− Sunday Worship Services

Our purpose is:
− To love God.
− To love the world.
− To love YOU.
Worship Services
9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
Rev. Russell Brown
Heritage United Methodist Church
October 26, 2014
9:00 am
20th Sunday in Kingdom&de
“The very act of ligh/ng a candle is prayer.” – Brother David Steindl-Rast
You are invited to light a prayer ca ndle at any %me, as you feel led to pray.
Carrie DeVries
Gree%ng and Announcements
Rev. Russell Brown
*Call to Worship
Diana Dalen
We come today to sing God’s praises! We come to celebrate the blessings of life
and to give thanks to the Source of all blessing.
Shout with joy, people of God! Sing! Rejoice! Wake the neighbors with the
sounds of your jubila&on!
We rejoice because we remember God’s promises: that our joy does not depend
on our momentary circumstances. We rejoice for God’s steadfast love that rules
Let us sing the songs of those who have been redeemed. Let the hills clap
their hands and be glad.
Thanks be to you, O God. Our rock, our redeemer, and hope. In Christ’s name
we pray… AMEN.
*Hymn of Praise
Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service #581 UMH vs
Joining Service for New Members
Call to Prayer
Rev Russell Brown
More Precious Than Silver
Prayers of the People…
#2065 TFWS
Rev. Russell Brown
prayer response “O Lord, hear our prayers”
…Lord's Prayer #895 UMH
Prayer Response
10,000 Reasons
Let All the People Say “Amen”
words on screen
Chancel Choir
Soloist Russ Barker
Malachi 3:8, 10 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, NRSV
“Living is Giving… Giving is Living”
Diana Dalen
Christy Paden &
Elizabeth Stoneman
Responding in Gra%tude for God’s GiBs with our Offerings
Diana Dalen
Carrie DeVries
*The Doxology
Praise God, from Whom all Blessings Flow
*Prayer of Dedica%on
#95 UMH
Diana Dalen
We give thanks today for the God who set the children of Israel free from
slavery. We give thanks to the God who sets us free from our sins.
We li7 our praises to the God who is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow,
and always. The God whose holiness is unchanging and everlas&ng.
Everything we claim as our own came first from the hand of God. May our
worship properly reflect our awareness of and our gra/tude for God’s bounty.
We know that we came into life with nothing and will leave with nothing.
Thanks be to God for God’s good and merciful gi7s.
Thanks be to the God of mercy and abundance! Thanks be to the God of never
-ending grace. In the name of Jesus the Christ we pray… AMEN.
*Sending Forth
Rev. Russell Brown
You Are My All In All
words on screen
Margaret CinoEo
*Indicates to stand as you are able.
UMH – United Methodis t Hymnal
TFWS – The Faith We Sing songbook
If you are visi/ng with us for the first /me, we welcome you and invite you to join us a7er the worship service for
fellowship and refreshments in our Hospitality Hall (through the south door of the sanctuary and to your
le7.) Please stop by the Vis itor Informa/on table near the west doors to pick up more informa/on and give us the
opportunity to get to know you.