Saint Paul Lutheran The Sword Church and School October 2014 750 W Keady Ct., Roseburg, OR 97471 541 – 673-7212 Worship the Trinity In our worship services, we open with an invocation and close with a benediction. What are these things and why do we do them? And invocation is a calling up, or summoning the Holy Trinity, to come and grant us His blessing as we hear the Word of God preached and receive the Lord’s Supper. Without the presence and power of the Trinity, we have no growth. He is the one that grants it! At the end of our service, the Pastor or Lay Minister gives a benediction which is praying God’s blessing upon you for the rest of your week. There are many benedictions in the Bible wishing God’s blessings upon God’s people; the most famous being the Aaronic Benediction (Numbers 6:24-26) and the Trinitarian (2 Cor. 13:14) which we use in our worship services. During the worship service our prayers and praises are to the Triune God. We are not praying to some vague higher power, but to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And the prayer is that the Trinity would lead, guide, be present, and bless our everyday lives until we see Him face to face. Apart from Him we can do nothing! Your Partner in the Gospel, Pastor Andrew Meet with Pastor Andrew every other Wednesday in the sanctuary at 1:15 pm for a time of dedicated prayer for our church and school Inside this issue: School News……………………………2 Elders Minutes………………………..3 LWML………………………………………3 Care Ministry…………………………..4 Growth Groups…….………….….….5 October Celebrations……..…......6 Prayer shawls We have a wonderful collection of prayer shawls just waiting to be given to someone in need. The shawls can be given for any reason, to anyone surrounding them with God's love. Pick one up today. They are located to the left of the fireplace. Just write in the notebook the date and the person receiving the shawl or just say someone in need. Your name is not needed. For anyone interested please contact Lynn Mathweg at 541-672-8694 or [email protected]. Pastor Andrew’s sermons air every Tuesday at 12:40 pm on KGRV radio 700 AM and if you miss a Sunday you can download his sermon anytime from our website. CDs are also available from the church office Saint Paul Lutheran School News Welcome Kyle Crane & family School Principal Trunk or Treat on October 17th. Please continue to pray for our school and families as well as our teachers. We are having a fun school year and the kids are learning about God and are working hard in their studies under the guidance and teaching of all our excellent teachers. We are very excited about all the wonderful kids and families that are at our school The Crane family includes Kyle and his wife Karra, Bryanna and baby Hunter . Kyle has taught Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten for the past six years in the Seattle area. He also taught at the middle and high school levels in the Roseburg area for six years. Not only does he have experience with education but he is a business owner and has run a successful business for the past four years. Those skills definitely translate to our school and will be a big help to us. Kyle has also served as a coach and most importantly, he is a committed follower of Jesus Christ who believes in the vision of the church and is excited to be a part of our team. Kyle is 34 years old and brings with him energy and great people skills. He will have an ability to connect with you and the entrepreneurial skills to connect with the community and build up our school. I am confident that Kyle will be used by the Lord to increase our enrollment and give our school strength Trunks will need to arrive no later than 5:30p.m. This year's annual Trunk-or-Treat it will be held Friday October 17th from 6:00-7:30p.m. This is a fun and free event a great way to reach out to those who do not have a church home. There is a volunteer sign-up sheet on the school bulletin board. We need help setting up, running games, cleaning up and of course we will need decorated trunks. There are also a few things I am hoping the congregation might help out with. We need pumpkins approximately the size of a basketball or larger, washed out gallon milk jugs, candy for games, un-popped popcorn, orange flavored crystal light, 8oz dixie cups. We also have pumpkin decorated bags that need to be taken home and filled up with leaves then brought back the week of Oct 13th. The bags can be found in Kristen Schartz’s member box. I am very excited to be a part of this exciting event and would appreciate any help I can get. For more information people may call me @ #541-464-3532. Don’t forget to put 10 dimes in your Mite Sock for October Thank you Janice Mattos and Becky O'Neill for maintaining our prayer request line. If you would like to be part of our phone prayer chain contact Janice Mattos at 541-680-8637. If you would like to be part of our email prayer chain contact Becky at [email protected] Page 2 Minutes for September 18, 2014 Elders Present: Pastor Andrew Farhat, Ken Hand, Phil Hu, Dick Wooton I. Pastor opened the meeting with prayer. II. Minutes from the last Elders meeting were unanimously approved. III. Health Insurance for school staff. Since the implementation of Affordable Health Care Act, Concordia's health insurance premiums are going up. The personnel committee has researched some options that are more affordable. They recommended going with Option Gold + from Regence. The Elders unanimously approved. Additionally, the Elders approved that executive staff (Pastor and Principal) are free to opt out of family health insurance if they would prefer and that they would still receive their full salary to find family health care on their own. IV. Church Discipline a. The Elders revisited the church discipline/restoration policy. The Elders unanimously agreed that scripture is clear on this subject according to Matthew 18:15- 20 and will keep this policy in place. They also re-committed themselves to putting their beliefs into practice. V. Informational Items a. Pastor will be attending the Fall All Church Workers Conference in Seaside, Sept. 30- Oct. 2. He will not miss any worship services. Phil closed the meeting with prayer. LWML News Barbara Campbell, President Following a busy summer of various activities, our St. Paul LWML women jumped right into planning for the upcoming Fall months. First and foremost in our planning is the hosting of the Oregon District LWML convention in June of 2016. Our Myrtlewood Zone societies (Douglas & Coos County) will join with the societies of the Emerald Zone (Lane County) to plan and implement tasks necessary to accomplish this very large task. Venue will be the Hilton Hotel in Eugene, June 3-5, 2016. To the end, several of our ladies joined with women from St. John, Sutherlin; Christ, Coos Bay; Resurrection, Florence; and the churches of the Emerald Zone on Monday, Sept 15. A total of 32 women attended and stated their preferences for the various committees necessary to host this wonderful event. We will meet again in January to further develop our theme, objective, etc. Any woman interested in joining in this endeavor is welcome to join us. In addition to this item, we voted wholeheartedly to take over the Christmas Wreath project. So, look for our table in the narthex on Sundays, where you can place you order in the next few weeks. On our own Zone level, we will be traveling to Resurrection Lutheran Church in Florence on October 4 for our Fall Zone Rally. We invite all ladies of St. Paul to join us for this inspirational, joyful day of worship and fellowship. Check out the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex. Our own Fran Mueller will be leading a Bible Study on the book of Esther. Let her or Barb Campbell know if you would like to join us. God bless all your Fall activities as you “Serve the Lord With Gladness”. Barb Campbell, for St. Paul LWML A special thank you to all of the men that give freely of their time to bring these individuals communion on a monthly basis. Thank you to Roger Bellior, Arnie Egli, Ken Hand, Howard Henderlong, Denny Napier, and Bob Mueller. God has blessed us with your ever willingness to serve. Page 3 Annual Church and School Picnic We Thank God for Saving 12 in One Day! Jeremy Thomas Stoffal, Tylan Thomas Stoffal, Jace Parker Stoffal, Peyton Elizabeth Nadine Stoffal, Carter James Guido Stoffal, Travis Michael Parsons, Alyce Ann Kennaday, Hallie Marie Kennaday, Gabriel Steven Kennaday, Caden Carl Moon, Grace Elizabeth Arriola and Patience Baptiste Waterside Fun Lynn Mathweg, Director 541 672-8694 Our homebound list became shorter this month with the passing of Alice Parker. She had been a long time resident of Umpqua Valley Rehab. Libby and Marv Mizell had been her weekly visitors for as long as she had resided there. Their everlasting faithfulness was such a blessing to Alice. We still do have several members in care facilities. Betty Kitzman is at Umpqua Valley Rehab. Bette Hand and Carolee Fourtner are at Manor House. Carol Anderson is at Curry Manor. Our homebound list remains the same with Margie Derr, LaVerne Jaeger, Pat Churchill, Don Kitzman, Pastor Len Galster, Alice Bellior, Mary Yackle and Leroy Johnson. All our homebound would appreciate hearing from you as well as you keeping them in your prayers. Page 4 St. Paul Lutheran Church Multi-Aged Bible Class A class that reads and discusses different sections of the Bible together. Meets Sundays and 9:00 AM, all year long in the Library at St. Paul Lutheran School’s building. Single and Couples (childcare available) A group open to all that discusses the sermon text from Sunday in more detail and how to approach application in their own lives. Meets the 1st Friday of each month at 6pm for a potluck and time in the word at the Timothy House or Pastor Andrew’s home. For information contact Pastor Andrew Farhat at [email protected] Multi-Age Del Rio Group is open to all and meets every Monday at 7 PM to discuss the sermon from Sunday in more detail and to help make applicable to our lives. Call Mike at 541-430-7925 for more information. Sutherlin Group is open to all and meets every Tuesday at 6:30 PM. Call Kyle at 541-459-2385 for more information West Harvard Group is a group open to all and meets every Tuesday at 1:30 PM. Call Glenn at 541-957-0947 for more information. Life Light Bible Study. They meet in the West Roseburg Area on Tuesdays at 2PM.. The leader and contact is Jim Kuether at 503-260-5972 email is: [email protected]. Men’s Multi-Age McMennamins Group A group that discusses Scripture based books that are related to the meaning and application of the Bible in one’s life. Meets every 3rd Friday 6:30 p.m. at McMennamins in Roseburg, contact Phil Hu at 541-863-9749 or [email protected] for more information. Women’s Multi-Age Garden Valley Group, Women of God’s word growing in the knowledge of God. Open to all women. Currently reading through The Vine Speaks. Meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 PM. Call Barbara at 541-672-6302 for more information. Winchester (North Roseburg) Group Through our weekly Bible study, we will be drawn closer to God; through fellowship, we will be a blessing to one another; by giving of our time and talents, we will make a difference to others in our community. Meets every Thursday at 9:30 AM. Call Elaine at 541-672-0477 for more information. Christian Book Study- This group gives women a chance to get together and read Christian books. Then using scripture find practical ways to apply these lessons to everyday life. Meets every second Monday 6:30 p.m. at Timothy house. Call Sherri at 541-863-9750 for time and place. LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) The mission of the (LWML) is to assist each women of The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world Meets the 1st Thursday of the Month in the Timothy House. Contact Barb Campbell @ 541 672-2976 for time. Teens Group A group of teenagers seeking fellowship and relevant application of the Bible in their lives. Once students finish confirmation class they are encouraged and expected to get connected with this group. Meets every Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Timothy House. Contact Dave at 541-580-3900 for more information. Children’s Church Classes for children ages 4-8 to learn about the Bible. Sundays during the first half of the service. Meets in the educational wing just past the elevator. Confirmation A group open to 6th- 8th grade students who want to learn the major doctrines of the Christian faith in preparation for receiving their first communion. Meets Sundays at 9:20 am in the Music Room at St. Paul. Contact Jerry 707-481-2053 Page 5 Carmen Felgentrager 10/1 Keith & Patty Spencer 10/02 Randy Belloir 10/2 Don & Heidi Voorhees 10/8 Kathleen Larecy 10/2 Kenneth & Bette Hand 10/09 Kylie Nelson 10/2 Ronald & Beverly Kiepert 10/21 Randy Jansen 10/3 Valorie Pederson 10/3 Mike Cornutt 10/5 Lorraine Russell 10/5 Jacque Cornutt 10/6 Curtis Martz 10/7 Jesse Felgentrager 10/8 Melissa Hartsell 10/8 Kyle Dixon 10/9 Alek Skarlatos 10/10 Ryan Felker 10/12 Glen Pederson 10/12 Victoria Torvik 10/14 Amber Schriner 10/15 Heidi Voorhees 10/15 Daisy Farhat 10/16 Abraham Farhat 10/18 Sherri Hu 10/18 Lori Chartier 10/21 Lynn Mathweg 10/22 David Young 10/23 Jo Pospisil 10/24 Trisha Pederson 10/25 Lori Weir 10/25 Eric Felgentrager 10/26 Barbara Campbell 10/28 Athlyn Wooton 10/29 Howard Henderlong 10/30 Ron Owens 10/30 October Calendar Events Sundays: Worship Services 8:30 Traditional 10:30 Contemporary Coffee/lemonade and cookies will be served after each service Children’s Church & Nursery is only offered at the 10:30 service. Wednesdays: Prayer Team 11:15 am Fridays: Quilting 9:00 am nd Elders meeting 2 Thursday 6:00 pm School Ministry Team 2nd Sunday 9:00 am Parent Teacher Organization 2nd Th. 5:30 pm Finance Committee 3rd Thursday Noon • October 5 World Communion Sunday • October 13 Columbus Day Observance • October 26 Reformation Sunday • October 31 Reformation Day Friday, October 17th 6:00-7:30pm Donations are needed for trunk or treat: Please call Kristen Schartz at 541-464-3532 . If we have missed your birthday or anniversary please contact the Church office. We may not have your information in our computer Page 6
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