Parish of Baulkham Hills PARISH STAFF Fr. Michael O’Callaghan PP Fr. Giovani Presiga Gaviria Assistant Priest Br Peter Higgins Pastoral Worker Mrs Monica O’Callaghan Parish Secretary 8.30am - 4.30pm Mon. - Fri. Mrs Sue Ashpole Assistant Secretary 8.30am - 3.30pm Mon, Wed, Fri Mrs Louise Ryall Secretary Our Lady Of Lourdes Mon/Tues 1.00pm - 4.30pm Wed-Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm Mr Jeremiah Wilkes Youth Minister Miss Tina Asimus Young Adults Ministry SCHOOL PRINCIPALS Mrs Danuta Maka St Michael’s Phone: 9639 0518 Mr Steve Haskins Our Lady Of Lourdes Phone: 9639 4172 MASS TIMES St Michael’s Church Saturday Vigil: EST 5.30pm, DST 6.00pm Sunday: 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm Mon - Fri: 9.15am Sat: 9.00am Adoration of Blessed Eucharist Tuesday 9.45am - 10.45am MASS TIMES Our Lady Of Lourdes Church Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Korean 7.30pm Sunday: 9.30am Korean 11.00am Tues - Fri: 9.15am Adoration of Blessed Eucharist Friday 8.30am prior to 9.15am Mass Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A St Michael’s: Chapel Lane, Baulkham Hills PO Box 702, Baulkham Hills 1755 Phone: 9639 0598 Fax: 9639 8391 Email: [email protected] Homepage: Our Lady Of Lourdes: 1 Canyon Rd Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 Phone: 9639 8385 Email: [email protected] Homepage: RECONCILIATION - St Michael’s Saturday 9.30am to 10.30am RECONCILIATION - Our Lady Of Lourdes Saturday 5.30pm BAPTISM - St Michael’s Sundays 12 noon (by appointment only) BAPTISM - Our Lady Of Lourdes 4th Saturday of the Month 11.15am (by appointment only) MARRIAGE Arrangements by appointment only 19 October, 2014 Encourage - it could have been yesterday orcas placed a pitcher of warm goat’s milk and a basket of fresh libae (small rolls) on the table in front of the three men. The early morning sun shone dappled through the grapevine above them and conversation was slowly warming up. ‘What are you blokes up to today?’ she asked. Silvanus, always chirpy in the morning, announced that Paul was going to catch up with his mail and that they might hang around for a few hours and give him a hand. ‘Who is the lucky person to hear from you this time, Paul? Asked Dorcas. I’ve been thinking of dropping a line to the sister and brothers in Thessalonica.’ ‘You mean all of them?’ asked Timothy. ‘Yes, Timothy,’ said Paul. ‘Since you got back from visiting the Christians there I’ve been pondering their questions about the resurrection of Jesus.’ ‘And do you have anything helpful to say to them?’ chipped in Silvanus, ‘Actually, yes’ mused Paul. ‘I am getting a few glimpses of what resurrection might actually mean - for us, for them, for the world.’ But you’ve never written to a whole Church before have you?’ Timothy asked. ‘No’ said Paul. ‘But I’m thinking it is something I am going to have to do if we want to keep on instructing these new followers of Jesus. If we can’t be there ourselves to teach them, then I’ll have to write them letters’. “Well, if you are going to do that,’ said Dorcas, ‘make sure you encourage them and honour them. I was coming home from the markets yesterday and was speaking with a lady with a sick child. She was quite worried, and I felt for her. I didn’t know what to say, but remembered that Jesus would have encouraged her. So I said to her, ‘You are a good woman, a good mother. I know it can’t be easy. Keep your chin up, and I’ll meet you by the creek tomorrow and we can have a chat’.” ‘I felt Jesus was there with me, it was the first time’ said Dorcas, ‘that I have ever encouraged a stranger. I suddenly realised He is rising in me, his mission is in me, his healing was coming through me. When I got home I had to sit down and thank him in my heart.’ ’Now, wouldn’t that be a marvellous start to a letter,’ remarked Timothy. “To just encourage the Church there in Thessalonica, to let them know they are really in our hearts, in God’s heart”. After breakfast they prayed for a short while then Paul said it was time to put quill to parchment. And from Paul’s hand the words began to flow. “From Paul, Silvanus and Timothy to the church in Thessalonica in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace’, he began. ‘We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers …’ The year was 50 CE, just twenty years after Jesus’ resurrection. It could have been yesterday. (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b). Edmond Nixon CSsR ©Redemptorists, 2014 Parish Mass Times Our Lady of Lourdes DAY St Michaels 6.00pm 7.30pm (Korean) Saturday Vigil 6.00pm EST 9.30am 11.00am (Korean Sunday 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm No Mass Monday 9.15am 9.15am Tuesday 9.15am 9.15am Wednesday 9.15am 9.15am Thursday 9.15am 9.15am Friday 9.15am No Mass Saturday 9.00am Mass Times LECTORS THIS WEEK 19 OCTOBER 2014 SER VER USH ERS LECTORS NEXT WEEK 26 OCTOBER 2014 Memorial Days Sun 19 October Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Important Dates Mon 20 Oct 2nd Week of Home Group Sessions SER VER USH ERS Saturday J. Lau, E. Riches, 6.00 pm B. De Barros Canha R 13 S. Anderson, N. Donnelly, I 1 Sunday 8.00 am A. Mendes, G. Scanlon, P. Williams L 14 L. Maguire, P. Maguire, J 2 C. Elinon, A. Mantaring, Sunday 10.00 am S. Mantaring D 15 C. Burton, B. Fabri, M. Rutkin P 3 Sunday 6.00 pm E 16 A. Goonan, A. Hay, A. Williamson F 4 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 19 OCTOBER 2014 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 26 OCTOBER 2014 Mass Times J. Goonan, N. Redden, S. Stagnitta, Y. Young S. George, L. Gonsalves M. McLoughlin Saturday B. Hartanto, L. Suprain, E. Riches, 6.00 pm R. Gosper, L. Domanillo Sunday 8.00 am B. Norris, M. Norris, J. Georges, M. Davis, R. Waite K. McElduff, A. Mascari, L. Karam, S. Blahut, L. Domanillo T. Barnes, S. George, M. Brown, S. Stagnitta, E. Lee ROSTERS: WEEK BEGINNING 19.10.14 M. Rutkin, L. Legrand, L. Fauvette, A. Hay, S. George To Reg and Pat Farrell who celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary last Thursday. Well done, Reg and Pat! May God continue to bless you both. WEEK BEGINNING 26.10.14 COUNTERS Counters 19.10.14 Team 4: J. Gorman Counters 26.10.14 Team 5: P. Waite ALTAR SOCIETY Saturday 25.10.14 Team 13: A. Sullivan Saturday 01.11.14 Team 14: M. Marconato MEALS ON WHEELS Friday 24.10.14 G. Smith, D. Usher Friday 31.10.14 V. Caringal, T. Caringal FLOWER MINISTRY Saturday 25.10.14 L. Balanque, J. Lau Saturday 01.11.14 G. Attard, G. Galea, M. Mifsud PROJECTOR Weekend 25/26 October 2014 - Masses: Sat 5:30pm: G. Hill Sun 8am: E. Yoo 10am M. Almeida 6pm: Youth Prayers: Congratulations and best wishes to Adam Sultana and Jessica Jackson who were married at St Michael’s Church last weekend. C. Palmer-Burton, M. Palmer-Burton, L. Boguradzki, M. Cameron, K. MacInante N. Redden, C. Malinis, S. Millet, C. Ugarte, B. Boguradzki, J. Mayhew, J. Hayek, Sunday C. Ugarte, M. Launert 10.00 am B. Oakes Sunday 6.00 pm We welcome the following children to our Parish family. x Chloe Campbell x James Dunk x Stefania Lentini x Declan Van Ross who were baptised at St. Michael’s Church last week. Please remember those for whom prayers have been requested: Recently Deceased: Doris Rowland-Chang, Margaret Cady Anniversary: Haifa Awkar, Francis Xavier Farrugia Sick: Jack Bozica.M, Patricia Begbie, Coral Hall, Ken Baillie, Ron Cross, Emile Rizk, Sonia Dorairaj, Krista Salfus, Chris Renouf, Magdalena Maliwat, David Leahy, N. Vanessa, Roy Briones, Salah Dallo, Son B. Stejephen, Son M Ante, Jean Harrington, Bashir Merhi, Scott Randall, Bernadette Rutkin, Terri Nikora, Son D. Marko, Barbara Walsh, Michael Cratiz, Juanita Uy, Robert Ison, Troy Britnell, Cecilia Moussa, Dianne Moussa, Manuel Machado, Linda Brown Delphin, Herbert Vollbrecht, Noreen Churchill, Mary Korunic, John Straskye, Carmel Gooley, Yvonne Tanous, Lilia Lobrin, Scott Pirie, Giovanna Galea, Lucy Kocsis, Cesario Solarte Jr, Joseph Mannah, Robert Hennessy, Jordan McDonald, Vitaliana Terrado Catholic Mission Day 19th October 2014 This Sunday has been proclaimed as World Mission Day. Catholic Mission is working to proclaim “Life for All” in over 160 countries around the world through community projects for adults, children and local leaders. The annual appeal for Catholic Mission (formerly Propagation of the Faith) will be made at all Masses this weekend. No special appeal will be made, however envelopes will be available at the end of each church pew for those who would like to support this important work of the Church. Should you like to support this appeal please place your donation in or credit card details on the envelope and place it on either of the two normal collections. A Student’s HSC Prayer Lord, you have loved me into life and I thank you. In this exam period, give me a calm heart and quiet confidence in the knowledge that you hold me in the palm of your hand. Bless me with keen understanding and a retentive memory. Give me the ability to grasp things correctly, and express myself clearly. Help me to look beyond this time of exams and see clearly whatever you are calling me to be in life. Show me my gifts and talents and help me to have the courage to use them to love others, to give you glory and to leave this world a better place. Amen. November Masses November is traditionally the month in which we remember our deceased family members and friends. If you would like to have those who have gone before us remembered in all Masses during November, could you please write their names on an envelope or piece of paper and place it on either of the collection plates or give it to Fr. Mick. All names will be typed up and placed on the altar for the duration of November. There is no need to make a monetary contribution for these remembrance Masses. Altar Servers Thank you and welcome to our new altar servers. The new roster will be posted early next week. We are still in need for altar servers to assist at the 6pm Sunday evening Youth Mass. If you have completed the Sacrament of Communion and would like to alter serve please see Fr Mick or call the parish office on 9639 0598. Training will be provided. St Michael's Christmas Community Choir! This year St Michael’s will be holding their second Carols event! This year we are looking for anyone who would like to be a singer in the St Michael’s Community Choir. Whether you are a trained singer, or you simply want to have a bit of fun it doesn’t matter! All the music is traditional and very simple. Rehearsals will be held each Monday evening in the Church, commencing on the 3rd of November at 7.30pm. For any questions, please call Jerry Wilkes on 0423 342 215. All welcome! Helpers for Hospitals We are looking for parishioners who are able to give communion to parishioners hospitalised at Baulkham Hills Rehabilitation Hospital on a Wednesday afternoon and at Norwest Private Hospital after Mass on Wednesday mornings. If you can help, please see Fr Mick or contact the parish office on 9639 0598. Thank you. Faith at the Fiddler A forum for young people aged 18-35 to come together to discuss issues of faith and spirituality in the warm and friendly atmosphere of Sydney’s most famous pub. This month’s speaker is Sherry Weddell. Topic: ‘Forming Intentional Disciples - The Path to Knowing and following Jesus’. An initiative of the Diocese of Parramatta and Catholic Education Parramatta. DATE: Thursday 20 November, from 5pm-7pm VENUE: the Mean Fiddler, cnr Commercial & Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill DETAILS: Steven Buhagiar - Catholic Education, Parramatta, [email protected] Who can separate his faith from his actions, or his belief from his occupations? Who can spread his hours before him, saying: ‘This for God and this for myself; this for my soul and this other for my body?’ He who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked. Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it take with you your all. Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute, the things you have fashioned in necessity or for delight. And take with you all men. And if you would know God...look about you and you will see him playing with your children. (Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, William Heinemann) Are You Coeliac/Gluten Intolerant? If so, we have gluten-free wafers to enable you to receive Communion. Please see the Priest or the Acolyte who will arrange for the gluten-free wafer to be placed in a pyx ready for consecration during Mass. Wafers and pyxes are kept in a drawer in the sacristy where the priest gets vested. You may wish to inform the Priest or Acolyte what area of the church you will be sitting in so that the pyx with the consecrated host can be given to the Communion Minister for that area. When it is your turn to receive communion, inform the Communion Minister that you need a gluten-free host. Baptism Preparation We are seeking parishioners who are interested in joining our Baptism Preparation Team. The team runs a 50 minute programme on the fourth Wednesday of each month preparing parents wishing to Baptise their child/ children. You will only be required 3 to 4 times per year. If you are interested and for further details please contact Liz on 0402 786 562. What does it mean to be a Catholic? Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Do you have friends who are questioning what being a Catholic is all about? RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and is the process by which the Catholic Church welcomes people into the faith. This journey invites adults to discover the richness of Catholic faith and their place in it. If you are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and what we believe, then this may be the program for you. The Parish of Baulkham Hills (St. Michael’s and Our Lady of Lourdes Churches) For more information please contact St. Michael’s Parish Office 9639 0598 or email: [email protected] or Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Office 9639 8385 or email: [email protected] OUR WORSHIP TODAY ~ Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Yr A Today’s : Readings: 1st Reading: Is 45:1, 4-6 2nd Reading: 1 Thess 1:1-5 Gospel: Mt 22:15-21 Next Week: 1st Reading: Ex 22:20-26 2nd Reading: 1 Thess 1:5-10 Gospel: Mt 22:34-40 Entrance Antiphon: Responsorial Psalm: 8am To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye; in the shadow of your wings protect me. Give the Lord glory and honour. Responsorial Psalm: Vigil, 10am, 6pm Give the Lord glory and honour. Gospel Acclamation: 8am Alleluia, alleluia! Shine on the world like bright stars; you are offering it the word of life. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon: Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, who hope in his merciful love, to rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in famine. Gospel Acclamation: Vigil,10am, 6pm Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Daily Masses: Mon to Fri, 9.15am, Sat 9.00am Rosary: Mon to Fri, 8.55am Morning Prayer of the Church ~ Sat. morning beginning 8.25am Holy Communion to the Sick ~ Contact Parish Office. Phone: 9639 0598 Sacrament of the Sick ~ First Friday of the month at 9.15am Mass OPTION ONE POOL & PUMP SERVICES Discount prices on new Pumps, Filters, Salt Water Chlorinators Repair of all Pool and Spa Equipment Cleaning and regular maintenance Specific problem solving Call Henry at any time: 9634 7470 Mobile: 0412 265 823 Real Estate With Someone You Can Trust Selling, Buying, Development, Investment, Property Management David Dowling Call me on: 0421 051 029 Or email: [email protected] Ray White Castle Hill BT-50 Dual Cab Ute, high caged 7x4’ trailer General Repairs and Maintenance Available weekends and after 5pm weekdays Anthony Chie Email: [email protected] (Preferred) Mobile: 0409 223 749 Ray Bazouni A.I.A.M.E Unit 1/44 Carrington Rd Castle Hill 2154 Phone: (02) 9634 7390 Fax: (02) 9634 7395 Mobile: 0405 153 716 Steve Palmer Single items to small removals Reliable & trustworthy service Specialising in Australian, European & Japanese Electrician/Handyman ABN: 62 355 703 860 Local/Regional/ Interstate CASTLE SERVICE CENTRE 19/15-17 Terminus Street, Castle Hill AC DELIVERIES ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Deadline for Parish Bulletin Notices: All notices for the Parish Bulletin must be at the Parish office by 4.30 pm each Wednesday. Getting your bulletin notice in early would be appreciated. Thank you. Kellyville Flower Spot A.B.N. 27 050 540 193 RMB 64 Windsor Road CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 Phone: (02) 9629 2756 Fax: (02) 9629 4064 Email: [email protected] YOUR HILLS DISTRICT COMPUTER TECHNCIAN Computer Sales & Service You Can Trust ¾ On-Site Hardware & Software Repairs ¾ New Computers & Peripheral Hardware ¾ Internet Setup & Connection Sharing ¾ Wireless Networking & Internet Access Contact Michael Sulfaro M:0410 444 550 E:[email protected] Available afternoons: Mon - Thu, 4 - 9 PM Ph: 0403 543 400 Enquiries only, to leave your details : [email protected] CRESTWOOD CENTRE PHARMACY BILL REID, B. PHARM., M.P.S GLANMIRE ROAD BAULKHAM HILLS OPEN 7 DAYS Phone: 9624 1434 Monday - Friday 9am - 7pm Saturday and Sunday 9am - 12.30pm
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