THE UNITED BENEFICE OF ST BARTHOLOMEW AND ST LAWRENCE WITH ST SWITHUN-UPON-KINGSGATE WINCHESTER Rector: The Reverend Canon Cliff Bannister Tel. 01962 852032 Assistant Priest: The Reverend Amanda Goulding Tel. 01962 884585 Assistant Curate: The Reverend Sally Goodson Tel. 01962 867251 See our website: LUKE THE EVANGELIST (transf) The Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity 19th October 2014 A warm welcome to our worship this Sunday Large Print Versions of this notice sheet and other papers are available. A Hearing Loop system is in use. Gluten-free communion wafers are available – please ask a steward. Morning Readings: OT Psalm NT Isaiah 35. 3-6 (St B only) 147. 1-7 Acts 16. 6-12a (St L only) 2 Timothy 4. 5-17 Gospel Luke 10. 1-9 St Bartholomew 9.30am Parish Communion Celebrant: The Rev’d Sally Goodson Preacher: The Rev’d Norman de la Mouette Hymns: 645, 3, 241 (tune 1), 90, 840 St Lawrence 11.00am Holy Communion Celebrant: The Rector Preacher: Margaret Axford Hymns: 626, St Luke (see sheet, tune 585), 287, 612 St Bartholomew 12.00noon Holy Baptism of Noah Preston Officiant: The Rev’d Sally Goodson St Swithun 6.00pm Evensong Officiant: Meriel Walton Psalm 103 OT Isaiah 61. 1-6 NT Colossians 4. 7-18 Hymns: 230, 625, 14 COLLECT FOR LUKE THE EVANGELIST Almighty God, you called Luke the physician, whose praise is in the gospel, to be an evangelist and physician of the soul: by the grace of the Spirit and through the wholesome medicine of the gospel, give your Church the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. COLLECT FOR THE WEEK Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faith that, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. FOR YOUR PRAYERS For the World: For peace and reconciliation in Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, the Ukraine, Hong Kong, and the continuation of the ceasefire in Israel; for Christians and Yazidis in Northern Iraq. For the Anglican Communion: Archbishop Justin Welby; the Church in the Province of the West Indies; the Dioceses of Tönsberg (Church of Norway), Strängnäs (Church of Sweden), Truro, their Bishops and people; celebration of One World Week – International Unity and Cultural Unity within the Diocese. For the Diocese: Bishop Tim Dakin and Suffragan Bishops Jonathan and David. For the Deanery: Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Winchester, Basingstoke & Andover, and their chaplains. Local needs: The Nightshelter Churches Together in Winchester Prayer Cycle for October: Winchester Cathedral The sick and housebound, especially for Joan Foreman, Phillipa Fraser, Sheila Lindsay, Wanda Nash, Evan Sturgess, John Wilson, and residents and staff of Abbotts Barton Nursing Home. For the Departed: Millie Adams (ABNH), Bp Michael Scott-Joynt, and all who mourn. Anniversary of Death: William Forgie and Cherry Gardner NOTICES THE WEEKLY NOTICE SHEET: Please send any items for the notice sheet by Wednesday of each week to Caroline St Leger-Davey and Lis Wicks at the St Lawrence Parish Office, Colebrook Street; email [email protected] or tel. 01962 849434. For St Bartholomew Hall bookings please contact Lorraine Curtis: [email protected], tel. 01962 863361. PARISH MAGAZINE: The deadline for the November issue is TODAY. ST LAWRENCE PARISH: Please inform Brenda or Caroline by TODAY if you are taking part in the parish “At Home” supper on Saturday 8th November. ST LAWRENCE: We need someone to help launder the altar cloths once a month at St Lawrence. Please contact Lois Price or Beauman if you can help. PILGRIM COURSE: The Autumn course is now full, but there are places starting Wednesday at St Paul’s Church. Please contact John Axford asap (861125). SPACE IN THE CITY: “The Seven ‘Deadly’ Virtues?” continues on Wednesday 22nd October at 12.30pm with Prof Andrew Bradstock on the virtue of “Justice”. KING ALFRED WEEKEND: The following events will be held at St Bartholomew’s Church: Thursday 23rd October 6.00pm Launch of Hyde Soldiers Project 7.30pm The King Alfred Lecture by Prof Martin Biddle: “Cnut, Emma, and Harthacnut – Danish Royal Burials in Winchester Cathedral” Saturday 25th October 10.30am Re-burial of bones in unmarked grave, with the Bishop of Basingstoke in attendance. All welcome. 11.30am Exhibitions begin in Hyde Parish Hall 7.30pm The King Alfred Singers (University of Winchester) will host an evening of music: “Walking in the Footsteps of the Past” Sunday 26th October 9.30am King Alfred’s Day Service with Hyde900 Choir See posters and flyers for details of all events and exhibitions ST LAWRENCE: The Drammen International Gospel Choir from Norway will sing at the Church on Saturday 25th October at 2.20pm-3.00pm. NB No charge. ALL SOULS: There will be a combined service to commemorate the faithful departed on Sunday 2nd November at 6.00pm at St Bartholomew. Please sign the form in each Church with the names to be read out at the service, or notify the Parish Office by 31st October. BENEFICE ADVENT SUNDAY LUNCH: Please note the date – Sunday 30th November at 12.30pm in St Lawrence Parish Room. Don’t forget - the clocks go back on Sunday 26th October! THE WEEK AHEAD 20th – 27th October 2014 Morning Prayer at 8.30/9am and Evening Prayer at 5pm is said in the Benefice on weekdays: Tuesday (5pm only) through to Friday. See noticeboards for location. Wednesday 9.00am-12.00noon Parish Office open 10.00am Holy Communion Celebrant: The Rector 10.30am Holy Communion Celebrant: The Rev’d Sally Goodson 12.30pm-1.00pm Space in the City 2.00pm St L Parish S & F Committee 6.30pm Nightshelter Supporters’ Evening Friday 9.00am-12.00noon Parish Office open 11.00am Holy Communion 2.00pm Funeral of Millie Adams St Bartholomew St Lawrence United Church Rectory St Peter’s Church Hall Abbotts Barton NH St Bartholomew BIBLE SUNDAY The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity 26th October 2014 Morning Readings at OT 2 Samuel 23. 1-5 St Bartholomew: NT 1 John 2. 15-17 Gospel Matthew 24. 30-35 Morning Readings at OT Nehemiah 8. 1-4a & 8-12 St Swithun and Psalm 119. 9-16 St Lawrence: NT Colossians 3. 12-17 Gospel Matthew 24. 30-35 St Bartholomew 9.30am Parish Communion KING ALFRED Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector SUNDAY St Swithun 9.30am Holy Communion Celebrant: The Rev’d Sally Goodson Preacher: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding St Lawrence 11.00am Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding St Bartholomew 6.00pm Evensong Officiant: The Rector Evening Readings: Psalm 119. 89-104 OT Isaiah 55. 1-11 NT Luke 4. 14-30
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