CONSTITUTION OF B E AV E R T O N A L O H A L I T T L E L E A G U E League ID # 4370408 Adopted the _________ day of October, 2014 AR TI CLE I – THE O RG ANI Z ATI O N Section 1 – Name This organization will be known as the Beaverton Aloha Little League (B.A.L.L.). For purposes of this constitution, the term “League” shall mean the Beaverton Aloha Little League. The term “Little League” shall mean Little League, Inc. of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Section 2 – Authority The League was established in 1959 as a charter member of Little League. Section 3 – Fiscal Year The fiscal year shall run from January 1 until December 31 of each year. Section 4 – Administration of the League The business of the League shall be conducted by an Executive Board of Directors as outlined in Article IV, Section 1 – The Executive Board of Directors and Article IV, Section 2 – Officers. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 2 AR TI CLE I I – O BJE CTI V E Section 1 – Purpose It is the purpose of the League to use the sport of baseball to promote sportsmanship, citizenship, and a healthy competitive spirit among children from ages four (4) through eighteen (18). The League will, at all times, strive to present the highest standards of conduct from the players, managers, coaches, volunteers, administrative personnel, and the Executive Board of Directors. Section 2 – Intent It is the intent of the League to comply with this constitution and with the Little League Rules and Regulations to the fullest extent possible. Any deviations must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board of Directors. The League shall be selfgoverning. This constitution shall be the foundation for directing the affairs of the League and the Executive Board of Directors shall be the primary decision making body. When determined to be necessary by majority vote of the Executive Board of Directors, and only in exceptional circumstances, will external sources be utilized for assistance in resolving disputes and in the management of League affairs. AR TI CLE I I I – LEAG UE ME MBE RS HI P Section 1 – Membership The Executive Board of Directors will establish a membership roster annually for the purposes of participation in the League’s business, including special meetings and elections. Such membership shall include: A. Player Members shall include: 1. Any active player meeting the requirements of Little League Regulation IV B. Regular Members shall include: 1. Parents or guardians of children playing within the League 2. Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires, and Sponsors of the League 3. Any interested League residents who have applied for membership with the League Secretary and have been approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board of Directors CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 3 Section 2 – Voting by Members Only Regular Members in good standing are eligible to vote at General Membership Meetings. All Executive Board of Directors members, committee members, managers, coaches, volunteer umpires, and other elected or appointed officials must be active Regular Members in good standing. Of note: Regular Members of the League automatically include all current managers, coaches, volunteer umpires, Executive Board of Directors, and any other person who is recognized by the Executive Board of Directors as a volunteer in the League. Section 3 – Suspension or Termination of Membership Membership may be terminated by resignation or by action of the Executive Board of Directors as follows: A. Any Member – The Executive Board of Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at any duly constituted Board meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, suspend, or terminate the membership of any Member of any class, including managers and coaches, when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of the league and / or of Little League. The Member shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges, and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges. B. Player Member – The Executive Board of Directors shall, in the case of a Player Member, give notice to the manager of the team for which the player is a Player Member, the player in question, and their parents of a meeting of the Executive Board of Directors where the charges will be reviewed. Said manager shall appear, in the capacity of an adviser, with the player and at least one of their parents before the Executive Board of Directors to answer the charges. The Executive Board of Directors shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player’s right to future participation by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Board members present at any duly constituted meeting. Any decision by the Executive Board of Directors is binding and final. Section 4 – Rights of Members Members shall have no rights, duties, or obligations in the management or in the property of the League. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 4 AR TI CLE I V – DUTI E S AND P O W E RS O F THE BO AR D Section 1 – The Executive Board of Directors The League will be governed by an Executive Board of Directors elected in accordance with the Little League rules. The Executive Board of Directors will establish policies and procedures for administering the affairs of the League in accordance with this Constitution. Section 2 – Officers The officers of the Executive Board of Directors for the League shall include the President, Vice President of Baseball, Vice President of Tee Ball, Secretary, Treasurer, Player Agent / Registrar, and the Safety Officer. It is also recommended that the following volunteer positions be filled: Equipment Manager, Sponsorship Chair, Fundraising Chair, Umpire-in-Chief, Communications Officer, Registration Chair, Field Scheduler for Spring Season, Field Scheduler for Fall Season, THPRD Fields Representative, Alpenrose and Field Coordinator, BALL Day Chair, Fall Ball Coordinator, as well as other volunteer coordinators as deemed necessary by the Board. Section 3 – Duties of Officers A. President – The President shall: 1. Schedule and preside over all meetings of the League 2. Decide questions of order 3. Is an ex-officio member of all committees 4. Preside over the player drafts and post season (All-Star and Honors) selection process 5. Oversee the activities of all other Board Members 6. Act as an official representative of the League on all matters 7. Assign duties to other Directors and Members 8. Appoint an Election Committee to administer annual elections 9. Be responsible for Manager and Coach recommendations to the Executive Board of Directors for approval 10. Oversee all Little League mandated background checks 11. Perform other duties as necessary CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 5 B. Vice President of Baseball – The Vice President of Baseball shall: 1. Preside in the absence of the President 2. Be an ex-officio member of all committees 3. Lead the appropriate division(s) and coordinate the training of the Managers and Coaches 4. Bring items of importance for action to the Executive Board of Directors 5. Be responsible for Manager and Coach recommendations to the President for Executive Board of Directors’ approval C. Vice President of Tee Ball – The Vice President of Tee Ball shall: 1. Be an ex-officio member of all committees 2. Lead the Tee Ball division and coordinate the training of the managers and coaches of this division 3. Bring items of importance for action to the Executive Board of Directors 4. Be responsible for the Tee Ball division’s manager and coach recommendations to the President for Executive Board of Directors’ approval D. Secretary – The Secretary shall: 1. Maintain a register of Members and Executive Board of Directors 2. Record the minutes of the meetings 3. Send out meeting notices 4. Maintain a record of the League activities 5. Maintain a roster of committees and their members 6. Maintain a record of meeting attendees 7. Discharge all of the usual secretarial functions of the office as required by this constitution and requested by the Executive Board of Directors E. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall: 1. Maintain the fiscal accounts and financial records of the League 2. Sign checks 3. Dispense League funds as approved by the President, Vice President of Baseball, or the Vice President of Tee Ball 4. Coordinate the preparation of all budgets 5. Be responsible for all League finances 6. Provide financial reports including monthly reports to the Executive Board of Directors and a written financial report at the annual meeting 7. Submit all financial records as requested by the Executive Board of Directors CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 6 F. Player Agent / Registrar – The Player Agent / Registrar shall: 1. Develop and submit any procedures necessary for the development of teams including the draft 2. Conduct and oversee annual tryouts 3. Manage the player selection process 4. Assist the President in verifying the eligibility of players 5. Supervise and coordinate the transfer of players to or from other Little Leagues according to the provisions of Little League, Inc. 6. Conduct the post season (All Star and Honors) selection meetings 7. Determine player registration refunds 8. Represent the player at all disciplinary hearings 9. Implement procedures for filling team rosters when vacancies or issue occur 10. Provide and publish approved player rosters and post season selections G. Safety Officer – The Safety Officer shall: 1. Establish safety policies and procedures 2. Train all Managers and Coaches to ensure that all of the policies and procedures are known, understood, and implemented 3. Make periodic inspections to assure that the playing facilities are maintained in good order by reviewing all playing areas for holes, damage, and foreign objects 4. Make recommendations to the Equipment Manager for replacement of equipment as needed 5. Host a first aid training session for all managers and coaches 6. Maintain the first aid supplies for all teams within the League 7. Be responsible for investigating and reporting all accidents, analyzing the causes and related factors, and recommending corrective or preventative measures 8. Process all claims made under the insurance carried by the League by forwarding a report on all injuries to Little League, the District Administrator and the President Section 4 – Special Appointments The Executive Board of Directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe powers and duties of each. Appointed officers or agents shall have no vote regarding actions taken by the Executive Board of Directors unless such individuals have been elected to the Executive Board of Directors by the League’s membership or have been elected to fill a vacancy on the Executive Board of Directors. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 7 AR TI CLE V – ME ETI NG S Section 1 – Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the League will be held before the end of January of each year and will be open to all members of the League. At least seven (7) days notice shall be given for this meeting. Any form of notifying members may be used as approved by the Executive Board of Directors. The primary purpose of the annual meeting is to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Review annual Financial Statements as presented by the Treasurer Report on League matters Elect and install an Executive Board of Directors Permit members to make proposals and recommendations to the Executive Board of Directors A quorum of no less than ten (10) members must be present in order to conduct any vote on League business. A member may assign a proxy to vote in their place by assigning their vote in writing and informing the Secretary of such proxy prior to the opening of the meeting. Section 2 – Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by: 1. The President 2. The Executive Board of Directors by majority vote 3. The membership through petition signed by a majority of the League’s managers In addition, an emergency meeting may be called to resolve issues not pertaining to the Executive Board of Directors itself and may be called at any time by the President or Player Agent / Registrar. For all Special Meetings, at least five (5) days notice shall be given to League members. The notice shall indicate the time, place and purpose of the meeting. The means of the notice will be determined by the Executive Board of Directors. Such notice may be performed by posting the notice on the League website. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 8 Section 3 – Board Meetings The Executive Board of Directors shall meet as required to conduct the business of the League but no less frequently than once each month during the playing seasons. The President is responsible for scheduling these meetings. Other League members may attend these meetings as observers. A quorum for these meetings is at least 50% of the Executive Board of Directors. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Executive Board of Directors present must vote “yea” for an issue to pass. A director may assign a proxy to vote in their place by assigning the vote in writing or by email and informing the Secretary prior to the opening of the meeting. It is expected that all Executive Board Directors will attend a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of all scheduled Board meetings and vote on all issues whether in person or by proxy. Any Executive Board Director having a conflict of interest in the issue being voted on must recuse themselves from voting, in any form, for the issue but may offer insight and testimony on the issue. Section 4 – Special Votes The President can, by telephone, email, or other electronic means call for a special vote. At least fifty percent (50%) of the Executive Board of Directors must participate in the vote in order to have a quorum. At least fifty-one percent (51%) of the Executive Board of Directors present must vote “yea” for an issue to pass. AR TI CLE V I – NOMI N ATI O NS AN D E LE C TI O NS Section 1. Nominating Committee A nominating committee shall be appointed by Executive Board of Directors consisting of one to three members which may be directors, officers, or other members of the League. The committee shall investigate and consider eligible candidates and, at the Annual Meeting, should submit, for consideration, a slate of candidates for election to the Executive Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee may, for consideration by the Executive Board of Directors, also submit suggestions for other committee members. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 9 Section 2. Election Procedures At the annual meeting the League, members shall elect the Executive Board of Directors. It is recommended that the Executive Board of Directors consist of no less than seven (7) members and that the total number of directors be an odd number to facilitate in the voting of issues. Election of members to the Executive Board of Directors shall be by confidential paper ballot if more than one candidate is nominated for a particular position. Nominees must receive a majority vote which is fifty-one percent (51%) of the League members attending the annual meeting in person or by proxy. To fill other Executive Board positions where the candidate is unopposed, a voice vote will suffice. Election results will be announced before the meeting is adjourned and the newly elected Board members shall take office once the vote is concluded and the results are announced. Section 3. Term of Office All directors shall be elected for a one (1) year term beginning immediately after the results of the vote have been announced and continuing until the announcement of the next year’s election results. All money, official records and documents, and all property belonging to the League shall be turned over to such successors as soon as possible and, in any case, within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the election. Section 4. Chain of Command The chain of command of the League shall be in the following order: President, Vice President of Baseball, Vice President of Tee Ball, Secretary, Treasurer, Player Agent/Registrar, and the Safety Officer. Section 5. Limitations No person shall hold more than one (1) office of the Executive Board of Directors office named in Article III, Section 3. In the event that volunteers cannot be found to fill all of the Board positions, the duties may be performed by an Executive Board member. Section 6. Vacancies Any vacancy, for whatever cause, on the Executive Board of Directors shall be filled by a simple majority vote of fifty-one percent (51%) of the remaining Board Members. A person so elected shall already be a member of the League and shall serve in the position until the next annual meeting. If a vacancy cannot be filled, the duties shall be carried out by a committee of the remaining Executive Board members. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 10 AR TI CLE V I I – CONS TI TUTI O N AL C H ANG E S This constitution may be amended, altered, or repealed in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the members provided notice of the proposed changes are included in the notice of such meeting. A draft of all proposed amendments shall be submitted to District 4 of Little League, Inc. for comment prior to the vote of the membership occurring. AR TI CLE V I I I – SP E CI AL CO MMI TT E E S The President, with the approval of the Executive Board of Directors, shall appoint special committees from time to time as necessary and appropriate. AR TI CLE I X – DI SS O LV E ME NT If this organization is disbanded, upon dissolution of the League and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the Members shall direct the remaining property of the League to another Federally Incorporated entity which maintains the same objectives as set forth in Article II of this Constitution and which are or may be entitled to exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any future corresponding provision. AR TI CLE X – CO NDUCT O F P L AY E R S , M AN AG E RS , AN D CO AC HE S Section 1 – Operating Principles The Executive Board of Directors shall be required to establish, publish, and distribute operating principles and guidelines for conduct and performance of players, managers, coaches, and umpires which shall be consistent with the operating principles and guidelines set forth by Little League in both their Operating Manual and their Official Regulations. Section 2. By-laws and Local Rules The by-laws and local rules of this League will be adopted by the Executive Board of Directors utilizing the process outlined in Article V, Section 3. CONSTITUTION OF BEAVERTON ALOHA LITTLE LEAGUE Page 11 AR TI CLE X I – B AS E B ALL RULE S Section 1. Little League Rules The official playing rules and regulations, as published by Little League for the current season shall be binding for this League. Section 2. Modification of the Rules The rules of the League may be modified by the Executive Board of Directors with input from the Vice President of Baseball and / or the Vice President of Tee Ball which includes the ability for these to be modified division by division in order to facilitate a better experience for the players. Finally, these rules of baseball may be modified by a Tournament Director or Season Coordinator. AR TI CLE X I I – P RO TE S TS All protests will be submitted to the Executive Board of Directors in writing according to the Little League rules. A Protest Committee consisting of at least fifty percent (50%) the Executive Board of Directors and the Umpire-in-Chief will review the protest. The Executive Board of Directors will then render a decision by vote. A simple majority of fifty-one percent (51%) is necessary to render a verdict. The decision of the Protest Committee is final. 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