*Hymn of Praise “Morning Has Broken” UMH 145 Children’s PowerPoint (11 am) “Sing to God” “For God’s Gifts” Opening Prayer UMH 489 Children’s Choir (11 am) “This Little Light of Mine” “Deep and Wide/Down in My Heart” (Kristal Bells) Presentation of Bibles (11 am) Annie Laine Nolan Poperowitz Camille Underwood Autumn Wingfield Psalter Psalm 91 UMH 810 Aiden Vigue Blessing of Backpacks (11 am) THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Irving M. Groves by Ruth G. Chaney and Irving M. Groves, Jr. THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER: THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Alma Sunderland, J.B. Heldreth, Jo Carter (Carter Underwood’s mother), Tim Nagle (Peg Hollander’s son), Bennett Chaney (Ruth Chaney’s grandson), H. Kenneth Martin (Shirley Self’s brother-in-law), Del Martin (Shirley Self’s nephew), Jennifer Bradshaw, Laura Parcell (Shirley Self’s mother), Julia Self, Lucille Self, Lynn Barbour, Debbie Love, Debbie Reed, Mick Brandon, Twila Showalter (Paula Ritchie’s family), LeaAnn Lilly, Katherine Damen, Pat Penn, Gabriel Porras (Ruth Chaney’s great grandson), Promise Hagan (Rhonda Enalls’ granddaughter), Johnny Matthews. Please call the church office to add or remove names on our prayer list. If we have removed someone you wished to remain on the prayer list, we are sorry. Please notify the church office to have the person added. Children’s Time (11 am) (Children 3 years through 3rd grade may leave for children’s church AFTER this.) Anthem (11 am) “Joy in the Morning Scripture N. Sleeth Daniel 3:8–25 Finley Underwood Sermon Pastor Keith Ritchie It’s Cool in the Furnace *Affirmation of Faith Romans 8 UMH 887 *Passing of the Peace *Hymn “All Things Come of Thee” UMH 588 The Giving of our Gifts Offertory Music Offertory Prayer *Doxology UMH 94 *Benediction THOSE WHO HAVE LOST LOVED ONES: Joe Philpott (his mother, Mamie Philpott) MEMORIALS in memory of Jinky Critz were given by Geraldine Draper and Doug and Lewis Riddle. Lord’s Prayer (using trespasses) “Lift Every Voice and Sing” THOSE IN THE MILITARY: Sgt. Justin Andes (Marilyn Dell’s grandson), Army PVC William Scott Barlow, Bernard Courtland Brooks, Steve Burton, YM2 Seth Buswell (son-in-law of Lil and Paul Geib), Army Private Michael Frazier (grandson of Lil and Paul Geib), Matthew Flint (Kelly Flint’s brother), Jacob T. Hall (Cindy Matherly’s nephew), Capt. Brad Heath, Michael Lewis (Rosie and Fred Lewis’ son), Evan McNeer, Beau Oakes, S. Sgts. David & Kimberly Peay, Douglas Blake Spencer, LTC Dana Stowell (great-nephew of Belle Lynskey), Stephen Patton, Private C. J. Emerson, Patrick Connelly, LCPL, Ozzie LCPL THOSE IN THE MISSION FIELD: Elma Jocson, Chase and Audrey Arndt Prayers of the People *Hymn THOSE WHO ARE SHUT-IN: Meta Roth, Dot Bowen, George Lavinder, Frances Fishel, Evelyn Barnes, Louise Grigg, Marlene Lopez, Helen Phipps, John Clark, Evelyn Holmes, Robbie Woodruff, Tom and Gene Knight, Les Finney, Helen Alber UMH 519 A MEMORIAL in memory of Laura Jane Holsinger was given by Geraldine Draper. IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN!!!! The Wesley Guild has sold all pastries from the spring sale. We are now beginning the fall sale of Butter Braid pastries. We have apple, blueberry w/cream cheese, Bavarian crème, cherry, cinnamon, and cream cheese for $13 each, all with white icing; and double chocolate for $14 with chocolate icing. Please contact any Guild member or call Martha Clark (638-1038) to order. Delivery will be Wednesday, November 12, just in time for Thanksgiving. October is Baby Bottle Boomerang Month! Now is the time to support Pregnancy Care Center – MHC. Take home a small baby bottle and start filling it with change, bills or a check. When the bottle is full, return it to the church. Circle 6 is selling Rada Knives for our missions. They will have a table in the fellowship hall after the early service and before and after the 11 am service today, or you can contact Nancy Bryant at 252-7069 to place an order. The Wesley Guild has pecans for sale: pecan halves (1 pound bags) for $12 and chopped pecans (1 pound bags) for $10. Contact Lewis Riddle (638-8567) or Martha Clark (638-1038). Food Bank--Thank you to everyone who donated beef stew for our distribution yesterday. Also, thank you to our volunteers who serve so faithfully. For November distribution, we will collect 12 oz. cans of luncheon meat (such as Spam). Say Cheese! Directory pictures will be taken on Sundays between services or by appointment by one of our volunteers. Be ready to smile!!! *Postlude CHURCH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK OF October 19, 2014 *Carrying Christ’s Light into the World *Indicates standing interval if you are able. Nursery (beside the Read Robins class) available for infants through three-year olds for Sunday School and 11:00 am The church office hours are 9 am – 5 pm Monday –Thursday, 9 am-12 pm Friday The church office will be closed 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm for lunch. Sunday Oct. 19 5:00 pm Jamz Mon. Oct. 20 3:30 pm Children’s Choir, puppets & 4-12 Revival Bible Study (Conference Room) Radio Broadcast WHEE 1370 at 4:05 pm. Radio Broadcast WMVA 1450 at 7:10 pm. Both broadcasts follow the news program 7:00 pm Tues. Oct. 21 10:00 am 12:30 pm Wed. Oct. 22 7:00 pm 10:00 am Chancel Choir Staff Meeting Thur. Oct. 23 10:00 am Lunch Bunch First UMC is an uptown church Where all are Welcome Where all Worship Where all Serve To the Glory of God Friday We will become more faithful witnesses for God by providing spiritual guidance, a moral compass, and a place of welcome and comfort to all of God’s children. We will do this by being aware of the needs in our community, listening for God’s calling, and responding with our time and talents. Senior Pastor, Keith Ritchie Director of Programs/Children’s Ministries, Annette Huckfeldt Director of Music Ministries & Organist, Becky Smith 146 East Main Street, Martinsville, Virginia 24112-2814 Office: 276-638-8733 Fax: 276-638-8598 Email Address: [email protected] WEBSITE: fumcmartinsville.net A cordial invitation is extended to you to worship with us regularly. If you would like to become a member of First Church, please speak to the pastor. Welcome to Early Learning Center Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 6:00 pm Oct. 24 12:00 pm First United Methodist Church NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Lunch Bunch Ladies’ Bible Study (Parlor) Church office closes October 19, 2014 8:45 am and 11:00 am WELCOME to this celebration of worship where we remember God’s saving grace in Jesus Christ! Prelude USHERS: Lee Smith, Carter Underwood, Diane and Jeb Bassett, Bob Clark, Steve Draper, Gray Givens, Ray Harm, John Mitchell, Brian Nichols, Ed White, George Mize GREETERS: Peg Hollander, Eliza Severt, Gilda Compton, Glenn Edwards COUNTERS: Craig Dietrich, Linda Adams ACOLYTE: Catherine Maxwell SOUND TECHNICIAN: Paul Huckfeldt & Lynn Dietrich VIDEO TECHNICIANS: Matthew Withers BUS DRIVER: Tripp Smith CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Annette Huckfeldt Mission Opportunities at First Church this Week Lunch Bunch Collect 12 oz. cans of luncheon meat for Food Bank Clothes Closet – hanging of clothing - open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm Fellowship & Ministry Announcements Please let us know you worshipped with us today by signing the friendship pad and passing it down the pew. We welcome our visitors and are grateful for the active witness of our members. *Call to Worship Camille Underwood Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise the Lord, in the heights! Praise the Lord, all his angels; praise the Lord, all his hosts! Praise the Lord, sun and moon; praise the Lord, all shining stars! Praise the Lord, highest heavens, and all waters above the heavens! First Hand Experience Puppets (11 am) “The B-I-B-L-E” Bringing in the Light of Christ
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