Gardener The October 15-17, 2014

A publication of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
86 years • 1928-2014
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
2014 Fall Convention
October 15-17, 2014
MCM Eleganté Suites, Abilene Texas
October 15-17, 2014
$$$ NGC Photo Contest
Flower Show School Stimulus Package
Garden Club Member of the Year Candidates
Vol. 41, No. 1 The Lone Star Gardener
Official Publication of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
Sarah McReynolds, President
1722 HWY 14, N. Groesbeck, TX 76642
(254) 747-3091 (254) 729-3529
[email protected]
Barbara S. Rives, Managing Editor
1318 Riata Road, Abilene, TX 79602
(325) 701-4335 (325) 725-1885
[email protected]
Advertising and Associate Editors
Hardy Lewis, Horticulture Editor
P. O. Box 1399, Leakey, TX 78873
(830) 232-6389 • [email protected]
Linda Krimm, Horticulture-Recipe Editor
6949 Hidden Valley, Flower Mound, TX 75022
(817) 430-4286 • [email protected]
Barbara Baker, Floral Design Editor
4104 Harlanwood Dr., Ft. Worth, TX 76109
(817) 927-4668 • [email protected]
Jean Stewart, Floral Design Editor
P O Box 661, Giddings, TX 78942
(979) 542-1287
Sandy Brent, Conservation Editor
551 CR 329, Magnolia Springs, TX 75956
(409) 767-3951 • [email protected]
Karen Saunders, Conservation Editor
3478 Catclaw Dr. PMB 234, Abilene, TX 79606
(325) 721-4845 • [email protected]
Dues are paid by May 31: Clubs must be in
good standing to apply for awards
Subscription Rates: $5.00 per year
Single Copy: $2.00
Summer 2014
Published January, March, August
Cover Credit:
Artist Carol Hollingshead
Table of Contents............................................................2
President’s Message........................................................3
NGC & SCR Information...............................................4
N. Mexico Lone Star Member Page “ Perricos”..........5
Member of Honor Award................................................6
Youth Scholarship Awards & National Color Guard....7
Garden Club Member of the Year Candidates..............8
Fall Convention Schedule...............................................9
Recommendations From Spring Convention...............10
Design Cruise in Abilene..............................................11
Abilene Convention Highlights....................................12
Migrating Dragonflies, Conservation Pledge,
Ways & Means..........................................................13
Call to Convention & Registration Form....................14
Chandor Gardens & Cross Plains Youth Program......15
Dig & Design GC Celebrates 50 Years &
Mission Statement.....................................................16
FSS Stimulus Pkg. & Recipe.......................................17
Expression-In the Design Scale of Points...................18
Calendar of Events........................................................19
Down the Garden Path.................................................20
Headquarters Gardens & Arbor Day Chairmen..........21
From Your Headquarters......................................... 22-23
Back Cover....................................................................24
June Lake
3111 Old Garden Road
Fort Worth, Texas 76107-3416
(817) 332-6602 •
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
M - F 9:00-4:00
Closed Weekends & Holidays
315 Clubs: 10,177 Members, 17 Councils, 65 Affiliates
Member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., 4401 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110
National President: Linda Nelson, 543 Lakefair Place N. Keizer, OR 97303
South Central Region Director: Nancy Voyles, 2926 HWY 75 Parkin, AR 72373
2 Lone Star Gardener
Sarah & NGC
Linda Nelson
Presidents Message
We have had a good year in garden clubs this year throughout the
state. We have a newly landscaped garden section around our
headquarters building which we designated for the rental area. The HHR
( Historical Headquarters Revitalization) Committee has renovated and
planted the area to enhance weddings etc so that rental property can
help with the expenses at TGC. We look forward to a long and profitable
partnership with the Botanical Gardens and FW Garden Center.
Also the Wildscape Area Committee, consisting of several members
have conducted work days, design planning days and meetings. They
have been planning the water system and cleanup of fallen trees.
This committee was formed to renovate and improve the educational and
native plant areas of the garden, with a transition area between the formal rental section
and the rest of the property. This section will contain the pocket gardens, native plant varieties
and the educational signage for the enjoyment of the members and visitors to the garden.
This past year we have held all four of the NGC schools, symposiums and seminars to
Keep our members informed and updated on all facets of Flower Shows, Gardening Studies,
Environmental Studies and Landscape Design. Many members have taken the courses
and refreshed their studies.
TGC hosted the SCR Convention and we all learned from many various workshops how
to enhance our gardens and improve our knowledge of our environment. NGC Convention
was well attended in Oklahoma and it was a special day when Veta Reese, District I Director
received the Award of Honor for being an outstanding garden club member. Later in the
convention it was an honor for me to receive all the awards our members and clubs received
at the national level. I was proud of all the work and dedication of our members and clubs.
As you plan your next club year, please remember our Conservation Pledge and our
TGC Mission Statement (Located in this issue). The programs and project ideas we select
for our clubs, should be choices that make a difference and keep our members interested
and enjoying our meetings. An important aspect of garden club is the knowledge we gain
and the friendships we make, so hopefully your meetings were planned with both of these
aspects in mind. And NGC offers a Flower Show stimulus package to clubs who haven't held
a Flower Show in over 5 years. Plan your club year with this in mind (Details in this issue).
We have a new website that is being perfected by our webmaster to enhance the award
process and to increase the level of information that the members and clubs need, to have a
successful year. Our website is only as good as the members and chairmen who send the
information to be posted. . For example, many award forms can now be filled in online.
Please use the tools and information available on our website
Abilene has a wonderful Fall Convention planned so hopefully you will attend the
convention "Elegance In The Garden".
See you in Abilene!
President’s Travel Schedule
August 17-19 ES School, Houston, TX
September 5-14 Azores & Portugal
Sept, 24-28 NGC Fall Board, Des Moines, IA
Sept 29-30 LDS College Station, TX
October 15-17 Fall Convention, Abilene, TX
Summer 2014 3
Summer 2014
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Garden Clubs, Inc. Spring 2014 Attendees from Texas Garden Clubs
NGC Youth Posters: Smokey Bear/Woodsey Owl 1-5 grades
NGC Youth Essay: “Choosing To Make A Difference For A Better World” High School
NGC Youth Sculpture: “Keep Our Planet Green” 4-8 grades
NGC Youth Poetry: “Good Stewards Of Our Earth” K-9 grades
Flower Show Stimulus Package (see page 17)
Photo Contest: Theme: "NGC Membership Is..."
1st Place $250.00 gift certificate to Member Services and Certificate
2nd Place $100.00 gift certificate to Member Services and Certificate
3rd Place $50.00 gift certificate to Member Services and Certificate
All entries must be submitted through email to: [email protected]
Include club name, state organization, number of members, location, date, caption,
And any required release form with the photograph.
Contact: Sandra Robinson, Membership Committee Chairman, Brenda Moore, Membership Committee
South Central Region’s Logo
South Central Region is composed of the states of Arkansas,
New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. All of the states are in the
corridor of the monarch butterfly migratory pattern. Therefore,
South Central Region has the monarch butterfly as it’s logo.
Everyone is encouraged to plant milkweed in their gardens and yards
so these beautiful beneficial creatures will have food. You can get
seeds from: [email protected] free while the supply lasts.
Bird poster contest for SCR : Eastern or Western Male Bluebird
TGC Youth Poster for grades 1-6 will be : Migrating Dragonflies
4 Lone
Hace como diez años, tuvimos el huracán Gilberto que llego a Monterrey, Mexico, donde vivo.
Entro del Golfo de Mexico por Tampico.
Cuando el ojo del huracán choco con nuestras grandes montañas, junto con las enormes
Cantidades de agua también vinieron los pericos de los trópicos.
Y ahora tenemos cientos y cientos de pericos que vienen a visitar nuestros jardines,
diariamente, dos veces al día. los pericos se comen la fruta verde de nuestros nogales,
cuando esta apenas creciendo, la pican y la avientan, y cae al suelo, por lo que nos dejan sin
nueces cascara de papel a madurar. También les encanta la piracanta, así que se comen las
bolitas rojas y nunca llegamos a Navidad con las bolitas rojas para nuestros arreglos
Que podemos hacer?
Ma. Guadalupe A. de Quiroga
About ten years ago, we had hurricane Gilberto hit Monterrey, Mexico, my
hometown. It entered from the Gulf of Mexico through Tampico.
When the eye of the hurricane hit our big mountains, along with the huge amounts of water
came parrots from the tropics.
And now we are stuck with hundreds of parrots that come visit our gardens daily, twice a day.
They eat the green fruit from our pecan trees, early, when they are growing and leave us
without ripe paper shell pecans.
They also like pyracantha ( fire thorn) red fruit, so they eat it and we never have red fruit in
pyracantha for Christmas Decorations.
What can we do?
Ma. Guadalupe A. de Quiroga
TGC 2014 Spring
Spring Convention
Linda Nelson, N.Mexico
Member, Carmanchu
Vilet, TGC President,
Sarah McReynolds, N.
Mexico Member, Lupita
Vilet, Former NGC & TGC
President, Renee
Summer 2014
Summer 2014 5
Wyveta “Veta” Pickering Reese Wins the NGC “Award Of Honor”
Garden Club Activities:
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc., Parliamentarian 2009-2011; Vice President Organization
Study. District I, TGC, Parliamentarian 2009-2011; Web Chairman 2008-2011;
Scrapbook Chairman 2006-2008; District Director, 2013-Present.
District I Southern Zone, Secretary 2009-Present.
Permian Basin Council of Garden Clubs Secretary, 2007-2013.
Kermit Garden Club, 2006-Present; Vice President, 2009-Present; Secretary 2007-2009;
book chairman 2006-Present.
Landscape Design Study Program, Series XXI, Courses 2, 3, and 4.
Mildred Fly Garden Club, 1999 – 2006; served as Secretary-Treasurer six years.
Mildred Fly Garden Club, 1970-1983; served as President two years; Vice President two
years; Secretary two years; program chairman two years; Treasurer two years; yearbook
chairman many years.
Employment History:
Odessa College, Odessa, Texas Adjunct Professor, Occupational Safety and Health, 2002-Present. I currently teach
two on- line courses: Introduction to Technical Writing and Ergonomics/Human Factors.
Ector County Medical Examiner’s Office , Odessa, Texas, Deputy Medical Examiner Investigator, 1995 – 1999.
Medical Center Hospital, Odessa, Texas, Assistant Safety Officer, 1995-1999.
Phillips Petroleum Company, Odessa, Texas, 1987-1993, Legal Assistant.
Phillips Petroleum Company, Odessa, Texas, 1983-1987, Safety Secretary/Trainer.
Shafer, Gilliland, Davis, McCollum, et al, Odessa, Texas, Real Estate Closer.
Prior to working at the Shafer Law Firm, she worked as a legal secretary for Humble Oil and Refining Company,
Wichita Falls, and for several attorneys in Odessa and Wichita Falls.
Volunteer Activities:
Medical Center Hospital Auxiliary 1999-Present; served as Second Vice President 2004; edited the MCH Auxilian
newsletter six years.
Permian Basin Master Gardeners 2004 to Present; Records Coordinator two years; Mentor/Mentee Chairman;
State Delegate 2007-2008; Rainwater Harvesting Specialist.
Organist for my church, 1960-1965.
Church Choir member from 1955 (high school) through 1987 when my voice changed.
Girl Scouts of America, Neighborhood Organizer, El Paso; Brownie Leader; Intermediate and Cadet Girl Scout
Leader, El Paso and Odessa.
American Red Cross First Aid and CPR Instructor.
Medic First Aid/CPR instructor.
National Safety Council Defensive Driving Instructor.
Permian Basin Oil Burners Chapter of Veteran Motor Car Club of America webmaster 2006-present. Newsletter
editor 2004-2008; Secretary Treasurer, 2008-2010.
Odessa College Honors Recipient 2008.
Legal Secretaries Association of Odessa Secretary of the year 1981.
Member, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, honor society of the two-year college.
Associate of Arts in General Studies with emphasis in English, Odessa,
College. She has 137 college hours in a variety of fields which interested
her at the time. She attended Odessa College, Odessa, Texas; Midland
College, Midland, Texas; The University of Texas of the Permian Basin,
Odessa, Texas, and Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
She been married to Lyndel Lee Reese for 50 years. They have two adult daughters, Gail and Rebecca, and
one granddaughter, Caitlin. They are also the proud parents of three four-legged, furry daughters, Lolita,
Pearlie Mae, and
Lone Star Gardener
6 Lone Star Gardener
Submitted by: Betty Edwards, VP Awards
Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to Taylor Lane
Whittlesey, a 2013 TGC Inc. Scholarship
winner. Taylor has been awarded the NGC
Inc. Renee D. Blaschke Scholarship. Taylor
attends Texas A&M University, where she is
pursuing a Major in Agricultural Leadership,
Education and Development with emphasis
in Health and Nutrition with a minor in Floral
Design. After graduation, Taylor plans to
work with an international organization that
focuses on research and care for women’s
nutrition through improving small family
gardening and agricultural practices.
Taylor Whittlesley & Scholarhip Committee Member Jane Cohen
It pays to be in the LSG! After appearing in the
Star Gardener, a 2013 TGC Inc. Scholarship winner, Brent Davis
Neal was contacted by Kingwood Garden Club and awarded a
$2000 scholarship. Brent attends Stephen
F. Austin State University, where he is pursuing a Major in Forest
Wildlife Management. Brent’s goal is the preservation of forests
and their ecosystems. With that in mind, after graduation, he plans
to become a forester or a wildlife biologist.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding students.
Thanks to NGC Inc. Scholarship program and Kingwood
Garden Club for their support in helping these students
achieve their dreams.Submitted by Gwen DeWitt, TGC
Scholarship Chairman
At both the SCR
Convention & the TGC
Convention, members
were honored by the
Paralyzed Veterans of
America, Lone Star Chp.
performing the Color
Guard and the Posting of
the Colors from their
wheelchairs. There
wasn’t a dry eye in the
house. Thanks to these
soldiers for given us a
moment of reflection on
their sacrifices.
Summer 2014
2014 7
Texas Garden Club Member of the Year 2014 Candidates
Linda Krimm - District II
Linda joined garden club in 1998 by becoming a member of the Grapevine Garden
Club. She is currently the Trustee for District II. In 2010, Linda volunteered to assist
Charlotte Harrell with the Lone Star Gardener and helped Kathy Cox usher the
magazine by email. She is also instrumental for fund raising for the Grapevine
Botanical Gardens. Linda also volunteers for the City of Grapevine for several events.
Georgia Weddle - District III
Georgia Weddle has been a member a member of Home Gardener Garden Club for
21 years and has been president 14 times. She has been the Northern Zone Director
of District III for the past 6 years.
Georgia is also VERY involved with the Girl Scouts. She has been honored with the
2 highest awards in Girl Scouts and was honored in 2011 with the Lifetime
Achievement Award. She was also awarded in 2010 with the President's Call To
Service Award. This award is given to people who have volunteered 5000 hours in
their community.
Nancy Guthrie District IV
Nancy joined the Nassau Bay Garden Club in 2008 after teaching high school
andworking for 30 years with PricewaterhouseCoopers. Nancy joined garden club
and became involved right away. Since joining she has held several offices and
chairmanships. She is also very involved with the city of Nassau Bay. Currently she
is a member of a 6 member FEMA task force which the City initiated to see how they
can communicate and liaison with their own Bay Area Houston Economic
Partnership to understand and potentially rectify the Biggert-Waters Act.
Eleanor Floeck - District V
Eleanor has been in
in garden
garden club
club over
over 30
30 years.
Club to
to provide
provide and
and maintain
landscapingofofa ahistorical
Giddings Garden Club
downtown Giddings.
Giddings. She organized
in downtown
is is
a life
life member
of National
and Texas
of National
and Texas
Clubs. Eleanor
in herclub,
beenDirector for District V,
has served
in office
her garden
District Director
V, Trustee
of the
for District
and Garden
She has
held many,
She has
also held many,
held several offices
and has
been for
TGC, Inc.
has been very active in her church.
in her
Marilyn Butcher - District VII
Marilyn has been active in the Hunt Garden Club since 1998. She has held the office
of Vice President and is a founding member and chair of the Discovery Gardens
project in Hunt. She is co-chair of the Wildscape project and is the project chair of
the Hunt Garden Club Monarch Butterfly Way Station. Marilyn has been married for
57 years and has 3 children. She is a 7th generation Texan.
Binion Amerson - District X
Binion has been a member of Texas Garden clubs for 20 years. He belongs to the
Daylily Growers of Dallas and American Hemerocallis Society. He also belongs to
the Brookhaven Garden Club where he has held most of the offices. He also belongs
to Designers With Flair Study Club and TNT Judges Study Club. Binion is presently
overseeing the restoration of the Heritage Rose Garden at Texas Discovery Gardens.
He has 28 years of volunteer experience with various local and national non-profit
501c technical communications and gardening organizations. He has 37 years as an
author. Binion has many professional honors and awards including having a
perennial flower names after him.
Dottie Sivess, Garden Club Member of the Year Chairman & Kathi Sivess Committee Member
8 Lone
86TH Annual Fall Convention
October 15-17, 2014
MCM Elegante’ Suites
4250 Ridgemont, Abilene, TX 79606
Hosted by Abilene Garden Club and District VIII Garden Clubs
Day 1: Wednesday, October 15
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Convention Registration
Front of Baja Room
Noon – 2 p.m.
Trustees Meeting
Acapulco Room
2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Finance Committee
Acapulco Room
Leave for
Perini’s Steakhouse
4:30 p.m.
for Perini’s
5 -7:30 p.m.
DINNER (Western Dress)
Perini’s Steakhouse**
7:30--9:00 p.m.
Finance Meeting (if needed)
Day 2: Thursday October 16
8:30 a.m.-- 5:00 p.m.
Convention Registration
Outside Baja Room
7:00 -- 8:45 a.m. BREAKFAST*
*Fontana Atrium
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Trading Post Opens
Cancun Room
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Executive Board
Baja Room
10:30--10:45 a.m. BREAK
10:45 – 11:50 a.m. Board Meeting
Baja Room
12:00 noon--1:30 p.m. LUNCH (Western Dress) Esplanande Atrium
Program: “Jean Dotson "Butterflies in the Garden
1:30 -- 3:15 p.m.
Board Meeting
Baja Room
3:30 p.m.
Board bus to CISCO College Tour of “Earthkind” Rose & Perennial Gardens
5:00 -- 6:15 p.m.
RECEPTION to Honor Sarah McReynolds, President Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
Rooms 117-118
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
DINNER (Western Dress)
Esplanande Atrium
Program: Dr. Steve George; "Earthkind Roses; Elegance in the Garden"
Day 3: Friday, October 17
8:30 a.m.-- 5:00 p.m.
Convention Registration
Outside Baja Room
7:00 – 8:50 a.m.
Fontana Atrium
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Trading Post Opens
Cancun Room
9:00 -- 10:30 a.m. General Asemmbly
Baja Room
10:00 – 10:45 a.m. BREAK
10:45 – 11:50 a.m. General Assembly
Baja Room
12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.
Esplanande Atrium
Program: Karen Saunders "Firewise in the Landscape"
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
General Assembly (if needed) Baja Room
Workshop To be announced
2:45 – 5:00 p.m.
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Beverages and Snacks
*Fontana Atrium
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Esplanande Atrium
Program: John English, Professional Bird Photographer; "Elegance of Birds in the Garden"
**Perini’s is in Buffalo Gap, Texas
*Compliments of MCM Elegante’ Suites * Western Dress also means Casual Dress for 1st two days
Summer 2014
Summer 2014 9
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM: Spring 2014 Convention Addison, Texas
Trustees hire a contractor to place mesh over gutters at headquarters;
Get three estimates for roof repair at headquarters and have an electronic vote to approve or deny costs
of repair with work to be done as soon as possible;
President designate a committee to create a work plan and schedule and estimated costs
for repair of Wildscape area at headquarters. The work plan is to be completed by June 1,
Requests the books identified for removal from the Marion Campbell Library be approved by the TGC
Advisory Committee;
Requests that June Lake be employed full time and paid $37,500 annually for a 40-hour work week;
Accept the proposed Trustees budget as presented by Carol Moore, VP Finance;
That Ruby Brigman be approved Trustee Chairman to take Beverly Flosi’s place.
That Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. purchase a Power Point projector to be used at conventions and at
headquarters for an amount not to exceed $700.00 from the overages of the Spring 2014 convention;
To accept the TGC budget as proposed.APPROVED
Life Members
Life Members for ratification: #1246 Maude Lette; #1247 Dottie Patterson; and #1248 Sudah
Ways and Means
Heather White and Suzane Milstead, Ways & Means Chairmen report be accepted. APPROVED
New Business
The Chair appointed the following By-laws Revisions Committee: Dana Serafine, Sue
Durrett, and Renee Blaschke. APPROVED
The Chair appointed these members to the Wildscape Committee: Veronica Wingen, Bobbie Mason,
Jodi Zambino, Jimmie Nell Courtney, and Cynthia Alexander. APPROVED
Arbor Day grants be delegated to the Arbor Day Chairman. APPROVED
TAMU Greenway Project as a Contributing Project. APPROVED
These resignations have been accepted with regret:
Beverly Flosi – Chairman of Trustees, Trustee, and Protocol and Presidents Reports;
Charlene Mizner – Recording Secretary;
Merlene Schmucher, Landscape Design School. ACCEPTED
The Chair has appointed these replacements:
Billy Noack-- Presidents Reports
Marlene Gillman – Protocol;
Diane Perez and Michele Wehrheim, Debbie Puetz, Landscape Design
School; Johanna Taylor – Garden Study School, Co-chair; Margaret
Idalia Aguilar – Membership International Affairs. (new position)
Renee Blasckhe- Chairman Advisory Committee.
Kathy Cox-Chairman Keystone Heritage Park APPROVED
Northern Mexico Lone Star Garden Club – (20 members) (Members at Large)
Good Street Baptist Church Garden Club of Dallas – (8 members) sponsored by Designers with Flair.
Garden Study School, April 14-15, 2014, Houston at White Oak Garden Center;
Texas Design Seminar, March 12, 13, 2015, location to be announced.
Environmental School, Oct-Nov TBA APPROVED
Slate of Officers 2015-2017 from the Nominating Committee to be presented at the Fall
Elected Officers:
President: Carol Moore
V P Finance: Betty Edwards
VP Organization Study: Charlotte Harrell
VP Lone Star Gardener: Heather White
VP Membership: Gwen De Witt
VP Scholarship: Peggy Moreland
VP Youth Awards: Shirley Haley
Rec. Secretary: Marlene Gillman
Treasurer: Freda Martin
10 Lone Star Gardener
Lone Star Gardener
IV Diane Whitaker
V Eleanor Floeck
VI Susan Sher
VII Judith Boecker
District Directors:
I Veta Reese
II Linda Krimm
III Nita Beale
IV Janie Vance
V Suzanne Milsted
VII Lee Taylor
VIII Mary Perkins
IX Mary Lou Trejo
X Linda Love
A “Design Cruise” in Abilene
Joanne Denson, Irma Amber
and June Estes with design
A “DESIGN CRUISE” format was used by the ABILENE GARDEN
CLUB to encourage all members to participate in the art of
various levels of design expertise volunteered to be a team
member. The “CRUISE” was an educational workshop and was
planned for "All Out Cruising Fun" and "Creating a Design through
Teamwork." Six teams of three PASSENGERS each were preassigned with each team selected for a balance of floral design
PASSENGER teams created a floral design on worktables, all with cruise ship names: TRIUMPH OF THE
THE SEAS. Six pedestals placed at the end of each worktable were used to showcase the completed design.
Pedestal/worktable assignments and PASSENGER teams were a secret until the day of the event. This
added to the excitement and totally did away with any pre-program collaboration.
Name tags were arranged in alphabetical order to be FISHED OUT of a FISH BOWL at the Registration
table. PASSENGERS discovered their team mates and CRUISE SHIP assignment with the information on
the name tag. Each name tag included a token gift of an authentic SEA GLASS specimen from Plymouth,
Massachusetts seashore. A pre-announced theme was ‘BY THE SEA, BY THE SEA. Pedestal cloth drapes
in blue and green were provided for the participants’ selection. Fresh flower color(s) was the designers’
choice. A CRUISE time limit was thirty minutes including a five minute last call. All the designing activity
began and ended with an announcement from the Design Cruise Captain.
A SCHEDULE of all program information was pre-announced including information on UNDERWATER
DESIGN and The Elements and Principles of Design from THE HANDBOOK FOR FLOWER SHOWS.
PASSENGERS were told the day of the event that each team upon completion of their own design should
step back from their design and wait to hear the CAPTAINS call to begin the judging. Judging was
based on the same guidelines used to create the designs. Teams did not judge their own design. A simple
three point system was used with the winner receiving the most points.
Awards, all related to the SEA, were provided for selection. Winners were announced by the CAPTAIN at the
concluding Salad/Three-Fish Chowder luncheon prepared by Abilene Garden Club members.
The participants were encouraged to be creative and wear Cruise Attire for the event. A very 'lively and
exciting' time was had by all. The DESIGN CRUISE format was created from a previous DESIGN RODEO
format (2008 FALL LONE STAR GARDENER, Pg. 13).
Submitted by Dot Polasek, Abilene Garden Club, Program Co- Chairperson
Photographs courtesy of Carolyn Hollingshead
Summer 2014
2014 11
Abilene Garden Club Welcomes Texas
Garden Clubs, Inc.
Abilene for the
84th Fall Convention
October 15-17, 2014
Abilene Garden Club members are making final preparations to host the 2014 Fall
Convention. This year’s theme will be “Elegance in the Garden.” In addition to all the
Garden Club business, AGC has planned educational and fun activities for convention
attendees throughout the convention. We have four excellent speakers who will focus on
the priorities of our President, Sarah McReynolds, whose two-year theme is "Changing
Our World through Education & Friendships." Also scheduled is a Wednesday evening
dinner for registrants.
Wednesday, October 15: Dinner at Perini’s Steakhouse, an award-winning
restaurant in Buffalo Gap and recently named a James Beard award winner. Fortysix reservations have been made for those arriving on Wednesday, making a
reservation on the convention registration form and sending payment with their
conference reservation. Several meetings are scheduled on Wednesday for
members of the Board of Directors; however, anyone coming to Abilene
Wednesday is welcome to.–as long as you are in the first forty-six. Two choices of
menu are available: a beef barbeque dinner for $34.00 and a vegetarian meal
(vegetables substituted for the beef) for $17. Transportation will
be provided
for those flying to Abilene.
Thursday Luncheon: The speaker will be Karen Saunders, An AGC member, A
Master Gardener, a Master Naturalist, and a Firewise” Landscape Specialist. She
is also an Environmental Editor for The Lonestar Gardener. Karen’s topic is
Firewise Landscaping.
Thursday afternoon features Dr. Steve George, “Father of Earthkind®” on a bus
tour to Cisco College for two Earthkind® trial plantings, one for miniature roses and
one for perennials. Dr. George will narrate the tour.
Thursday Reception: A reception will be held at 5 p.m. to honor our
President, Sarah McReynolds. Attire: Please wear western attire.
Thursday Dinner: The speaker for this dinner is Dr. Steve George, who will
speak on the topic, Earthkind Gardening. Please wear “western attire.”
Friday Luncheon: We have a special treat for you as our speaker, Jean Dotson, is
a retired elementary school teacher of second-graders. Jean is a Master
Gardener, a Master Naturalist and actively works to “bring back the Monarchs to
Texas”. Jean’s topic will be, Butterflies in the Elegant Garden. Would you believe
her second-graders could even tell the gender of the Monarchs?
Friday evening dinner speaker: John English, a local wildlife photographer, has
had photographs published on many national publications. His topic will be
Elegance in theLandscape. He is a member of the Audubon Society and other
nature organizations
Abilene has many historic sites for visitors to explore during their time here. There are
museums (Art, WWII and Children’s Literature), an award- winning Zoo, three
universities, (Abilene Christian University, Hardin-Simmons University and McMurray
University,) two, two- year colleges Cisco College and TSTC,) Texas Tech Health
Sciences Center, Frontier, Texas and Buffalo Gap Historic Village in nearby Buffalo
Gap. Don’t miss the Abilene downtown area with its historic buildings, artistic statuary
including Dr. Seuss characters and William Joyce characters. Visit the website for more Abilene information and
“Y’all come early and stay late!”
12 Lone Star Gardener
Dragonfly Migratory Monitoring Project & The Xerces Society
The Migration Monitoring Project uses c volunteers to track the fall and spring movement
of dragonflies, with emphasis on the five main migratory species in North America.
Volunteers monitor the timing, duration, and direction of travel of migrating dragonflies, and
note any additional behaviors observed in a directed migratory flight such as feeding or
mating. When gathered across a wide geographic range and throughout a span of years,
these data will provide answers to questions about which species are regular migrants; the
frequency and timing of migration in different species; sources, routes, and destinations of
migrants; and patterns of reproduction, emergence, and movement among migratory
dragonflies along their flight paths. Ultimately, they intend to collate and map observational
information on dragonfly migration throughout North America. The Partnership has
developed the tools and resources to help you start monitoring migration events, and begin
collecting and contributing your migration observational data. Please visit the Migratory
Dragonfly Partnership’s website to get started! OR for Invertebrate Conservation
* TGC Poster Contest: Migrating Dragonflies Grades 1-6
"I pledge to protect and conserve national resources of the
planet earth and promise to promote education so we may
become caretakers of our air, water, forest, land and wildlife."
Don’t for get to get a sign for your
garden. Contact Ways & Means
Chairmen Heather White and
Suzanne Milstead .
Also they have a few small bottle
trees left and plans for a new
item for the fall meetings.
Check it out! Thanks to
Summer 2014
Summer 2014 13
Invites you to the
“Elegance in the Garden”
October 15-17
Hosted by Abilene Garden Club
NAME ON BADGE:(Please Print)
State Officer
Club Alternate
State Chairman
__District Director
__Club Member
Former TGC President
__Council President
Affiliate President
__Club President
__1st Time Attendee
Affiliate Member
__Club Delegate
__Environmental Consultant
Judge:__ Master__ Life__ Accredited __ Student __ Emeritus__
NGC Life Member
__SCR Life Member
__TGC Life Member
__Gardening Study Consultant
__Landscape Design Consultant
Texas Design Consultant
FULL REGISTRATION FEE is required for attendance at any meeting or scheduled event for more than one day
$30.00. Registration is $15 for attending one day. A REGISTRATION FEE is required for everyone)
Registration Fee
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014: Perini dinner*
(Please circle choice) $34.00
*Reservations for 1st 46 who choose and pay for this option.
*Barbequed beef dinner: $34.00; *Vegetarian dinner: $17.00.
or $15.00
LUNCH and Speaker: Karen Saunders, “Firewise Landscape”
$30.00 $
Bus Tour of Cisco Trial Gardens, Dr. Steve George
$20.00 $
Reception for Texas Garden Club President, Sarah McReynolds
Dinner and Speaker: Dr. Steve George, “Earthkind® Cisco Trial Gardens”
“Father of Earthkind®”
Lunch: Garden Club Member of the Year and
Speaker: Jean Dotson, “Butterflies in the Landscape”
$40.00 $
Dinner and Speaker: John English, “Elegance in the Landscape”
Nature Photographer
$30.00 $
$50.00 $
Total Submitted: $
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 1ST ($15 Late registration fee) No refunds after October 1, 2014. Make
checks payable to ABILENE GARDEN CLUB, INC. (TGC Fall Convention on the memo line) Mail check and
Registration Form (one per person) to TGC FALL CONVENTION, % Mary Perkins, 3158 FM 3034, Abilene, TX 79601;
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: MCM Elegante’ Suites 4250 Ridgemont Drive, Abilene, TX 79606 (325) 698-1234;
Single/double: $99/night; Triple/quad $109 per night Wireless internet included with room rate.
Complimentary breakfast each morning plus Managers reception each evening 5:30-7:00 p.m.
14 Lone Star Gardener
Chandor Gardens
The gardens were designed and created in the late 1930’s by renowned English portrait artist, Douglas
Chandor, who married a girl from Weatherford. The 3.5 acre estate captures both the ornate design of
ancient Chinese architecture and the elegance of a formal English garden and leads visitors on a
meandering path of beauty and wonderment. From the 30 foot man-made waterfall, to the various
soothing fountains, the garden has something new and exciting to offer at every turn making it hard to
imagine that the area was once a cow pasture.
Following an informative guided tour of the gardens, the group enjoyed a sumptuous catered lunch of
sandwiches, salads, and desserts. Also on tour with Mexia Garden Club were Coolidge Garden Club and
Wortham Garden Club.
Submitted by Gayle Beene, President Mexia Garden Club; Photos courtesy of Gayle Beene
Cross Plains Garden Club Members Present Gardening Program to Elementary School
“An After School Adventure"
The Cross Plains Garden Club participated in the Cross Plains Public Library's "After School Adventure"
program in March 2014. This has become an annual event for our club and the children look forward to our
program. In the past years members demonstrated planting aloe, daylilies, iris, peppers, potatoes and
tomatoes. We generally have approximately 30 - 40 children participate in the gardening activities, which is
great for a small town.
This experience allows the children to "dig in the dirt" and have fun with plants, bulbs or seedlings. Some
of the stories the kids share about their past successes or failures are hilarious. The participants range in age
from 5 to about 11, although all children are welcome. Many of the children would have no exposure to
growing their own plants without this program.
This year the children were shown how to plant and care for gladiolus. They were provided with pots, soil
and bulbs along with colorful handouts covering the history, care and maintenance of the gladiolus. The
planting demonstration was followed by garden club members assisting the children in filling their own pots
along with a lively Q & A session. This is a fun program for both the children and our garden club members.
We are already looking forward to our 2015 participation in the Library's "After School Adventure"
Submitted by Diana Miller, Vice President, Cross Plains Garden Club
Summer 2014
2014 15
The Dig 'N Design Garden Club Celebrated 50th Anniversary
The Dig 'N Design Garden Club celebrated its 50th Anniversary Year at Carothers Coastal Gardens
overlooking Galveston Bay in the city of Seabrook, Texas. The club now has a new meeting venue at the
City of El Lago Event Room, at 411 Tallowood Drive, in El Lago, Texas.
Our new officers are: President - Shirley Brasseaux; First Vice President - Elsie Kraner; Second Vice
President – Andrea Mason; Recording Secretary - Lynn Franks; Treasurer - Joan Broadfoot;
and Parliamentarian - Gay Sava.
When I retired and moved to
The club is looking forward to publishing a cookbook containing recipes from our members. The club
will have a busy year starting in September. A bus trip is planned later in the year to
visit Shangri La Botanical Gardens in Orange, Texas. Submitted by Shirley Brasseaux, President;
Photo by Einar Goerland
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to the Dig 'N Design Garden Club for celebrating their 50th Anniversary
and for scheduling the 2014-2015 trip from Seabrook to Orange to visit the Shangri La Botanical
Gardens. As a former resident of Orange for thirty plus years, Shangri La Botanical Gardens was being
prepared to be reopened for visitors when I moved to central west Texas.
Shangri La was a private park for Lutcher Stark, the grandson of Henry Jacob Lutcher and his wife,
Francis Ann. The Lutchers, along with their two daughters moved from Williamsport, Pennsylvania to
Orange, Texas after the Civil War. They settled along the Sabine River where Mr. Lutcher developed a
lumbering business and, at one time produced more board-feet of long-leaf yellow pine than any other
sawmill in the world. One daughter, Miriam, married W.H. Stark and they were the parents of Lutcher
Stark. Both W.H. and Lutcher joined Mr. Lutcher in the lumbering business which expanded into oil and
related businesses.
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. MISSION STATEMENT
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. promotes the love of gardening, floral design, horticulture,
civic responsibilities, landscaping, environmental concerns, and garden therapy for
men, women, and children and encourages participation and support in educational
programs for both the very young and advanced students. It is the purpose of this
organization to preserve, protect, and conserve the natural resources of this country
and to maintain and enhance the beauty of the lands
Summer 2014 16
Since Your Garden Club Had A Flower Show?
In spite of the drought, and maybe because of the drought, now is a good time
to consider planning a Flower Show around Water-Wise practices, Native Plants,
and Container-Grown Horticulture.
Educating ourselves and the public is one of the main purposes of a Flower
If it has been five years since your club had a Flower Show, NGC has a
Certificate of Achievement is offered through May 2015.
1) Obtain a Model Schedule written by the NGC Flower Show Schools
Committee. Show titles and Division headings are NGC President, Linda
Nelson’s theme for 2013-15 as 43rd president. Request Schedule from
Sandra Ford, 6575 Plantation Lane, Boise, ID 83703-2644,
[email protected] or 208.853.6575.
2) Fill in the blanks to suit your garden club and return it to Ms. Ford for
checking. She will return it with a sample kit of ribbons and exhibitor forms.
Club’s obligation: Reproduce Schedule for all club members and judges and
purchase appropriate awards and entry tags.
3) Your Show must be judged by a panel of NGC approved Judges. (See
Handbook pp. 3-4)
4) After the Show: Send a copy of the schedule signed and dated by the
panel of judges to Sandra Ford. No BOOK OF EVIDENCE is required. A
Small Flower Show Certificate of Achievement will be issued to the Club.
Peggy Consolver, TGC Flower Show Schools Chairman
RECIPE Quik Chili
17 Lone Star Gardener
In the Design Scale Of Points
In the Design Scale of Points, Expression is allotted 10 points. An exhibitor is an individual who has
her own interpretation and creative ideas to express the class title or theme.
In a Home Flower Show held in the autumn, a designer is not limited to red, orange and yellow. One
may express the theme with the many other colors found in fall and stay in harmony with the
homeowner's decor and color scheme. Although the home may be traditional, it is not a museum
frozen in a time period; the homeowner continues to add new art, new accessories. The designer
should be encouraged to be eclectic, too; to use creative concepts, color combinations and
In a Flower Show staged in a public building there is less need "to match" and the exhibitor may
stretch her imagination even more. But one should not be too literal. Rather than thinking of the blue
lagoon with blue background and/or blue container to interpret "Blue Hawaii" why not use black and
red - the bubbling lava of Hawaiian volcanoes. A friend once entered the class "Country Western
Music" with thoughts of Dolly Parton - she used two large, rounded gourds.
How would you interpret Dr. Seuss "Green Eggs and Ham"? Now what is another idea? Now
what is a third idea? Discarding the obvious will lead to more creative - and more fun - ideas.
When evaluating a design, a judge should not deduct points because the theme is not obvious but
should recognize and reward the exhibitor's sense of humor, oblique way of looking at things, outside
the box creativity.
These were two entries in the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show interpreting "Press Release". One recreated
an 18th century newspaper crank press. The other included an ironing board, flat iron and pressed
flowers. Two very different interpretations...what would you have created?
Barbara Baker
Design 1
Design 2
Design 2 Enlarged
Loving Memory
In Loving
(1957-2014) In
Wilson (1957-2014)
Griffith Wilson
Katie Griffith
be terribly
You’ll be
Knowledge. You’ll
of Knowledge.
with aa Wealth
Wealth of
gentle Person
Person with
Dist III
TX, Dist
Palestine, TX,
Youpon G.
G. C.,
C., Palestine,
18 Lone Star Gardener
Calendar 2014 - 2015
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
Phone: 817-332-6602 E-mail: [email protected]
National Events:
Sep 24-28, 2014 – NGC Fall Board Meeting
Des Moines, Iowa
May 11-18, 2015 – NGC Spring
Convention, Louisville, Kentucky
Jun 7-13, 2015 – National Garden Week
Sep 15-19, 2015 – NGC Fall Board
St. Louis, Missouri
May 2-6, 2016 – NGC Spring
Convention, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sep 26-Oct3, 2016 – Fall Board Meeting,
Portland, Maine
May, 2017 – NGC Spring Convention,
Richmond, Virginia
Fall, 2017 – NGC Fall Board
Meeting St. Louis, Missouri
Spring, 2019 – NGC Spring Convention,
Regional Events:
Apr 10-11, 2015 – SCR Convention
Tulsa, Oklahoma
State Events:
Oct 15-17, 2014 – Fall Convention – Abilene
Apr 19-22, 2015 – Spring Convention – Tyler
Charlene Mizener, Chairman
Oct, 2016 – Fall Convention – El Paso
Landscape Design Schools:
Sep 29-30, 2014 – Course 1 of 4, Series
24 College Station, George Bush
Library Diane Perez, Chairman
Feb 23-24, 2015 – Course 2, Series 24
College Station
Diane Perez, Chairman
Environmental Studies School:
Nov 3-4, 2014 – Old Fort Parker,
Groesbeck Linda Whetsell, Chairman
Feb 8-10 2015 – TBA
Linda Whetsell, Chairman
Gardening Study School:
Aug 11-12, 2014 – Course II
Johanna Taylor & Margaret Sinclair,
Apr, 2015 – Course III
Johanna Taylor & Margaret Sinclair,
Flower Show Schools:
Sep 30-Oct 2, 2014 – Course IV - Dallas
Peggy Consolver & Diane Sealy – Cochairmen
March 17-19-- Course 1-Abilene
Peggy Consolver & Diane Sealy – Cochairmen
Texas Design Seminar:
Mar 12-13, 2015 – College Station
Joyce Cochran, Chairman
District & Zone Events:
District I
District II
District III
Nov 13, 2014 – 2nd Annual Fall Meeting – Palestine
Mar 5, 2015 – Spring Convention – Kilgore
District IV
Oct 24, 2014 – Board Meeting –
Houston Multi-Service Center
Jan 12, 2015 – Arbor Day Celebration –
Fisher House II/DeBakey VA Medical Center
Mar, 2015 – Spring Convention
Apr 13, 2015 – Far Corners Garden Study Club Flower
Show 12:30 – 2:30 pm at Bayland Community Center
6410 Bissonnet, Houston
District V
Oct 31 – Fall Meeting - Killeen
District VI
District VII
District VIII
District IX
District X
Oct, 2014 – Fall Convention, Terrell
Sep 5-14, 2014 - Trip to Portugal & Azores
Helen Quinn, Chairman
5 – 6 de Noviembre 2014
VII Exposicion Internacional Estandar de Flores
Nov 9, 2014 – Reservation Deadline for London
May 15-22, 2015 – Floral & Gardens of London
(Chelsea Flower Show)
Reservation deadline Nov 9,
2014 Helen Quinn, Chairman
Specializes in Blue Star Marker Restorations
Thomas L.Selling 386-299-7841
Summer 2014
2014 19
I love traveling about the countryside this time of the year enjoying Mother Nature’s bounty. A trip to
Rockport and a visit to one of its old cemeteries provided me with a chance to see bluebonnets and
coreopsis. To my delight, the grounds were covered with Phacelia congesta, better known as blue
curl. I have never seen such a large number of blue curls in one place.
Blue Curl
Another outing to San Antonio to visit our daughter and family gave my husband and me a chance to
enjoy a countryside cloaked in wildflowers and the soft green of spring. The intense pink of
Drummond phlox (Polemoniaceae) along with golden yellow coreopsis and bluebonnets covered large
swaths of the countryside.
The beauty of Drummond phlox has been celebrated by many. Even Theodore Roosevelt has written about
his delight in coming upon large patches of the pink wildflower.
The Drummond phlox has become well known around the world thanks to Scotsman, Thomas Drummond. He
came to the New World in the 1800s, one of many naturalists Britain sent to study wildlife. He suffered many
misfortunes, catching a fever that left him “skin and bone” arriving in Texas the spring of 1833. His ill-timed
arrival in Velasco was greeted by a condition allowed him to become infected with cholera.
He credited his survival to the medications he brought with him (opium). To further complicate things, 1833
was the year of “the Great Overflow.” The Brazos River left its banks submerging the prairies around Velasco.
The flood covered some areas by fifteen feet and didn’t recede for months.
By summer, Drummond was finally strong enough to travel to San Felipe where he set up his headquarters. He set out to explore
Texas without a guide or accurate maps and his only weapons - botanical tweezers and dissecting knives. He ventured forth in the
spring and summer of 1834 collecting specimens and seeds. He returned to his headquarters to pick up food and botanical
supplies, and suffered a return of the fever. This didn’t keep him from apply for a land grant and plans to bring his family to Texas.
He felt he could be more independent in Texas than he could ever hope to be in Britain. He packed up and sent his Texas
collection of plant material to his British sponsors. Drummond set out for England to collect his family by way of Florida and Cuba.
Drummond never made it to England - perishing in Cuba of unknown causes.
Of the seven hundred plant species Drummond collected in Texas many bear his name. Drummond phlox was considered the star of
the collection. Sir William J. Hooker, director of Kew Gardens and principal sponsor, was overjoyed with the results from the
phlox seed. He named it Phlox drummondii in honor of Thomas Drummond in the hope it would “serve as a frequent memento of its
unfortunate discoverer.”
From England, the Lone Star’s flower spread all over the world and eventually became all the rage of New England gardeners who
thought it a fabulous European export. It was several years before they discovered it to be a native of “the Uncouth Republic of
Texas.” There are at least six subspecies of Drummond phlox in Texas ranging from pink to violet to carmine with the occasional
bicolored or variegated. Usually, the center of each flower has an eye shaped like a star or ring.
Other famous naturalists, Berlandier and Roemer, journeyed to Texas and have had a phlox species named after them. Berlandier
phlox is a delightful bluish lavender and Roemer phlox a deep rose to purple or pink with yellow around the eye.
Cemeteries are an excellent place to visit to see wildflowers. Historic Evergreen Cemetery, purchased by Bee County
Commissioners Court in 1862, on East Bowie Street is covered with the cheery yellow Huisache Daisy, our county wildflower. The
Huisache Daisy was named the County wildflower in honor of Elizabeth Schulz, a local conservationist and artist. She created a
series of botanical studies of wildflowers to educate the public. With her art work, displayed at the Witte Museum of San Antonio as
well as many other venues, Elizabeth hoped to bring a greater appreciation of the beauty and importance of wildflowers. Through
her art work, she educated us on the importance of preserving our natural heritage.
With the greening of the garden, I have been working in the beds to get them in shape. Busy raking leaves, putting out compost and
mulch. Redbuds are in bloom and freeze damaged shrubs are tentatively putting out new shoots. Spring has arrived, but don’t be
fooled. With the crazy weather we have had this year; it’s still possible for a late season freeze. Enjoy the season but be prepared
for possible cold weather.
Prune all freeze-damaged wood from trees and shrubs. Just don’t turn your oak trees into bonsai trees – the limbs can sunburn if
you reduce the canopy too much. While I would normally recommend waiting another month before pruning freeze-damaged
palms, this year everyone wants to remove all the damaged fronds now. Don’t over prune, even fronds that are mostly brown will
provide some nutrients to the plants until they start their active growing season.
When you overdo the raking and garden chores, take a ride in the country. Enjoy Mother Nature’s wildflowers - it will lift the soul!
Happy Gardening.
Submitted by Gwen DeWitt , Vice-President, Scholarship
20 Lone Star Gardener
Wild Moments
Wildscape Committee working on the wildscape area of the gardens at
Headquarters. Everyone is welcome to join in the cleaning up the new
and old wildscape areas.
Contact Veronica Wingen the chairman or Bobbie Mason for the next
work day.
our Beloved Members
dra Crow,
Kenneth Adlong,
th Howard and
ckebeil Archibald
In Honor of Lee Taylor
Photo: June Lake
Hondo Garden Club Member
TGC Spring Convention In Addison.
President, Sarah McReynolds Is
trying to control the wild women
who were in charge of the Arbor
Day at the Convention. L to R,
Sarah McReynolds Linda Jean
Brown Arbor Day Chairman with
TGC tattoo on her face & Bobbie
Mason, Chairman of the Arbor Day
Ceremony for the tree planted at
the Veterans Hospital in Dallas.
District Director Of District VII
We are
In Memory of our Beloved Members
Edra Crow,
Kathy and Kenneth Adlong,
Erna Ruth Howard and
Jaunita Hackebeil Archibald
You are
In Honor of Lifetime
sorely Member
In Honor of Lifetime Member
Evelyn Herrmann
Evelyn Herrmann
“93 years young”
“93 years young”
In Honor
of Lee
In Honor
of Lee
Hondo Garden Club Member
Hondo Garden Club Member
District Director Of District VII
District Director Of District VII
We are
are YOU!!!
In Memory of our Beloved Members
In Memory of our Beloved Members
Edra Crow,
Edra Crow,
Kathy and Kenneth Adlong,
Kathy and Kenneth Adlong,
Erna Ruth Howard and
Erna Ruth Howard and
Jaunita Hackebeil Archibald
Jaunita Hackebeil Archibald
You are
You are
Summer 2014 21
We gratefully accept your contributions received from February 1, 2014 through May 31, 2014
ENDOWMENT FUND: Mt. Pleasant GC; Mexia GC; Kingwood GC; Judges Advanced Study Club; Smithville
GC; Civic GC; Wilma Smith; Center GC; Iowa Park GC; Town & Country GC/Coleman; Lake Jackson GC;
Green Thumb GC – Uvalde: Town & Country GC/Bellville; Abilene GC; Daisy GC; Tejas GC; Liberty Hill GC;
Taylor GC; McGregor GC
ENDOWMENT FUND/UNRESTRICTED: Sunny Broyles; Assn of Cut Flower Growers; Center GC; Breckenridge
GC; Smithville GC; Twilight GC/Denton; Rose GC/Texarkana
BLASCHKE LANDSCAPE FUND: Mexia GC; Judges Advanced Study Club; Center GC; Liberty Hill GC;
Smithville GC
SIMMERS ENDOWMENT: Judges Advanced Study Club; Center GC
SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Memorial NW Ladybugs; Mt Pleasant GC; Judges Advanced Study Club; Newport GC;
Lake Jackson GC; Civic GC; Center GC; Colleyville GC; Laporte Bayshore GC; Quail Vally GC; Comal GC;
Four Seasons GC – New Braunsfels; Ocean Drive GC; Keller GC; McAllen GC; Green Thumb GC/Uvalde;
Rayburn Bloomers GC; Daisy GC; Edgecliff GC, in memory of Bobbie McKee – Stonebriar GC
LUCY & WILLIAM HENDY SCHOLARSHIP: in memory of Ben Denman – Lucy Hendy
ARBOR DAY FUND: Judges Advanced Study Club; Civic GC; Newport GC; Meadowbrook GC/Fort Worth;
Center GC; Colleyville GC; Quail Valley GC; Breckenridge GC; McAllen GC; Town & Country GC/Bellville; Daisy
GC; Rivers End GC; Twilight GC/Denton; Edgecliff GC
AWARDS FUND: Barbara Rives; Dottie Sivess; Betty Edwards; Freda Martin; Judith Schafer; Linda Love; Billie
Noack; Carol Looney; Charlotte Harrell; Gwen DeWitt; Idalia Aguilar; Jane Cohen; Jean Mills; Marlene Gillman;
Shirley Haley; Center Garden Club; TNT Judges Study Club
BIRDSEED FUND: Mexia GC; Judges Advanced Study Club; Colleyville GC; Daisy GC
BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Judges Advanced Study Club; Lake Country Wildflowers GC; Hallettsville GC;
Civic GC; Newport GC; Center GC; Town & Country GC/Coleman; Diane Whitaker; Breckenridge GC; Super
Seeders GC; Community GC; Daisy GC; Smithville GC; Rose GC/Texarkana
LIBRARY FUND: Judges Advanced Study Club; Twilight GC/Denton
LANDSCAPE FUND: Judges Advanced Study Club; Civic GC; Super Seeders GC; Daisy GC; Twilight
GC/Denton; Rose GC/Texarkana; in memory of Sandee Walters – Loraine Kuehn
OFFICE FUND: Judges Advanced Study Club; Center GC; Colleyville GC; TNT Judges Study Club; Rayburn
Bloomers GC; Daisy GC; Houston Federation of GC; Tejas GC; Rose GC/Texarkana
GENERAL FUND: Tyler Council of GC; Dogwood GC/Palestine; Dallas Council of NASF Judges/Founders;
McCamey GC; Center GC; Fort Worth Council of NFSJ; Avant Gardeners; N Texas Daylily Society; Rivers End
GC; Rose GC/Texarkana; Judith Schafer; Barbara Baker; in honor of Carol Moore Brad McKelvey
FRIENDSHIP BOOK: Judges Advanced Study Club; in honor of Suzanne Hughes – Colleyville GC; TriCounty Diggers GC (100%); McAllen GC
GOLD BOOK: in memory of Bobbie McKee - Stonebriar GC; in honor of Carolyn Bounds – Center GC
SILVER BOOK: Carol Russell - Designers with Flair; Karen Murrell - TNT Judges Study Club; in honor of
Binion Amerson - Dallas Council of NAFS Judges/Founders; in honor of Barbara Bateman - Fort Worth
Garden Club Council
MEMORY BOOK: in memory of Marleta Chadwick – Center GC; in memory of Ben Denman – Joyce
Cochran; in memory of Harlene Wilson – Avant Gardeners and Fort Worth Council of NASFJ;
22 Lone Star Gardener
In memory of Louise Clemons, Neta Fay Miller, Martha Miller, Joyce Murphy, R.E. Post; Irma Robinson,
Natalie Westbrook, Hilda Schilling, Vira Jo Atkins, Mrs. J.C. Reavis, Lela Brown, Liz Cook – Daisy Garden
DISTRICT I: Veta Reese – Judges Advanced Study Club
DISTRICT II: Anita Brunson – Lake Country Wildflower GC; Dora Alexander – Iowa Park GC; Maurie
Reynolds – Fort Worth GC
DISTRICT III: Naomi Marksbury – Pionette GC; Kim Gore – Civic GC; Yulin Brewer – Rose GC/Texarkana;
Wanda Ingram – Daisy GC
DISTRICT IV: Jan Fish – Kingwood GC; Mary Ellen Chapman – Kemah & Bay Area GC; Diane Stephens –
Lake Houston GC; Dian Demma – Newport GC; Linda Jacobs – Leaf & Petal GC
DISTRICT V: Hank Belopavlovich – Liberty Hill GC; Rebecca O’Brien Lieb – Taylor GC
DISTRICT VII: Merry Saegert – Comal GC; S J Derby – Kerrville GC
DISTRICT VIII: JoAnn Cortese – Senisa/Verdure GC; Carolyn Skelton – Town & Country GC/Coleman; Linda
Lippe and Mary Sayre – Breckenridge GC; Terry Bridgford – Abilene GC;
DISTRICT X: Linda Patton – Super Seeders GC
BROOKWOOD GARDEN THERAPY: Judges Advanced Study Club; Hallettsville GC; Newport GC; Lake
Houston GC; Meadowbrook GC/Houston; Lake Jackson GC; Center Garden Club; LaPorte Bayshore GC; Petal
Pushers GC; Tri-County Diggers GC; Quail Valley GC; Bridgeland GC; Sweeny GC; Town & Country
GC/Bellville; Rayburn Bloomers GC; Abilene GC; Houston Federation of GC; Smithville GC; Jessie Allen Wise
CAMP TYLER: Judges Advanced Study Club; Kingwood GC; Center GC; Tri-County Diggers GC; Green
Thumb GC/Uvalde; Sweeny GC
GRAPEVINE BOTANICAL PARK: Center GC; Colleyville GC; Breckenridge GC; Sweeny GC; Jessie Allen
Wise GC
KEYSTONE HERITAGE PARK: Hallettsville GC; Newport GC; SW Judges Council; Center GC; Sweeny GC;
Jessie Allen Wise GC
MARBRIDGE FARMS: Judges Advanced Study Club; Center GC; Four Seasons GC/New Braunsfels; Sweeny
GC; Rayburn Bloomers GC; Jessie Allen Wise GC
NATURAL DISASTER: Judges Advanced Study Club; Lake Jackson GC; Center GC; Colleyville GC;
Breckenridge GC; McAllen GC; Green Thumb GC/Uvalde; Daisy GC; Smithville GC
NATURE CONSERVANCY OF TEXAS: Hallettsville GC; Kingwood GC; Newport GC; Lake Houston GC;
Center GC; Colleyville GC; LaPorte Baystore GC; Four Seasons GC/New Braunsfels; Quail Valley GC; McAllen
GC; Sweeny GC; Daisy GC
RIVERSIDE NATURE CENTER: Hallettsville GC; Kingwood GC; Center GC; Quail Valley GC; McAllen GC;
Green Garden Club/Uvalde; Sweeny GC; Rayburn Bloomers GC; Jessie Allen Wise GC
SEEDS FOR LIFE: Mexia GC; Judges Advanced Study Club; Newport GC; Lake Houston GC; Meadowbrook
GC/Houston; Center GC; Colleyville GC; Southampton GC; McAllen GC; Town & Country GC/Bellville; Rayburn
Bloomers GC; Daisy GC; Liberty Hill GC
TEXAS FOREST SERVICE/TREECOVERY: Center GC; McAllen GC; Sweeny GC; Mt Pleasant GC; Rivers
End GC
Thank you
Dana Serafine, Bunny Barrett
and all who worked on the TGC spring Convention.
You are greatly appreciated.
Summer 2014
2014 23
Heather White
Rec. Secretary
1614 Fable Lane
College Station, TX 77845
Freda Martin
6891 CR 378
Caldwell, TX 77836
Idalia Aguilar
3071 Thurman Rd
Bryan, TX 77808
Eleanor Floeck
Corres. Secretary
4961 E Hwy 290
Giddings, TX 78942
Sue Durrett
16027 Champion Dr
Houston, TX 77379
Carol Moore
VP Finance
1305 E Neches
Palestine, TX 75801
Betty Edwards
VP Awards
743 N. Cedar
Kermit, TX 79745
Barbara Rives
1318 Riata Road
Abilene, TX 79602
Dana Serafine
VP Org. Study
2904 Vinson Ln
Plano, TX 75093
Peggy Moreland
VP Membership
7719 Gran Quivira
El Paso, TX 79904
Gwen DeWitt
VP Scholarship
178 Fairway Rd.
Beeville, TX 78102
Marlene Gillman
VP Youth Awards
3553 Love Rd
Killeen, TX 78102
Sarah McReynolds
1722 HWY 14 N
Groesbeck, TX 76642
3111 Old Garden Road
Fort Worth, Texas 76107-3416
Texas Garden Clubs, Inc.
or (24)
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Dallas, TX
Permit 1233