King of Glory Lutheran Church and Preschool 2500 Borchard Road Newbury Park, CA 91320 805-498-4812 October 2014 Volume 6 No. 10 October 26 Join us for worship at 9:30 a.m. with our King of Glory Brass and Winds Worship Schedule Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Study 10:45 a.m. 1 King of Glory Mission Statement of 2014 Council Pastor: Steve Simpson King of Glory Lutheran Church: 805-498-4812 Uniting People, Walt Chandler Uniting Purposes, President Karle Koerbling Uniting Paths in Christ Vice President Carole Johnson OFFICE INFORMATION Secretary Regular Hours Sue Meser Susan Premo Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 1:00–5:00 p.m. Dick Schwartz Friday: 1:00–4:00 p.m. Phone: 805-498-4812 Fax: 805-498-7912 Website: Email: [email protected] Carol Browning Office Manager Lynda MacDonald Preschool Director Church Council 805-498-0567 Thursday, October 16, 7:00 p.m. Tom Dawes Preschool Board Treasurer Renate Lee Financial Secretary Thursday, October 16, 5:15 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Carol Browning Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m. (Music Room) Music Director Worship Committee Sunday, October 5, after Worship 2Grace Notes 2 Message from Our Pastor “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:1-9 (NRSV translation) Rejoice in the Lord always! This seems like an odd reminder, doesn’t it? The Bible teaches us much about how we should live. It shows us how to love our neighbor and treat one another with kindness. It encourages us to pray and engage in worship. The scriptures encourage us to be charitable and forgiving. But this passage from Philippians calls us to something a bit different: to be joyful. Is this really a reminder we need? I think so. Our lives can become a swirl of anxiety and apprehensions. And it is amazing how quickly we can worry about the smallest things! Only a few days ago, I was washing one of my favorite coffee mugs that was given to me by a very kind person here at King of Glory. As I was scrubbing it, the mug slipped from my hands, and chipped a bit on the inside. I felt terrible. This mug had been a gift, after all! As I carefully inspected the rest of that cup for damage, I read again the words that were printed on the side: “Pray, and let God worry.” I never expected to be taught a gospel lesson by a piece of dishware, but there it was. All too often, we are caught up in the brokenness of the world rather than seeing the grace that is written throughout it. Martin Luther often spoke about “law and gospel.” The law, he said, is anything that reminds us of our failures. It is when we see our own sinfulness or the sins of the world. But this is only half of the story. The law helps us to see that we, and indeed the entire world, are in need of God’s love. This is the gospel. It is a declaration that we are forgiven and shown grace. We should not get stuck in the first half of the story. We can easily get caught up in the worry and not see the wonder. We complain rather than see God’s compassion. We rehash arguments instead of rejoicing. Perhaps we do need to hear the words of Philippians: rejoice in the Lord always! The gospel is a declaration of God’s grace. Let us take this lesson from Philippians to heart. It is a lesson on how to live with joy. This is not to say that we always have to be happy. Paul, who wrote this book of the Bible, was well acquainted with sadness. There are times in which our hearts feel mournful, and this is okay. But rather, this passage of scripture reminds us to tell the full story of faith: both the gospel as well as the law. We should not get stuck in the sin because we are a people who have been saved. God has written grace throughout the world. Perhaps you may even find it on the side of a coffee cup. So I will say again, rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always. Peace, Pastor Steve Simpson 3 Worship Date Worship Season/Color Readers Flowers Altar Guild Acolyte 10/4, 4:00 p.m. Blessing of the Animals N/A N/A N/A N/A 10/5 Pentecost 17A Green Ed Carloni [Available] Renate Sutton Abby Provenzano 10/12 Pentecost 18A Green Linda Lian by the Krebs in Memory of Mike Krebs Renate Sutton Meagan Provenzano Renate Sutton Jeffrey Knudson Renate Sutton Emily Bryant 10/19 Pentecost 19A Green TBD by Jeanne Bailey in Honor of Kathy, Nicole, Kacy, Bella, and Billy’s Birthdays 10/26 Reformation Sunday Red Joel Arnold [Available] From the Council Dear KOG Members and Friends, Council will meet on the last Thursday evening this month due to the 50th celebration. However, I think there is plenty to say in just thanking Renate and the team for the work put into preparing for the anniversary celebration. First, Renate planned and budgeted, and organized, and shopped, and recruited, and executed the plan beautifully. Thank you, Renate; it was a wonderful event. Carol Browning and the choir and musicians provided beautiful music for the service. It was a lovely service, and the music amazing; thank you, Choir and Carol. Others in the congregation cleaned, painted, trimmed, swept, and decorated to prepare for the event—Thank you, all. Pastor Steve was there helping with almost every aspect; thank you, Pastor Steve. What was most fun was being a family preparing and celebrating together. The last fifty were good years with lots accomplished, and I am sure God has much more planned for KOG. When the council meets next Thursday, it will be for budget. We will still need to be careful in 2015, but I am sure we will maintain our giving, thanks again to all of you. Grace and peace, Walt Chandler Council President 4 Preschool Happenings Everything is going well at the Preschool. The children and the teachers are all adjusting well to their new classes. Many learning activities are taking place in the classes and on the playground. As the children adjust to their environment, there is a lot of laughing, talking, and singing going on. Back-to-School Night was a huge success. The parents really enjoyed going into their child’s classroom and seeing what the new school year had in store for them as well as their children. We are trying to stress with the parents that open communication between them and their child’s teachers is of the utmost concern. We want all to be happy in our wonderful environment. We teachers are busy planning for the month to bring new experiences to the children. There are some traditional experiences that we have from year to year, and the children look forward to them. Our annual Pumpkin Patch field trip will take place on Wednesday, October 22 and October 23. We will also have our annual Halloween Costume Parade for the children and their parents, on Thursday, October 30, and Friday, October 31. We have a special fundraiser on October 3rd. Sanna Fredricksson’s Girl Scout Troop will be showing the movie The Jungle Book at 6:00 p.m. in Room 5. The cost is $5.00 per family, and they are selling pizza and other treats. All proceeds go to the preschool. If you want to see a fun movie, and if you have a free night on Friday, come and watch the movie with us. Support our KOG Preschool Masterpiece Cookie Dough Fundraiser! October 1—October 15 Order forms available in the Welcome Center. Cookies (including gluten-free), coffee cake, cheesecake, brownies, pretzels. Delivery date: November 12 (11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) 5 Yours in Christ, Lynda MacDonald Director Adult Bible Study The Adult Bible Study meets on Sundays after Worship & Fellowship, in the Music Room, and is currently studying the Gospel of Matthew. Altar Guild The Altar Guild sign-up sheet is on the downstairs bulletin board, and you can sign up for a Sunday or two, or for a month. This is an important and necessary ministry, preparing the sanctuary for worship. Training is provided. November and December are still open! Please consider signing up, for a month or part of a month. To join the Altar Guild Ministry, please see Sue Premo or talk to Pastor Steve. Blessing of the Animals Last year was our inaugural Blessing of the Animals. We had so much fun that we’re doing it again—Saturday, October 4, at 4:00 p.m., in the lower parking lot, outside of the Fellowship Hall. October 4th is the feast day of Saint Francis, who was known for his love of animals. Bring your animals (Aardvarks to Zebras, even stuffed animals!), or a photo of them, for a blessing. We’ll have water and treats (for animals and people!) available. LIFT Bible Study LIFT did not meet in September—due to our ladies’ involvement in preparing for the 50th Anniversary Celebration—BUT WE WILL MEET AGAIN ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, at noon at Anna Borrego’s home. Our new 2014/2015 study is called “TRANSFORMING LIFE AND FAITH.” The first session is called “Transformation and Conversion.” I am looking forward to studying what we will then discuss, Renate Lee. See you on the 13th at noon! 6 Music Ministry We’re glad to have our choir back leading our sung prayer (although we really miss Jim Weber!). Last month was busy, getting ready for the anniversary events— Holden Evening Prayer and our September 21st Worship. Thanks to Lenore Silva and Holly Diaz for being our leaders and the choir for helping the congregation at Holden Evening Prayer. It was a beautiful service! And what fun we had on the 21st!! Seminarian Natalie Faltin, former Choir Director Carolyn Linhart, and former choir member Jeanne Foulger augmented our usual “small but mighty” choir, to make them even mightier! With Marcy Knudson on guitar and Doug Hardie on trumpet joining Carole Johnson, organ, Dick Lee, horn, and Carol on piano, we certainly raised the roof!!! We’ll sing some music at the Blessing of the Animals on October 4 (4:00 p.m.). At the end of this month, we’ll celebrate Reformation Sunday, on October 26, with our KOG Brass and Winds providing festive accompaniment! Looking ahead, our annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service will be Monday, November 25, and Advent and Christmas will be right around the corner! Choir rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m., in the Music Room. If you’re interested in singing (tenors especially needed!) or if you play an instrument and would like to be part of our KOG Music Ministry, please talk to Carol Browning, either at church or contact her by cell: 310/463-3233, or email: [email protected]). Our Seminarian Wasn’t it wonderful to have Natalie Faltin assisting in worship for our 50th Anniversary celebration, and to see how much she’s grown as a leader?! She’s at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary for her final year of studies, so please continue to pray for her. Follow Natalie’s blog: Pastor Steve’s Blog is Pastor Steve’s blog, where you can read his sermons if you’re away from church on a Sunday and peruse other thoughts and reflections. Pastor Steve has updated the look of his blog with some interesting photos to accompany the sermon titles. Check it out! 7 Sound System Council approved a quote of approximately $14,000 to update our sound system. We’ve received about $5,300 towards that goal. To donate to the fund, make your check payable to King of Glory Lutheran Church and mark “Sound System” in the Memo field. Does your company do matching funds? All donations are appreciated! If you have other ideas for fundraising, please see Carol Browning. Thanks to the Agape Christian International Church for their generous donations totaling $350!! Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service Mark your calendars for Monday, November 24, for our annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Worship. Plans are being finalized but save the date now! Worship Notes Wow, what a wonderful 50th Anniversary Celebration! Thanks to Pastor Steve for his leadership, to Bishop Howie Wennes for his message, to Bishop Guy Erwin for his Welcome from the Synod and presiding at Communion, to Pastors Mark Huggenvik, Reg Schultz-Akerson, and John Wilker for sharing their memories, and to Seminarian Natalie Faltin for assisting at worship!! It was great to have a full church, singing their hearts out and praying together, with new and old friends praising God!!! Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 4, at 4:00 p.m., for our 2nd annual Blessing of the Animals! Last year, all of the animals (and owners!) were very wellbehaved, and we had a great time. As part of our liturgical décor for the anniversary, we used banners from all the seasons—blue, Advent; white, Christmas; green, Epiphany; purple, Lent; gold, Easter; red, the feast of Pentecost. We’re now back to our Time After Pentecost color of green—through November 16—except for Reformation Sunday. Reformation Sunday, celebrating our Lutheran heritage, is October 26. The liturgical color for this Sunday is red, so show your Lutheran spirit by wearing red that day! YAGM—Lauren Amundson If you want to follow Lauren’s experience with YAGM (Young Adults in Global Mission), check out her blog: 8 Serving Our Community Come Help KOG Serve the Community Meal Each Third Saturday King of Glory supports the Conejo Valley Shelter Program through feeding our less fortunate neighbors on the 3rd Saturday of each month, across the street in the fellowship hall of St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church. On September 20, 2014, we served a wonderful and delicious meal to 45 appreciative guests. Many thanks to the generous folks who helped with cooking and serving these meals! Please remember to sign up in our Welcome Center to bring an item and/or to serve for the next meal: October 18. Birthday Lunch The October Birthday Lunch will be the first Monday, October 6, at 11:15 a.m., at Country Harvest. RSVP to Joann Krebs if you can attend. Bunko This group will be meeting the second Friday, October 10, 6:00 p.m., at the home f Ann Lane. For more info, please call Carmen Barton at 805-376-2164. Fellowship Coordinator Needed Dear Friends of King of Glory, we need some specific help. Will you step forward and take on the role of coordinating our fellowship events? I have done this for many more years than I like to think—but now I have told the Council that I am stepping down as Fellowship Coordinator. I will help anyone who wants to direct the effort for some of our beloved events (Christmas Party, Easter Breakfast, Oktoberfest, Potlucks, and the occasional cake after Sunday Worship) and find new events that we haven’t tried yet. Please let the Council know you will help. Renate Lee 9 Fiftieth Anniversary—Many Thanks! Many, many thanks to many people who have worked diligently over the last several months to bring about the wonderful celebration of our Fifty Years as a congregation. Not everyone can be named, but the members of the 50th Committee need to be mentioned by name: Foremost in encouragement and enthusiasm was Pastor Steve—with Carol Browning close behind. Carol had ideas and worked tirelessly to keep everyone informed and did numerous behind-thescenes tasks. Thank you both. And then there is Joann Krebs, making sure that all our previous pastors and seminarians were invited—and Ardath and Dick Schwartz ,who spent innumerable hours on the computer helping us find pictures of the last ten years (since our 40th celebration), made parking signs, and found a way to display the story in pictures—and Anna Borrego (with Tony’s support) who took it upon herself to be in charge of the wonderful decorations (with Ardath’s support where possible)—and Sue Premo making sure that the “inside” of the church facility was clean and tidy—and Pam and Walt Chandler who helped with planning and took care of so many things with set-up and clean-up—and Nanci Frederick who handled the drinks for our luncheon and made sure the table stayed well-stocked with waters, coffee, tea, and punch. And a personal thank-you to Janet Hinderer for putting together the two new posters. Not to be forgotten are all the people who answered Tom Dawes’ request for help in cleaning the outside of the church. Again, many, many thanks. Renate Lee King’s Readers Book Club On Wednesday, October 15, we will meet at 7:00 p.m. at Ann Lane’s, to discuss The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg. On Wednesday, November 19, we will meet at 7:00 p.m. at Patty Lebow’s, to discuss Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. Please join us. Men’s Breakfast Our Men’s Breakfast group meets the First Friday of each month. Please join us Friday, October 3, at 7:30 a.m., for an hour of informal conversation and a favorite hot beverage as we discuss the Gospel for Sunday. All are welcome to join us at Old New York Deli & Bagel, 2700 Teller Rd., #A (cross the freeway on Borchard, left on Hillcrest, right on Teller.) More info: Walt Chandler, [email protected]. 10 Trunk-or-Treat Besides wearing red for Reformation on October 26, could you bring a bag of candy or individual snacks (without nuts) that day? We're having a Trunk-or-Treat event, right after worship. If you want to participate, sign up in the Welcome Center. On that Sunday, park in the lower paring lot before church. For those creative people, decorate your car (prizes for the best decorated car). The children will go from car to car collecting candy. If you don't drive to church yourself, we'll pull a chair out from the fellowship hall. Then you can still give out candy, snacks, or trinkets and see the neat costumes the children wear. We'll also have tables for the kids (in Halloween outfits, hopefully, or not) where they can color, make a Halloween bag, and decorate a cupcake. Did you know that Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day? It is a day which we remember dear friends, family, or instrumental people who are no longer with us here on Earth. Contact Pam Chandler at [email protected] or (818) 991-8465 with questions. Other Upcoming Events/Information Feast of Faiths—Ecumenical Event See the flyers in the Welcome Center for the annual “Feast of Faiths” gathering of individuals from various religions, sharing a meal and their beliefs. This year’s event is October 19, 5:00 p.m., at the Camarillo United Methodist Church, and is sponsored by the Ventura County Interfaith Community and Campus Interfaith for CSUCI. Many Mansions—Gingerbread Boutique See the flyer in the Welcome Center for information on how you can support Many Mansions at the 33rd Annual Gingerbread Boutique, on November 7-8. 11 Thrivent Choice Dollars Thrivent Financial is a faith-based membership organization whose purpose is to strengthen Christian communities by helping members be wise with money and inspiring them to live generously. They do this by offering financial services and products for you and your family and by returning their profits back to their members in certain ways. One of these is the ability to donate what is called “Choice Dollars” to any organization you direct (which for many of our members has been to King of Glory) or for specific purposes—which has helped our Preschool annually. To find out which of their “products” (insurances, annuities, etc.) create Choice Dollars, please call your agent (for many of our members this is Larry Winter, a former member, who is still giving to our congregation). If you currently are a member, please remember to direct your Choice dollars twice a year (now, and again in late January) so that King of Glory can receive your gift. October 1-15, KOG Preschool Cookie Dough Fundraiser Order forms in the Welcome Center and Preschool Office Saturday, October 4, 4:00 p.m.—Blessing of the Animals Wednesday, October 22, 5:00-9:00 p.m.—KOG Preschool Family FUNdraiser at Toppers Pizza Sunday, October 26—Reformation Sunday KOG Brass & Winds! Wear red!! Trunk-or-Treat following Worship! Sunday, November 2—Daylight Saving Time Ends (“Fall back”) Sunday, November 9, 11:00 a.m.—Annual Congregational Meeting Monday, November 25—Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service 12 KOG e-mails: E-Mail Contact Person [email protected] Pastor - Pastor Steve Simpson [email protected] Church Office - Carol Browning [email protected] Preschool Office - Director Lynda MacDonald [email protected] Prayer Chain - Walt Chandler [email protected] Weekly e-mail - Sue Meser [email protected] Website - Dick Schwartz Toppers Pizza Night FUNdraiser for King of Glory Preschool Enjoy delicious pizza (or other food) at Toppers Pizza Place while supporting King of Glory Preschool at the same time. With each flyer presented (flyers will be available in the Welcome Center before the date), Toppers will donate 20% of the event day sales back to KOG’s Preschool. The King of Glory Preschool FUNdraiser is: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, (5:00-9:00 p.m.) Toppers Pizza Place, 1416 N. Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 805-385-4444 / 805-495-4444 | 13 K I N G O F G L O RY W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R N E W S L E T T E R P O S S I B L E VIRGIL'S AUTO BODY & PAINT Carpentry, Painting, Electrical, Plumbing AL COLLINS HANDYMAN Foreign and Domestic Insurance Approved Shop (818) 517-0236 P.O Box 7150 Van Nuys, CA 91409 FREE ESTIMATES Joe Pellegrino 805-499-4243 Serving Ventura & L.A. Counties since 1995 3479 Old Conejo Road Newbury Park Exceptional German Car Service & Repair From Mercedes Benz to Volkswagen, to the exotic Porsche Carrera, you'll find one of the best diagnostic minds in the business. And, we routinely perform all scheduled maintenance to mantain your factory warranty. 3121 THOUSAND OAKS BLVD. UNIT 2, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 MIKE'S FOREIGN SPORTS LTD. MIKE BENNETT FREE ESTIMATES 379-3880 805 379-4569 805 Sobrino's Termite & Pest Control Homes • Apartments Commercial • Industrial Bed Bugs African Honey Bees Certified Landscape & Turf Treatments $50 for Real Estate Termite Report Ray Sobrino Jr. President • Lic. #OPR 11245 QAL #131563 (805) 498-3026 3529 Old Conejo Rd. Ste 102 KING OF GLORY/ 063 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601 King of Glory Lutheran Church and Preschool 2500 Borchard Road Newbury Park, California 91320 Identification Statement: The King’s Courier, Volume 6, No. 10, Dated October 2014, is published monthly by King of Glory Lutheran Church and Preschool, 2500 Borchard Road, Newbury Park, CA, 91320. Sunday Schedule: 9:00am All ages Childcare (until 12 noon) 9:30am Holy Communion Worship 9:45am Sunday School (ages 4+) 10:30am Coffee and Fellowship 10:45am Adult Bible Study Newsletter Deadline: 18th of the month
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