News from the Group Work Track at the US Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting (CSWE-APM) Alex Gitterman ([email protected]) & Carol S. Cohen ([email protected]), Track Co-Chairs JOIN US AT THE IASWG BOOTH AT THE CSWE EXHIBIT HALL AT THE ANNUAL PROGRAM MEETING IN TAMPA!! It is great to have IASWG members drop by the table. And, if you are available to take a short shift at the IASWG Booth, please contact Jen Clements at [email protected] HERE IS A LIST OF GROUP WORK TRACK AND IASWG-RELATED ACTIVITIES TAKING PLACE AT THE CSWE-APM FROM OCTOBER 23-26 IN TAMPA, FLORIDA Dear Colleagues, The upcoming CSWE in Tampa, Florida promises to be an exciting and productive experience for sharing group work research, practice and educational strategies. This year includes an expanded Group Work Track (Friday-Sunday), a Significant Lifetime Achievement Award for Lawrence Shulman (Thursday Evening), our annual Partnership Presentation (Sunday Morning) IASWG materials, including information about the June 2015 Symposium will be available in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's booth at the Exhibit Hall (Thursday-Sunday). We hope you'll attend as many of these sessions as possible - particularly on Sunday, when overall conference attendance drops. The following pages provide an overview of the content and scope of our presence at the Conference. Some things to keep in mind as you review the schedule: This year, our CSWE-IASWG Partnership Presentation, IASWG: Strategies for Integrating Group Work Content in Social Work Education will be on Sunday 8:00 - 9:30 AM, in the Convention Center, Room 36. We look forward to seeing many IASWG members there! The Conference begins Thursday evening, 6:30-8:00 with the CSWE Awards. Among the awardees, Lawrence Shulman leader and member of AASWG (now IASWG) is being recognized for his significant lifetime achievement and dedication to scholarship, research, pedagogy and curriculum development and organizational leadership. Directly following the awards, the Exhibit Hall will open for a Reception. The IASWG Booth in the Exhibit Hall will open, and IASWG 2015 Symposium materials will also be available at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's booth. In addition, feel free to visit booths of publishers and ask about books and journals highlighting Social Work with Groups. The Exhibit Hall is open through Sunday. This year, CSWE is launching a Track Chair Exchange Session. The Group Work Track's session will be on Friday, 12:30-1:30, in the Tampa Convention Center Ballroom B. We hope you will stop by to share your thoughts and suggestions The final section of this schedule includes a list of presentations by IASWG members that are in other CSWE Conference Tracks – Please feel free to contact Carol Cohen ([email protected]) if you work like us to add your presentation to this list. Schedule of IASWG Activities and the Group Work Track at the US CSWE Annual Program Meeting Thursday, October 23, 2014 – Sunday, October 26, 2014 in Tampa, Florida, US Schedule Thursday 10/23/14 06:3008:00 PM Thursday 08:0010:00 PM OPENING CSWE EVENTS Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom A – B CSWE 60th Annual Program Meeting Opening Ceremony and Awards Presentation Highlight: Lawrence Shulman honored with Significant Lifetime Achievement Award Tampa Convention Center: West Hall CSWE Opening Night Reception and Exhibit Hall Open Highlight: IASWG Booth Opens, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Booth will have IASWG 2015 Symposium Materials 1 Friday 10/24/14 11:0012:30 PM CSWE GROUP WORK TRACK AND IASWG PARTNERSHIP PRESENTATION BY DAY Group Work Track Poster: Tampa Convention Center, West Hall Client Feedback With Involuntary Groups: A Changing Paradigm in Practice? This presentation will examine the literature on involuntary groups and the way in which group-member feedback is used by facilitators to engage group members and improve outcomes. Research findings will be presented on the utility of client feedback measures with involuntary groups. Implications for group-work education, practice, and research will be offered. Presenter: Michael G. Chovanec, St. Catherine University & University of Saint Thomas Collaborative Friday 12:301:30 PM Group Work Track Lunch Break X-change: Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom B APM Track Lunch-Break X-change (Tracks 1 to 20) Friday 1:452:45 PM Group Work Track Think Tank: Marriott Tampa Bay Waterside Hotel, Meeting Room 6 How Group Work Knowledge and Skills Inform Academic and Organizational Leadership Chat with Group Work Track Chairs and Participants (Looks like it is bring your own lunch!) Accepted This session will gather reflections of social work educators as they explore the following focal question: How do group work knowledge and skills inform your academic and organizational leadership? Presenters: Carol S. Cohen, Adelphi University & Greg Tully, West Chester University Saturday 10/25/14 8:009:00 AM Group Work Track Curriculum Workshop: Marriott Tampa Bay Waterside Hotel, Meeting Room 1 Promoting Resilience Through Group Work: Teaching Strategies, Techniques, and Case Material Accepted The group modality, with its emphasis on mutual aid, is a natural medium through which client strengths can be enhanced. Resilience theory explains the unique benefits of group work for promoting empowerment. This model, along with the related concept of adversarial growth, will be presented. Appropriate teaching strategies will be discussed. Presenter: Alex Gitterman, University of Connecticut Saturday 11:0012:30 PM Group Work Track Poster: Tampa Convention Center: West Hall Results From the Grandfamilies Outcome Workgroup (GrOW) Support Group Survey Pilot Saturday 1:452:45 PM Group Work Track Roundtable: Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom B Infusing Diversity and Social Justice Into Graduate Group Course Curriculum Saturday 3:305:00 PM Group Work Track Poster: Tampa Convention Center: West Hall Risk Assessment: Perspectives of Members and Leaders From Batterers' Intervention Groups Support groups are the most widely used intervention with grandparents and other relatives raising children. Although such groups are popular and inexpensive, very few measures exist to examine support-group effectiveness. This presentation will showcase the development, implementation, and results of the Grandfamilies Outcome Workgroup (GrOW) Support Group Survey. Presenters: Larry Cooper, Children's Home, Inc., Kerry Anne Littlewood, East Carolina University and Anne Strozier, University of South Florida Social justice and cultural awareness is at the heart of group social work. The presenters will offer an example of infusing culturally inclusive pedagogy and social justice perspectives into a graduate group-work course. Going beyond diverse case scenarios, they will probe diversity influences on group members’ engagement and interactions, and address application. Presenters: Judith S. Williston & Barbara E. Bond, Bridgewater State University This study explored the consistency between leaders’ assessment and members’ self-assessment of members’ risk for re-assault and level of accountability in batterers’ intervention groups. Group leaders and members showed little agreement in their assessment of the level of risk for members to abuse their partners again or the level of accountability exhibited. Presenter: Cecilia W. Mengo, University of Texas at Arlington 2 Sunday 10/26/14 8:009:30 AM IASWG Partnership Session: Tampa Convention Center: Room 36 International Association for Social Work with Groups: Strategies for Integrating Group Work Content in Social Work Education Sunday 11:0012:00 PM Group Work Track Roundtable: Tampa Convention Center: Ballroom B Incorporating Quality Group Work Experiences Into the Field Practicum Sunday 1:452:45 PM Group Work Track Paper Session (Two Papers): Tampa Convention Center: Room 33 Paper Session 1:45 PM Experiential Group Training: A Flipped Classroom Approach for Teaching Group Practice The International Association for Social Work With Groups is the international organization of group-work educators, practitioners, and scholars that is dedicated to advocacy for professional group-work practice and education. The session will focus on strategies and challenges to further expand group work in the social work curriculum. Presenters: Greg Tully, West Chester University, Jennifer Clements, Shippensburg University, Carol S. Cohen, Adelphi University & Olga Molina, University of Central Florida The focus of this roundtable discussion is on helping participants integrate group-work experiences into the field practicum on a consistent basis. Using the standards for social work practice with groups as a foundation, participants will develop strategies to engage students in group work in the field practicum. Presenters: Jennifer Clements & Elizabeth Fisher, Shippensburg University This presentation will describe an innovative strategy for teaching group practice classes in social work. Utilizing a flipped classroom approach allows class time to be used for experiential group training and also gives students an opportunity to learn directly from the creators of different group leadership methods. Presenters: Tee R. Tyler, Vicki Packheiser & Lori Holleran-Steiker, University of Texas at Austin Paper Session 2:15 PM Using the Classroom to Model Social Group Work Stages and Dynamics The ascendancy of generalist practice has led to a decline in group-work courses. Never has there been a greater need to engage and excite students about group work. The presenter will explore a teaching approach used to model social group-work stages and dynamics within the classroom. Presenter: Jami-Leigh Sawyer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Sunday 3:304:30 PM Group Work Track Paper Session (Two Papers): Tampa Convention Center: Room 35 Paper Session 3:30 PM Groups for Latino Adolescent Survivors of Parental Intimate Partner Violence This presentation will feature an agency model that aims to reduce the cycle of violence in the Latino community through creative and structured group interventions with teen youth who witness intimate partner violence and experience child abuse. Presenter: Olga Molina, University of Central Florida Paper Session 4:00 PM A Triangular Model for Social Work Groups: Teaching the Forgotten Practice Modality This presentation will describe a teaching format used in a BSW program in an effort to ensure student competency as required in a Groups Practice course. The triangular model includes classroom teaching of theory, practice of group dynamics, and supervision by instructors and MSW students Presenters: Billy P. Blodgett & Henry Poduthase, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX Friday 10/24/14 11:0011:30 AM PRESENTATIONS BY IASWG MEMBERS IN OTHER CSWE TRACKS BY DATE Send your information to [email protected] if you would like to be included in this section Addictions Track Paper (One of Three): Tampa Convention Center: Room 7 CADC Student, Alumni, and Provider Perceptions: Preparedness to Work With LGBTQ Populations Online surveys examined the preparedness of MSW-certified alcohol and drug counselor (CADC) students to work in the field of addictions with members of the LGBT community. Results will be presented from three perspectives: (a) current social work students studying to become CADC counselors, (b) MSW/CADC alumni, and (c) service providers. Presenters: Michael P. Dentato & Brian Kelly, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL 3 Friday 10/24/14 2:453:15 PM Field Education Track Paper (One of Three): Tampa Convention Center: Room 14 Increasing Community Research Capacity Through MSW Field Placements Saturday 10/25/14 1:453:15 PM Violence Against Women and Their Children Track Poster: Tampa Convention Center: West Hall Help, Lord! Illuminating Barriers to Black Women's Help-Seeking Within Informal Networks Saturday 10/25/14 3:304:30 PM Values and Ethics Track Think Tank: Tampa Convention Center: Room 30B One MSW Program's Approach to Gatekeeping: Challenges and Opportunities in Status Review Sunday 10/16/14 11:0012:00PM Clinical Practice Track Workshop: Marriott Tampa Bay Waterside Hotel: Meeting Room 10 Relationship Is the Key: Common Factors and Clinical Supervision This presentation will focus on a process implemented to increase community research capacity through the capstone projects of MSW students. Social work research professors collaborated with students, field instructors, field liaisons, and agencies to design and implement year-long evaluation research projects that are completed and presented during the advanced year of field placement. Presenters: Jodi K. Hall, Marcie Fisher-Borne & Willa Casstevens, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Black women have the poorest outcomes related to intimate partner violence, yet there is a dearth of resources available to meet their help-seeking needs. This presentation will identify the needs unique to this population, illuminate barriers, and recommend ways to build more culturally competent services and supports. Presenter: Bernadine Y. Waller, Adelphi University Accepted This think tank will explore how gatekeeping processes challenge MSW programs in domains such as ethics, due process, confidentiality, diversity, and self-reflection when students with academic or behavioral troubles come before a status review committee. Procedures, processes, and outcomes for the school, the student, and the profession will be examined. Presenters: Donna M. McLaughlin & Mark Gianino, Boston University Accepted Research has consistently highlighted the importance of the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy. Often clinical supervision becomes focused on technique while ignoring relationship dynamics. This workshop will present ways to teach about the importance of therapeutic relationship through exploring relationship dynamics in the supervisory dyad. Presenter: Marilyn Ghezzi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill START PLANNING FOR NEXT YEAR’S CSWE ANNUAL PROGRAM MEETING OCTOBER 15-18, 2015 IN DENVER, COLORADO! Please feel free to circulate this information through your networks, and to contact Alex Gitterman ([email protected]) and Carol S. Cohen ([email protected]), CSWE Group Work Track Co-Chairs, with any questions about submitting abstracts for the 2015 US CSWE Annual Program Meeting. 4
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