour CCTV surveillance continuously records vision around our school in a number of obvious and not so
obvious outdoor locations and has been helpful in the past in gaining vital information that has been handed onto
authorities in relation to various incidents that take place during and out of school hours. This is just one of a
number of measures we access to support the safety in particular of our students and it is important that we be
aware that safety is the responsibility of the whole community.
Last Friday our Year 4 students and their families completed the sign off to take delivery of their new computers as
part of the one to one contemporary learning program. Congratulations to students, staff and families on their
excellent support and work in the formation of this exciting educational development.
The swimming carnival will be held on Monday 2 March at the Cleveland Aquatic Centre. The
change of venue is again due to the busy Health and Physical Education program at Capalaba College at
this early stage of the year. Therefore St Luke’s has needed to seek an alternative venue. We look
forward to sharing this exciting and fun filled day of competition with the school community. Students
from year 3 to 6 will be involved in a variety of 25m and 50m events across all swimming strokes. The
children are divided into houses and encouraged to participate in friendly competition. More information to follow.
Congratulations to our representative swimmers, Madison, Cody and Aidan who participated in the District
Swimming trial yesterday. We look forward to sharing news of their success next week.
It’s that time of year again when the school community begins to look ahead to 2016. For parents with children
eligible for Prep it’s never too early to begin the process of enrolment. If 2015 is any indication, numbers for Prep
in 2016 will again be healthy and we urge families to collect an Application for Enrolment form from the school
office as soon as possible to secure a place on our lists. Forms are due back by Friday 6 March, 2015. Parents are
also encouraged to spread the word about our excellent prep program. The future of our school depends on our
outreach to new families who are looking for a suitable educational setting for their children.
In Week 8 (March 18 to 20), our Year 6 students travel to Camp Warrawee for their annual outdoor education
camp. The camp program is an important educational opportunity teaching students the skills of interdependence,
leadership, team work, resilience and self organisation. It’s also an important social learning experience that the
children can really enjoy as they participate in challenges.
Parents may ask the question, what do my school fees pay for in educating my child at St Luke’s? The fees paid to
St Luke’s are split into various areas to address various needs of the school budget. For example:
 The Capital levy pays for a number of school loans including the school contribution to the Admin
Refurbishment, Technology / Laptop loans, photocopier loan and a limited number of school maintenance
 Fees also include amounts for the P&F levy, extras (eg school camps, class texts and excursions), Parish
voluntary donation and Resource Centre voluntary contribution.
 The basic Tuition fee goes directly towards the day to day running of the school, eg water, power, consumable
items, maintenance, class resource purchases and also, a small percentage of fees pay for school paid staff
St Luke’s has to pay a levy for each family to Brisbane Catholic Education to support a number of centralized
services. In real terms the school nor Catholic Education could not function or exist without Federal and State
Government Grants. These grants pay about 85% of the costs in running the school and those grants mostly pay
for our staffing. Our school fees are set at a rate that is an attempt to make Catholic Education affordable to a wide
section of the community.
The combination of Government and Brisbane Catholic Education Grants (85%) and Parent contributions from fees
and P&F (approximately 15%) allow our school to function and operate at the level it currently enjoys. We do not
collect fees to raise revenue and we do not run to post a profit, everything goes back into the school community
according to a school renewal process and plan. There isn’t an unlimited source of cash in the school. Currently St
Luke’s collects above 90% of school fees but the financial crisis has had an impact on families in our community
and we follow a process of communication when difficulties are encountered to support families. St Luke’s is not a
private school, it is a Catholic Parish School guided and supported by Brisbane Catholic Education. Our fees are set
following a detailed budgeting process and like many other school communities we work hard in partnership with
parents to provide a wide range of educational resources and learning activities set within the financial limitations
of our community.
Good luck to our Year 7 leaders for their ‘Kokoda’ themed challenge which takes place on Friday 27th February.
May they develop the ANZAC spirit and display honour, courage, mateship and sacrifice to achieve their full
A reminder that our first working bee takes place this Sunday 15th February! All are welcome to support this
important school maintenance activity.
After two years of providing a quality tuckshop service to St Luke’s School Juanita Holman will bring to a close her
time running the tuckshop at the beginning of March. A new tuckshop convenor/provider needs to be in place by
March 2015 to continue the service for students and staff. Some years ago the School and P& F sought to hand
over the tuckshop service to an interested party after finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a consistent
convenor. Joy Groth our Uniform shop operator took up this challenge and was then followed by Juanita Holman.
An opportunity now presents for a potential service provider to apply to run the tuckshop. For further details
please contact the school Principal. Expressions of interest should be submitted to the Principal by Monday, 9
It is a pleasure to be able to offer a sports fitness program to our year 4, 5 and 6 students in 2015! The program
intends to run on a Wednesday after school 3.15 to 4.00pm on our school oval and/or hall as weather dictates.
Alicia and Mason Wyborn, our local OZ FIT operators will provide at minimal cost an expertly run fitness program
for young athletes who want to build their fitness leading into the Cross Country, winter sports and Athletics
Towards the end of last year the school began a partnership with OZ FIT that we feel along with school and club
based training, provides an opportunity for our students to raise their fitness and skills for sporting participation
and competition. Depending on interest this program may have the potential to include younger students. In the
first instance the program provides an opportunity for 1 extra-targeted physical training session in preparation for
school sporting seasons.
The School will continue to do all the usual preparations for various sports competitions through the HPE program,
school carnivals and provide opportunities for several weeks cross country training before school, starting later in
term 1. I encourage interested families to make contact with Alicia as soon as possible as numbers in these
programs may have to be limited due to high interest and appropriate numbers for supervision etc. I strongly
encourage parents to act quickly and refer to the attached information supplied by OZ FIT Kids! I know that
many of our families already participate in OZ Fit programs and they promoted and encouraged our connection
with OZ FIT. Thanks to Alicia and Mason for supporting this school and community partnership!
Students in year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend the 2015 St Luke’s Canberra Tour held during the first
week of September holidays. Information will be forwarded to parents in the coming week. Those families wishing
for their child to attend the tour will need to fill in an expression of interest form and pay a deposit to secure a spot
on the trip. Once we have established student numbers a limited number of parent supervisors will be invited to
join a group of staff supervisors. Parents please be aware that all school fees must be paid and up to date to be
eligible for the tour and all students must follow the appropriate school behaviour processes to attend the tour.
More information to follow.
Just a reminder to parents at this early stage of the year that when issues arise for their children, they must first
approach the class teacher to address the issues. If after this first step meeting, a parent is concerned about the
outcome they are then advised to contact the Principal. I respectfully request that parents follow this process in
forming a positive and productive relationship with the class teacher and the school.
Parents please be advised that email is not a substitute for calling the school or attending face to face meetings to
support student learning. While teachers and parents may wish to keep in touch via email about general class
activities, direct contact is necessary on regular occasions to support learning and address the various challenges
of school life.
Contact with the school needs to be through the appropriate channels. Parents should always direct any of their
questions to the school directly. For all information regarding term dates, school policies, uniform lists, current
and past newsletters, tuckshop menu, forms, etc please refer to our website,
official School Facebook page and twitter feed.
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Gospel: Mark 1:40-45
A man with leprosy approached Jesus in acknowledgment of his power: ‘You have the power to make me well, if only
you want to’. We all have power of some kind and we choose how we use it, whether to benefit ourselves or to benefit
others. What kinds of ‘power’ do children have? How do they make decisions?
If you had the ‘power’ to help anyone in any way, what would you do? What would be your priorities? When can you
recall, in your heart; the last time they did a good deed for another person? You may know about the film ‘Pay it forward’
in which random acts of kindness are done for complete strangers. Encourage each other to consider doing three random
acts of kindness this week. Jesus’ immediate response to a cry for help was ‘Of course I want to!’ this response tells us
about the type of person Jesus was. How would the man with leprosy have felt when Jesus uttered these words?
(Rina Wintour).
Shrove Tuesday: Tuesday 17th February
Please continue to send in your child’s orders for Pancakes. Orders must be in by this Friday
13th February. If you are interested in helping, please contact our office.
Ash Wednesday: Wednesday 18th February
Our Year 6 Blue class will lead two liturgies to celebrate Ash Wednesday 18th February. Prep – Year 2: 9am
Year 3 – 6: 10am. All parents and families are welcome to attend.
2015 Sacramental Program
Our Parish Reconciliation and Confirmation Sacramental Program will commence next month here at St Luke’s
Church on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 7:30pm. This is an information evening for parents of children who
will be celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation /Eucharist. For information contact the
Parish Office on 3820 0100. There is also an earlier session on the same day at St Anthony’s at 9:30am.
Year 3 Blue
In last week’s gospel we heard that Jesus rises very early to find
somewhere quiet to pray, to re-focus, to re-energise. Our Year 3 Blue
class are seen here in this photo outside the Emmaus Centre (Art Room) in
a place they considered quiet and peaceful. Discussion began in the
classroom about the different prayer spaces in the school. This is one
example of how teachers ‘break open the word’ for our children.
‘’Enlightenment is seeing the unseen itself, and in this there is no seeing and no seer – only beginningless, endless calm.’ Atisa Dipankara shrijnana (980-1054).
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Tim Lomas, Principal and Lagi Aukusitino, Acting Principal – Religious Education
Greetings from the Parish Office!
For a couple of years, one of our parishioners,
Teresa Rafter has voluntarily worked in our
parish office as the Honorary Finance Secretary.
Not only has this act of generosity saved the
parish a fortune in terms of what would have
massively accrued as salaries and benefits, she
also brought a lot of her financial expertise to
our parish office. Teresa effectively reduced the
workload and worktime usually imputed into
running our parish finances and also contributed
immensely in reducing the cost of running the
parish office – a reality which is evident in the
2014 parish financial statement, which we will
definitely make available to parishioners soon.
Understanding the need for a decent workplace
fraternity in a small office like ours, Teresa
brought in additional vitality and a positive
human relationship among the staff of our parish
office. If we had our way, we would have kept
Teresa on a bit longer with us, but since she is
leaving for a good cause, we wish her the best in
Teresa has been replaced by another
parishioner, Claudia Mora, who joined our parish
staff last week. She is presently being guided into
her new role by Teresa. Claudia will be working
only on Wednesdays for seven and a half hours.
We hope that she will enjoy her work in our
Finally, due to this change in our office, we wish
to inform everyone that the best time for any
parishioner or parish group to have any finance
dealings with our parish is now Wednesdays.
God Bless,
Fr Emmanuel
The Information Session for the 2015 Sacramental
Program will take place on Wednesday 11th March
2015 at 9:30am at St Anthony’s, and then be
repeated at 7:30pm at St Luke’s. This Information
Session is for parents of children who will be
celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation,
Confirmation / Eucharist. For information contact
the Parish Office on 3820 0100.
Baptism Preparation Session
The next Baptism Preparation evening is being held at
St Anthony’s on Tuesday 17th February at 7.30pm.
To book in, please phone Lina at the Parish Office on
3820 0100. Lina would also like to hear from those
of you who are interested in becoming a Baptism
School Banking Rewards now available!
Term 1
These new rewards have just been released
for Term 1, and are available while stocks last:
Planet Handball
7:00 am St Anthony’s
7:00 am St Luke’s
9:00 am St Anthony’s
7:00 am St Luke’s (Depending on school
5:00 pm St Anthony's
6:00 pm St Luke’s
7:00 am St Luke’s
9:00 am St Anthony’s
The following students received an award at assembly
recently: Emily, Skyla, Marcus, Xavier, Maeli,
Aidan, Harvey, Traig, Olivia, Azaria, Abbey, Ava,
Molly, Madeleine, Charlie, Olivia, Maya, Luke,
Samuel, Ella, Jack, Chanel, Francesca, Bryson,
Molly, Lachlan, Bailey, Olivia, Kayley, Peter, Sofia,
Laura and Claudia competed in the athletics South East
Regional Inter-Club Games on the weekend. Both had
a great weekend and broke some personal records.
Laura came first in the 800m run in her age group in a
time of 2.53.59. This means she has qualified for the
State Championship that will be held in the later part of
March where she will be competing against athletes
from all over Queensland. Well done!
School fee accounts have been emailed to families. If
you have not received your account please contact
Alfina in the office (3245 9595).
For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small,
students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students
have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them
for these exclusive School Banking reward items in
recognition of their continued savings behaviour. There are 2
new items to come in Term 2 as well!
The Commonwealth Bank will be holding an account
opening day at 8:00am on Wednesday 18 February,
outside the office. If you are interested in opening a
Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account for your child
please bring along your current driver’s licence or
another form of photographic identification.
identification is required for your child attending school,
as the school will confirm their identity. Alternatively,
you can open an account at any branch, by calling 13 22
21, or online if you are an existing Commonwealth Bank
Calling for Parent Volunteers to help with
School Banking!
act as the School Banking
Coordinators. School Banking deposits
are currently processed on a Wednesday morning at
the library. We will be holding a training session in the
next couple of week on a Wednesday at 9am. As a lot
of our volunteers left the school last year we are
desperate for some new helpers. Ideally you would
only work 1 morning a month. Parents willing to help
should complete their details below and return to the
Office ASAP.
Yes, I would like to help with School Banking!
Name: ________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
 OZ Fit kids – after school program
 Shrove Tuesday (Pancake) flyer
 Bogan Bingo flyer
Our school photos will be taken on
the 5th March 2015
for the rest of February, but the longer you leave it
the harder it will become to learn the songs.
Lorraine Osmond.
Music Specialist Teacher.
Anyone who wishes to do more intensive work on
singing may be interested in private singing lessons
by a teacher who recently joined our parish.
For the convenience of our school community
advancedlife have now introduced Online Ordering.
School photos can now be ordered and paid for using
a secure online Web Portal. Please note: Photos can
still be purchased using an envelope. Individual
envelopes were sent home today. Sibling envelopes
are available from the office.
The preference of our school is that Orders and
Payments be made through the Web Portal as this
reduces the administration and associated order issues
related to the return of cash & envelopes on photo day.
To place your order visit
and enter the code- ZVX PYX 13N. A full set of
instructions on how to order can be found on the back
of the order flyer. The order code can also be found
printed on the envelopes supplied by advancedlife.
Please be aware that-
Welcome back to the Stepping Stones Triple P Project!
Our first priority for the year is to make sure parents of
children with a disability know they’re still eligible to receive
free Stepping Stones parenting support, but only until July
1. Sibling/Family Photos may be ordered online or via
envelope. To ensure a smoothly run photography
day, Online Orders for Sibling/Family Photos
will be cut off 48hrs before our photography
day (5 March) to allow a list of students that
require Sibling/Family photographs taken to be
compiled. Sibling Photos can still be ordered after
the Online cut off date by collecting an envelope
from the office in the usual way and returning the
envelope on photo day with payment enclosed.
2. All Online Orders should be placed on or before
our day of photography. Please Note: Once orders
are closed a LATE FEE will apply.
3. The Online code above Web Portal may also be
used to order previous years’ sports and other
group photos at any time.
Click here to find out more. We’re also calling on people who
work in the child disability field to do everything they can to
promote the availability of this evidence-based parenting
support to parents of children with a disability aged 2 to 12.
All Online Orders placed through the Web Portal will be
returned to school for collection.
Well done to the
thirty-nine children who attended choir
practice last Thursday. Don't forget to
bring your plastic sleeve display folders for your
lyrics. I will be welcoming any child from year 3 – 7
If you’re the parent of a child with a disability, please visit our
website to see if there are any sessions near you which suit. If
you don’t find what you need, please contact our project
team on [email protected] and they will help link
you up with a program. Other ways to support this project
are to like us on Facebook and use the attached banners in
your online and hard copy publications:
Online use hyperlink to
Online use hyperlink to
Hard copy use
Hard copy use
Thank you in anticipation for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Matt Sanders
Principal Investigator, SSTP Project
Director, Parenting and Family Support Centre, University of
Queensland, Professor
The first Dyslexia Support Group Meeting will be held
Thursday 19th February 2015
St Luke’s Library Annexe
All welcome!
Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is
neurological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties
with accurate and / or fluent word recognition and by
poor spelling and decoding abilities……..
please come along we
would love to see you 
Raymond Schwartz, Guidance Counsellor
Date – Monday 16 February
Time – 7.30pm
Confirmation of previous
Principals report
Oval Project
Treasurer’s Report
MYOB & laptop
Working Bee
Bogan Bingo
Bunnings BBQ
Athlete’s Foot
Fundraising roles
Parent Reps
P&F levee
Meeting closed
Friday 20 February
Mel / Anne
helpers required for just one hour serving
food, drinks, selling glow stuff please put
your name down here 
From the P&F
We are looking for Parent Class Reps
for 2015! Please see the attached
form which has further details. The
first P&F meeting for 2015 is
7.30pm on Monday 16 February.
We look forward to seeing lots of
familiar faces and welcoming many
new faces. [email protected]
St Luke’s Festival (18 July) is the major fundraising
event for 2015. If you would like to be involved and
help in any of these roles please call Mel on
0417621220 or email
[email protected]
Silent Auction Co-ordinator
Raffle Co-ordinator
BBQ Coordinator
Side Show Alley Stalls Co-ordinator
See flyer attached
P&F EVENTS TERM 1 – 2015
Working Bee 2pm-5pm
P&F Meeting 7.30pm
Let’s Dance Disco
Flyer Attached
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Bogan Bingo
Flyer Attached
Sun 15 Feb
Mon 16
Fri 20 Feb
Sun 1 Mar
Fri 6 Mar
Children’s and Adults Self Defence and fitness classes at
St Luke’s
Enrol now for Term 1
The Karate Academy develops:
Self-defence, fitness and self confidence in a fun and
friendly environment. Open to students from ages 5105!!
The Emmaus Centre
St Luke’s School
45 Degen Rd, Capalaba, 4157
Juniors Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5pm
Seniors Tuesdays 6-7pm
For more information or to book a free trial lesson
please contact:
Amanda Moore 0423 267 486
Email: [email protected]
Clarinet For Sale
Buffet B12 Clarinet in near new condition.
Excellent for beginner to intermediate.
Demonstration / test prior to purchase welcome
$470 neg. Ph 0414 011 098 or
[email protected]
Bunning Sausage Sizzle
Sunday 1 March 9am-5pm
If you can help out for an hour please put your
name down here.
Tuckshop for this week will be:
Normal tuckshop menu (on the
website) or Sushi - orders must
be in on Wednesday.
Friday morning:
Normal tuckshop
Friday afternoon:
ice blocks
Thanks, Juanita Holman
Tuckshop convenor
Mooroondu FC (Soccer) - Sign on now open!
At Mooroondu FC we are all about playing soccer with
friends, having fun and learning the skills of our great
Sign on is now online at
and more club info is available at
If you have questions, we will be at the clubhouse,
William Taylor Fields, Thorneside on Saturday between
2-4pm, or email [email protected]
OZ FIT Kids - Fitness & Conditioning Development
for St Luke’s Athletes
OZ FIT Personal Training has joined forces with St Luke’s to bring a new after school program to
St Luke’s students who want to take their sport to the next level.
The trainers from OZFIT will be working on Fitness & Conditioning
Development for the St Luke’s athletes who are wishing to compete
in local programs.
We aim to make the sessions fun, enjoyable and achievable for all children by using a
combination of fun games, hand-eye coordination drills and cardio drills. Our trainers are fully
certified to work with children and are very passionate about helping future generations lead a
healthy lifestyle. What they do now will affect them in years to come.
The program is for children in years 4 to 6. The session goes for 45mins on a Wednesday from
3.15pm to 4pm and is held at St Luke’s Catholic Parish School on Degen Road Capalaba. It is
$50per child for a 9 week program. This must be paid (cash) upfront before the cut off date.
Please place money in an envelope with child’s name on front.
We have separated the program into 2 x 9 week blocks so we can focus on different sporting
Block 1 – Cross Country Fitness and Conditioning Training (9 weeks)
Wednesday 11th March 2015 – Wednesday 1st April 2015
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 - Wednesday 20th May 2015
*Upfront Payment for Block 1 is due Wednesday 4th March 2015
Block 2 – Athletics Fitness and Conditioning Training (9 Weeks)
Wednesday 27th May 2015 – Wednesday 24th June 2015
Wednesday 15th July 2015 – Wednesday 5th August 2015
*Upfront Payment for Block 2 is due Wednesday 20th May 2015
If you have children that may be interested in this program you can contact St Luke’s
administration or OZ FIT Personal Training today for more information on 0433 299 695 or
[email protected]
Limited spots available so bookings are essential.
Kind regards
Mason & Alicia @ OZ FIT Personal Training
Let’s celebrate
Pancake Tuesday
Tuesday, 17th February
Money raised will be donated to
Project Compassion
Pancake Stack: 3 for $3
(with or without maple syrup)
Please return form and money in an envelope
to classroom.
by Friday, 13th February
Shrove/Pancake Tuesday, 17th February
Family Name: …………………………………………………………….
Child’s name
of stacks
(3 for $3)
Gluten free
(please tick)
Total $ enclosed in envelope: ............
Total $
St Luke’s P&F are hosting
St Luke’s Capalaba
Friday 6th March
Doors open 7.15pm
Tickets are $20 each
Wood Fired Pizzas Available For Purchase
BYO Beer / Wine
soft drinks and some beer and wine also available for purchase
Tickets must be purchased by Friday 27th Feb
“Ticket Envelopes Coming Home Soon”