[6 G Hll DBT NORSKE Vr,nrras AppnOVAL OFMANUpACTURER CsnrmtcATE No. AMM-6696 CERTTECATE This is to certifl thctt USHA MARTIN LIMITED (Wire and Wire RopesDivision) INDIA RANCHI, JHARKHAND, is an approvedmanufactuterof STEELWIRE ROPES in accordancei)ith Det No6ke Vedtas'Rulesfor CiassiflcationPt 3 Dlw-OS-E304 offshore Mooring SteelWire Ropes and thefollowing patticulars: Steelwirc ropesfor ship towlines andmoo ng lines, Steelwire ropesfor mobile offshoremooring Consfuctions Seepagetwo Ma,\.Diameter Seepagetwo Products Placeand date HOvik,2014-02-07 /o," DETNoRsIc VERrrAsAS Head oJ Section DETNoRSK€VERTAS AS -+s*! r,- This Cerirtcate is vaLiduntil -12-3r 201'7 f;"ffi,fffr9 p \iF/ "..b;+ * n LocalOfrice DNV Visakhapatnam 1, 1322I]OVIK NOBWAY VERTASVEIEN Kandukuri SastryYagnanna Surveyor [6 Cert.No.: AMM-6696 =E!E HNI Steelwire ropes for ship towlines and mooring lines Co struction GrcuP1)'2) 6x19 6x24 6\31 6x'7 Max. Dianeter (rnm) 40 t07 40 1) Including other constructionsin the constmctionor classificationgrcup . 2j Requireirentsfor constnrctiongroupsthat arenot coveredin Pt 3 shall be in accordancewith a relevantrccognizedintemationalstandardor an approvedspecificatiol Steel wire ropes for mobile offshore mooring Classifimtion " " Max. Diameter hnm) 90 6K36 121 6x61 Renarks: 1) Classificationand min. brcakingforce acc.to ISO 17893and API9A 2) Including other constuctionsh classificationgroup. Mar. Dittheter (mm) 66.5 SDiralstrand1x156 Full iocke.dcoit Remark: 1) Min. breakingforceacc.to EN-12385. Construction" 4$ . EN 1,1322HOVIK,NOBWAY VEFITASVE DET NORSK! VERIIAS AS Fom No.:AM 1462a lssue:December2008 Page2 ct 2
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