The Communicator October 2014 Greetings to you all. Spring is in the air I have now visited the Districts of NZ298, NZ297, NZ294, NZ291. What a privilege it is to have time with each District, renew friendships, make new friends and learn first hand of all the wonderful service projects your Clubs are working on. The amount of work we as IWNZ put into our community continues to amaze me. Congratulations to you all. NZ298: Spring in Invercargill was magic, lots of daffodils and blossom trees lining many streets. The meeting had a World War 1 theme with a local speaker, Aaran Fox, with stories of men who had served from Southland. NZ297: Christchurch still had much blossom around and it was good to see all the new development out on the airport side of Christchurch. The clubs have been collecting supplies for Kits for King for Pacific Pathways Trust to assist Kindergartens and teachers in Vanuatu. Time was taken for each club to pack two large plastic boxes with the collected material, “Kits for Kindys” serving as a kindergarten and teacher resource box. The speaker Sue Mitchell and her husband set up the Trust. Their work is amazing and the containers they fill and send are then distributed by them in Vanuatu. A great project. NZ294: Feilding. They have a District project for Samoa Schools. They had two speakers. First, Helen Griffin on “Days for Girls NZ”. Several of our IWNZ Clubs are now making “Days for Girls” kits and you can read more about this on our website or Google Days for Girls. Second, Helen Warboys, ex Feilding Promotion manager, spoke on ‘Let us become visible and leading lights in our communities’. This slogan could suit IWNZ especially this year with Light the Path theme. Helen was inspiring as she explained how Feilding became such a beautiful country town and why it was chosen for Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall visit. International Inner Wheel: IIW Convention May 6-9 Copenhagen: I have confirmation of 17 IW Members and 11 husbands attending at this point in time. Please let me know if you decide to go. Early registration closes October 31st. IIW Web site: Do log in and view this informative website. Please send photos and stories to me to be forwarded to IIW Editor. I read of wonderful service stories in the Club Bulletins. Lets promote what we in NZ are doing through our IW Clubs. IIW Photo competition: Have you entered a photo into the IIW Competition? The photos will be exhibited at Convention. All members can participate. I trust that there will be many entries from IWNZ members. IWNZ Website: Please send photos and a short story about each photo to our IWNZ webmaster Dot. Dot loves to hear from the Clubs and wants many more photos and stories. Our website is our face to the world. Non IW members do go and look at our pages. [email protected] IWNZ Facebook: We now have a Facebook page. We already have 83 likes. Please look us up, like and share. Its another way to keep up with news as posted and telling friends what we are about. Club Elections 2015-16: If you are asked to serve on your Clubs committee next year please ask yourself the following. WHY WHY NOT WHY NOT ME WHY NOT NOW NZ291: Their District Project is Great Potentials, the new Takanini Family Service Centre. Clubs collected hard covered preschool books and food supplies for a Food Bank. Their speaker was Lyn Stark, a mid-wife who went to the Philippines after the Typhoon. Her stories, photos were most interesting especially as IWNZ had made a large donation to assist the local people in their time of need. IWNZ Incorporation: We have been working with the lawyer and the document papers are nearly complete for this application. I hope to have good news for you soon. E-Mail Club: We are exploring the possibility of forming an E-mail Club. If you have friends who live in a non IW Club area please consider sharing their name and contact with us in the future once this idea has been finalised. IWNZ Strategy Meeting Auckland November14th - 15th : Thank you to Clubs and Members for completing and returning the requested profile forms. With a representative from each District, IWNZ Executive and two facilitators, I look forward to a time of, sharing ideas, some creative thinking and a vision for our future. The National Governing Body will discuss a report from this meeting at their March Meeting and outline a plan of action. Let us together, Light the Path for our future. My Calendar Dates for 2014: October 15th - 20th Adelaide, Australia IWA National Conference October 31st - November 1st Matamata NZ293 District meeting. th th November 14 -15 Auckland IWNZ Strategy meeting. Dates for 2015: March 6th - 8th Auckland National Governing Body meeting th th May 6 - 9 Copenhagen IIW Convention June 6th NZ298 Change over June 13th NZ297 Change over June 20th NZ293 Change over th June 27 NZ291 Change over June 27th Auckland IWNZ National Change over th July 4 NZ294 Change over. Thank you for all you are doing for Inner Wheel In Friendship Hazel IWNZ President IWNZ Change Over 2015-16: The Change Over will be held on Saturday June 27th 2015, with a dinner at the Quality Hotel, 20 Gladstone Rd, Parnell. We have been quoted special accommodation rates at the hotel till January 31st 2015. King Standard @ $126.00 (per night, inc GST) (King bed or 2 single beds, coffee and tea facilities & bathroom) King Balcony @ $133.00 (per night, inc GST) (King bed or 2 single beds, coffee and tea facilities & bathroom) Premium Balcony @ $158.00 (per night inc GST) (2 x Queen beds, sofa bed in lounge area, kitchen, bathroom and private balcony.) When booking please Quote ref: 67135 Special Club Birthday Dates: September Waimate 40 years th October 11 Motueka 30 years October 15th Fielding 35 years October 19th Fairfield 25 years October 11th Mosgiel 40 years October 18th Stoke-Tahunanui 40 years November 7th Avonhead 30 years November Western Napier 40 years November 15th Balclutha 40 years November 8th Invercargill 40 years What a wonderful record of Clubs celebrating these milestones in their history. We remember all the past and present members and congratulate them on their service to their community through Inner Wheel Light the Path. Promoting Friendship and Understanding to all members within your Club Light the Path. Extending a very warm welcome to new members and promote Inner Wheel to your communities. Light the Path. Helping others within your Community and continuing to focus on Happier Futures - helping the children around the world
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