THE MAST St. John’s Lutheran Church November 2014 The Mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church: ● Draw people into the body of Christ ● Nurture each other with love and support ● Serve Christ and others 113 Lotus Street, Dover, DE 19901 302-734-7078 Cover art provided by Roger Hazzard, Camera Club Page 2 St. John’s Lutheran Church Announcements Special voters meeting, Sunday, November 9 to nominate representative for circuit forum and district convention; approve new elders; and nomination for SED Board of Directors. Worship Notes There are a lot of exciting things going this month in worship. All Saints Sunday: This is the time to give thanks to God for those people who have finished the race and now rest from their labors. We remember them in love. We remember their faith and the ways in which they lived out that faith. We take the time to let their example motivate us in the ways that we live out our faith. The End: November marks the end of the church year. During this time the readings and prayers focus on the return of Jesus. November 9 and 16 will feature a mini-series that will look at the End and talk about the significance and meaning of it for the life of the church. Stephen Ministry Sunday: Stephen Ministry is a very important ministry in the life of our congregation. Sunday, November 23, 2014 we will be celebrating this in our services. This will be a time to give thanks to God for this ministry and to lift up in prayer those who are a part of it. A reception in honor of all Stephen Ministers past and present will be held following the second service. Thanksgiving Eve: Wednesday, November 26, at 7:15 pm will be a service of Holy Communion and Thanksgiving. This is a time to go before our God in gratitude for the many and great blessings that He so lovingly and graciously bestows on us. Bring a pie to share for the pie social following this service and enjoy a time of fellowship. Advent Worship Schedule: Can you believe that the stores already have Christmas decorations out? While it may be a little early to think about Christmas, it is not too early to think about Advent and Advent worship. Wednesdays in Advent will have two worship opportunities. There will be a new service during the noon hour which will begin at 12:15 pm. This will be a short service that is perfect for those who want to have a time of worship over their lunch break. It also works well for those who do not like to drive at night. There will also be a Wednesday evening service which will begin at 7:15 pm. Come to one or both and use these times of worship to prepare your heart for the celebration of Christmas. Adult Bible Study The Church: What is the church? What does the church do? What difference does this make? The Sundays in November (except when there is a pancake breakfast) we will be continuing to explore what the Bible says about the church and how we can implement that in our lives. The book The Ministry of the Missional Church by Craig Van Gelder will be our guide on this journey. Reading the book is not a requirement for participating in the class. If you have ever attended church, then this class is for you. The Texts of Advent and Christmas: Come in December as we explore the texts assigned for the season of Advent. Each week we will take a detailed look at the texts for the upcoming week. This will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the texts throughout the week, and to be able to have a greater appreciation for them as they are used in the worship services. General Notes Habitat for Humanity Build: Saturday, November 1, we will be participating in a Habitat for Humanity build in Frederica. We need fifteen people to sign-up but we are welcome to bring as many as we want. Participants must be at least sixteen. If you can’t build, you could sign up to help provide and serve lunch for the crew that day. Sign up in the narthex. November 2014 Page 3 Letter from the president A NNOUNCEMENTS CONTINUED Prayer for the Ministry: There are many wonderful things going on here at St. John’s. Our God has blessed us greatly. It is always important to take some time to seek the Lord in prayer and to ask for His guidance, direction, and blessing as we seek to join Him in His work and mission in our world. Therefore, on Monday, November 3, 2014, at 7:00 pm the sanctuary will be open and available for a time of prayer. Please come by and spend some lifting up the ministries and people of St. John’s. Catechism Instruction: It is not too late to participate. Catechism instruction takes place on The end is near. That is, the end of the church year is near. November is the month in which the church year sees its final weeks. Those weeks are not just an end of the year, but they also push us into the beginning and start of a new year. This means that those last weeks are a hope-filled time that helps to prepare our hearts and focus our attention on the return of our Lord. His return is not so much an end as it is the start of a new beginning. On that great and glorious day we know that there will be the final defeat and end to sin, death, and the devil. It will be better than anything we could imagine. The lessons of this time of the year focus our attention on Jesus’ return. Rest assured. He is coming back. With this hope there also comes a sense of urgency for the mission. We do not have forever to sit around and hang out. We need to be about the work of joining God in God’s mission in the world. And so that is what we do and what we focus on during the end of the church year. November is also the month when we celebrate All Saints Sunday. We identify a saint as anyone who is a believer. These are not a class of SuperChristians, but are people who have been purchased and redeemed by Jesus Christ. You are a saint. Some saints have their own day. St. Nicholas’ day is December 6. St. Valentine’s day is Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00. Confirmation is open to fifth graders and up. If you have questions, or would like more information please see Pastor CJ. Middle School/High School Bible Study: All middle school and high school students are invited to join Pastor CJ for a Bible study on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00. In our time together we will be studying books of the Bible, what Lutherans believe, why our faith is relevant today, how to live out your faith, and other topics that are of importance and interest. All students grades five through twelve are welcome to participate. Pastor’s Column February 14. St. Patrick's day is March 17. All Saints day is the day set aside to remember all those saints who do not have a day of their own. In remembering them, we are really celebrating the gracious and wonderful ways that God has worked in their lives in making them His own through Jesus. We are also celebrating the example that their living out of their faith gives to us. This is a celebration that is bitter-sweet. It is bitter in the sense that we mourn and miss our loved ones. But it is sweet because we know that at the return of Jesus, they will rise from the dead and we will be reunited with them. We will live with them and Jesus for all of eternity on a new earth, under a new heaven, in bodies that do not get sick or die, and that are not corrupted by sin. This month is a month of thankfulness. So let us give thanks as we remember the saints in our lives, as we look for the return of our Lord, as we celebrate all the blessings that our God pours out into our lives. I am looking forward to giving thanks with you, and I certainly give thanks for you. God bless you. Love, Pastor CJ St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 4 Thank You Letters Below are excepts from the thank you letters we’ve received this month from recent donations made by our church. Full copies of each letter are hanging in the basement of church on the news board! “Dear Rev. Ransdell and members of ST. John’s, Thank you for your recent donation of • Janua Hebraeae Linguae Veteris Testamenti by C. Reineccius • Erklärung der Epistel Pauli an der Römer by J. Günther Your gift is appreciated and is valuable for the collection at Concordia Seminary Library.” Lyle E. Buettner Special Collections Librarian Concordia Seminary Library “Many thanks to all of you for the enormous gift of socks of all sizes and colors! Thank you also for your continued support….” Jeanine Kleimo Chair Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing “St. John’s Lutheran Church VBS, Thank you for the much needed paper towels. They came in just in the nick of time. We were so glad to get them.” The Shepherd Place Please continue to page 13 to see other wonderful news regarding VBS past and future! November 2014 Page 5 Letter from the president Letter from the President Oh my … October is gone and November is upon us. The end of October, we welcomed 25 new members to St. John’s!!! We spent some time on the evening of October 26th with many of these new members—getting to know each other. WELCOME! November brings Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and we as a church start preparing for Advent … and Christmas. Unlike the local stores, we did not decorate the church in September or October. We will not even decorate in November. WE WILL be bringing in the tree and decorating the sanctuary on Friday evening December 5th. Yes it is a Youth Group night … but this event will be open to all members and families. We’ll feed you a fantastic youth group style dinner and then we’ll decorate, play Christmas music and sing. Mark your calendar and plan to join us. There are always opportunities to serve. Where can you be the hands and feet of God? We are still trying to update our Shepherd Staff database. In order to help get news out to you quickly, please email Mary Lou Jackson (church secretary). The church secretary email remains the same [email protected]. In your email, please provide your name and email address. This way when important news comes up, we can update you immediately. Current Mission Leadership Board members and their term: President: Don Petersen 2012-2015 ([email protected]); Vice-President: Bob Benton 2014-2017 ([email protected]) Secretary: Scott Brown 20132016 ([email protected]); Treasurer: Donn Paulin 2014-2017 ([email protected]) At Large members: Elizabeth Stephens 2012-2015 ([email protected]); Gene Lohrmann (2014) 20122015; Marlys Natonick 2013-2016 ([email protected]); Parks Holt: (2014) 20132016 ([email protected]); George Price 2014—2017 ([email protected]) Non-Voting Members: Pastor Dr. CJ Ransdell ([email protected]); Dr.Dina Vendetti ([email protected]); Mary Williams ([email protected]) St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 6 What’s Happening?! F RO M T H E O F F I C E O F D R . D I NA C A RO L V E N D ET T I , P R I N C I PA L A ND IF I GO AND PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, I WILL COME B A C K A N D T A K E Y O U T O B E W I T H M E T HA T Y O U A L S O M A Y B E W HER E I A M . - JOHN 14:3 Traveling can be really fun! There are people to meet – or reunite with, there are really cool places to visit and beautiful things to see, there are pictures to take (and these days, to post!), there are regional foods to sample and events of local charm in which to participate – travel can be an exhilarating learning experience and a change of scenery can certainly be good for one’s perspective. In my recent days of traveling, I was reminded of one of the best-ever things about travel… I was again given an opportunity to appreciate what, for me, might be the ultimate benefit, bonus, and benefit of travel… COMING HOME! That’s right – as great as travel is and as good as it can be for a person, the thing I like best about traveling is the moment when I re-enter my house and unpack my bags. As I drive back into town, usually either across Route 8 or down Route 1, I can feel my whole body relax and begin to settle in – I always think it is so nice of the people at the Dover Air Force Base to send those C-5’s up into the sky just at the perfect moment to welcome me back! I see them hovering in the sky, I wave, and I continue to my favorite destination. The truth is that, for me, no matter where I go, whether it be to Richmond or Baltimore or Rehoboth or Sicily, there’s no house like my own house, no bed like my own bed, no tea like the tea from my own pot. It’s really, really nice to be home. I can’t help but think that, as happy and complete as I feel to be at home again, this feeling is only a shadow, only a glimmer of what our real homecoming will be like. There’s a restlessness about us – even when we’re in our own houses, isn’t there? As humans, we all have a yearning for “home” that will never totally go away until we get to heaven. There seems to be a force stirring inside all of us that is never completely satisfied… something in us wants to propel us forward… Remember that breath that God breathed into Adam and Eve? That breath has eventually been passed down to you and to me, that life of the Creator living inside of us, is longing to return to the Being from which it originally came. We often wonder what heaven will be like… will we be comfortable there? Will we have enough to do? Will it take some getting used to? We are SO human sometime! What ridiculous, very human questions! Of course it will be comfortable and no, it won’t take any getting used to… when we get to heaven, we will finally, really, once-and-for all be at home! Forever! We’ll have nothing to worry about, nothing to get used to, no longings that won’t be fulfilled. And best of all, we’ll be reunited with our Maker, our Almighty King, our Daddy. What a homecoming it will be!!! On the first day of this month we will celebrate those who have already had their Continued on the next page November 2014 Page 7 Letter from the president W H A T ’ S H A P P E N IN G C O N T IN U E D homecoming. First, we’ll think back. We will be reminded of those who have gone before us, those who have already fought the fight and won the race. We’ll be encouraged to think about those saints whose lives shaped our lives – saints like Peter and Paul, Abraham and Moses, John and Mary, Luther and Augustine, Grandpop and Uncle Charles, Cousin Kathy, Dick, Granny, and Mommy. We’ll reflect on their amazing impact – we’ll thank God for their witness and their love. We rejoice with them as they enjoy the reward of being in the presence of God. And then, together, we’ll think forward. We’ll reflect on our own lives, we’ll ask God to strengthen our own witness, and we’ll concentrate on the kind of impact we may have on the lives of those who will come after us. In a fascinating, God-designed way our lives will shape the lives of those around us and the lives of those who are part of the next generation of witnesses. And the beat will go on… The apostle Paul sort of addressed traveling and homecoming in this way in his letter to the Galatians: “For me to live is Christ…” Traveling can be fun, rewarding, educational… “For me to die is gain…” Coming home is the best. “For the life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.” The time in between is critical… As we appreciate the present and as we look forward to living in His presence, may He make us presents to those around us who need the hope that will draw us home. Continued on the next page St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 8 Here’s What’s Happening! 1. Timing is flying at St. John’s School! By the time this newsletter hits your mailbox, we will be at the very end of the first quarter already. These days will be marked by final assignments and projects, gathering of grades, report cards, parent conferences, and the start of a whole new quarter, another 10 weeks of learning. Before long we’ll be listing our blessings and remembering much to be thankful for… we’ll be hearing again the stories leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we’ll be practicing for the Christmas program… we’ll be planning and decorating and looking ahead to the holidays with nervous and excited anticipation. Our halls and classrooms will continue to be exuberant and busy places! Please continue to pray for our students, staff, and families as we all continue to learn and grow together. 2. Our current enrollment is at 65. As usual, we could use more kids in the building. Keep sharing the good news of what God is doing at our school with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Offer to bring them over for a visit! Every child who becomes a student at St. John’s has an amazing opportunity for growth – academically, physically, emotionally… and most of all, spiritually. 3. Chapel continues to be a highlight during our weeks at St. John’s School. We gather together on Wednesday mornings at 8:45 for about a half hour to hear God’s word, sing His praises, bring our prayers before Him, and celebrate as His children. Chapel is led by a variety of people: Pastor CJ, members of our staff, classes from our school, guest speakers, etc. Chapel is open to all – we would love to have you join us any Wednesday morning and be a part of this awesome time of remembering God’s love. Here is this month’s schedule… 11/5: Pastor CJ, 11/12: Ann Schmick (teacher), 11/19: Pastor Don Schaefer (retired from the Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Rehoboth – and Mrs. Schaefer’s husband!), 11/26: Deaconess Sally Hiller (Southeastern District executive). Please mark your calendars and come! 4. Our staff spent four days in Greensboro, North Carolina, last month for our annual district teacher’s conference. This year’s conference was a wonderful experience as we gathered under the umbrella of the “Presidents’ Convocation,” an enriching and encouraging assembly of pastors, teachers, DCE’s, parish nurses, deaconesses, etc. – all professional church workers serving in our Southeastern District. We attended workshops on building church and school relationships, using technology, information about the “common core,” prayer, and much more. We also heard from the incredible researcher, David Kinnaman, who works with the Barna Group, and who shared with us about how to reach the young adults in our Continued on the next page November 2014 Page 9 Letter from the president H E R E ’ S W H A T ’ S H A P P E N IN G C O N T IN U E D churches and schools with the love of Christ. It was a wonderful time of learning and a great time for our teachers and pastor to laugh and cry, chat and share, build relationships and strengthen the bonds among us. It was a really good four days! 5. Our parent group, the LOOP, will sponsor our annual Veteran’s Dinner on Monday, November 10th, at 6 pm. If you are a veteran or know a veteran who might like to attend, please consider joining us. Any veterans who have memorabilia from their time in the service are invited to bring it and set up a display that evening for others to see. Call the school office or see Dina for more information. 6. We will celebrate Thanksgiving at school with our traditional Thanksgiving Chapel service and pot luck luncheon. Deaconess Sally Hiller will be with us to share a Chapel message that day. Chapel will be at 10:30 am – the luncheon will follow Chapel. Scholl will dismiss at noon that day. All are invited to join us for this happy time of giving thanks to God for our many, many blessings! 7. The school’s annual Christmas program will be held on Thursday, December 18th, at 7 pm at Wyoming Church. This is always an amazing time of celebration and joy a we remember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Please make plans to attend and celebrate with us! 8. Thank you so much for your prayers during my recent travels. I was in a lot of places in these last 6 weeks or so… Rehoboth Beach (with the Chamber of Commerce), Orlando (with the church workers from the FloridaGeorgia District), Richmond (twice… once with the Southeastern District Board of Directors and once with the LWML), and Greensboro (with our own staff and the workers in our District). It was fun to reunite with old friends (some from college days), to witness the growth and gifts of former students who are now pastors and teachers, to share in the ministry of the larger church, to proclaim the good news of what God is doing at St. John’s, to grow in relationship with our Lord and each other… these and many more blessings dotted my trips. But one of the most amazing blessings of all was the blessing of coming home again! 9. Prayer Requests: Prayers of thanks for an incredible first quarter of learning and praying and growing in Jesus, prayers of thanks for our parents who so faithfully volunteer at our school, prayers of thanks for one of our third graders who is emerging from a difficult time, prayers for one of our school families who is learning how to best parent their amazing child with special needs, prayers of healing and hope for one of our district leaders who is facing a serious medical situation, prayers for an educational leader in our community who is struggling with a recurrence of cancer, prayer that God will send us more kids, and thanks for our many, many blessings! St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 10 ELC Report BY: MARY WILLIAMS, DIRECTOR We enjoyed lots of fun fall activities in October! They 4’s travelled to the Firehouse on the Air Force Base and Wicked-R Ranch, while the 2’s & 3’s traveled to Loblolly Acres and had some special visitors from the Fire Department. We also used a jack-o-lantern to illustrate to the children how God cleans out our “yucky” stuff and helps us shine with His light for others. enjoyed cookies and tea while making a fun flower pot craft, while the 2’s & 3’s decorated picture frames with their grandparents. Food for the Needy Our annual November food drive has begun. Each week the children bring canned goods and non-perishable items into chapel to add to our “Food Mountain”. The children are really amazed when they see how much we can really help when we work together. At the end of the month we will re-stock the food box in the narthex and distribute some food to St. John’s families that are in need. If you would like to help us in our collection please bring your items to the school office. Thanksgiving Feasts “Give thanks with a grateful heart, give Our annual Thanksgiving Feasts will be held on thanks to the Holy One.” Give thanks indeed! Monday and Tuesday, November 24th and 25th. God has blessed us all so richly and although it Instead of the traditional Thanksgiving Feast is important to always give thanks, November items we will again have a “Breakfast Feast” seems to be the time when “thanks” is complete with pancakes, sausage, bacon and overflowing. Sometimes it is easy to get eggs! If anyone is interested in lending a hand caught up in the monotony of daily living and on either of these days to help prepare the food we forget to look at what’s truly important. At for the children please call Mary at 734-1211. the E.L.C. we are working to help the children remember all of the blessings that God has Fundraisers We were able earn over $100 for our Chuck E. given to them and to thank God each day. Cheese Family night and also sold around $2000 worth of items from Claire’s Gourmet. Grandparent’s Teas We enjoyed hosting our annual Grandparent’s Our fall Scholastic Book Fair earned us close Teas in early October. The children and their to $200 to spend on books and materials from Scholastic. Thank you for your support! Stay special friends had a great time sharing in some fall themed fun. The 4-year-old classes tuned for upcoming restaurant nights! November 2014 Page 11 Letter from the president St. John’s Youth Group is open to all youth in grades 5-12th. We offer a wide variety of activities that are fun for all!! Youth Group gatherings are on the first and third Fridays of the month from 6-9:30pm. Dinner is served at each gathering and is free. Jesus is always present through fellowship, games, discussions, and lessons. If you have any questions you may contact Sharon Petersen at [email protected]. You can also find our fb connection through our website What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Refrain: Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. November schedule Sunday, November 2nd Pancake Breakfast 800 pm— 1030 am Friday, November 7th Friday night Youth Group 6:00 pm— 9:30 pm (Youth Group is for any youth 5th grade and up.) Friday, November 21st Return to Friday night Youth Group 6:00 pm—9:30 pm Saturday, November 22nd YARD SALE *Pancake Breakfast is a Youth Service Event. All Youth Group Children are asked to participate. We need help setting up tables and chairs and taking down. We also need servers, cookers and dishwashers. This is a free will offering event but quite often our generous customers donate above and beyond. The money above the cost of the food goes toward providing meals for our Friday night gatherings. November 22 9:00 am—1:00 pm Breakfast and Lunch available HELP!! We are collecting items. Our collection is growing but we can always use more. Wild Hall is full!! All donations can now be brought to the stage in the ELC building. We have a few people that have furniture to bring to the sale. If you have a truck and can help us with pick up of items please let us know. We will also need extra hands for clean-up. Clean-up crew can show up at 12:30 to start packing up. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 12 Stephen Ministry S TAY I N G WA R M W I T H S T EP H EN M I N I ST RY November is the month when we traditionally reflect upon the blessings graciously bestowed upon us by our loving Lord. As Coordinator and a Stephen Leader, I have many reasons to be thankful. I am privileged to be a leader for such a caring ministry-one that promotes emphasis on self-less serving to those in need. This year alone, we are meeting the needs of 7 people, both in our church and community, who are in need of care. Praise God! It's important, also, to recognize those compassionate people who serve. I would like first of all, to thank my Co-leader, Sam Nickerson. Sam, earlier this year, went for Stephen Leader training in Florida. He then came back to doing double duty-helped teach some of the 2 ½ modules each week while also partaking in the Stephen Ministry training to be a Stephen Minister. To clarify, Sam first took part in a 40 hour Stephen Leader training course, then came back to partake in a 50 hour Stephen Minister training course! Sam is a natural Stephen Minister who skillfully leads our supervision meetings while also being a care giver as well. Thank you, Sam for all the support and time you give! I would also like to thank Sharon Petersen, a former Stephen Leader who comes back every two years to help train a new group of care givers and Pastor Keith Less (the District Counselor), who used his background as a trained Psych Counselor to help teach the Modules on Grief, Suicide and Depression. It's wonderfully gratifying to know that leadership support is available and keeps me very aware that God is in control and not me! I have to admit that while on one level I'm aware that Stephen Ministry is a two year commitment, I'm always sad when a Stephen Minister steps down. Coralie Starkey has faithfully served as a Stephen Minister for more than the two year commitment that is asked of each Stephen Minister. I believe that Coralie served at least 4 years. During that time, Coralie provided care to several women in need of care while also contributing invaluable insights and support to our team. Our supervision meetings won't be the same without you, Coralie! We understand though, that she has other things in her life that need attention now, and so it is with regret (mutual regret, I might add), that she's asked to step down. We also got to know you as our friend and we know that friendship will last. As Mother Teresa once said "There is a light in the world, a healing spirit, more powerful than any darkness we many encounter. We sometimes lose sight of the force when there is so much suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly, the spirit will emerge through the lives of ordinary people who care and answer in extraordinary ways". That's what Coralie-and in fact the rest of the team did-provide the light when his/her care receiver is in the darkness of pain and suffering. On that note, I would also like to thank the rest of the team- Parks Holt, Teresa Huff, Barb Impollonia, Myrland Keller, Ron Morella, Sam Nickerson, Ray Richter, Jeanette Sanders and John Strausbaugh. Not all of us have care Continued on the next page November 2014 Page 13 Letter from the president S T EP H EN M I N I ST RY C O N T I N U E D receivers, but all of us care immensely about you, the congregation, and the community at large. So, we ask you for continued prayers for our team, for people who need the help, that they will reach out in their pain to ask for help. We ask for prayers also for our Pastor-Pastor CJ. We thank him for his invaluable support and his insights on how to improve and strengthen this ministry. I especially want to thank him for always "being there" when I needed a confidant. We are thankful indeed, that God has brought this loving Pastor and family to spiritually nourish us. Finally, we hope that you will join us on November 23 for Stephen Ministry Sunday when we formally recognize all who have served this ministry since it began in 2006. Each person who has served has brought light to someone in a time of darkness and consequently, 45 people have not slipped through the cracks through lack of care. Each Stephen Minister, both former and present, has in a personal way shown God's love to a person in need of care. If you are unsure of what Stephen Ministry is all about, come hear a witness testimony by one of our own Stephen Ministers. She will speak about a personal experience on how Stephen Ministry helped a member of her family. Yes, I am blessed through this ministry and therefore wish to offer to everyone in our church family, on behalf of the Stephen Ministry team, a Blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving. Vacation Bible School Better late than never right??? That was an unfortunate theme last year with the planning of VBS… With so many changes being made here at church, the planning committee was one that came together last minute out of necessity, enthusiasm, and love! Housing, 55 rolls of paper towels to The Shepherd Place Women’s Shelter, 109 cans of cat food for the Kent County SPCA, and over 200 jars of play-doh for A.I. Dupont!! With all that said, our review board met after VBS was over and done to discuss our Our main committee consisted of one person strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and that had helped before, one preschool teacher, threats. After thoughtful discussion, we made a one new Lutheran, and one completely new to lot of decisions on how to make VBS 2015 the area! None whom had actually planned a better than ever! full VBS before! I’d say we didn’t do too shabby for the obstacles we faced. Only with the help One of those decisions was an obvious one, of God was it at all possible! early planning! Sunday, November 16, after the fellowship luncheon, we will have our first Overall, we had 118 registered children with committee meeting for VBS 2015. We will the highest attendance of in one night being mostly be discussing which VBS curriculum to 87! We donated approximately 75 pairs of order. You are welcome to join us and decide men’s socks to Dover interfaith Mission for from there how you’d like to contribute further! St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 14 LWML A big “THANK YOU” to everyone who to take it or just keep participated in our observance of National adding to it for next time, LWML Sunday in any way: worshipping which will be in January. together, offering your Mites, joining in for the Information to be aware ladies’ luncheon, caring for the children. The of: As our district is beginning a brand new special service theme was, “Fragrant Sacrifices mission grant calendar for 2014-2016, the and Offerings” (Ephesians 5:2) Among other mission grants for our national biennium for things, Pastor CJ reminded us of just how 2013-2015 has 5 months left to complete their important each of us is in the body of Christ goal by March 31, 2015. As of July 31, we are and that by serving others our sacrificial experiencing a $108,000 deficit. Please keep offerings are a pleasant fragrance to God. these grants and their funding in prayer. Those of the LWML are grateful for the Remember that 25% of our Mite Offerings goes opportunity to serve in many ways. to National. The rest stays within our Chesapeake District. You’ll be please to know that your total Mite offering donated for this quarter was over $400. The special LWML luncheon and time together If you forgot your Mite Box we will still be happy after worship service was attended by 24 ladies, including nine new faces of young ladies and mothers. Thanks to Pastor CJ and Roger, eleven children were entertained while mommy enjoyed some time with LWML. Pizza, hot dogs and Ms. Marlys’ home-made chocolate chip cookies helped a lot too. Couldn’t have been too Continued on the next page November 2014 Page 15 Letter from the president CONTINUED bad… Pastor CJ volunteered them to do it again! Ladies, let us know how you liked the Sunday scheduling for our GetTogether. On a final note, one of our LWML sisters, Carol Harris, from Christ Lutheran in Seaford, is leaving at the end of October for a two week mission trip to Costa Rica through MOST Ministries. Please keep Carol and those with her group in prayer as well as the people they will be serving. MOST stands for Mission Opportunities Short Term and is endorsed by the LCMS. For more info check out their website. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 16 ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN Orphan Grain Train Mid-Atlantic Division has been provided a fund raising challenge that is too good to pass up. EVERY DOLLAR OGT RAISES (UP TO $5,000) WILL BE MATCHED!!! That’s right, when you send in your check for $5 it becomes $10, $50 becomes $100, $250 becomes $500 . . . This “challenge” is for all new money raised by December 8. You can make your check out to Orphan Grain Train Mid-Atlantic Division and either give it to me (Roger Hazzard) or send it to: CHRIST MEMORIAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Attn: OGT) 89 LINE ROAD MALVERN, PA 19355 Your tax-deductible contributions will allow OGT Mid-Atlantic to maintain warehouse operations and more importantly send shipments of clothing and other items to people in need throughout the world and the U.S. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON Greetings to you one and all! The time is once again upon us to celebrate the wonderful holiday seasons. Please join us on Sunday, November 16 after late service for a bountiful Thanksgiving fellowship luncheon. We have a lot to celebrate and to be thankful for this year. We have our wonderful new Pastor and his family, all of our new members, and the family that we all have in each other in our congregation. We hope to see you there! God's blessings! ST. JOHN’S MEN’S GROUP Dear Friends The next gathering of the St John’s Men’s Group will be Monday, November 17, 2014 at 7pm in the church basement. Our study for this night will be Chapter 7 of the Book of Daniel. The book of Daniel now switches from examples of courage faith and prayer and a God who endures forever to prophetic visions of the promised appearance of the Messiah and the antichrist. Daniels vision in Chapter 7 has to do with the future of Babylon and succeeding Gentile kingdoms, along with the trials and final victory of those who worship the Lord. In addition to the Bible study we will have a time for sharing, fellowship and prayer. The men of St John’s are cordially invited to come. We hope that you will consider attending our Bible Study. Bring a friend! See you there. November 2014 Page 17 Letter from the president SCHOOL MINISTRY PRAYER SUPPORT • • • • • • Nurture our teachers and staff.... Become a St. John's School Ministry Prayer Support Become a prayer warrior for one of the Early Learning Center or Day School staff. You can choose from the board in the narthex a name of a staff member, but your identity is to remain anonymous to the staff member. All they know is that a member of the congregation is praying for them daily. Pray for their spiritual life, the children in their care, their personal life, and that God's love is shown through them in all they do and say. Send a Bible verse or note of encouragement to them. Are you a poem writer, cookie maker/or you see some delicious fruit while you are shopping...share. The Lord will nudge you what to do! :-) WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY We meet at 3:00pm Thursday afternoons with a Book Bible study for women in the basement of the church. :-) Be filled with God's Word in the middle of the week! :-) Here we are in the Fall with our new book study! :-) Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard Habakkuk 3:19 and Psalm 18:33 Any questions? Do not hesitate to call Marlys Natonick (302) 422-1806 CAMERA CLUB The Camera Club of St. John’s will now meet on the third Tuesday of the month. Our meeting for November will be Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00p.m., in the church basement. We watch a 30-minute DVD lecture about a particular aspect of photography. The lecturer is a National Geographic photographer who provides interesting, and oftentimes amusing lectures. At the end of each lecture he gives an easy assignment to help us hone our photography skills. If you would like to see some of the work done by club members check out the “Camera Club” link on the church’s web page. (Under the Groups heading) Consider joining us to share your photographic experiences and ideas. The fall colors and lower sun angle provide opportunities for some great pictures. Hope to see you on Tuesday the 18th. If you have any questions please call me (Roger Hazzard) at 697-9661 St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 18 Birthdays Luke Laise Norbert Hesterberg Karen Krise Gloria Saatman Ja’vonte Worthy Melissa Frie Wayne Roock Sandy Wilson Megan Williams Tricia Massey Alexis Rivera Jane Welch Rebecca Brewer Hayley Ogborne Patricia Strausbaugh Derek Tetzner 11/1 11/2 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/6 11/7 11/8 11/9 11/9 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/11 Michael Duncan Elizabeth Abbate Gabrielie Schmick Silas Sheranko Zachary Levan Wendy Dudai Christie Moore Carole Breitkreitz Sara Thomas Linda Barlow Eric Burke Karen Wilmire Joshua Hawley Ryan Buchwald Marian Richter Coleman Spathes 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/15 11/16 11/16 11/18 11/19 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/21 11/21 Richard Williams Brooke Galloway Olivia Galloway Jaden Hammond Alicia Johnson Meadow Mason Emilia Matarrese Jean Betley Debra Morris Jazlyn Wilson Ulric Fairbanks Ronny Hays Laura Mestro Adriana Burrell Amari Diaz Jason Walther 11/21 11/22 11/22 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/26 11/26 11/28 11/28 11/29 11/30 11/30 11/30 Anniversaries Robert & Lillian Pekrul 11/3 11/24 Ray & Kim Lanphear Service Assistant Schedule Readers and Assistants. If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please call Ray Richter Ph:674-4248 Ushers. Early Service: If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please find someone to fill for you. Late Service: If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please call Donn Paulin, Ph:678-2340 11/2 Usher Reader Assistant Early Service Richard Barlow Phil Livingston Linda Barlow Barbara Impollonia Lois Driftmyer 11/9 Usher Reader Assistant Johnathan Hesterman Chuck Hadley Coralie Starkey Roger Hazzard Stephan Siok Bob Benton Tom Smith Donn Paulin Usher Reader Assistant Richard Barlow Christin Siok Ray Richter Donn Paulin Betty Paulin Rose Bryan John Strausbaugh Rick Murphy Usher Reader Assistant Jonathan Hesterman Richard Barlow Roger Hazzard Chuck Hadley Usher Reader Assistant Richard Barlow Coralie Starkey Ray Richter Phil Livingston 11/16 11/23 11/30 Linda Barlow Lois Driftmyer Sam Nickerson Stephen Siok Late Service Rick Murphy Barry Bliem Jean Betley Eric Stephens Elizabeth Stephens Lyn Benton Betty Paulin John Strausbaugh Pam Strausbaugh John Strausbaugh Don Petersen Jean Betley Bob Benton Tom Smith Donn Paulin Barry Bliem Betty Paulin November 2014 SUN MON TUE 8:00am—Early Service 9:15am—Adult Bible Study 9:15am—Sunday School 10:30am—Late Service WED THU FRI SAT 1 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BUILD 2 9:15AM PANCAKE BREAKFAST 3 7:00PM PRAYER FOR THE MINISTRY 4 6:30PM GIRL SCOUTS MEETING 5 9:00AM OGT SORT AND PACK 6:30PM CATECHISM INSTRUCTION 7:00PM MS/HS BIBLE STUDY 6 3:00PM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 6:15PM BELLS 7:30PM CHOIR 7 8 9:00AM OGT SORT AND PACK 6:00PM YOUTH GROUP 9 SPECIAL VOTER’S MEETING 10 6:00PM LOOP VETERAN’S DINNER AT WALKER ROAD 11 7:00PM CAMERA CLUB 12 9:00AM OGT SORT AND PACK 6:30PM STEPHEN MINISTRY MEETING AT WALKER ROAD 6:30PM CATECHISM INSTRUCTION 7:00PM MS/HS BIBLE STUDY 13 3:00PM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 6:15PM BELLS 7:30PM CHOIR 15 14 9:00AM OGT SORT AND PACK 16 FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON 17 7:00PM MEN’S GROUP 18 6:30PM GIRL SCOUTS MEETING 19 9:00AM OGT SORT AND PACK 6:30PM CATECHISM INSTRUCTION 7:00PM MS/HS BIBLE STUDY 20 3:00PM WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 6:15PM BELLS 7:30PM CHOIR 21 22 9:00AM OGT YOUTH GROUP SORT AND PACK YARD SALE 6:00PM YOUTH GROUP 24 7:00PM MISSION LEADERSHIP BOARD MEETING 25 26 7:15PM THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE 27 THANKSGIVING 28 VBS COMMITTEE MEETING 23 STEPHEN MINISTRY SUNDAY 29 30 November Readings November 2, All Saints’ Day Rev. 7:2-17 1 John 3:1-3 Matt. 5:1-12 November 16 Zeph. 1:7-16 1 Thess. 5:1-11 Matt. 25:14-30 November 27 Deut. 8:1-10 Phil. 4:6-20 or Tim. 2:1-4 Luke 17:11-19 November 9 Amos 5:18-24 1 Thess. 4:13-18 Matt. 25:1-13 November 23 Ezek. 34:11-16, 20-24 1 Cor. 15:20-28 Matt. 25:31-46 November 30 Is. 64:1-9 1 Cor. 1:3-9 Mark 11:1-10 THE MAST Rev. Dr. Charles E. (CJ) Ransdell, Jr., Pastor Email: [email protected] Office Phone: (302) 734-7078 The ship is the symbol of St. John’s Lutheran Church. The symbol of the ship with a cross on the sail represents the church. The word “nave” is derived from the Latin word meaning ship. As all in the ark of Noah were saved from the flood, so the ship of the church carries people to salvation in Christ (1 Peter 3: 18-21). The eagle on the bow of the ship is symbolic of St. John the Evangelist. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED St. John’s Lutheran Church 113 Lotus St. Dover DE 19901 DOVER, DELAWARE PERMIT NO. 150 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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