Javni razpis za (so)financiranje raziskovalnih projektov za leto 2014 – razpis v letu 2013 (Uradni list RS, št. 65/2013, z dne 2.8.2013) (Public call for co-financing of research projects in 2014 - Public call in 2013) I. faza (1st phase) PRIJAVNA VLOGA (application form) 1. Tip raziskovalnega projekta (Type of research project) podoktorski projekt – aplikativni (Applied Postdoc Project) 1.1. Točka se pri tem javnem razpisu ne izpolnjuje (Item 1.1 is not relevant for this Public call) 1.2. Prijavitelj podoktorskega projekta izjavlja, da prijavlja projekt (Applicant for the postdoctoral project declares to apply for a project) na isti raziskovalni organizaciji, kot je trenutno zaposlen (in the same research organization as currently employed) 1.3. Prijavitelj temeljnega oziroma aplikativnega projekta izjavlja, da pri vodji projekta od zagovora doktorata ni minilo več kot 10 let (The Applicant for the basic or applied project declares that no more than 10 years have passed from the project leader's doctoral thesis defence.) Da (Yes) A. SPLOŠNI PODATKI (GENERAL INFORMATION) 2. Naslov raziskovalnega projekta (Title of the research project) SLO Učinkovitost fotobiomodulacije v primerjavi z oblogami pri zdravljenju kroničnih ran pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo ANG Efficacy of photobiomodulation in comparison with wound dressings for chronic wound healing in patients with diabetes mellitus 3. Vodja raziskovalnega projekta (Project leader) Šifra (Code number) Ime in priimek (Name and Surname) Tea Nizič Kos 4. Prijavitelj – raziskovalna organizacija (RO) (Applicant – Research organization) Šifra (Code number) Naziv (Name) 0312 Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana 5. Raziskovalna skupina (Research group) Šifra (Code number) Naziv (Name) 0312-013 SPS Kirurška klinika, Klinični oddelek za travmatologijo 6. Kontaktna oseba – I. in II. faza (Contact person – 1st and 2nd phases) Ime in priimek (Name and Surname) E-naslov (e-mail address) Telefon (phone) Tea Nizič Kos [email protected] +386 40 697 *** 7. Raziskovalno področje, v katerem bo potekalo izvajanje raziskovalnega projekta po šifrantih ARRS in FOS (Research field in which the research project will be performed) Interdisciplinarna raziskava (Interdisciplinary research) Primarno raziskovalno področje po šifrantu ARRS (Primary research field) Šifra (Code number) - Veda (Discipline) - Področje (Field) - Podpodročje (Subfield) 3.07 Medicina Metabolne in hormonske motnje Primarno raziskovalno področje po šifrantu FOS (Primary research field – FOS) Šifra (Code number) - Veda (Discipline) - Področje (Field) 3.02 Medicinske in zdravstvene vede Klinična medicina Dodatno raziskovalno področje po šifrantu ARRS (Additional research field) Šifra (Code number) - Veda (Discipline) - Področje (Field) - Podpodročje (Subfield) Dodatno raziskovalno področje po šifrantu FOS (Additional research field – FOS) Šifra (Code number) - Veda (Discipline) - Področje (Field) 8. Znanstveno področje raziskovalnega projekta po šifrantu Evropske unije – šifra in naziv (Scientific field of the project according to the Common European Research Classification Scheme CERCS – CERIF) Šifra (Code number) Naziv (Name) B600 Surgery, orthopaedics, traumatology 9. Točka se pri tem javnem razpisu ne izpolnjuje (Item 9 is not relevant for this Public call) 10. Točka se pri tem javnem razpisu ne izpolnjuje (Item 10 is not relevant for this Public call) 8. Navedba največ dveh recenzentov, za katera prijavitelj ne želi, da ocenjujeta njegovo prijavno vlogo (At most, 2 reviewers who the proposer does not want to be involved in the evaluation process) Ime in priimek (Name and Surname) Ime ustanove zaposlitve (Place of the employment) 12. Uporabniki/sofinancerji - samo za prijavo aplikativnega projekta (Beneficiary/Co-funding organisation – for Applied Project only) Naziv, naslov in pooblaščeni predstavnik sofinancerja (Name, adress and beneficiary-autorised representative) KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto, Aleš Rotar Skupaj % sofinanciranja (Total % co-funding): Matična številka (Co. reg. no.) 5043611000 % sofin. (% co-fund.) 20 20 13. Sodelujoče raziskovalne organizacije (Participating research organisation) Šifra (Code number) 0381-029 Naziv (Name) Inštitut za mikrobiologijo in imunologijo Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani 14. Projekt je skupen slovensko – avstrijski projekt, kjer ARRS nastopa kot "vodilna agencija" v povezavi z avstrijsko agencijo Fonds zur Fˆrderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF). Projekt se lahko (so)financira samo, če projekt sofinancirata obe agenciji. ARRS financira slovenski sklop projekta, FWF pa avstrijskega. ARRS opravi recenzijo za oba sklopa projekta; pozitivna ocena in predlog sofinanciranja je za FWF zavezujoč (The project is a joint Slovenian - Austrian project, where ARRS is acting as the "lead agency" in connection with the Austrian agency - FWF. The project can be co-financed only if it is co-funded by both agencies. ARRS finances Slovenian part of a project while FWF finances the Austrian part. ARRS evaluates both parts of the project; FWF accepts the funding decision of ARRS by default). Ne (No.) B. ZNANSTVENA KAKOVOST VODJE RAZISKOVALNEGA PROJEKTA (SCIENTIFIC QUALITY OF THE PROJECT LEADER) 15. Kratka predstavitev vodje raziskovalnega projekta – življenjepis (Short Curriculum Vitae of the project leader) ANG Tea Nizic Kos studied medicine at the Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine from 2006 and graduated in 2013. During this time she was active in various fields. At the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and under the supervision of Prof. Maja Arnež wrote a Prešeren research paper entitled Solitary erythema migrans in children: comparison of treatment with clarithromycin and amoxicillin. Later, with the help of the mentor prof. dr. Jadranka Buturovič-Ponikvar, she wrote a few articles on the quality of life of dialysis patients and their attitude towards kidney transplantations. She began to work as the ward doctor at the University Clinic for Traumatology in April 2014, where under the supervision of prof. dr. Cimerman and prof. dr. Dragica M. Smrke she wrote a few case reports and literature review papers in the field of traumatology. SLO Tea Nizič Kos je študij medicine na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani začela leta 2006 in končala 2013. Med študijem je bila dejavna na različnih področjih. Na Kliniki za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja je pod mentorstvom prof.dr. Maje Arnež naredila Prešernovo raziskovalno nalogo z naslovom Solitarni erythema migrans pri otrocih: primerjava zdravljenja s klaritromicinom in amoksicilinom. Kasneje je z mentorico prof. dr. Jadranko Buturovič-Ponikvar napisala nekaj člankov o vplivih na kakovost življenja dializnih bolnikov in njihova odklonilna stališča do transplantacije ledvice. Kot sobna zdravnica na Kliničnem oddelku za Travmatologijo se je zaposlila aprila 2014, kjer je s prof. dr. Cimermanom in prof. dr. Dragico M. Smrke napisala nekaj prikazov primerov in preglednih člankov s področja travmatologije. 16. Dva do pet najpomembnejših raziskovalnih dosežkov vodje raziskovalnega projekta, povezanih z vsebino projekta v zadnjih petih letih (2008 - datum zaključka javnega razpisa) (Two to five most important research achievements of the project leader linked to the content of the research project in the last five years (2008 - Conclusion of the public call)) Nizič Kos Tea, Ponikvar Anja, and Buturović Ponikvar Jadranka. "Reasons for Refusing Kidney Transplantation Among Chronic Dialysis Patients."Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 17, no. 4 (2013): 419-424. Nizič Tea, Velikanje Eva, Ružić-Sabljić Eva and Arnež Maja "Solitary erythema migrans in children: comparison of treatment with clarithromycin and amoxicillin." Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 124, no. 1314 (2012): 427-433. 17. Dva do pet najpomembnejših družbeno-ekonomsko oziroma kulturno relevantnih dosežkov vodje raziskovalnega projekta, povezanih z vsebino projekta v zadnjih petih letih (2008 - datum zaključka javnega razpisa). Pri podoktorskih projektih so lahko navedeni relevantni dosežki, ki niso nujno povezani z vsebino projekta. (Two to five most important socio-economic or cultural achievements of the project leader linked to the content of the research project in the last five years (2008 - Conclusion of the public call). In the case of postdoctoral project may be given relevant achievements that are not necessarily linked to the content of the research project.) 18. Citati - dokazilo o izpolnjevanju pogoja za vodjo raziskovalnega projekta (Citations – proof of meeting the requirement for a project leader) 19. Obdobje v zadnjih petih letih, v katerem vodja raziskovalnega projekta ni bil zaposlen v raziskovalni dejavnosti oziroma je bil dalj časa odsoten (Periods in the last five years in which the project leader didn not work in the research organisation or was absent for longer period) C. KRATKA PREDSTAVITEV RAZISKOVALNEGA PROJEKTA (BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT) 20. Kratka predstavitev raziskovalnega projekta (Brief description of the research project) ANG 1. Scientific background. Chronic wounds are an increasingly common problem of an aging population. Treatment of chronic wounds is primarily surgical and based on the preparation of the bed of the wound to facilitate healing: tissue supply, control of inflammation and infection, moisture balance and epithelial progress. Traditionally optimal microenvironment for wound healing was created with the use of wound dressings, which protect the cells from drying out, lowering of environmental temperature, mechanical injury and infections. Contemporary therapeutic dressings can be divided into primary and secondary liners. The primary liner is always in contact with the bottom and the edge of the ulcer, which allows optimum efficiency of the dressing and treatment of ulcer. The secondary liner is placed on the primary one. We distinguish between alginates, hydrogels, hidrocapillary finishes, hydrocoloids, collagens, nonsticky webs, soft silicone, polyurethane foams or films. Each dressing has its own properties and method of use, however, a universal dressing which would be suitable for healing different types of wounds, does not exist, so the dressings need to be adjusted to the size and depth of the wound as well as phase of wound healing. 2. Scientific problem. Medical advances in recent years have enabled the use of new methods of chronic wound healing, which supposedly improve the speed of wound healing and prevent complications connected to chronic wounds. One of the newer methods is photobiomodulation (also known as phototherapy), which has already been used for healing non-infected and infected wounds (1), injuries of the locomotor apparatus, neuropathies, and treatment of pain. It uses light wavelength between 650 and 1000 nm, which is obtained by means of LEDs (light emitting diodes) (2). These are energy-efficient and relatively inexpensive. For safe treatment, there are internationally standardized protocols, which determine the safest wavelength, the energy flux density, power density, and number of weekly treatments. The use of precise lighting regimes have been demonstrated to have a positive impact on fibroblasts, collagen synthesis, cell viability, stimulation of growth factors, modulation of inflammation and, consequently, on wound healing (3, 4, 5). At the cellular level photobiomodulation promotes the activation of porphyrin and consequent increase in intracellular Ca2+, activation of the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria and the release of nitric oxide (NO). Phototherapy with wavelength of 630 nm has been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria such as S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli (6), which can often be isolated from chronic wounds. Finally, some wounds do not heal as expected, despite the progress in medicine and wound healing technologies. It is believed that this is due to the characteristics of the patients (concomitant diabetes, immune diseases, nutritional status, age, immobility) and the properties of materials used in wound care. Wound care can be complicated in polymorbid patients: wounds in patients with diabetes (4, 7), and infected wounds heal more slowly. Because of the attendant complications, it is important that the wounds heal within the expected timeframe, with minimal complications and infections. 3. The purpose of our study. The aim of our study is to determine the effect of photobiomodulation with the LED on the speed of healing of chronic wounds in different groups of patients, and compare the findings with wound dressings, which are usually used to treat such wounds. We will also observe, which bacteria is causing wound infections and if they differ among groups of our patients (patients with diabetes mellitus and those without). We hypothesize the photobiomodulation significantly contributes to faster wound healing and diminishes the frequency of wound infection in patients with diabetes mellitus and those without chronic diseases. 4. Methods. We will investigate a group of patients with diabetes and a group of patients without associated chronic diseases. In each of the groups at least 30 adult patients will be included. The condition for inclusion in the study would be the presence of chronic wound, whereby we will exclude patients who were previously (in timeline one month prior to enrolling into the study) treated with antibiotics or surgery for wounds, or have immune deficiency, decubitus or cachexia. Half of each group (at least 15 subjects) will be treated with photobiomodulation, while the other half (at least 15 subjects) will be treated by wound dressings appropriate for such wound. Patients will be randomized into their group. We will observe these patients for 3 months. The effectiveness of treatment will be assessed on each appointment. Swabs of these wounds will also be performed to identify the pathogen causing the wound infection. The course of treatment will be photo-documented and laboratory parameters (markers of infection) will be observed. 5. Relevance and potential impact of the results. The survey will identify if photobiomodulation therapy is cost-effective for the healing of chronic wounds compared to wound dressings that are usually used in such cases. Machines used for photobiomodulation can be used repeatedly, by disinfecting the devices briefly after its use. This could mean cheaper treatment compared to wound dressings, which usually represent a major financial challenge (can be used only once, change is usually needed every day or every other day). In the two groups of patients we will observe common characteristics, thereby creating guidelines to help treatment of such patients in the future to be faster and more effective. 6. The organization and the feasibility of the project. The project will be carried out by researchers from our research group at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana and Institute for Microbiology and Immunology of Ljubljana Medical Faculty. Participants will be selected among patients with chronic wounds who will be evaluated for the first time at the outpatient clinic of the Surgical Infection Ward of University Medical Centre Ljubljana in January 2015. After a short survey and signing of the consent form, patients will be divided into two groups. The first group will represent patients with diabetes mellitus who are treated for chronic wounds, while the second group will consist of patients with chronic wounds without chronic diseases. We will use two devices for photobiomodulation on half of our patients twice a week, while the rest of the patients will be treated traditionally by changing wound dressings every other day. The events will be photo-documented. We will record the healing process and evaluate it using the previously prepared protocol for wound healing. References: 1. Yu W, Naim JO, Lanzafame RJ. Effects of photostimulation on wound healing in diabetic mice. Lasers Surg Med 1997; 20(1): 56-63. 2. Evans DH, Abrahamse H. Efficacy of three different laser wavelengths for in vitro wound healing. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2008; 24(4): 199-210. 3. Oliveira Sampaio SC, de C Monteiro JS, Cangussú MC, Pires Santos GM, dos Santos MA, dos Santos JN, Pinheiro AL. Effect of laser and LED phototherapies on the healing of cutaneous wound on healthy and iron-deficient Wistar rats and their impact on fibroblastic activity during wound healing. Lasers Med Sci 2013; 28(3): 799-806. 4. Al-Watban FA. Laser therapy converts diabetic wound healing to normal healing. Photomed Laser Surg 2009; 27(1): 127-35. 5. Corazza AV, Jorge J, Kurachi C, Bagnato VS. Photobiomodulation on the angiogenesis of skin wounds in rats using different light sources. Photomed Laser Surg. 2007; 25(2): 102-6. 6. Jiang Y, Leung AW, Wang X, Zhang H, Xu C. Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus by photodynamic action of hypocrellin B. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 2013; 10(4): 600-6. 7. Al-Watban FA, Andres BL. Polychromatic LED in oval full-thickness wound healing in non-diabetic and diabetic rats. Photomed Laser Surg 2006; 24(1): 10-6. SLO 1. Znanstvena izhodišča. Kronične rane so pogosta težava starajočega prebivalstva. Zdravljenje kroničnih ran je v prvi vrsti kirurško in temelji na pripravi dna rane za dobro celjenje: oskrbi tkiva, nadzoru nad vnetjem in okužbo, ravnovesju vlage in epitelijskem napredku. Tradicionalno smo optimalno mikrookolje za celjenje rane poskusili ustvariti s pomočjo oblog, ki ščitijo celice pred izsušitvijo, prenizko temperaturo, mehanskimi okvarami in okužbami. Sodobne terapevtske obloge delimo na primarne in sekundarne. Primarne so vedno v stiku z dnom in robom razjede, kar omogoča optimalno učinkovitost obloge in zdravljenja. Sekundarno oblogo namestimo na primarno oblogo. Ločimo med alginati, hidrogeli, hidrokapilarnimi oblogami, hidrokoloidi, kolageni, nelepljivimi mrežicami, oblogami z dodatki, mehkim silikonom, poliuretanskimi penami ali filmi. Vsaka obloga ima znane svoje značilnosti in način uporabe, vendar enotne obloge, ki bi bile primerne za vse tipe zdravljenja ran, ne obstajajo. Zato jih je potrebno prilagajati obsežnosti, globini ter stopnji celjenja rane. 2. Predstavitev problema. Z napredkom medicine so na voljo nove metode zdravljenja kroničnih ran, ki naj bi izboljšale hitrost celjenja ran in preprečile zaplete povezane s kroničnimi ranami. Ena novejših metod je fotobiomodulacija (znana tudi kot fototerapija), ki se že uporablja pri zdravljenju čistih in okuženih ran (1), poškodbah gibalnega aparata, nevropatijah ter pri blaženju bolečin. Uporabljamo svetlobo valovnih dolžin med 650 in 1000 nm, ki jo pridobimo s pomočjo LED diod (light emitting diodes) (2). Te so energetsko varčne in relativno poceni. Za varno obravnavo obstajajo mednarodno standardizirani protokoli, ki določajo najvarnejšo valovno dolžino, gostoto energijskega toka, gostoto moči ter število tedenskih obravnav. Ob uporabi natančno določenih svetlobnih režimov v kliničnih raziskavah dokazujejo pozitiven vpliv fototerapije na fibroblaste, sintezo kolagena, celično viabilnost, stimulacijo rastnih dejavnikov, modulacijo vnetja in s tem posledično na celjenje rane (3, 4, 5). Na celičnem nivoju pride ob uporabi te metode do aktivacije porfirina in posledičnega porasta intracelularnega Ca2+, aktivacije encima citokroma c oksidaze v mitohondrijih ter sproščanja dušikovega oksida. Fototerapija z valovno dolžino 630 nm inhibira tudi rast bakterij kot so S. aureus, P. aeruginosa in E. coli (6), ki jih pogosto lahko izoliramo iz kroničnih ran. Nenazadnje se kljub napredku nekatere rane zaradi lastnosti bolnikov (spremljajoča sladkorna bolezen, imunske bolezni, prehranski status, starost, nepokretnost) in lastnosti materialov, ki jih uporabimo pri oskrbi ran, še vedno ne celijo po pričakovanjih. Oskrba ran je zahtevnejša pri polimorbidnih bolnikih: pri sladkornih bolnikih se rane celijo počasneje (4, 7), pogostejše so okužbe ran. Zaradi spremljajočih zapletov je pomembno, da se rane zacelijo v pričakovanem času, s čim manj zapleti in okužbami. 3. Namen in cilj raziskave. Namen naše raziskave je ugotoviti, kakšen je učinek fotobiomodulacije z LED na hitrost celjenja kroničnih ran pri različnih skupinah bolnikov, nato pa ugotovitve primerjati s celjenjem ran pri različnih oblogah, s katerimi običajno zdravimo rane. Ugotavljali bomo tudi, kateri so mikrobiološki povzročitelji okužb in če se ti razlikujejo med skupinami naših bolnikov (bolniki s sladkorno boleznijo in brez). Naša hipoteza je, da fotobiomodulacija pripomore k hitrejšemu celjenju ran ter zmanjša pogostost okužb ran tako pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo kot pri tistih brez kroničnih bolezni. 4. Metode dela. Preiskovali bi skupino bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo in skupino bolnikov brez pridruženih kroničnih bolezni. V vsako od skupin bi vključili vsaj 30 odraslih preiskovancev. Pogoj za vključitev v študijo bi bila prisotnost kronične rane, pri čemer bi izključili bolnike, ki so v mesecu dni pred pričetkom raziskave prejemali antibiotike ali bili zaradi rane operirani, imajo znano imunsko pomanjkljivost, preležanine ali kaheksijo. Polovico vsake skupine (vsaj 15 preiskovancev) bi zdravili s fotobiomodulacijo, drugo polovico (vsaj 15 preiskovancev) pa z oblogami. Način zdravljenja za posameznega bolnika v skupini bi določili naključno z žrebom metode zdravljenja. Bolnike bi spremljali skupno 3 mesece. Uspešnost zdravljenja bi ocenjevali z merjenjem časa do zacelitve rane, spreminjanjem bakterijske flore rane oz. hitrostjo uničenja patogenih bakterij v rani (kar bi preverjali pri vseh zdravljenih bolnikih z mikrobiološkim brisom rane na začetku raziskave in po vsakem zaključenem mesecu zdravljenja) ter številom zapletov med celjenjem rane. Potek zdravljenja bi fotodokumentirali, spremljali bi tudi laboratorijske parametre (vnetne kazalce). 5. Relevantnost in potencialni vpliv rezultatov. Z raziskavo bomo opredelili stroškovno učinkovitost uporabe fotobiomodulacije pri celjenju kroničnih ran v primerjavi z uporabo oblog. Pri fotobiomodulaciji je namreč naprava po kratkotrajnem razkuževanju uporabna večkrat, kar bi lahko pomenilo cenejšo obravnavo, saj obloge ponavadi predstavljajo večji finančni zalogaj (uporabne so le enkrat, menjava je ponavadi potrebna vsak dan ali vsak drugi dan). Pri skupinah bolnikov bomo ugotavljali skupne značilnosti le teh in tako oblikovali smernice, s pomočjo katerih bodo v prihodnje bolniki s podobnimi zdravstvenimi težavami oskrbljeni hitreje in bolj kakovostno. 6. Organiziranost in izvedljivost projekta. Projekt bomo izvajali raziskovalci iz raziskovalne skupine na oddelkih Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra v Ljubljani ter Inštituta za mikrobiologijo in imunologijo Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani. Preiskovance bomo izbrali med bolniki s kroničnimi ranami, ki bodo v januarju 2015 prvič obiskali Ambulanto KO za kirurške okužbe UKC Ljubljana na Polikliniki. Po kratki uvodni anketi in privolitveni izjavi o sodelovanju v raziskavi, bomo bolnike razvrstili v dve skupini in sicer v skupino s pridruženimi kroničnimi boleznimi in tiste, ki so sicer zdravi. Z dvema napravama za fotobiomodulacijo bomo bolnike dvakrat tedensko svetili, druge pa vsak drugi dan previjali s sodobnimi oblogami za nego rane. Dogajanje bomo sproti fotodokumentirali. Beležili bomo proces celjenja in ga ocenjevali po predhodno narejenem protokolu. Reference: 1. Yu W, Naim JO, Lanzafame RJ. Effects of photostimulation on wound healing in diabetic mice. Lasers Surg Med 1997; 20(1): 56-63. 2. Evans DH, Abrahamse H. Efficacy of three different laser wavelengths for in vitro wound healing. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2008; 24(4): 199-210. 3. Oliveira Sampaio SC, de C Monteiro JS, Cangussú MC, Pires Santos GM, dos Santos MA, dos Santos JN, Pinheiro AL. Effect of laser and LED phototherapies on the healing of cutaneous wound on healthy and iron-deficient Wistar rats and their impact on fibroblastic activity during wound healing. Lasers Med Sci 2013; 28(3): 799-806. 4. Al-Watban FA. Laser therapy converts diabetic wound healing to normal healing. Photomed Laser Surg 2009; 27(1): 127-35. 5. Corazza AV, Jorge J, Kurachi C, Bagnato VS. Photobiomodulation on the angiogenesis of skin wounds in rats using different light sources. Photomed Laser Surg. 2007; 25(2): 102-6. 6. Jiang Y, Leung AW, Wang X, Zhang H, Xu C. Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus by photodynamic action of hypocrellin B. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 2013; 10(4): 600-6. 7. Al-Watban FA, Andres BL. Polychromatic LED in oval full-thickness wound healing in non-diabetic and diabetic rats. Photomed Laser Surg 2006; 24(1): 10-6. 21. Vsebina predloga raziskovalnega projekta se šteje za poslovno skrivnost (Content of the research project proposal is considered to be a business secret) Ne (No.)
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