THIS WEEK AT TRINITY October 19, 2014 – October 26, 2014 SUNDAY: 18th Sunday after Pentecost 8:15 a.m. Setting V Gospel Worship Service with Holy Communion 9:30 a.m. Education Hour 10:30 a.m. Setting V Gospel Worship Service with Holy Communion 11:30 p.m. Trinity Annual Business Meeting/Sanctuary MONDAY: 9:30 a.m. Library Committee Meeting 12:00 noon Kiwanis Meeting 6:00 p.m. Gospel Group rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts TUESDAY: 11:00 a.m. Fran Holden Memorial Service 4:00 p.m. Girl Scouts 7:00 p.m. AWE Team practice WEDNESDAY: 10:15 a.m. Faithfully Fit 3:20 p.m. Splash After School Program 5:15 p.m. Wednesday Night Meal 6:00 p.m. Worship Service 6:45 p.m. 6th-8th Grade Confirmation Workshop 6:45 p.m. Senior High Adventurous Night 6:30 p.m. TLC Singers 7:45 p.m. Trinity Bells THURSDAY: 9:15 a.m. Bethlehem Circle 5:15 p.m. Cub Scout Pack meeting FRIDAY: 9:30 a.m. Men’s Group Meeting 6:30 p.m. AA Meeting SATURDAY: SUNDAY: Reformation Sunday 8:15 a.m. Traditional Gospel Worship Service with Holy Communion 8:15 a.m. Lund Baptism 9:30 a.m. Education Hour 10:30 a.m. Affirmation of Baptism Worship Service with Holy Communion 12:00 noon Lefse Baking Party/Fellowship Hall ANNOUNCEMENTS Jesus welcomed everyone; that is our aim, too. Whether you’re here for the first time or the thousandth, we count ourselves blessed by your presence. TRINITY ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL BUSINESS MEETING will be held TODAY immediately following our 10:30 a.m. service. Order of business is approving 2015 Budget and Electing 2015 Officers. Please attend!! THE TRINITY GOSPEL GROUP cordially invites everyone to join us THIS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, for an evening of Gospel favorites. Our concert will be in conjunction with the regular Wednesday service, beginning at 6:00 p.m. and ending about 7:00 p.m. Make an evening of it by coming to the Wednesday night meal with serving time beginning at 5:00 p.m. NEED A RIDE TO AN FROM CHURCH – With the colder weather coming soon, we have a Trinity member who does not have transportation to church that would appreciate a ride. This person lives within 2 miles of the church and usually attends the 10:30 a.m. service. Please see Joe in the church office if you could help out. THANKS!! ONLINE GIVING NOW AVALIABLE - We are excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! Giving online is an easy and safe way to support the ministries of Trinity. We have selected PayPal as our means for accepting online donations based on their security and safety features. Whether you have a PayPal account or not, you can still use this service. Donations for the general fund, building fund and National Youth Gathering participant payments are up and running. Questions, please contact Joan Oscarson in the church office. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND... 3RD ANNUAL LEFSE MAKING 101 WITH IRENE GEAREY. It will be held next Sunday, October 26th starting at 12:00 noon in preparation for the bake sale on Nov. 8th. You may come for as long as you'd like. Men... you are totally welcome to participate! We have had some great guys helping in the past! If you are interested in learning the art of perfect lefse or are willing to help support our bake sale by helping make the lefse, contact Libby Gearey (218)251-7329 so that we can have enough materials for everyone. By the way, if you have the griddle, flipper, rolling pin, board, etc, please bring them with. If not, we will have extra for you to use! We had TONS of fun last year, so please join us! THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE IS LOOKING FOR ADDITIONAL HELP- If you enjoy being surrounded by books, conversation, and coffee, you are wanted as a member of the Library Committee. We meet the third Monday of each month, September-May from at 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. to process new books and generally oversee the library. If you have any questions, call Lucille Kirkeby (829-9738), or Jacki Mehr (829-5147), and if you don’t have any questions, JUST COME! Next meeting: TOMORROW - Monday, October 20th at 9:30 a.m. Coffee optional New Member Classes – These classes are for everyone who would like to become part of our church family. Sessions include learning the basics of faith formation, Lutheran tradition, and what it means to be family at Trinity. New members will be welcomed into Trinity’s family of believers on Sunday, November 16th. Dates: Sundays through November 9th Location: Office Led by: Pastor Dave and Joni Hill The Parent/Confirmand discussion question is, “Why is the church building important?” TRINITY LUTHERAN IS A DROP OFF SITE FOR COATS FOR KIDS!! Kinship Partners is collecting coats, boots, snow pants, mittens, scarfs, and hats for the annual Coats for Kids drive which will be held on Saturday, November 1st at the Westgate Mall. Between now and next Sunday, October 26th, Kinship Partners will accept any of these items of all sizes. Please make sure they are in good condition and that any and all zippers work. You can also drop off coats at Crystal Cleaners where they will be stored until the distribution event. THANK YOU!! Become a mentor for what you can give. Stay a mentor for what you receive. WILL YOU SHARE YOUR GARDEN HARVEST – ALL PROCEEDS GO TO WORLD HUNGER!! Anyone who has garden produce, flowers, and/or plants; please bring them any Sunday. Everyone else help yourself and put a donation in the World Hunger container please. All funds will be forwarded to the ELCA World Hunger program. OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH - How can you show your appreciation? Pray for them and their families, give them a hug and tell your pastor how very much you appreciate them and their families, take them to dinner and ask what you can do to help carry their load, give them a card and a gift certificate, send them a heartfelt or humorous ecard, send them a personal letter telling them how they have been an inspiration to you, cook them a meal or treat and deliver it to their home with a smile, go up to them and tell them what a GREAT job they are doing! If you truly appreciate your pastor, do take the time to do something. Were someone to ask a pastor, however, what might be done to show appreciation to him or her, the answer would likely be, “Pray for me.” It is also important to remember that appreciation, affirmation and prayer support of our spiritual leaders is appropriate throughout the entire year. THANK YOU TO THE MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF TRINITY FOR YOUR GENEROUS RESPONSE TO THE 2014 CROP WALK FOR HUNGER. The walk took place last Sunday at Bethlehem Lutheran with Trinity being represented with walkers and donations. We went over are goal and provided $1065 to the cause. These donations are providing for current and future needs of World Hunger. Locally, 25% of the funds are being shared by the Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen, Operation Sandwich and the Salvation Army. Again, thanks for expanding our mission of caring, sharing and outreach by building a brighter future for many children and families here and worldwide. PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE MEMBERS & FRIENDS Known Hospitalized: Essentia – St. Cloud – Phil Swanson Recuperating: Mike Lease, Pam (Lease) Nelson, Steve Dryburgh, Gladys Pederson, Bailey Keehr, Jerry Opay, Jennifer Alt (Christine Keran’s sister), Joyce Alt, (Christine Keran’s mother), Linda Meinke, Tom Phelps With Ongoing Special Needs: Alma Miller, Betty Johnson, Kathy Roberts, Mary Shaw, Norma Denniston, Don Pederson, Tom Sederquist (Bud & Paola Jo’s nephew), Chet & Phyllis Hoversten, Ethel Satre, Stan Severson TRINITY'S ANNUAL BOUTIQUE IS 4 WEEKS AWAY. We would lve donations of craft items from as many Trinity Members as possible. If you have very nice used gift items that could be used in Grandma's Attic, that would be appreciated too. If you want to help out and have no idea how, I can help you with that. Questions, please contact Anne Niklaus 825-9059. Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. -Anthony J. D’Angelo NEED SOME HEARING ASSISTANCE DURING OUR WORSHIP SERVICES?? Please stop by the Sound Booth before our worship services and they will gladly set you up with a receiver and headphones to make your worship experience more enjoyable. 2014 Fall Trinity Boutique - Trinity’s Annual Fall Boutique is Saturday, November 8th. If you have home grown items like potatoes, squash, cucumber or have made pickles, jams and jellies, salsa etc, please consider donating them to the Boutique. We are also looking for handcrafted items, slightly used gift items or antiques. We would love to have as many Trinity members donate items as possible so we have a nice variety. Our areas include... Grandma’s Attic which is a very popular area. It includes nice glassware, plates, antiques etc. Christmas Crafts Up North Crafts Fall Items Knit, Crochet and Sewn items Wood Crafts of any kind Jewelry Baked goods and candies We are not looking for Garage Sale items, please! Questions??, please contact Anne Niklaus 825-9059 BOUTIQUE KITCHEN HELPERS NEEDED!! Doug Johnson is looking for ADULTS & TEENS to help set-up & serve rolls and coffee for Doug’s Trinity Café which is part of our annual Trinity Boutique which will be held on Saturday, November 8th. Help is also needed for serving lunch as well. TRINITY CONFIRMATION STUDENTS – THIS WILL COUNT AS SERVICE HOURS FOR YOU!!! Please see Doug Johnson to sign up for the 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. shift or/and the 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. shift. I had a student rush in all excited to tell me that her ancestors came over on the cauliflower.—Amy St. Ours Trinity Christian Education Sunday School classes meet this morning at 9:30 in the following locations: Pre-School & Elementary Classes Beginners Class #1 Room 16 Pre-Kindergarten Room 9 Beginners Class #2 Room 17 Kindergarten – 4th Grade Classes meet in the Sanctuary at 9:30 for music then travel to the following locations: 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Sunday Morning Live Faith Quest Thou Art! Studio Bible Max Theater Middle School & Senior High Classes 5th Grade 9 -12th Grades th Fellowship Hall Room 2 Room 12 Room 14 Room 5 6th-8th Grades Conference Room Room 6 Trinity Senior High Youth - Please join us every Sunday at 9:30 for Sunday School! Your leaders are Britt Qualley, Troy Schreifels and Laurie Boran and we want this to be a great experience with fun activities planned throughout the year. TODAY Oct. 19th: Moses and munchies – Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 26th: Caribou Conversations – meet in Sunday School room at 9:30 and we’ll head over to Caribou for … Conversation!!! Cost - $5. Confirmation Schedule Wednesday, Oct 22nd 6:45 p.m. 6th-8th Graders Workshop #3: Old Testament II 6:45 p.m. 9th-12th Grades Adventurous Fun event Wednesday, Oct 29th 7:00 p.m. 6th-8th Graders *EPIC Night* at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Baxter Trinity Christian Education SPLASH – Trinity’s Wednesday After School Program Returns - Register your Kindergarten – 4th Grade Children now! SPLASH is filled with fun and learning activities including skits, cooking, science, crafts Bible stories and singing, all in a safe, nurturing environment! Students will be picked up at Brainerd schools, enjoy a healthy snack, then divide into small groups and be engaged in a variety of activities… finishing up in time for families to join them for the Wednesday fellowship meal or to head home when Mom or Dad get off work. Dates: 7 weeks of Wednesdays, Oct 22nd, 29th, Nov. 5th, 12th, 19th, Dec. 3rd & 10th. Cost: $40 for Trinity members, $45 for non-members Spaces filled according to date registration and fee is received. 2 spots still available (as of Oct 14th). Registration forms available from the Education Office and MUST be returned by Monday so that transportation may be arranged. Congratulations to first grader, Ernie Paesler, for successfully memorizing the Lord’s Prayer! Outstanding job, Ernie! New Member Classes – These classes are for everyone who would like to become part of our church family. Sessions include learning the basics of faith formation, Lutheran tradition, and what it means to be family at Trinity. New members will be welcomed into Trinity’s family of believers on Sunday, November 16th. Dates: Sundays through November 9th Location: Office Led by: Pastor Dave and Joni Hill Preschool boy asks me to tie his shoes. I ask, "What's the magic word?" And he excitedly says, "Abracadabra!" He was right, you know.—Amnet Ramos-Hernandez WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS!! Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall to hang out from 5:15-6:30 pm and enjoy a meal together. Whether you’re attending Wednesday Night worship, getting done with a sports practice, waiting for a Trinity activity to start, don’t feel like cooking, or just want to hang out; come join us for a fun night of friends and fellowship on Wednesday nights all school year at Trinity! Suggested cost will be $3/person or $10/family; 2 yrs. and under are free. Trinity Lutheran Church Vision Council members are there for you if you have ideas, suggestions or questions. The Council members are: Pastor David P. Holte Pastor Hans Anderson Intern Zech Anderson Kari Christiansen Robert “Bob” Nibbe Dave Johnson Julie Anderson Troy Schreifels Doug Johnson Don Wennberg Sandee Haugene Andrea Baumann You can find their phone numbers in your Church Directory or call the Church Office. TRINITY CIRCLES The Bethlehem Circle will meet on Thursday, October 23rd at 9:15 a.m. at the home of Betty Green. Bible Study leader is Ardith Peterson. The Nazareth Circle will meet on Monday, October 27th at 9:30 a.m. in Trinity’s Gathering Area. Hostess is Dione Lund and Bible Study leader is Marian Severt. The Galilee Circle will meet Wednesday, November 19th, at 9:30 a.m. in Trinity's Gathering area. Hostess is Jan Femrite and Bible Study leader is Connie O’Brien. THE WONDER OF WORSHIP - How sweet the hour of praise and prayer, when our devotions blend, and on the wings of faith divine our songs of joy ascend! —Fanny Crosby SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES ARE BEING BROADCAST on 1340 KVBR on Sundays at 9:00 a.m., and are also being telecast at 1:00 p.m., Sunday on Charter Cable Channel 181 or if you are a C.T.C. Cable customer, Channel 8. Past Sunday sermons are available on our website for you to watch and enjoy! THE CHILDREN’S NURSERY is available for children up through 36 months from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. every Sunday. The Nursery is located in Room #8 in the lower hallway across from the library and is adult supervised. STEWARDSHIP REPORT – We give thanks to God and to each one of you for your faithfulness in giving. We praise God for continually providing all that we need. Let each of us prayerfully consider our pattern of giving and seek God’s direction so that we are offering Him what He desires. Date Sunday Offerings Building Fund th October 5 $14,862.01 $3,245.00 Crop Walk $201.95 October 12th $11,958.98 $786.00 Funds Borrowed from Memorials for monthly bills $37,650.00 Each week $10,774.81 is needed for general fund expenses and $2,604.00 is needed for the mortgage payment. 2014 Benevolences: New Pathways $500.00 PAID for 2014! Lutheran Social Services $2,500.00 PAID for 2014! Luther Crest $3,000.00 PAID FOR 2014! Synod $15,336.08 paid, $9,663.92 owing Attendance for Sunday Morning 10/12/14 – 400 “They lose nothing who gain Christ.” ~Samuel Rutherford Wanted Overnight Hosts for New Pathways Week. This is the one time when it is O.K. to sleep in church. If you can be available from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., please see Doug Johnson or sign up on the chart on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area. The dates are Sunday, November 2nd through Saturday November 9th. DID YOU KNOW? Many of you might not be aware that Trinity does have their own cemetery east of Brainerd. The cemetery is called Vaale Cemetery and is a very beautiful well maintained cemetery. We currently have plots for sale at $500.00 each. If you would like to know more about Vaale Cemetery including directions, rules and regulations, choosing a plot, etc. please contact Joe in the church office @ 218-829-5147. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEN & WOMEN IN THE MILITARY Eric Ahlgren Joe Anderson Jeremy Carlile Heath Dewes Bart Grabouski grandson of Dorothy Ahlgren son of Brian & Julie Anderson grandson of Jim & Darlene Mark grandson of Dort Lofstrom husband of Sherry Grabouski and father of Jessie & Jacob Grabouski Nate Gross grandson of Bev White Charlie Hansen grandson of Bill Hansen Matt Harris son of Linda Harris Rick Herold son of Dick & Kathy Herold Robin Kunstleben (Kuwait) wife of Joe Kunstleben Brian Muellenbach nephew of Anne & Joe Niklaus Nick Oakley son of Jerry & Janice Oakley Jordan Schulz son of Jim & Joyce Schulz Charles Smith grandson of Gayle Anderson Andy Stanwood son of Mike & Kathee Stanwood Joel M. Sullivan grandson of John & Donna Williams Merle Swecker brother of Caroline Nibbe Please notify the church office of additional military personnel to be listed. TRINITY’S 4TH ANNUAL VETERANS APPRECIATION DINNER – We want to acknowledge the many Trinity Military Veterans who are members of our church by having a Appreciation Dinner for them 2th on Wednesday, November 1 here at church. We have compiled a list of our veteran’s and we hope we have not missed anyone. A list of present Trinity Veterans is posted at the Welcome Center. Please check to see if we have accidently missed you! Trinity Confirmation students will be serving the meal but we are looking for volunteers to prepare the meal. Please see Joe Niklaus (or call 829-5147) in the church office if you have any questions. We want this to be a very special evening for our Trinity Veterans who gave their all so we can enjoy the many freedoms we have today. Invitations have been mailed out. Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA, A community committed to Christ through caring, sharing, and outreach. Phone: (218) 829-5147 Fax: (218) 829-5313 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Trinity Children’s Center (TCC): (218) 829-1385 Worship Schedule: Wednesday Worship Service - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Morning 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion Sunday Coffee & Fellowship Time: 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Trinity Staff Senior Pastor - David P. Holte Associate Pastor - Hans Anderson Pastoral Intern – Zech Anderson Pastor Emeritus – C.E. Hoversten Education Director – Jacki Mehr Office Manager - Joe Niklaus Bookkeeper - Joan Oscarson Director of Music – Maren Sederquist Custodian - Matt Daley Parish Nurse – Sue Dudding Organist – Ellen Holte Children Center’s Director – Becky Dryburgh “Too many of us have a Christian vocabulary rather than a Christian experience.” ~Charles F. Banning COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER - Once again this year, the Brainerd American Legion, the Brainerd VFW, the Brainerd Elks and the Brainerd Eagles clubs will hold a Community Thanksgiving Dinner for all area residents who are shut-ins, those who would be without family or friends, and those who would not be able financially to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal. This year, we have been asked by a community organization to provide 130 more meals than we have had in the past. As a result, our need for free will donations to offset the cost of the dinner will be significantly increased. We are also asking congregations to once again donate pies for the event. Pie donations may be dropped off at the Brainerd Legion on Wednesday, November 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Brainerd American Legion Club Manager, Janelle Fitch, at 218-829-2249. Thank you so much for your support of the Community Thanksgiving Dinner! We are fortunate to live in a community of so many caring individuals! ~Susanne Fussy (Publicity Chairman) VAALE CEMETERY SIGN – The September storm that came through the Brainerd Lakes area did some extensive damage to a lot of people’s property including Trinity’s Vaale Cemetery. The Cemetery sign which shows the names and locations of loved ones buried at Vaale was destroyed and needs to be replaced. We have some ideas on making a more permanent Cemetery Directory and are looking for Trinity member(s) who are experienced in laying bricks or stones. WE also could use an experienced welder. We plan on doing the work next spring, so we will have time to brainstorm and come up with a permanent Cemetery Directory for Vaale Cemetery. Please see or call Joe in the church office if you are able and willing to be a part of this project. THANKS!! TODAY Oct. 19th WORSHIP SERVICE HELPERS Greeter: 8:15 & 10:30 – Rushin Family Nursery Helper: 8:15 – Holly Ulanowski Ushers: 8:15 – Arlene Hart, Ron Hart, Chuck O’Day, Sandy O’Day, Diane Oeltjenbruns 10:30 – Dale Hemkin, Dave Johnson, Chandler Niemeyer, Troy Schreifels Communion Servers: 8:15 – Julie Anderson, Doug Johnson, Sandy O’Day 10:30 – Emily Jensvold, Barb Johnson, Dan Johnson, Doug Johnson, Julie Jordan Nursery Helper: 8:15 – Holly Ulanowski Acolyte: 8:15 – Maren Rahto Altar Care: Gayle Anderson, Amy Ulanowski, Macey Peterson Coffee Servers: Duane & Teresa Johnson, Carol Lujan NEXT SUNDAY Oct. 26th WORSHIP SERVICE HELPERS Greeter: 8:15 – Grabouski Family 10:30 – Dehning Family Nursery Helper: 8:15 – Holly Ulanowski Acolyte: 8:15 – Maren Rahto Ushers: 8:15 – Jeff Bluth, Linda Harris, Karen Schuh 10:30 – Joni Hill, Dean Makey, Carol Lujan, Troy Schreifels Communion Servers: 8:15 – Linda Harris, Darlene Jillson, Doug Johnson 10:30 – Dorothy Adamson, Emily Jensvold, Doug Johnson, Kim Larson Altar Care: Gayle Anderson, Amy Ulanowski, Macey Peterson Coffee Servers:???? CALLING ALL BAKERS, COOKIE-MAKERS, ETHNIC FOODIES, ETC.... The Annual Trinity Bake Sales in coming up on November 8th! What are we looking for? Varieties of cookies that we can make platters with, bars, ethnic goodies, pies, breads, candies, snacks, etc. These items may be dropped off by 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 7th. Please label all donations (type of bread, bars, jams/jellies, etc). Thank you! Questions? Call Libby (218)251-7329 or Carrie (218)252-2012. We really appreciate your time and effort!! BRING IN YOUR ALUMINUM CANS - The Trinity Boy Scouts are collecting aluminum cans to help support their troop. You can help by bringing in your aluminum cans and placing them in the old black trailer behind the church. Thank You. "Children are a great comfort in your old age - and they help you reach it faster, too." -Lionel PENTECOST is the longest season of the church year, lasting the entire second half of the church year until the first Sunday of Advent. The season of Pentecost is a season of growing and serving. God’s Spirit helps us to learn more about God’s Word and gives gifts that we can use to serve others and to share the good news with them. The color for the season is “GREEN” for growth. WANTED! ASSORTED CROSSES! This year’s Middle School Gathering will be held on Friday, November 21st at Cragun’s Resort. Each year for the Middle School Gathering, we ask congregations to invest in the faith life of our youth by creating a symbol the youth can take home to remember that they are loved by God, and that we take our baptismal promises seriously! This year we are looking for assorted crosses from key chain size to no bigger than a square foot. Be creative! They might be key chains, magnets, necklaces...made out of wood, crocheted, saudered nails...your imagination is the limit! All crosses need to be turned in to the church office by Thursday, November 20th. Questions-See Pastor Hans. THANKS!! NEW PATHWAYS AT TRINITY BEGINS SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2ND!! Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting the New Pathways Shelter (formerly IHN) for homeless families from November 2nd through November 9th. This program is assisted by several churches in the Brainerd Lakes area. Families will be staying at the churches for the week or until they find housing. During the day they are at the New Pathways day center. Each time that we host, we have a need for volunteers in several area that include set up and take down crews, meals, transportation, evening hosts, activities, overnight hosts and laundry. Sign up charts will be available in the Gathering Area. Please consider helping with this caring, sharing and outreach program of Trinity. Contacts for Trinity are Andrea Bloomquist and Doug Johnson. “God is in the business of taking old pieces of our lives, refinishing them and, at just the right time, surprising us with newfound beauty.” —Susan Duke QUILTERS PLEASE NOTE: Due to schedule conflicts, the quilters will have the following schedule for October and November. We will meet October 28th and also November 18th. Mark your calendars!!! Anyone interested in making mission quilts is welcome to come. We meet from 9:00 a.m. to around 2:00 p.m. If you wish, bring a snack to share and a bag lunch. If you have questions, please let me know.....Darlene Jillson - 218-829-1361.
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