e tenneguedfsure Tennessee Gas Pipeline Weekly System Update October 23, 2014 Ten n e ss ee Ga s Pip e lin e I 1 00 1 Lo u is i an a Str eet I Hou s ton , T X 7 7 00 2 I w ww. ten n e s see ad v an t ag e.com INSIDE THIS UPDATE TGP Calendar Reminders Tip of the Week Storage Update Operations Update Outages Update Helpful Links DART Training (Videos) DART Training (Documents) Presentations Chart After Hours: 713-420-4999 Please send all suggestions and comments on our weekly update to: [email protected] Thank you for your business! TGP CALENDAR REMINDERS Weekend Contacts and After-hours number: 713-420-4999 OCT 25th Kristine Wood Mary Colclasure Norma Verdin Work 713-420-3899 713-420-3577 713-420-3924 IM Kwood78954 Marymcolclasure NormaVTGP Oct 26th Kristine Wood Mary Colclasure Norma Verdin Work 713-420-3899 713-420-3577 713-420-3924 IM Kwood78954 Marymcolclasure NormaVTGP TIP OF THE WEEK Tennessee would like to remind its customers that the following pins are still being held to EPSQ due to operational reasons: Tetco Wheelersburg Receipt Pin (412874) Columbia Milford Delivery Pin (420245) Iroquois Wright Receipt Pin (412181) Iroquois Shelton Receipt Pin (412180) Algonquin Mendon Delivery Pin (420285) Dracut Receipt Pin (412538) Arlington Storage Pin (412803) – both receipts and deliveries Oswego Stagecoach Pin (421046) – both receipts and deliveries Page 2 TIP OF THE WEEK (Continue) EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2014 FORWARD, DO NOT COPY ANY OF THE BOSTON GAS AND COLONIAL GAS MEMBER PINS LISTED BELOW INTO ANY NOMINATION BATCH. As a reminder, effective November 1, 2014, Boston Gas and Colonial Gas will begin utilizing Central Delivery Points (CDPs) for all operated meters. At that time, rather than nominating to the current PINs or “Member” PINs, nominations should be made to the new relevant CDP PINs referenced below (in bold). Any nominations to the following Member PINs should be made to Bostn/TGP CDP 261 (New CDP PIN #47859): Member PINs: Oxford (421023) Southbridge (420108) Spencer (420191) Any nominations to the following Member PINs should be made to Bostn/TGP CDP 267 (New CDP PIN #47860): Member PINs: Acton (420611) Clinton (420110) Dracut (420572) Haverhill (420122) Leominster (420111) Lunenburg (420949) Tewksbury (420139) Any nominations to the following Member PINs should be made to Bostn/TGP CDP 268 (New CDP PIN #47861): Member PINs: Arlington (420115) Burlington (420341) Camp Curtis (420808) Danvers (420935) Essex (420323) Gloucester (420119) Lexington (420192) Lynn (420117) Lynnfield (420343) Reading (420136) Revere (420116) Salem Beverly (420118) Wenham (420138) West Peabody (420389) Wilmington (420532) Peabody Sales (420658) All Member PINs will become non-nominatable and all nominations should be made to the above referenced CDP PINs effective for Timely Cycle, November 1, 2014, and until further notice. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call your Scheduler. 3 Page 3 STORAGE UPDATE November 1, 2014 is on a weekend, so complete your transfers on or before that date. Any small stranded storage amounts not completed (due to storage nominations still in place through October), will be transferred effective November 1, 2014 the week of November 4, 2014. DART provides the ability for storage customers to enter their own storage transfers online. If you have a terminated or recalled contract that needs the balance transferred to the base storage contract holder or a new contract, these transfers need to be completed on or before the first of the month only. Effective with the transfers for October 1, 2014, if your storage transfer is not completed on terminated or recalled contracts online, your storage contract will be charged for being over MSQ on your invoice, and the balance will not be automatically moved to the new contract. Please contact your gas scheduler, if you need procedures and help with the storage transfer. All storage customers that do storage transfers need to set up a contact with an email in DART for notification of storage transfers. Go to Business Preference, New, Select the “IMBAL TRD/STOR TRANS” category and input the contact information including the email. If both primary and back up contacts are set up, all will receive emails when storage transfers need confirmation or are rejected. If not set up, the storage transfer will be in error status until an email address is entered in DART. OPERATIONS UPDATE The OFO Critical Day 1 in Zone 4 downstream of Station 315 and Upstream of Station 321 on the 300 Line and the Imbalance Warning for Zone 0 South of Station 1 remains in place. Matching physical flows to scheduled volumes in these areas remain extremely important. The reversal project at Sta. 860 continues. This project will limit throughput through Station 847 (segment 847 FH) by approximately 195,000 Dths and Station 860 (segment 548 BH) by approximately 221,000 Dths. The class change for MLV 546-1 and Sta. 546 also continues. This project will limit throughput through the station by approximately 340,000 Dths (Segment 542 BH). These projects could result in restrictions at through a pro rata portion of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations. Maintenance begins at Sta. 245 on Monday, October 27th. Work will limit throughput through the station by approximately 15,000 Dths. This work could result in restrictions through a pro rata portion of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations. On Monday, October 27th, maintenance begins at Sta. 315. This work will limit throughput through the station by approximately 184,000 Dths which will likely result in restrictions up to 100% of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations (Segment 315 BH). Page 4 The emergent repair at MLV 326-1 continues. This repair will limit throughput through the station by approximately 140,000 Dths and will likely result in restrictions up to 100% of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations (Segment 320 FH). OUTAGES UPDATE For a full list of outages, please refer to the 2014 Maintenance & Outage Update Posting
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