Director-General Marco Buti ECFIN Economic and Financial Affairs Task Force for Greece(1) DDG1: Dep. Director General (in charge of Directorates A,B,C,F,G and H) Head of TFGR Horst Reichenbach Servaas Deroose Adviser Reinhard Felke Principal Adviser Principal Adviser ECFIN-01: Internal audit Matthias Mors Vassili Lelakis Benoit Vermeersch(3) DDG1.01: Coordination of country-specific policy surveillance Head of Greece Operations Margaritis Schinas(6) EN 16/10/2014 Assistants Caroline Gaye Alexandr Hobza Principal Adviser (EU Director in the EBRD) Martin Selmayr(2)(6) Barbara Kauffmann DDG2: Dep. Director General (in charge of Directorates D, E and L) Seconded Managers and Advisers(6) Maarten Verwey Principal Adviser (alternate EU Director in the EBRD) Staff in EU Delegations(7) Support Group for Cyprus(5) Head of SGCY Mary McCarthy Peter Basch(3) DIR A: Policy strategy and co-ordination DIR B: Structural reforms and competitiveness DIR C: Fiscal policy DIR D: International economic and financial relations, global governance DIR E: Financial stability and monetary affairs DIR F: Economies of the Member States I DIR G: Economies of the Member States II DIR H: Economies of the Member States III DIR L: Finance, coordination with EIB Group, EBRD and IFIs(3) DIR R: Resources, communication and inter-institutional relations Elena Flores Gual Anne Bucher Lucio Pench Peter Bekx John Berrigan Declan Costello Matthias Mors (acting) Istvan Pal Szekely Jean-Pierre Raes (acting) Advisers Karl Pichelmann ... Adviser Nicolas Carnot Advisers Francesco Contesso Heinz Scherrer Adviser Nigel Nagarajan Adviser Peter Weiss Advisers Charlotte Van Hooydonk Martin Hallet Burkhard Schmidt (acting) Adviser Jose-Luis Robledo Fraga Adviser Burkhard Schmidt Advisers Roy Dickinson ... A.1: Policy coordination and strategic planning B.1: Macroeconomic impact of structural reforms C.1: Fiscal policy and surveillance D.1: Candidate and pre-candidate countries E.1: Financial markets and infrastructures F.1: Germany, Austria, Cyprus G.1: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Hungary H.1: Italy, Malta, Slovenia L.1: Coordination with the EIB Group, EBRD and IFIs(4) Outi Slotboom João Nogueira Martins Stephanie Riso Matteo Salto (acting) Carole Garnier Peter Grasmann Jakob Wegener Friis Nathalie Darnaut Marie Donnay Kay Parplies Telmo Baltazar Loukas Stemitsiotis A.2: Programme design and support B.2: Product market reforms C.2: Sustainability of public finances D.2: Neighbourhood countries – Macrofinancial assistance E.2: National financial systems F.2: Greece G.2: United Kingdom, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden H.2: Ireland, Poland, Lithuania L.2: Financing of innovation, competitiveness and employment policies R.2: Human resources(4) EFC.EPC-02: Secretariat for the Eurogroup/EWG Daniel Daco Isabel Grilo Giuseppe Carone Heliodoro Temprano Arroyo Filip Keereman Gabriele Giudice Heinz Jansen Martin Larch Roger Havenith Jean-Pierre Raes Moises Orellana A.3: Models and databases B.3: Labour market reforms C.3: Revenue management and tax policy issues D.3: Countries of the G-20 – IMF – G-Groups E.3: Financial institutions and stability mechanisms F.3: Netherlands, Czech republic, Slovakia G.3: Portugal, Denmark H.3: Finland, Bulgaria, Romania L.3: Financing of climate change, infrastructure policies and Euratom R.3: Financial management and control Werner Röger Alessandro Turrini Gilles Mourre Moreno Bertoldi Benjamin Angel Elena Reitano Stefan Kuhnert (acting) Joost Kuhlmann Giorgio Chiarion Casoni Johan Verhaeven A.4: Economic situation, forecasts, business and consumer surveys B.4: Economic analysis of energy, transport, climate change and cohesion policy C.4: Fiscal governance and fiscal statistics D.4: Globalisation – Trade – Development E.4: Monetary policy, exchange rate policy of the euro area, ERM II and euro adoption F.4: Spain, Croatia L.4: Borrowing, lending, accounting and back office R.4: Evaluation, internal control, business continuity and document management(4) Björn Döhring Emmanuelle Maincent Stefan Ciobanu Istvan Jakab Paul Kutos Massimo Suardi A.5: Macroeconomy of the euro area Advisers Laura Bardone ... Javier Garcia Lon Stefan Pflüger R.1: Communication and inter-institutional relations EFC.EPC-01: Secretariat of the EFC and EPC Kristine Vlagsma L.5: Treasury and asset management R.5: Management of IT resources(4) Patrick Steimer Tomasz Pietrzak Eric Ruscher EFC.EPC: Secretariat of the Economic and Financial Committee and of the Economic Policy Committee and Eurogroup/EWG L.6: Legal affairs, risk management and planning Saila Valtonen (1) For the detailed organisation chart of TFGR please refer to COM decision of 18/04/2012 {C(2012)2688 final}; (2) in London; (3) in Luxembourg; (4) Staff in both Brussels and Luxembourg; (5) Staff in both Brussels and Nicosia; (6) Seconded staff: I) A.-J. Cabral - seconded ‘hors classe’ Adviser to the President’s Cabinet, II) J.-M. Magnette - seconded Head of Unit to the EIB; III) C. Martinez-Mongay - Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Almunia; IV) T. Murphy – seconded Head of Unit to the Court of Auditors; V) M. Santoni - seconded Head of Unit to the EIF; VI) M. Selmayr – seconded to the Transition team of the PresidentElect; VII) M. Schinas - seconded to the Transition team of the President-Elect; (7) Delegation China: A. Melander - Head of the Economic and Financial section; Delegation United States: A. De Lecea Flores de Lemus - Principal Adviser/ V. Rouxel-Laxton - Head of the Economic and Financial section.
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