St Alban’s Anglican Parish, Epping Our Vision: To be a Worshipping, Recognisably Anglican, Multi-racial, All-age, Gathered, Christian Community - ’a city on a hill’ 20th Sunday after Pentecost 26 October 2014 The Liturgy begins on page 119 of the service books ,at St Alban’s 7.00am Eucharist Reader: Jan McIntyre Preacher: The Rector 8.00am Eucharist Reader: Ian Arnold Hymns: 467, SP 213 see insert, SP 254 see insert Organ music: BEFORE Chorale preludes: J G Walther (1684 - 1748) AFTER Prelude in G major: J. S. Bach (1685 - 1750) Preacher: The Rector 10.00am Sung Eucharist Reader: Jane Bryant Hymns: SP 289 see insert, 467, SP 213 see insert, SP 254 see insert Motet: The Claire Benediction - John Rutter Organ music: BEFORE Sonata 5, 1st & 2nd movements: J. S. Bach AFTER Sonata 5, 3rd movement: J. S. Bach President: The Rector / Preacher: The Reverend Peter Frith 6.00pm Choral Evensong Reader: Ian Arnold. Readings: Psalm 150, Genesis 1:1-2:3, John 1:1-18 Hymns: TIS 158 see insert, TIS 191 see insert, 33 Motets: Deck Thyself my soul with gladness; According to Thy gracious Word Officiant: The Reverend Ross Weaver / Preacher: Ken Bock 7 at St Aidan’s 8.30am Eucharist & Baptism Reader: Lynn Bock Hymns: SP 289 see insert, 112, SP 213 see insert, SP 254 see insert Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver In Covenant with the communities of the Roman Catholic Parish of Epping & Carlingford, Epping Uniting Church, West Epping Uniting Church, Carlingford Baptist Church and Epping Baptist Church Welcome to St Alban's and St Aidan's We warmly welcome you today as we join together to worship our Risen Lord. If you are a new parishioner please collect a Welcome Folder and leave the information card with one of the Welcome Group or Parish Staff. Please stay and join us after our morning services at St Alban's and St Aidan's for tea and coffee, or breakfast after the 8.00am service at St Alban's. We welcome Fr Peter Frith, Chaplain at Macquarie Hospital, who is preaching at 10am this morning. We also welcome friends and family of William John Futcher who is being baptised today at St Aidan’s. Thoughts for Prayer & Reflection Accompanying this week’s bulletin is the November issue of Thoughts for Prayer & Reflection, which has been produced by the Pastoral Care Committee, using the Lectionary as a guide. We hope you will find this helpful in your daily prayer life. Music for Choral Evensong tonight Introit: Laudate Dominum by Mozart Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Stanford Ferial Responses Motet: Hear my Prayer by Mendelssohn All Soul’s Day Eucharist Tuesday 4 November at 7.45pm At the back of each church you will find last year’s list of those people who were remembered. If you would like a person remembered and they are not already on that list, please add their name at the bottom of the sheet. Please use this opportunity to come to the church and worship God as you remember your loved ones who have passed to eternal life. Names submitted will be placed in a special book of remembrance during the service. You may wish to bring a flower to place on or around the altar or light a candle. During the liturgy you will have an opportunity to do so. At the back of St Alban’s are children’s worksheets. The worksheets come in two different age groups: younger and older. If your child would like a copy, please pick one up in the foyer. 2 For your Prayers Church: Mona Vale - St John; Narrabeen - St Faith; Newport - St Michael’s and All Angels; Seaforth - St Paul; Northern Region TAFE Ministry Carlingford Baptist Church Epping Uniting Church Act 4 Peace (Mission of the Month) In our World: Pray for our world as it suffers ongoing terrorist attacks that people might be kept safe and world leaders might find a path to peace. Pray for the working poor and the relief agencies that support them that our community would be generous in sharing its resources. Those being baptised today at St Aidan’s: William John Futcher Anniversary of Death: Barry Rook 26/10; Jean Muir 26/10; Dorothy Lee 28/10; Zoe McWhite 28/10; Pat Scully 31/10 Mission of the Month Emergency Appeal for Gaza and Iraq Act for Peace has acknowledged our support last year for their Syria Crisis Appeal when this Parish raised over $800. They sent over $500,000 from Australia to help families in desperate need as a result of the internal conflict in Syria. Act for Peace has now requested that our Parish make an emergency collection for innocent families devastated by conflict in Gaza and Iraq. Act for Peace's partner on the ground in Gaza is providing medical care and trauma support, work which will be increasingly needed in dealing with the impact and aftermath of the war. According to the UN, at least 60,000 children will need trauma counselling, and that number could increase. Over 1 million civilians, mostly women and children, have been forced to flee their homes in Iraq. Minorities in Iraq, including Christians, are particularly vulnerable as sectarian tensions increase. Through its partner on the ground, Act for Peace is responding to the crisis by providing food parcels, hygiene kits, blankets and cooking sets, but they urgently need more funds to scale up their response. Act for Peace is the international aid agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia. It is a member of the global ACT (Action by Churches Together) alliance, which helps communities affected by poverty and conflict in more than 150 countries. Significantly, it responds to all conflicts and works longterm in many of the world’s most protracted conflicts. For further details, please refer to the display on the Narthex board or visit the website To make a donation to the work of Act for Peace and its partner churches in Gaza and Iraq, please place your gift in the ‘Beyond the Parish’ side of your offertory envelope (please write ‘Gaza and Iraq Appeal’ below the stamped date) or in a plain envelope marked ‘Gaza and Iraq Appeal’. For those who electronically transfer their offertory, please consider making a separate EFT for mission giving. 3 Government Grants The Parish has been advised that both the NSW Government and the Australian Government have granted money to the Parish for specific projects. 1 The Australian Government has granted us money to restore the 1st World War memorials to mark the Centenary of the Commencement of WW 1 2 The NSW Government has granted two amounts to assist in installing an audiovisual system in St Alban’s and roof anchors to enable proper maintenance of the roof of the church. We are most grateful. The Wardens and Rector Special General Meeting of parishioners There will be a Special General Meeting held on Sunday 23 November 2014 following the 10am Eucharist. The meeting is being called to enable parishioners to be brought up to date with the latest information about the redevelopment of Epping Town Centre and what that implies for the redevelopment of St Alban’s site. There will be time for discussion and a vote to determine if the parish as a whole confirm the general direction that the Parish Council decided at its recent meeting. We do hope that everyone will make an effort to come as this is not only an exciting time for the parish, but will have great impact on the parish’s future, both short and long term. Puddings Christmas puddings should soon be on sale and we would encourage you to buy yours as soon as you can to help us with our refrigeration of so many puddings. They will be $35 again this year and a gluten-free/dairy free version will be available. If you need one of these special ones, it would be a good idea to let Ruth know at [email protected] Thank you FAMILY GROUP TODAY Vive La France! @ The Edmondsons Our next gathering is at the home of Mark and Margi Edmondson, at 5 Beattie Avenue, Denistone East, TODAY from 12.30 pm, celebrating French cuisine. If you would like to join us, please see Mark or Margi for details. You are very welcome. Family Group is about community, fellowship and getting to know one another a little better over a shared meal. Quite simple really. Our program of activities is on the notice board. If you are interested and would like to know more about our activities, have a chat with Kim or Amanda Turner. Let them eat cake! 4 Confirmation 2014 Confirmation this year will be on Sunday 7 December. Applications are still available at the church office. Men’s BBQ Date Changed The Men’s BBQ for November has been changed to Thursday 13 November, one week later than usual. As usual all men are welcome to join the group. 7pm in the Rectory backyard. Bring your meat or whatever and something to drink. RLT The next RLT meeting will be held on Thursday 6 November at Virginnia’s home, commencing at 7.30pm. MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday 8 November 8am to 9.30am St Aidan’s Hall, Downing Street, West Epping Guest Speaker: John McGregor “Climate Change from Pole to Pole” We are well aware of the ongoing discussion on climate change and its effects. At our next Men's Breakfast, local speaker and lecturer John McGregor will tell us about some lesser known effects of climate change, particularly around the North Pole and South Pole: its impact not only on human and animal life, but even on tourism, and international industry and trade. All men, including guests, are invited to join us. A donation of $5 to cover costs is appreciated. If planning to come, please add your name on the list at the back of the church, to assist us in catering. We need 4 men to assist for 30 minutes afterwards with washing up: if you can help in this way, please indicate on the list. Quiet Day Saturday 22 November from 10am to 3pm with Jane Chapman Theme “Images of God” BYO lunch If you would like to attend, please leave your name on list at the back of the church Mission of the Month giving received for: CBM (September) = $125 Act 4 Peace (October - current mission) = $155 5 SERVICE PROGRAMME TILL CHRISTMAS Sunday 2 November 10am - All Saints Day incense will be used Tuesday 4 November 7.45pm - All Soul’s Day 14-16 November Choir Camp Sunday 16 November 10.00am The Reverend Ed Vaughan, Rector St John’s Darlinghurst Sunday 23 November - The Festival of Christ the King Incense will be used at 10am. Evensong will not be held. Sunday 30 November - 1st Sunday of Advent 10.00am - visit of our ARV members. 6.00pm - Saint Alban ‘Celebration of Advent Carols’ Sunday 7 December - Confirmation Bishop Chris Edwards at 10am Sunday 14 December 10.00am - Saint Alban ‘Sunday School Pageant’ (A plate for the after party would be appreciated) Sunday 21 December - 4th Sunday of Advent 10am - The Reverend Ron Silarsah, Asst Priest Christ Church St Laurence 7.45pm - Saint Alban ‘Nine Lessons and Carols of Christmas’ (Refreshments follow in the Parish Memorial Hall) Wednesday 24 December - Christmas Eve 6.00pm - Saint Alban ‘A Family Christmas Celebration’ (with Christingles for the children) 11.00pm - Saint Alban: ’Choral Festival Eucharist of the Nativity’ with Incense Thursday 25 December - Christmas Day 8.00am - Saint Alban Choral Festival Eucharist 8.30am - Saint Aidan Festival Eucharist 10.00am - Saint Alban Festival Eucharist Australian Christian Women World Community Day Theme: Building with Godly wisdom Friday 31 October - 10.30am Eastwood Baptist Church, 3 First Avenue 6 Next Sunday's Services ALL SAINTS Monday 27 October Fr Ross’s day-off 2 November 2014 Parish Office Closed Tuesday 28 October At ST ALBAN'S SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES AND MARTYRS 7.00am Eucharist 10.00am English Conversation Group 11.00am Be Still & Know Meditation Group 5.00pm Evening Prayer Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver 8.00am Eucharist Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver 10.00am Choral Eucharist Wednesday 29 October 7.00am 5.00pm 7.45pm with incense Preacher: The Reverend Ross Weaver Eucharist Evening Prayer Choir Practice 6.00pm Evening Prayer Thursday 30 October The Reverend Ross Weaver 10.30am Healing Eucharist 5.00pm Evening Prayer at St Aidan's Friday 31 October Martin Luther & other Continental reformers 5.00pm Evening Prayer Please send items to be considered for the bulletin next week by Wednesday at 2.30pm. 8.30am Eucharist Preacher: The Reverend Paul Weaver Office arrangements The Rector will be on leave from tomorrow for 2 weeks. If you would like to directly debit your weekly offertory, the church bank account details are:St Alban’s: BSB No: 032 081 Account No: 000024 St Aidan’s: BSB No: 032 081 Account No: 810086 Please indicate on transfer which service you attend. If you wish some of your giving to go to the Mission of the Month or any other specific cause, please indicate it on you Direct Transfer, or make a separate Transfer. During the blessing of the gifts, we acknowledge the offertory made to the Parish by direct transfer. ALBERT & MEYER Funeral Directors 301 Pennant Hills Rd, Thornleigh 24 hours 9484 3992 Kent Maddock and friends sing you a bedtime story! Well - just before bedtime, please don't come in your pyjamas!! November 1, at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, Kent and Brad and others will entertain you for a couple of hours while telling the story of his musical life. Please come and bring as many friends as you can. Afterwards there will be port and goodies from Sweetness Patisserie!! Cost: $10 for concession, $15 standard. The Peacemakers Macquarie University Singers are presenting a concert of Karl Jenkins' work The Peacemakers on Sunday 2 November at 2.30pm in Macquarie Theatre. Jenkins has used the words of people such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama and others and set to music his call for peace and justice for all. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind". A poster with further details is displayed on the board outside the hall. Ticketing through 1300 306 776 or Community Hymn Singing A number of people have indicated that they would like an occasional service of community hymn singing. The Rector would like to know how many people would be interested if he organises such a service every 5th Sunday, late in the afternoon, in the coming year. If you are interested, please place your name on the list provided at the back of St Albans. Parish Directory Parish Office is open Tuesday to Friday 9am to 1 pm Address - 3 Pembroke Street Epping 2121 (PO Box 79 Epping 1710) St Aidan's Church - 30 Downing Street, West Epping Phone - 9876 3362 Fax - 9876 4046 Website - Office email - [email protected] Rector Associate Priest Parish Secretary Choir Director Organist Honorary Clergy The Reverend John Cornish - [email protected] The Reverend Ross Weaver - [email protected] Mrs Denise Pigot Mr Kent Maddock Mr Neil Cameron The Reverend Jane Chapman The Reverend Dr Alan Friend The Reverend Val Tibbey The Reverend Paul Weaver The Reverend Dr Philip Blake
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