The VIth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS (ROBOTICS’14) Organized by Robotics Society of Romania (RSR) – Bucharest Branch Under the Patronage of IFToMM and RSR International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM). With the support of University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (UPB), Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy (ISM) and Technical Uninersity of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UCEB). Aim The aim of the joint conference is to bring together researchers, scientists, industry experts and PhD students to provide a general forum for researchers, engineers and PhD students involved in the general area of robotics and mechatronics mechanisms, mechanical transmissions to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields. Topics We are looking for original, high-quality contributions addressing the following topics: Kinematics of robots, mechanisms and machines Dynamics of robots, mechanisms and machines Mechatronics Biorobotics Micromechanisms and Microactuators Computational and Experimental Methods CAD in mechanism and machine design Mechanical design of robot architecture Parallel robots Mobile robots Micro and nano robots Sensors and actuators in robotics Intelligent control systems Biomedical engineering Teleoperation, haptics, virtual reality Precision mechanics Mechanical Transmissions Agricultural robots Food processing robots Construction robots Robotics and environmental protection Military robots Entertainment robots Service robots Deadlines Abstract submission: June 02, 2014 Full paper submission and uploading on the Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal Website: July 01, 2014. Acceptance notification: August 25, 2014. Early registration (payment) : September 10, 2014 Final paper submission: September 10 , 2014 Registration (payment): September 25, 2014. Registration The registration fees are: Early Registration/ Robotics Society of Romania (RSR) and International Federation on Robotics (IFR): 200 Euros; Early Registration/ International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) Members: 200 Euros; 100 Euros per second paper by the same first author; Early Registration/Non-RSR, IFR or IFToMM members: 250 Euros Registration between September 10-25, 2014: 270 Euros; Students/Accompanying Person: 100 Euros The registration fee includes attendance of the conference, one copy of the proceedings, two lunches, refreshment breaks, the welcome dinner, the conference gala dinner. Venue Our conference is organized th toghether with The 7 International Conference of Advanced Manufactured Technologies (ICAMaT 2014) and it will be held in Bucharest, at the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems from The POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, the General Chair of the Joint Conference being the Dean of the faculty, Prof. Univ. Dr. Eng. Cristian Doicin. The organization of this joint conference is part of a series of scientific and cultural events celebrating the 60 years of The Department of Machine Building Technology. The inaugural edition of scientific events in the field of Robotics in our country, starting with the year 1981, was held at Department of Mechanisms and Robots from the University POLITECHNICA of Bucharest under the coordination of Professor Christian Pelecudi. Conference at which you are invited to participate in this nd year is the XXII scientific manifestation in the field of Robotics in Romania and the th VI which is international. Honorary chair Adrian BRUJA (Romania) Chair Iulian TABĂRĂ (Romania) Co-Chairs Luigi VLĂDĂREANU (Romania) Constantin OCNĂRESCU (Romania) International Scientific Committee George ADÎR (Romania) Cătălin ALEXANDRU (Romania) Ovidiu ANTONESCU (Romania) Păun ANTONESCU (Romania) Virgil ATANASIU (Romania) Karsten BERNS (Germany) Ştefan BIRIŞ (Romania) Ivan BOGDANOV (Romania) Theodor BORANGIU (Romania) Ion BOSTAN (Moldova) Alexandru BOTU (Romania) Stelian BRAD (Romania) Cornel BRIŞAN (Romania) Corneliu BURILEANU (Romania) Daniela Crăiţa CARP- CIOCÂRDIA (Romania) Vicenzo Parenti CASTELLI (Italy) Marco CECCARELLI (Italy) Valentin CIUPE (Romania) Liviu CIUPITU (Romania) Adriana COMĂNESCU (Romania) George CONSTANTIN (Romania) Burkhard CORVES (Germany) Simona CREŢU (Romania) Geert de CUBBER(Belgium) Adrian CURAJ (Romania) Marc DAHAN (France) Marian DIMA (Romania) Constantin DOGARIU (Romania) Tiberiu DOBRESCU (Romania) Valer DOLGA (Romania) Ioan DOROFTEI (Romania) Cristian DRAGOMIRESCU (Romania) Ileana DUGĂEŞESCU (Romania) Valeriu DULGHERU (Moldova) Nicolae DUMITRU (Romania) Jean-Christophe FAROUX (France) Milomir GASIC (Serbia) Adrian GHIONEA (Romania) Grigore GOGU (France) Barbu GRECU (Romania) Antoni GRONOWICZ (Poland) Zeng Guang HOU (China) Romeo IONESCU (Romania) Virgil ISPAS (Romania) Mircea IVĂNESCU (Romania) Nicolae JONI (Romania) Iosif KAPOSTA (Romania) Chin-Hsing Kuo (Taiwan) Vlad Grigore LAŞCU (Romania) Corneliu LAZĂR (Romania) Erwin-Christian LOVASZ (Romania) Eduard MAICAN (Romania) Inocenţiu MANIU (Romania) Vasile MARINA (Moldova) Vistrian MĂTIEŞ (Romania) Luigi MISTODIE (Romania) Prof. KARL-HEINZ MODLER (Germany) Gheorghe MOGAN (Romania) Victor MOISE (Romania) Valentin NĂVRĂPESCU (Romania) Mircea NEAGOE (Romania) Iuliu NEGREAN (Romania) Adrian NICOLESCU (Romania) Constantin NIŢU (Romania) Mircea NIŢULESCU (Romania) Adrian OLARU(Romania) Gigel PARASCHIV (Romania) Paul Ciprian PATIC (Romania) Doru PĂNESCU (Romania) Dan PERJU (Romania) Doina PÎSLĂ (Romania) Nicolae PLITEA (Romania) Antonio José Sánchez SALMERON (Spain) Ion SIMIONESCU (Romania) Ştefan STAICU (Romania) Ionel STAREŢU (Romania) Doru TALABĂ (Romania) Daniela TARNIŢĂ (Romania) Olimpiu TĂTAR (Romania) Iosif TEMPEA (Romania) Aron TRIPE VIDICAN (Romania) Bram VANDERBORGHT (Belgium) Ion VELA (Romania) Pavel VITLIEMOV (Bulgaria) Gheorghe VOICU (Romania) Miron ZAPCIU (Romania) Hong Bo WANG (China) Organising Committee Ovidiu ANTONESCU Cătălina Elena BALTĂ Dănuţ BUCUR Gabriel CONSTANTIN Raluca COVACI Andrei DIMITRESCU Mirela DINCĂ Marian DIMA Luciana DUDICI Ileana DUGĂEŞESCU Ştefan DUMITRU Cătălin FRÂNCU Alexandru GAL Roxana-Georgiana GHEŢU Mariana IONESCU Grigore Vlad LAŞCU Doina MARIN Octavian MELINTE Marin NEACŞA Florian PETRESCU Relly PETRESCU Constantin POPA Alexandra ROTARU Alina SPÂNU Cristian SPÂRLEANU Ovidiu ŞANDRU Liviu UNGUREANU Nicoleta UNGUREANU Victor VLADĂREANU Submission, presentation and publication The official language of the conference is English. The abstracts should be transmitted to email adress [email protected] till June 02, 2014. Submission of papers titles and authors on the ICAMaT & ROBOTICS 2014 website must be done before July 01, 2014. Each paper will be reviewed, and the papers selected by the Scientific Committee will be published in the periodical “Applied Mechanics and Materials” available in full text online at indexed by SCOPUS and monitored by all major abstract media. Authors of the selected papers will receive free online “author access” via their email address (as it appears in the paper) and from TTP supplied password. Via this access they will be able to download their paper(s) as PDF and order reprints on line. In addition, these authors will receive full online access to the entire proceedings. . All submitted papers must be strictly prepared following the publication guidelines. In order to be published at least one author must register for the conference and present the paper. The mandatory number of pages is either 4 or 6 pages, in the format presented in the other attached file. As the first author, is allowed participation by a maximum of two works. When the author sends the abstract, it is necessary to include the paper in the appropriate section from the conference topics. For detailed up-to-date information, please contact our secretariat or visit the ROBOTICS 2014 conference website at: /conferences/ROBOTICS 2014. Accomodation Bucharest, the capital of Romania provides accommodation in a lot of hotels of various categories situated in the centre of the city or in the proximity of the POLITEHNICA University campus. Early reservation is recommended on line via hotel website or the hotel desk directly. A list of hotels will be available on the conference website. Further information This is the first call for papers intended to inform about the aim, topics and important dates of the conference. Detailed information covering venue, accommodation, social events th (on October 25 , 2014) and other topics will be available on the conference website. Correspondence Address: Robotics 2014 University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (UPB), Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Department of Mechanisms and Robots Theory, Splaiul Independentei, nr. 313, sector 6, Bucharest, Postal cod: RO060042, ROMANIA Secretariat: Lecturer Dr. Eng. Ileana Dugăeşescu E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +4021-402 96 32 Mobile: +4072-334 95 27 Website: /conferences/ROBOTICS 2014.
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