DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 1. ORGANIZATION: - DBV Katana - e:mail: [email protected] - web: www.dbvkatana.si 2. VENUE: - Sports Hall Brežice (Černelčeva cesta 10, 8250 Brežice) - 3. http://www.terme-catez.si/media/predstavitev.-.zavod.za.sport.brezice_si.pdf CATEGORIES: DUO SYSTEM Children U8, U10, U12, U15, aspirant, juniors and seniors: men, women and mix couples. - CHILDREN U8: two attacks of free choice from the first two series CHILDREN U10: three attacks of free choice from the first three series CHILDREN U12: two attacks of free choice from all four series CHILDREN U15: three attacks of free choice form all four series ASPIRANTS: according to JJIF rules JUNIORS: according to JJIF rules SENIORS: according to JJIF rules DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 FIGHTING Category U8 (men) U8 (women) U10 (men) U10 (women) U12 (men) U12 (women) Duration 1,5 min 1,5 min 1,5 min 1,5 min 1,5 min 1,5 min Weight category -25 kg +25 kg -25 kg +25 kg -27 kg -30 kg -34 kg -37 kg -41 kg -45 kg +45 kg -25 kg -28 kg -32 kg -36 kg -40 kg +40 kg -30 kg -34 kg -37 kg -41 kg -45 kg -50 kg +50 kg -28 kg -32 kg -36 kg -40 kg -44 kg -48 kg +48 kg Strangulations,locks or punches to the head Not allowed Category U15 (men) U15 (women) Duration 2 min 2 min Weight category -34 kg -37 kg -41 kg -45 kg -50 kg -55 kg -60 kg -66 kg +66 kg -32 kg -36 kg -40 kg -44 kg -48 kg -52 kg -57 kg -63 kg +63 kg ASPIRANTS (men) (15-17) ASPIRANTS (women) (15-17) JUNIORS (men) (18-20 age) JUNIORS (women) (18-20 age) SENIORS (men) (21+ age) SENIORS (women) (21+ age) 3 min 3 min 3 min 3 min 3 min 3 min -46 kg - 50 kg - 55 kg - 60 kg - 66 kg - 73 kg - 81 kg + 81 kg - 40 kg - 44 kg - 48 kg - 52 kg - 57 kg - 63 kg - 70 kg + 70 kg - 56 kg - 62 kg - 69 kg - 77 kg - 85 kg - 94 kg + 94 kg - 49 kg - 55 kg - 62 kg - 70 kg + 70 kg - 56 kg - 62 kg - 69 kg - 77 kg - 85 kg - 94 kg + 94 kg - 49 kg - 55 kg - 62 kg - 70 kg + 70 kg DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 NE WAZA Category U15 (men) U15 (women) ASPIRANTS (men) (15-17 age) ASPIRANTS (women) (15-17 age) Duration Weight categories 3 min -34 kg -37 kg -41 kg -45 kg -50 kg -55 kg -60 kg -66 kg +66 kg 3 min -32 kg -36 kg -40 kg -44 kg -48 kg -52 kg -57 kg -63 kg +63 kg 4 min 4 min -46 kg -50 kg -55 kg -60 kg -66 kg -73 kg -81 kg +81 kg -44 kg -48 kg -52 kg -57 kg -63 kg +63 kg Leg locks Start position Not allowed Standing pos. Not allowed Standing pos. Not allowed Standing pos. Not allowed Standing pos. Category JUNIORS (men) (18-20 age) JUNIORS women) (18-20 age) SENIORS (men) (21+ age) SENIORS (women) (21+ age) Duration 5 min 5 min 6 min 6 min Weight categories -56 kg -62 kg -69 kg -77 kg -85 kg -94 kg +94 kg -49 kg -55 kg -62 kg -70 kg +70 kg -62 kg -69 kg -77 kg -85 kg -94 kg +94 kg -55 kg -62 kg -70 kg +70 kg Leg locks Start position Allowed Allowed Standing pos. Standing pos. Allowed Standing pos. Allowed Standing pos. *The age is considered according to the year of birth, not the actual birth date of the competitor. DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 4. COMBAT RULES: - According to the competition rules of the JJIF. - There is no limit concerning the number of competitors in each category 5. THE RIGHT FOR COMPETING HAVE: - Registered competitors of the Slovenian Ju-jitsu Federation (JJZS) - Invited competitors from members of the JJEU and JJIF 6. PRIZES: - The first three competitors in each category will receive medals The first three in team-competition will receive cups For the team-competition the results in each category will count (the number of the competitors in each category). The first place will be rewarded with 10 points, the second with 7 points, the third place will be rewarded with 5 points, the fourth (fifth) place (in the case of double repasage system) will be rewarded with 3 points while the fifth (seventh) place ( in the case of double repesage) will be rewarded with 1 point. The club which will manage to collect the most points in each category will be the winner. In the case where two (or more) clubs will have the equal number of points the clubs that has more first, second, third etc. places will win. 7. THE SCHEDULE OF THE COMPETITION: - The weighting will be possible on Friday at 18.00 – 20.00 in Terme Čatež and in Sports Hall Brežice at 20.30 – 21.30. - On Saturday at 8.00 - 8.30 the arrival and the registration of the competitors in the Sports Hall Brežice - 8.30 – 9.00 weighting for childern and aspirants - 9.30 start of competition in duo system, fighting system and ne waza for children and aspirants category - 11.00 – 12.00 weighting for juniors and seniors - 12.30 official opening of the competition - 13.00 start of competition in juniors and senior category - the awarding ceremony will be half an hour after the finish of the competition - Draw for all categories in Sports Hall Brežice at Saturday at 9.00. DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 ** In case of a large number of competitors, the competition will last two days** 8. REFEREES: - The referees will be licensed referees of the JJZS and the invited referees with valid licenses. The referees will act according to the international referee rules of JJIF. All the clubs that will be registered should assure at least one referee. - Each team is asked to bring at least one referee. 9. THE REGISTRATION: - The written registration must be sent until 26. 9. 2015 to the e-mail [email protected] - After this date, the registration will still be possible, but the fee for competitors will be higher 10. THE FEE: - 20 € for each competitor and 40 € for duo couple in aspirant and junior categories 25 € for each competitor and 50 € for duo couple in senior categories 15 € for each competitor and 30 € for duo couple in children categories 11. LIABITILITY: - - - The organizers of the event (or any of its officials or members) will not be liable or responsible for any personal injury Coaches and team leaders are responsible to make sure that all participants are physically fit, prepared and capable to cope with the championship. We strongly recommend proper medical and accident insurance. All competitors must carry a legal passport of their respective nation! Medical certificate is needed, not older than 12 month, certifying their fitness for competition. Competitors compete at their own risk. DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 12. ACCOMMODATION: 1. ACCOMMODATION a./ Apartment complex*** 20 apartments for 4-5 persons b./ Hotel Čatež *** 20 double rooms 2. Period: Prihod: 23/10/2014 Odhod: 25/10/2014 3. Services: Apartment: accommodation in apartment,2 entry at the Winter Thermal Riviera daily. Hotel Čatež: Accommodation in hotel, bed and breakfast, entrance to hotel swimming pool, one entry per day in the Winter Thermal Riviera 4. Price: a./Apartments*** Rent apartments (-5 persons) 127 eur / day Tourist tax: 1,27€ / person / day Registration fee: 1,50€ / person Supplement for breakfast in the Grill Restaurant: 7,50€ / person / day Supplemen for dinner in the Grill Restaurant: 10,70€ / person / day DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 b./ HOTEL ČATEŽ*** Price per person in double room: 41 € / day Price per person in single: 59 € / day Tourist tax: 1,27€ / person / day Registration fee: 1,50€ / person Suppliment for dinner in Hotel Čatež: 15,50€ / person Suppliment for dnner in the Grill Restaurant: 10,70€ / person We can provide you accommodations at this prices, if you make your reservations until 26.9 2015. After that, we can’t assure you that price, because from 26. 10. 2015 to 30. 10. 2015 there are school holidays in Slovenia, and hotels may be booked all ready. Please, contact us as soon as possible. 13. TRANSPORT: - If you shall arrive by aeroplane we can arrange transportation from airport to hotel and back for special prices. Please, contact us as soon as possible, so that we can make all the preparations. DRUŠTVO BORILNIH VEŠČIN KATANA Trebež 40, SI-8253 Artiče Tel: +386 (0)41 454 549 Web: www.dbvkatana.si E-mail: [email protected] Matična št.: 1187147 Davčna št.: 44212178 IBAN: SI56 0480-2000-0359-992 14. ANTI-DOPING: - All members should make their competitors aware that they can be subject to anti-doping control according to the WADO rules. Dejan Kink President of DBV Katana
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