Baulkham Hills Parish Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 1 Canyon Rd Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 02 9639 8385 [email protected] 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time WEEKEND MASS TIMES Our Lady of Lourdes Church 1 Canyon Rd, Baulkham Hills Saturday Vigil 6.00pm Sunday 9.30am Korean 7.30pm Vigil/11.00am St Michael’s Church Chapel Lane Baulkham Hills Saturday Vigil 5.30pm EST Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm Weekday Masses Tuesday - Friday 9.15am Adoration of Blessed Eucharist Friday 8.30am Prior to 9.15am Mass 1st Friday Mass of Blessing of the Sick Reconciliation Saturday 5.30pm Baptism By Appointment 4th Saturday of the month 11.15am Our Lady of Lourdes Office Monday/Tuesday 1.00pm – 4.30pm Wednesday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm Parish Priest Fr. Michael O’Callaghan Assistant Priest Fr. Giovani Presiga Pastoral Worker Br Peter Higgins Parish Secretary Louise Ryall Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Principal Mr. Steven Haskins 26th October 2014 “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” Matthew 22, 34-40 Today’s gospel reading is similar to those of the last few Sundays in that it gives us yet another example of the Jewish leaders attempting to get Jesus to paint himself into a corner. Discussion of the question: “Which is the greatest commandment?” had become ongoing among scholars belonging to rabbinical schools throughout the Jewish world. In putting the question to Jesus, the Pharisees were trying to get Jesus to identify himself with a particular school of thought, thereby setting himself up from criticism by all the other rabbinical schools. The response Jesus gave was faithful to Jewish tradition and in full harmony with how faithful Jews were expected to reach out with practical assistance to everyone they encountered, especially those in great need, such as widows and orphans. So, once again, Jesus foiled those intent on trapping him into compromising himself and his values. Jesus pointed out that love of God amounts to nothing unless it finds expression in reaching out to and caring for everyone we encounter with the kind of love that God has for each of us. For the most part, we are able to do that towards family and close friends. However, the challenge is more demanding when we encounter people who are just not “our cup of tea” - those who don’t share our religious or political views, those who get under our skin, those who haven’t adopted our culture and values, those we regard as over-dependent on social security, anyone, in fact, whom we categorise as aliens and outsiders. Yet, loving another with our whole heart and soul and mind can bring us to do things that we could not otherwise imagine. What we can accomplish when we act out of love that is centred on the needs of the other person, love that is entirely selfless and unconditional, love that reflects the love God has for us, is transformative of both ourselves and those we touch. That’s what today’s gospel calls us to set our sights on. Adapted from Julian McDonald cfc.AO Today’s Mass Entrance Antiphon 1st Reading Responsorial Psalm Gospel Acclamation Communion Antiphon Next Week’s Readings 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face. Ex 22:20-26 2nd Reading 1Thess 1:5-10 Gospel I love you, Lord, my strength. Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia! Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, as a fragrant offering to God. 1st Reading Is 25:6-9 2nd Reading Rom 5:5-11 Gospel Matthew 22:34-40 Matthew 11:25-30 Liturgical Ministry Roster 25th/26th October 6pm Saturday Acolyte Roland Barros Reader 1 R Muscat Reader 2 N Bryce G Yee Special Ministers Counters 1st/2nd November 9.30am John O’Grady Phil Lawrence C Luther M Chaiban L Keane (A) M Leslie, L Ryall Group 4 6pm Saturday 9.30am Ken Sinclair Andrew Barnhill P Steele D Burke M Leslie R Patane V Aguirre (A) C Vella, K Bull Group 5 M Steele If you are unable to minister on your Rostered Day please arrange a replacement, particularly for Aminya Prayer Requests Please pray for our deceased family& friends: Brian Devine, John Finn, Maurice Esh, Joyce Raftery, Anthony Bertus, Justin Prins, Bob O’Malley, Evelyn Martyres, Daisy McCall, Duncan Gilchrist Buchan Ford, Stephen Ford, Diana & James Rodgers. Please pray for our sick relatives Pat McManus, Olivia Carlli, Ron Cross, Dianne Burke, Michelle Clapham, Rosemary Quinn, Helen Kingsley, Mary Kirby, Lyn Newson, Br. Joseph Byrne, Sr Bridie O’Connell, John Vassett, Shaun Hegarty, Alana Reid, John Walker, Stella D’Costa, Neil Smith, Diana Ball, Ron & Nell Ross, Peter Pang, Holly Burns, Evan Garcia, Brian Roche, Peggy Hayes, Marjorie Rutledge, Warren Moses, Stephen McNamara, Colleen Rabu, Carmel Willis, Stella Kitchen, Mary Kingston, Matthew Burke, Susan Moses, Zena Wong, Sally Vigours, Shirley Falconer, Julie Bracks, Edward Beaini, Shane Feneley, Richard Meagher. Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist takes place in the Church each Friday morning commencing at 8.30a.m, prior to 9.15am Mass. Fr Giovani’s Silver Jubilee of Ordination to the Priesthood On 19th November Fr Giovani will celebrate his Silver Jubilee (25 years) of Ordination to the Priesthood and it is important that we make this a special celebration to show our appreciation for the valuable gifts he shares with us all through his gentle ministry. Fr. Giovani has asked that this celebration be kept very simple with Mass at 9.30am followed by morning tea. Fr. Giovani wishes to return to Colombia next year to visit his family. As our gift to him on this momentous occasion it has been decided that we will make a financial contribution to assist him with the cost of his travel. If you would like to make a contribution to Fr. Giovani’s Gift please place your gift in an envelope clearly marked “Fr. Giovani’s Silver Jubilee”. Children’s Liturgy Children's Liturgy is held during 9.30am Mass each Sunday for children of school age during school terms. The children listen to the Word of God at their own level Pre-schoolers are welcome to attend but must be accompanied by a parent. Welcome to our Year 2 Families We welcome our Year 2 children and their families to our 9.30am Mass this weekend. It is so wonderful to see the young families of our parish involved in our Sunday Liturgy. We thank them for their effort and participation in this Mass and the gifts they bring to share with our community of faith. Following Mass everyone is welcome to share morning tea and meet some of our parishioners that you may not have met previously. Please introduce yourself to those around you. Thinking about becoming a Catholic? What does it mean to be a Catholic? Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Do you have friends who are questioning what being a Catholic is all about? RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and is the process by which the Catholic Church welcomes people into the faith. This journey invites adults to discover the richness of Catholic faith and their place in it. If you are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and what we believe, then this may be the program for you. The Parish of Baulkham Hills (St Michael’s and Our Lady of Lourdes Churches) For more information please contact: Our Lady of Lourdes Office 9639 8385 Email: [email protected] OR St Michael’s Parish Office 9639 0598 Email: [email protected] October – Month of the Rosary The month of October is traditionally the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary in the Catholic Church. Throughout this month, at 9.00am prior to 9.15am Mass on Tuesday – Thursday, the Catholic Women’s League will be leading The Rosary at Our Lady of Lourdes – please join us. Pastoral Council Meeting The Pastoral Council will meet in the Parish Centre on Thursday 30th October at 7.30pm. If you have any ideas that you think would add to the life of our community please share them by sending them in writing or email [email protected] or you may wish to speak to a member of the council whose particulars are in the board at the back of the church. Working Bee Have you heard the Buzz? Saturday, November 1, Time: 8.00am-12 noon. This will be a spring clean with many jobs both big and small to prepare our church and gardens for the Christmas Season. Jobs include a thorough clean of the church and grounds with weeding, trimming plants, clearing cobwebs, cleaning windows. We’d love to see you come along meet other parishioners and have a chat as we beautify our church grounds and gardens. Please put your name and details on the sheet at the back of the church if you are able to assist. Our Lady of Lourdes Church in the Parish of Baulkham Hills Melbourne Cup Celebration of 2014 The OLOL Catholic Women’s League invites you to celebrate Australia’s annual Spring Frolic, for the race that stops the nation! • Chicken & Champagne luncheon • Have a flutter in our sweepstakes • Wear a posh frock and prettiest hat (The pretty part is optional for the men. Perhaps dapper is more appropriate for our men) • Prizes for best dressed filly and Most handsome stallion in the OLOL field Date: Tuesday 4th November Time: 12.30pm – 4.00pm Venue: OLOL Parish Centre 1 Canyon Road, Baulkham Hills Cost: $20.00 per person Tickets are available at the Masses on 18/19October, 25/26 October and (last chance) 1/2 November. Proudly supporting San Miguel Family Centre & OLOL Church. Ministry Rosters New Rosters are available at the back of the church. I invite all ministers to take a copy and please remember, if at all possible, to find a replacement if you are unable to minister on your rostered weekend. Book of Saints Petite Pupils Playgroup November is traditionally the month of the Holy Souls when we offer our Masses for the intentions of our loved ones who have died. For the month of November Mass Requests are placed in the Parish Book of Saints before the altar, and all Parish Masses are offered for these intentions. If you would like your loved ones remembered at our Masses please print the names clearly and place them on the collection plate at Mass or drop them into the Parish Office. Please do not include any monetary donation with your November Mass Requests – you may like to make a donation to Vinnies . Petite Pupils Playgroup is for children 0-5 years. The group meets every Tuesday from 9.00 am – 11.00 am in the Parish Hall (down the driveway and under the church). New members are always welcomed. It is a great opportunity to meet other children and parents who also attend the parish/school. Further enquiries to Angie Lee on 0421 340 539. Parra-matters! Roaming Formation for Youth presents “Mental Health First Aid” When: Time: Venue: Thursday 30th October 7.00pm ~ 9.00pm Christ the King North Rocks One of the commitments that Catholic Youth Parramatta has made to the youth and young adults of the Diocese is a monthly formation program. This month we will draw upon a panel of professionals in the area of mental health first aid. We recognise that many youth leaders will be the first contact to young people suffering from a minor or serious mental health illness. the Parra-Matters program is held on the last Thursday of each month with a theme based on emerging needs. the program will be hosted by a different parish each month. Why not get a group of friends together and join this important discussion. “First Aid” can save lives! . St Therese of Lisieux You are invited by the CWL to a Day of Spirituality with Sr. Nory Ordiz CM Topic: St Therese of Lisieux Time: Mass at 9.15am followed by talk at 10.00am Cost: $20 Spend a quiet and peaceful day. Information: Ann 9639 7151 OLMC Mercy Scholarship Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta is now accepting applications for Mercy Scholarships for Academic Excellence and Music Excellence. Girls entering Years 7, 9 or 11 in 2016 are invited to apply. Visit the College website for more information. Bookings Essential: PH: 9933 0205 or Email: [email protected] Stepping Beyond: Support for those Separated or Divorced CCSS Solo Parent Services invites those who have been separated or divorced to our monthly evening for sharing and support. The emphasis is on personal development, growth and goals for a hope-filled future. Date: Tuesday 28th October. Venue: CCSS centre 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown. Time: 7.30 – 9.30. Cost: $5.00. Registration: [email protected] or Ph. 99330205. Brother Peter Higgins fsp Cans! Cans! Cans! Copper/Aluminium/Brass Br Peter, a member of the Patrician Brothers, works tirelessly in the Parish visiting those who are housebound through age or illness. One of Br Peter’s pastoral activities is collecting cans and other recyclable metals and sending the money to the Missions. Through his efforts he has been able to send over $160,000 to the missions. If you have access to recyclable materials such as copper, aluminium or brass please contact the Parish Office. Perhaps you know of someone in business or at a sporting event where cans are in use. Cans can be left at the Parish Centre where Br Peter will collect them each Wednesday on his Pastoral visits Diary Dates Look Youth Gathering CTK Pastoral Council Meeting OLOL Working Bee Chicken & Champagne Lunch 30th October 30th October 1st November 4th November The Parish Bulletin is generously sponsored by:
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