Quotation PROVISION OF TRANSPORT SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION Quotation Ref: DOI 03/2014 Issued on: 14th October 2014 Closing Date: 24th October 2014 Quotation PROVISION OF TRANSPORT SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION Quotation Ref: DOI 03/2014 1. Scope This call for quotations invites providers of chauffer driven transportation, hereon referred to as the interested bidders, to provide their services to Department of Information staff, hereon referred to as the Department, in Malta and/or Gozo. 2. Duration of Assignment and Time Frames The service is to be provided on a twenty four hour basis, seven days a week, throughout a twelve calendar month period starting from the first day of the provision of the first service. Interested bidders will be required to work in liaison with the Department within the Office of the Prime Minister in order to co-ordinate the chauffeur duties. 3. Instructions to bidders ● Light passenger cars and/or minivans must be of at least Euro IV standard required for the transportation of the Department’s staff to designated venues in Malta and/or Gozo. Drivers are to be appropriately dressed. ● Only bidders who provide a quote for the whole service requested (chauffeur driven cars and/or chauffeur driven minivans) will be considered. Partial bids will not be considered. ● Obligation of the bidders: the full set of General Conditions for Services Contracts (Version 1.05 dated 30 December 2013) applies, and can be viewed/downloaded from: https://secure2.gov.mt/eprocurement/conditions It is hereby construed that the tenderers have availed themselves of these general conditions, and have read and accepted in full and without reservation the conditions outlined therein, and are therefore waiving any standard terms and conditions which they may have. 4. Submission of Quotes Interested bidders are to submit a financial proposal in Euro (inclusive of VAT and all other applicable taxes) indicating an all-inclusive sum for the services listed in Annex 1 to cover all the requirements of this assignment. Proposals are to be submitted in the format as shown in Annex 1 and are to be presented at the: Tender Box, Department for Information, 3 Castille Place, Valletta, Malta VLT 1062 by no later than 10.00am of 24th October 2014 Proposals submitted in any other way will not be considered. Late submissions will not be considered. The Department of Information reserves the right to refuse even the most advantageous offer. Quotations shall be valid for a period of twelve months. ANNEX 1 PROVISION OF TRANSPORT SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION Quotation Ref: DOI 03/2014 Quotations will ONLY be considered if submitted in the stipulated format. Suppliers/Contractor’s details Company Name Contact Person’s Name and Surname Company Address Telephone Number Mobile Number E-mail address Fax Number Service Required For a twelve month period 1. 2. 3. 4. * Transportation of one (to three DOI staff members simultaneously if the need arises) in air-conditioned car/s and/or minivan/s - at least Euro IV standard - to various venues in Malta and/or Gozo. Pick-up and drop-off point from the Department of Information premises (3 Castille Place, Valletta). The Provider is to cater for multiple drop-offs and pick-ups from various localities in Malta and/or Gozo within a reasonable timeframe. Assignments by the Department to the Provider will be given not less than two hours prior to the event(s). Service by the provider is to be provided on a twenty four hour basis, seven days a week for a period of twelve calendar months. Duration of each assignment will vary from one to four hours. The quoted price is to include parking tariffs. The cost of Gozo ferry tickets will be borne by the Department. The Department will not be liable for any traffic contraventions incurred by the provider. N.B. The number of passengers listed above are indicative only and subject to minor variations. (a) Total LUMP-SUM cost PER CAR PER HOUR (in Euro) as per above requirements: € Net: VAT (specify rate) _________% € € Total: (b) Total LUMP-SUM cost PER MINIVAN PER HOUR (in Euro) as per above requirements: € Net: VAT (specify rate) Total: Signature: ________________ _________% € € Date: ______________ ANNEX 2 Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni Department of Information Id-Direttur tal-Informazzjoni tgħarraf li: The Director of Information notifies that: Sa l-10am tal-24 ta’ Ottubru 2014, jintlaqgħu offerti għal: Quotations will be received up to 10am of 24th October 2014, for: Quotation Ref: DOI 03/2014 Quotation Ref: DOI 03/2014 Faċilitajiet għat-trasport tal-Informazzjoni Provision of transport services for għad-Dipartiment Department of Information. L-offerti u d-dokumenti relatati għandhom jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tad-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni, 3 Pjazza Kastilja, Il-Belt Valletta. the Offers and related documents are to be dropped in the Tender Box at the Department of Information, 3 Castille Place, Valletta. Il-kwotazzjonijiet jibqgħu validi għal perjodu ta’ Quotes shall be valid for a period of one year, sena, għandhom jinkludu t-Taxxa fuq il-Valur and should be inclusive of Value Added Tax, and any other charges (if applicable). Miżjud, u ħlasijiet oħra (jekk applikabbli). Id-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta anke l-iżjed offerta vantaġġuża. The Department of Information reserves the right to refuse even the most advantageous offer. Id-dokumenti bid-dettalji u l-formola tal- Specifications and submission forms can be kwotazzjoni jistgħu jinkisbu mill-email obtained from: ([email protected]) or ([email protected]) jew mill-website: from the website: (www.doi.gov.mt). (www.doi.gov.mt). L-offerti magħmulin fuq il-formola pprovduta biss ikunu kkunsidrati. Only submissions on the prescribed form will be considered. 10 ta’ Ottubru, 2014 10th October, 2014
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