Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring Janne Toivola, Miguel A. Prada, and Jaakko Hollmén - Department of Information and Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland 1 maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Outline Introduction to SHM -Transmissibility features Dimensionality reduction -Random projections, Principal Component Analysis, Curvilinear Component Analysis Novelty Detection -k-NN, Gaussian, Mixture of Gaussians, Parzen Experiments and Results 2 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring Motivation and Scope Challenges 3 maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 The scope of our project Structural Health Monitoring -monitor the condition of structures, like buildings, bridges, cranes, etc. -detect damages before they become apparent faults Multidisciplinary research project: ISMO -Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring System Two major problems: -no practical sensors to indicate damage -large structures require wireless sensors 4 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Vibration-based SHM Structures vibrate due to input excitation from the environment -for example, traffic and wind cause bridges to shake -properties of the structure affect the response Accelerometers for measuring the vibration output from the structure Major problem: input signal from the environment remains unknown! -environmental variability vs. state of the structure? 5 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Modeling disciplines Physics-based models -complex and detailed numerical models of structures -require lots of prior information: ”blueprints” -enable more elaborate damage assessment etc. Data-based models -simple and generic models -rely more on machine learning and acquired data -useful mainly for detecting damages 6 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Transmissibility features Ratio of vibration amplitudes -one sensor location s1 compared to another s2 -specific to a given frequency f ! ! ! Xs1 (f ) ! ! T (s1 , s2 , f ) = !! Xs2 (f ) ! Attempts to measure how well energy propagates between two points -eliminates environmental variability (overall amplitude) -combinations of sensor pairs and monitoring frequencies lead to a large feature space 7 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Dimensionality Reduction Random Projections Principal Component Analysis Curvilinear Component Analysis 8 maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Background Previous results reported in [IDA2009] -randomly selected feature sets of different sizes -supervised damage classification -result: damage detection possible with few transmissibility features (32 out of 6300) However: supervised learning not realistic -data from damaged structures not available IRL -novelty detection instead of pattern classification -feature selection not possible in advance, but how about projections to lower dimensions? 9 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Random Projections projection matrix Select a random Rk×d √ according to P (rij = − 3) = 1/6 P (rij = √ 0) = 2/3 P (rij = 3) = 1/6 Project data from d to k dimensions by y = Rx Motivated by Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma Computationally inexpensive 10 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Principal Component Analysis Classical signal decomposition method used in pattern recognition Selects a new orthogonal basis for the data points according to eigenvectors By selecting k leading eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors, most of the variance represented in the new basis Linear projection... 11 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Curvilinear Component An. Nonlinear projection method Based on a neural network -an intermediate layer of model vectors Cost function to minimize -considers inter-point distances in both input and output space ! " 2 (Dij − Yij ) Fλ (Yij ) if Yij > Dij E= 2 2 (Dij − Yij2 )2 Fλ (Yij )/4Dij if Yij <= Dij ij Interpolation and extrapolation provided for projecting new data 12 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Novelty Detection Methods k-Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Mixture of Gaussians Parzen density estimation 13 maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Nearest Neighbor method Memorize all projected training data points Compute distance between the new point x and its (kth) nearest neighbor NN(x) As a reference, compute the distance between the nearest neighbor NN(x) and its nearest neighbor NN(NN(x)) Ratio of these distances is a novelty score -assumes the distances are suitable for the projected feature space 14 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Gaussian Densities Fit a single multivariate normal distribution to the training data Assign the area of low density, below some threshold, to outliers -unimodal, symmetric ellipsoid as decision boundary ”Rescales” the projected feature space according to the covariance matrix 15 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Mixtures of Gaussians Fit a sum of several multivariate normal distributions to the training data -achieved via Expectation Maximization algorithm -diagonal covariance matrices used Assign the area of low density, below some threshold, to outliers -several symmetric and axis-aligned ellipsoids as the decision boundary Allows few (separate) clusters of data 16 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Parzen Density Estimation Sum of multivariate normal distributions at each training data point -spherical covariance used and the width parameter determined by Maximum Likelihood solution Assign the area of low density, below some threshold, to outliers -superposition of many spheres as decision boundary Combines aspects of k-NN and MoG 17 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Experiments and Results The Bridge AUROC values for combinations of methods Examples of ROC curves 18 maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 The Bridge Wooden model bridge used Shaker Wired sensors 1 4 10 7 2 5 11 8 13 9 shaker 19 14 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 3 15 6 12 Data and Preprocessing 15 wired accelerometers produced -2509 time series of 32 seconds each -sampling frequency of 256 Hz attached various small weights as damages -masses range from 23.5 g to 193 g transmissibility features extracted -for 19 pairs of adjacent sensors (not for all 105 pairs) -with 512-point FFT, averaging each 8 blocks (16 s) -resulting data stream: 4541 feature values / 16 s 20 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 AUROC for k-NN AUROC values with k−NN 0.75 0.7 AUROC 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 None Random PCA CCA 0.45 0 10 21 1 10 2 10 dimensionality of classifier input space Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 3 10 4 10 AUROC for Gaussian AUROC values with Gaussian 0.75 0.7 AUROC 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 None Random PCA CCA 0.45 0 10 22 1 10 2 10 dimensionality of classifier input space Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 3 10 4 10 AUROC for MoG AUROC values with MoG None Random PCA CCA 0.75 0.7 AUROC 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0 10 23 1 10 2 10 dimensionality of classifier input space Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 3 10 4 10 AUROC for Parzen Method AUROC values with Parzen None Random PCA CCA 0.75 0.7 AUROC 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0 10 24 1 10 2 10 dimensionality of classifier input space Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 3 10 4 10 Examples of ROC with k-NN ROC curves of k−NN with 500−D projection by CCA 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 true positive rate true positive rate ROC curves of k−NN with 16−D projection by PCA 1 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0 false positive rate 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 false positive rate 16-dim. PCA versus 500-dim. CCA -median AUROC of 0.7112 and 0.7448 25 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Summary I Application domain considered -Need for dimensionality reduction -Need for novelty detection General level solution as combination of projections and novelty detection methods -The problem of distributing the computation still not considered at this stage -Application requirements were open: Will a certain combination of methods work in SHM, or not? 26 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Summary II Several combinations of methods benchmarked with a real-world data set -Experience gained about the performance of several methods -Nonlinear projections reach better performance -k-NN and Parzen density estimates outperform simpler density-based novelty detection methods More research still required -Applicability domain of transmissibility features? -More and better data sets and density models? 27 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010 Thanks for listening! ...any questions or comments? 28 Novelty Detection in Projected Spaces for Structural Health Monitoring maanantaina 10. toukokuuta 2010
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