AGENDA WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014 7:00 PM — OPEN SESSION WOONSOCKET MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMLET BUILDING - 60 FLORENCE DRIVE WOONSOCKET, RI 02895 The School Committee may vote on all items listed on this agenda. Call to Order Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call GOOD AND WELFARE — Public RECOGNITIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS — Interim Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES:, October 8, 2014 Open Minutes CONSENT AGENDA 1. Personnel Actions - Certified Appointments/Non-Certified Appointments 2. Purchases/Transfers - None 3. Field Trip/Conference Requests WIDA Conference/Atlanta, GA/McFee Administration & Pothier/Title II & III International Association for Truancy and Dropout Prevention/San Antonio, TX/McFee Administration/SelfPay 4. Home Schooling Requests END OF CONSENT AGENDA COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Discussion/Vote on the Procare Therapy Contract — G. Lacouture, M. Baker NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion/Vote on the appointment of the Executive Director of Finance and Operations — P. McGee 2. Discussion/Vote on the amendments to the Medical Insurance for Athletes Verification and Waiver Form — P. McGee 3. Discussion/Vote on Bid Award: #15-07-Athletic Supplies — M. Baker 4. Discussion/Vote on Bid Award: #15-08-Athletic Uniforms — M. Baker 5. Discussion/Vote on Bid Award: #15-09-Athletic Medical Supplies — M. Baker CONFERENCES SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOOD AND WELFARE S. Seale G. Lacouture S. Pawlina D. Chattman J. Rivera For additional information or to request interpreter services, or other special services for the hearing impaired (ie, readers/captioners, etc), please contact Office of Superintendent three days prior to the meeting at (401) 767-4608; or by the Tuesday prior to the meeting, or call 1-800-745-5555 (TTY), 1-800-745-6575 (Voice). This agenda will be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any changes to this agenda will be posted on the Woonsocket Education Department website at www, , Mace Administration Building, Woonsocket Middle School, WACTC, City Hall, and Harris Library and will be electronically filed with the Secretary of State at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, or disability. Posted on October 17, 2014. MINUTES WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 OPEN SESSION Woonsocket Middle School @ Hamlet 60 Florence Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Meeting called to order by Chairman George Lacouture at 7:00 p.m. in Open Session. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: George Lacouture, Chairman Present Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Susan Pawlina Absent Daniel Chattman Present Jose Rivera Present PUBLIC GOOD & WELFARE: Dennis Desaulniers, Woon. Resident — He understands that the SC is against this new charter school; heard G. Lacouture state this at BC meeting the other day; is this correct? G. Lacouture stated the SC does not give comment to anything under good and welfare.; hopes the SC is against this charter school; doesn't want any more money taken away from the school department or the kids. Donna Coderre, Savoie Principal, Woon. Resident — She thanked Dr. McGee for the best school opening in ten years; thinks it went so well because they had a leader who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, who leads by example and does more listening than talking; we have tried to bring outsiders in to run our district with little success; it is time for one of our own to do the job and stop looking in other's backyards. We need to take a stand as one school district and put Dr. McGee where he belongs. Dr. McGee, thank you for your dedication and hard work for the students of Woonsocket, teachers, administrators, and all employees. Richard Fagnant, Woon. Resident — Here in support of Dr. McGee. He has lived in the city for 63 years; talked, interviewed, and hired a lot of people throughout the years; asked Dr. McGee what makes him qualified and does he feel he would be a good superintendent; he said "yes, I am qualified and I would make a great superintendent."; believes that Dr. McGee is the most qualified and to go outside this city to get somebody else will be a travesty and not sit well with the people of this community. Darin Cooper, North Smithfield Resident, Property owner in Woonsocket, Taxpayer — Thanked Dr. McGee for everything he has done for WED since he has taken over; does not consider Dr. McGee Interim Superintendent but Superintendent of Schools; something, wrong with the process and what is going on now is eccentric. The SC can recommend Dr. McGee to be the Asst. Superintendent but yet not coming before the SC as the superintendent; when he inquired about this he was told the recommendation is not going before the SC it is going before the Mayor. The search committee is the BC and the Mayor is a BC member so they make a recommendation to themselves and then in some twisted way approve it; they are interviewing, recommending and approving; this seems to be such an incestuous relationship. This has to be brought back to the way it has been done in the past where it is brought to the SC. We all know Dr. McGee is very capable of doing the job. Jeffrey Partington, WTG President — Thanked SC for unanimously voting down the RISE Mayoral Academy; our Mayor wants to create a competing school system that will drain between $2M and $3.2M from the budget in Woonsocket and affect the finances of the .city; BC refuses to vote to have her withdraw this damaging proposal. Tonight, in favor of Patrick McGee for any position within the administration; wishes we could see him sign a contract appointing him for Superintendent, not the Assistant position; believes that many positive steps have been taken in this school year; brought back Department Heads, installed Deans of Discipline, and filled many Principalships; one exception, all of these changes were filled with people who were promoted from within; we have so much proven talent within our system; Camel! Henderson, Bill Webb, Steve Boss, Angela Holt, Celeste Conti, Claire Dumas, Tonya CurtHoard, Janet Sullivan, and Chris Lopardo; we have a man, a leader, that we all can stand behind, ready to take charge. He asks: why isn't Dr. McGee given the Superintendent position? Keith Lazarski, Elementary Teacher — Here in support of Dr. McGee; employed here for 8 years; this will be his fourth superintendent; wants to work for Dr. McGee; he is visible at all the schools, listens, gives respect and makes him and others feel that their opinion is worthwhile. Nicholas McDowell, Local 1137 President — We believe that Dr. McGee's commitment to provide the highest levels of education to every student is unrivaled; he displays a high moral character with a great deal of integrity which has earned the respect of all that work for him and with him. It would be honorable that Dr. McGee's hard work be rewarded by appointing him as the next ) Superintendent of Woonsocket Schools. WSC Minutes Open Session October 8, 2014 Sharon Beausoleil, WMS Reading Specialist — Employed here for 17 years. Years ago we used to have SALT visits where the state would have teachers from other districts come to view our teaching practices; we were considered a toxic school environment; Dr. McGee had a tough job in front of him but with his professionalism and his tenacity, he turned the school around with teachers' help. As Curriculum Director has taken the curriculum at all three levels of schools and aligned curriculum to the state's standards with teachers' help. She is asking SC to table the appointment of him as asst. superintendent and promote him as superintendent. Gail Ducharme, Woon. Resident, Coordinator of the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation Fundraiser - WMS largest community service project; sent SC an email inviting them to join the students on October 17 th for a walk for the cause; times 8:45, 10:15 and 1:00; thanked Dr. McGee and G. Lacouture for supporting the clam cake and chowder event; thanked staff for their generous support, students for their support of buying t-shirts and collecting money for their walk; she has wrist bands with her tonight, cost is $2.00. Heather Neil, WED Elementary Technology Integrator — As an educator, ready for a person who has the heart to make a difference. Dr. McGee has been here before and after all of the other people who were deemed qualified, he does the job that someone else was paid a $195,000.00 salary a year to do; he has proven he has the heart and character; urges SC to give him the opportunity to prove to them that these are the qualifications that are necessary to lead our district before another district does. Marc LeBrun, 511` Grade Teacher — Ninth year as a teacher; worked in the private industry for 23 years; hired hundreds of people; with his experience, most times when we hire a person to work in the city generally turns out to be an excellent employee however, the search committees who recommended the last 3 superintendents may not have done a gob job so listen to this search committee. Diane Askar, Cumberland Resident— Been in the district for 27 years; Dr. McGee started as a gym teacher for her students; treated them with respect, as the individuals and important people that they are. If someone is allowed to be a candidate for superintendent, how come he is not allowed to be the superintendent if the person running decides not to take it; Dr. McGee is qualified to run for the position, act in the position so why is he not qualified to take this position; he comes to our schools once a week; she has never had an administrator come to school and ask how they are doing; if SC wants to make a wise decision then choose this man. Charlene Gauvin, Lincoln Resident Been in the district for 27 years; reading the Woonsocket Call, Councilman Garrett Manceiri said the selection process has been highjacked by the BC which left a stink on this entire process that cannot he washed off; in 27 years she has never see anyone since Tim Connors who has a vision for this district and Dr. McGee does; you are doing a disservice to the people of this district if you do not hire this man; people who work here kill themselves every single day; she wants to follow someone who kills themself every single day. Gordon Davignon, Music Teacher at Benton — Been in the district for 18 years; over the years there have been many superintendents which is quite sad; each superintendent has left the district with a cloud over their head; there is something more about a job and a profession than the money; it's a sense of worth and empowerment; we as teachers feel powerless due to the fact that if you want us to succeed then come talk to us; he was on the elementary music curriculum committee; he feels that not only do they have the best curriculum in the State of Rhode Island but would say one of the best in the country; they worked so hard and put the extra time; it wasn't about money, it was because Dr. McGee supported them; he empowers people to do things and gives you a sense of pride. Michael Sexton, Teacher — Been in the district since 97; currently technology coach; his daughter asked if he had to go to this meeting; he told her he doesn't have to but it's the right thing to do; thanks Dr. McGee for the opportunity to show his daughter that this is the right thing to do; we teach our own kids and our kids in the classroom that if we are dedicated and work really hard you can achieve what you want; however it is difficult to say this to them now when we see this happen, where a man has dedicated himself, proven himself and is asking for the position but then denied because of politics. Linda Filomeno, WED Director of Grants and Assessment — Been in the district for 12 years; she read her letter of recommendation submitted to Superintendent Search Committee in favor of Dr. McGee, Roxane Cary, WTG Vice President - Thanked G. Lacouture for speaking at the BC meeting; not just the teachers but the paraprofessionals, secretaries, custodians and the community are all in support of Dr. McGee; the right thing to do is to hire Dr. McGee. Tracey Dorry, North Smithfield Resident — Been in the district since 82; you can look all over the country for a superintendent but you will never find one with a heart for Woonsocket like Dr. McGee; he is a son of Woonsocket. Lorraine Corey, Woon. Resident — Looking forward to bringing pride back into the city; one step that we can take is to appoint Dr. McGee as Superintendent of Schools. 2 WSC Minutes Open Session October 8, 2014 Ronald Thifault, Woon. Resident He was a door monitor at the school; when Dr. McGee walked in there was a halo around his head; he knew he was the one; wished him the best of luck. G. Lacouture thanked all who came forward to speak; the demeanor of the group is very impressive. RECOGNITIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee — Announced the WED has many employees who work very hard and volunteer their time to make improvements within the district. Over this past summer, our Digital Media Teacher Jason Marzini took on a project that Ms. Blais had asked him to facilitate for the School Committee, school department, and for the community at large. He has provided the public with the ability to watch SC meetings online through YouTube. This was a project which took countless volunteer hours to complete. Having said this, there is a link on the home page of the WED's website. Again, we would like to thank Mr. Marzini for all his hard work, dedication and commitment to the Woonsocket Community. The RI Athletic Club located on Social Street in Woonsocket has generously donated crayons, glue sticks, rulers, three ring binders, folders, notebooks, and other school supplies. This Athletic Club set a goal for their members, non-members and instructors that if they donated school supplies they would get a free'elass at the Club. Thank you to the RI Athletic Club for initiating this goal to help supply the city's children with school supplies. This week, we received a donation of 40 hand knitted hats to give to the children in our schools. The donors wish to remain anonymous; however, it is with the utmost gratitude that I thank them for their countless hours of knitting to make sure that the kids who do not have winter hats stay warm with these treasures made from the heart. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • September 24, 2014 Open/Closed Minutes - Motion to approve: S. Seale APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 4 Yes 2": D. Chattman Purchases: Taken out of order for discussion transportation and Procare Therapy. S. Seale asked M. Baker the specifics on paying the bus contract late. M. Baker stated Durham sent a contract to WED approximately 2 weeks ago which they are reviewing so it has not been sent to the school department to verify the billing with them. G. Lacouture said there are no bids for the Procare Therapy for $171,360.00; the charter requires that we have bids for anything over $5,000.00; unless someone can explain why he wants this tabled. 2": S. Seale Motion to table the Procare Therapy Purchase Order: G. Lacouture APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 4 yes CONSENT AGENDA: Motion to approve the consent agenda: S. Seale ROLL CALL VOTE ON ENTIRE CONSENT AGENDA: 4 YES 2": D. Chattman APPROVED AS SUBMITTED COMMUNICATIONS: None. SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. None NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discussion/Vote to appoint the Assistant Superintendent of the Woonsocket Education Department — G. Lacouture Motion to appoint Dr. Patrick McGee as Assistant Superintendent for the Woonsocket Education Department: G. Lacouture MOTION DIES 2": No one CONFERENCES: None SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee stated yesterday there were threats that were made against three school districts in the State of RI; first thing this morning he met with P. Fontaine, WED Director of Security and Facilities and the WPD to confer about what the steps would be in Woonsocket; a decision was made that he would send out a letter to all the principals to give to their students to bring home to their parents/guardians and a phone blast was sent out notifying what steps Woonsocket has taken; he also notified staff via email. He wants the community to know that there were no threats made to 3 WSC Minutes Open Session October 8, 2014 Woonsocket Schools; we thought it is in the best interest to notify everyone at large of what was happening in a timely manner and that we were taking precautionary measures which are police will be present at each of the schools during the course of the day. His number one goal is to ensure the safety of all of our students and staff. He is extremely humbled this evening by the many people who came to the meeting and of the emails he has received over the last couple of weeks showing their support of him; he is truly grateful to work with everyone. This is the hardest working school department with the most dedicated teachers and staff and we all have the same goal which is to do the best for the children of Woonsocket, SCHOOL BOARD GOOD & WELFARE: S. SEALE: He received a couple of inquiries from WHS parents who did not receive report cards at the end of last school year. Dr. McGee stated the process at the WHS is that the report cards are not sent home and the students, parents and guardians can come to the school during the course of the summer to pick up the report cards. Anyone who did not pick up their report card can contact the WHS and the guidance department will make sure the report card is printed and provided to them. S. Seale stated to the public that they are at the wrong place and need to be at the Budget Commission (BC) meeting with these sentiments; he agrees with everyone; the SC does not make decisions, the BC does. He and D. Chattman served on the committee to hire a superintendent; very frustrating when people they believe should have the position but don't have their name put in front of the SC because of politics. He hopes that all of the people here bring the same support to the BC because they need to hear what everyone has to say. G. LACOUTURE: He is happy to hear people speak about the charter school; what was presented the other night by the BC was devastating; we are talking elimination of jobs, closing of schools, moving elementary students into the Villallova with a cost of approximately $3M. He said to Mr. Coleman, analysis person for the BC, that he is being conservative with the costs because he has seen what it has done to Cumberland and Lincoln. We cannot afford this. Everyone is welcomed to attend the Board of Regents meeting scheduled for October 14 `" at 5:00 p.m. in Room 501 at the RIDE. The superintendent search process has bothered him; he was asked to help set up the interview committee; he recommended the presidents of the two unions, a principal, a parent, someone from a non-profit, and someone from business; it was quasi accepted and then he was told no; he was told it would be 3 members of the BC, 2 SC representatives, a principal, interim superintendent, human resources; we lost the interim superintendent so they put the deputy commissioner of RIDE which tells us something; there is nothing that the SC can do when it comes to the appointment of the superintendent; we are here as rubber stamps. WED has not had the position of Asst. Superintendent in approximately 10 years; tonight was a step to give us that position but we have lost this tonight and maybe permanently. The BC will tell us what to do now and they can tell us who the Asst. Superintendent will be. Of the people who spoke tonight, you did an elegant job; but he is disappointed and he would be wrong to say he was not disappointed. WED has survived through great and not so great superintendents and we will go forward. D. CHATTMAN: Dr. McGee you are truly loved by your constituents. He has known Dr. McGee since he's been on the SC but he has watched and listened to him and he seems very humble, confident and not one to push himself on you and the next thing you know you are mesmerized by him; he would hate to see WED lose him because he has the qualities that we need and will lead us. When he gets this job, and he is truly hoping he does, will support him because together WED will be the best in the state; spent a lot of time visiting schools and always sees Dr. McGee; this is what good leaders are about. Everyone needs to show their support like tonight and go to the BC, write editorials, go to the state, go and send emails to RIDE. He is retired and at a point where there is only so much time left; you don't want to waste it but when be comes to SC meetings he feels that sometimes he is wasting his time by watching these types of things happen; while he is here he wants to make a difference. S. PAWLINA: Absent. J. RIVERA: He stated that the community, staff, everyone is in line with their views on these topics including the mayoral academy and appointment of the superintendent. A true test of one's character is not how much they know, but what they do, Dr. McGee has the education and background, but it is in the face of how we react to the things we cannot control and how we behave when we do not know what to do, No one has all the answers. What makes Dr. McGee qualified and different from most other candidates is his passion and love for the community Surpasses them all. Please show up at the BC and to the state and speak from your hearts like everyone did this evening. Whatever they do as a SC know that they will have the students' best interests at heart at all times. He thanked everyone for their commitment to the community. The uniform policy is a perfect example of how they take things seriously because they considered the students and the staff to be the utmost priority above all. Motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.: S. Seale 2nd : D. Chattman (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) R pectfully submitted Cei W g Secretary 4 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 10/2212014 Appointments DEGREE NAME ADDRESS st3+56(...POSITION NO. EFf- DATE, POS. STATUS S 4RAT E EMP., STATUS W YR. CERTIFIED POSITIONS O'Neil, Henry Johnston, RI 02919 1.0 Automotive Technology-WACTC 10/2312014 Resign New Bachelor's Step 10 N Local 10/22/2014 NON-CERTIFIED POSITIONS Collins, Patricia Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 Classroom TA -ISC Specialized! Globe Park Di Renzo, Samantha Hopedale, MA. 01747 1.0 TA1R Pothier Fajardo, Jesenia Warwick,Rl 02888 1.0 1:1 TA ISC/Specialized Globe Park Morales, Carmen Woonsocket, RI 02895 10/23/2014 Vacancy New Step 1 Local 10122/2014 Retirement New Step 1 Local 10/22/2014 40/23/2014 Transfer New Step 1 Local 10122/2014 1.0 TA ISC/ESL Citizens 10/23/2014 Vacancy New Step 1 Local 10/22/2014 Piette, Debbie Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 TA ISC Bernon 10/23/2014 Retirement New Step 1 Local 10/22/2014 Ballou,Dennis Harrisvilie,R1 02830 1.0 School Based Coordinator-WACTC 10/23/2014 New Grant Rehire $322.00 per day 75 days total $24,150. Total Perkins 10/22/2014 Benjamin, Edward North Smithfield, 02896 1.0 School Based Coordinator-WACTC 10/23/2014 New Grant Rehire $322.00 per day 75 days total $24,150.Total Perkins Page 1 10/23/2014 Y 10122/2014 10/17/2014 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 10/22/2014 Appointments pAl-kAf,413 FUNDING NAME ADDRESS 1_ 0 CA Li GRA7\11,tfiCiOgY t'• Chiulli, Carl Cranston, RI 02920 1.0 School Based Coordinator-WACTC 10/23/2014 New Grant Rehire $322.00 per day 75 days total $24,150. Total Perkins Y 10/22/2014 Riley, Andrew Coventry,Rl 02816 1.0 School Based Coordinator-WACTC 10/23/2014 New Grant Rehire $322.00 per day 75 days total $24,150. Total Perkins Y 1012212014 Russell, Suzanne Lincoln, RI 02865 1.0 School Based Coordinator-WACTC 10/23/2014 New Grant Rehire $322.00 per day 75 days total $24,150. Total Perkins Y 10/22/2014 Grist, Nathan Smithfield,RI 02917 1.0 Data,Media&Internship Facilitator-WACTC 10123/2014 New Grant Rehire Page 2 10/17/2014 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 10/22/2014 Appointments DEGREE RCS STAI:VS:tl EP/RATE EMI §Ital/S: flrA0 - HOURLY, STIPEND and EXTRA-CURRICULAR POSITIONS Lavallee, Maureen Cumberland, RI 02864 Portfolio Instructor WHS 10/23/2014 $30.00 an hour 48 hours max $1440.00 Total Grant 21st Century Community Learning 10/22/2014 Morissette, Tina North Providence,RIO2904 Ceramics Instructor WMS 10/2312014 $30.00 an hour 32hrs=960.00 6 hrs prep @ $30.00=$180.00 8.33%Fringe = $94.96 Total-$1234.96 Grant 21st Century Community Learning 10/22/2014 Papino, Pauline Greenville, RI 02828 Creative Chef Instructor WMS 10/23/2014 $30.00 an hour Grant 21st 48 hrs=$1440.00 Century 9hrs. prep@ Community $30.004270_00 Learning 8.33% Fringe= $142.44 Total=$1852.44 10/22/2014 Rhodes, Andrew Providence, RI 02906 English Homework Help WHS 10/2312014 Grant 21st $30.00 an hour 128 hours Century Total=$3,840.00 Community Learning 10/22/2014 Walker, Suzanne Ross Greenville,RI 02828 Math Homework Help 1012312014 $30.00 an hour WI-1S Grant 21st 128 hours Century Totai43,840.00 Community 10122/2014 Learning Page 3 10/17/2014 FYI PERSONNEL CHANGES 10/22/2014 RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS 1,0 Food Service Aide Barr-Bryant, Cheryl WMS-Villa Woonsocket, RI 02895 10/24/14 Resignation TRANSFERS Lamoureux, Michael Cranston, RI 02920 1.0 Social Studies World History-WHS 10/23/14 Replace Michael Kane who became Dean at WHS - remainder of school year only LEAVES OF ABSENCE Page 1 Woonsocket School Committee 10-22-2014 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 High Strteet Woonsocket, RI 02895 REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL DAY/CONFERENCE LEAVE Section' 1 I Linda Filomeno Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing. If requesting travel overnight/out-of-state, please allow a minimum of four weeks. 1 ): School: McFee Administration Bldg Conference Sponsor: WIDA Director of Grants & Assessment Assignment: Conterence Location: Atlanta, GA Total Days Requested: 2 First Absence: 23-Oct-14 Return Date: 27-Oct-14 Dates in a Series: October 24-25 0 No Weekend eekd en Z Yes Vacation Are you a Member: El Yes ❑ Yes After School ® Yes Dates beyond school day/hours: s ional development opportunity relevant to your position? . .• Presenting Woonsocket's ESL Pre-School intervention Program at the WIDA Conference; additionally we will learn strategies other districts are implementing for education of English Language Learners to bring to our program Section 2 I Policy Allowance 395.00 Registration Cost: $ 775.00 Transportation: $ 450.00 Hotel: $ 112.00 Estimate for Meals: $ 70.00 Other Expenses: $ $ $ $ $ $ Actual Cost 395.00 775.00 450.00 112.00 70.00 Amount Requested Granting of this professional day doeS NOT constitute 395.00 $ for any expenditure by the Woonsocket Education approval 775.00 $ Department. Applicant MUST contact the Grants or 450.00 Business.Manager's office to make arrangements for $ 112.00 required purchases and/or School Committee approval. All $ expenses must fall within the policy limits of the 70.00 Total Estimated Conference Cost: Woonsocket School Committee. Federal regulations for Per Diem Rates for professional travel can be found at If requesting funds: This form must be accompanied by a Requisition Form and pertinent back-up $1,802.00 informtaion. *Final reimbursement not to exceed this amount. Reetinrt `I Substitute coverage is needed: . Yes Substitute coverage will be funded by:u^I Local Transportation costs will be funded by: Local Registration and Misc. costs will be funded by: 0 Local ❑ No Grant 12 Grant Grant • Other Other Title II/Title III 1111 Other Title II/Title III cepticyn 4 1 Building Principal's Recommendation: Supervisor's Recommendation: Date: • Approved ❑ Denied Comments: • Approved Date: Comments: Principal's Signature Supervisor's Signature Skttirm Ill Denied J Office of Professional Development Approved As Submitted Approved As Amended ❑ Pending Substitute Availability Recommended for School Committee Approval Request Denied I hi pi-c_ Rev. 9-13 let7 ate Approval of Professional Development Office * This complete form must be attached to a requisition. Please note: Incomplete forms will be returned. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing. If requesting travel overnight/out-of-state, please allow a minimum of four weeks. WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 High Strteet Woonsocket, RI 02895 REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL DAY/CONFERENCE LEAVE Section 1 1 Name: Laureen Lemire School: Pothier Conference Sponsor: WIDA ESL K Teacher Assignment: Conterence Location: Atlanta, GA Total Days Requested: 2 First Absence: 23-Oct-14 Return Date: 27-Oct-14 Dates in a Series: October 24-25 Are you a Member: After School Dates beyond school day/hours: M Yes El No Yes Weekend El Yes Vacation Yes Why is this professional development opportunity relevant to your position? jSection 2 I Policy Allowance 395.00 Registration Cost: $ 775.00 Transportation: $ Hotel: 112.00 Estimate for Meals: $ Other Expenses: $ $ Actual Cost 395.00 775.00 $ 112.00 . Amount Requested Granting of this professional day does NOT constitute 395.00 approval for any expenditure by the Woonsocket Education 775.00 Department. Applicant MUST contact. the Grants or 112.00 Total Estimated Conference Cost: $1,282.00 Business Manager's office to make arrangements for required purchases and/or School Committee approval. All expenses must fall within the policy limits of the Woonsocket School Committee. F ederal : regulations for Per Diem Rates for professional travel can be found at If requesting funds: This form must be accompanied by a Requisition Form and pertinent back-up infonntaion. *Final reimbursement not to exceed this amount. Ceta-tion 1 Substitute coverage is needed: Substitute coverage will be funded by: Yes Local No Grant Transportation costs will be funded by: Local Local 1§1 Grant Grant Registration and Misc. costs will be funded by: 'rut 11)11 , 1. Other Title III Other Title 11/Title III Other Title II/Title III ■ Supervisor's Recommendation: Approved Date: ate: Denied Comments: Building Principal's Recommendation: ❑ Approved ❑ DeniedComments:Date: QL, a Supervisor's Signature Principal's Signature Office of Professional Development Commments: q Action 5 I Approved As Submitted Approved As Amended f/IN/1.4 Pending Substitute Availability Recommended for School Committee Approval El Request Denied Rev. 9-13 r, ate Approval of Professional Development Office * This complete form must be attached to a requisition. Please note: Incomplete forms will be returned. •1.43- -- 6a . t . 1 • • REcti .41.. ,.: . _,4 .%,,,:.•.-5kce ----,,,,', --.,-...,,,..,- svi...*.....,,, ..-re.,-...,11-,:..,,,,-, , '., ., "...i. 1..At'zigrfill4-1.111: _K-4:-. 5L • ,....-.,1:,::•!...'1:L,; • Total 1731 ,, 5: Reque%::6: ,„...,..,_...._,,,,..._,.__________,.......,._....,,,._,._____,•. 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Hello, Linda v My Scratchpad 2 v My Trips Support v Home Vacation Packages Hotels Cars Flights Cruises Things to Do Deals Rewards Mobile: Get Triple Points < Back 1-800-238-0767 a 165 Courtland Street Northeast • Thu, Oct 23 - Sat, Oct 25 • 1 Room DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Atlanta Downtown ***i Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA Expedia Hotel Expert: 1-855-809-3513 $189 Book se Hotel Price Guarantee for Expedia+ rewards members only Lobby Sitting Area Good! EsparloS Southwest* SPECIAL OFFERS RAPID REWARDP PLAN A TRIP Providence, RI to Atlanta, GA Air Total Price: Flight *684 06:10 AM Depart Providence, RI (PVD) on Southwest Airlines 07:40 AM Arrive In Baltimore/Washington, MD (BWI) X' 11:00 AM Saudrearni, WiF1 available Flight #264 Southwatf• to Southwest Airlines in 09:00 AM Change BaltImore/Washington, MD (BWI) Arrive In Atlanta, GA (ATL) .0A„ T $775.20 Thursday, October 23, 2014 Travel Time 4 h 50 m (1 stop, Includes 1 plane change) Anytime WiFi available . iI 06:30 PM RETURNI o z5 SAT Flight 0482515puthmtil Depart Atlanta, GA (ATL) on Southwest Airlines 07:25 PM Arrive in Chicago (Midway), IL (MDW) W1FI available Flight 08:35 PM Change Xj( to Southwest Airlines in Chicago (Midway), IL (MDW) 11:40 PM *3401 SoAttweittu Saturday, October 25, 2014 Travel Time 5 In 10 tY1 (1 stop, Includes 1 plane change) Wanna Get Away Arrive in Providence, RI (PVD) WiFi available What you need to know to travel: Don't forget to check in for your flight(s) 24 hours before your trip on ® or your mobile device. Southwest Airlines does not have assigned seats, so you can choose your seat when you board the plane. You will be assigned a boardin g position based on your checkin time. The earlier you check in, within 24 hours of your flight, the earlier you get to board. WiFi, TV, and related services may vary and are subject to change based on assigned aircraft. Learn More PRICE: ADULT Fare Details Fare Type I View Fare Rules Trip Routing Depart PVD-BWI-ATL Anytime Great Flexibilky Return ATL-MDW-PVD Wanna Get Away BoselientValue Southwest fares are only on southwest.corn,P. Total 1 $432.60 1:IWO-Day ClaRIW • No Chs .i•,4 5,55 . • tic r2:14:5,10 Fon ev pti c:$1, k, to y apA••:1 • t.'::,•pat.A■ F;o:i• (mIlma.tb .aable. - g o aala pa:thaivAl s,:dt P,sS,, 0 Numcsftn1112TA L Enroll in Rapid Rewards and earn at least 5600 Points for this trip. Already a Member? Log in to ensure you are getting the points you deserve. I You can't find this great fare on any other webslte. Quantity $342.60 1 Subtotal $775.20 Fare Breakdown 1st and 2nd Checked Bags Fly Free* *Weightand-size-limitsgapply.--- Bag Charge $0.00 — — 1 Air Total: $775.20 1 Purchase your shopping cart... By clicking 'Continue', ypu agree to accept the fare rules and want to continue with this purchase. Continue Ticket Price: $775.20 Credit Card Statement: -$100.00 Total After Statement Credit: $075,20 Add a Hotel Home I Mobile Site I Newsroom I Regions I Staff Directory I Careers I Forms I e-Tools I QuickLinks Search:.:) U.S. General Services Administration Home > policy &Regulations > Travel and Relocation Pollcv> Per Dlem > Per Diem Rates> FY 2015 Per Diem Rates for Georgia ADDITIONAL PO DIEM Topics Meals Incidental Expanses Breakdown (M&IE) FAQs State Tax Exemption Forms Factors influencing Lodging Rates FY 2014 Per Diem Highlights Fire Salo Hotels Have a Per diem Question? Downloadable Per Diem Flies (October 2014 - September 2015) SEARCH W( CITY, STATE OR ZIP. CODE Enter your ZIP Code Enter your city OR == 111=11111 Per Diem map> Cities not appearing below may be located within a county for which rates are listed. To determine what county a city is located in, visit the National Association of Coun(ies.(NACO) website la non-federal website). You searched for: Georgia Max lodging by Month (excluding taxes) Meals & trio. County (2, 3) Primary Destination* (1) Exp." 2014 Oct Nov Dec 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Standard Rate Applies for all locations without specified rates 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 46 Athens Clarke 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 46 Fulton / Dekalb / Cobb 135 135 135 135. 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Augusta Richmond 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 51 Jekyll Island / Brunswick Glynn 148 110 110 110 110 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 56 Savannah Chatham 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 56 'Atlanta * NOTE: Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained. ** Meals and Incidental Expenses, see Breakdown of M&IE Expenses for important information on first and last days of travel. RELATED TOPICS NEED MORE INFORMATiON? CONTACTS Additional Contacts for Travel Management Policy Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions (set by DoD) Rates In Foreign Countries (Set by Stale Dept.) Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) Travel Resources E-Gov Travel FedRooms POV Mileage Reimbursement Rates Last Reviewed 2014-10-14 Print Email fik Favorites Twitter Facebook Help I a Share Sitornap I Accessibility Aids I Linking I Privacy and Security I Contact Us letn-ATAI Also of Interest:Aloft's-err& rt000my. tiov Data.ov L BusineaUSA LiSA.rstiv GusinesR.U$Pc.gen Try our 'Phone & Wad apps goo : [mania, GA •1111 Hyatt Place Atlanta/Downtown • TAXI FARE FINDER I.lke 'Meet! Get your free TFF stickers! Expedia Guarantees the Best Price. 8123.00 00 TAXI FARE CALCULATOR ATLANTA, GA LOCAL TAXI INFO US RATE CHART NEWSROOM How much does a taxi cab cost from Hartsfletd Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) to 244 North Avenue Northwest, Manta, GA, United States in Atlanta, GA? AdChalces II- Taxi Fare Rates Taxi horn pu Airport b Tax Cab Prices .Y) Airport Cab Fare Results Estimated Fare: $29.12 ,40intis .r, l antd, GA taxi ate:s 33.49 incl. 1 Cost with Traffic $29.12 $26.37 $41.13 Heavy Light None (Arial [-Share' Permalinkl[DiSagreen Feature your dispatch number Featured Listings Fare Information [LTrip Information The trip Is 11.7 ml and will take 16 mins. Notes • Add $2.00 for each add'l passenger • Tolls & surcharges may apply Map -:iftepail101hbff:entift Suggested routes: r ($29.12) 1 or 3 Fastest • pproximate Breakdown Initial Fare Add. Metered fare Tip (15%) Estimated Taxi Fare fCheapest I Shortest artsReidla Get Fare! $2.50 $26.62 $4.37 244 North Avenue Northwest, Atlanta, GA, United STaTe1171 4 1taPOL.. at Rate to ATL Airport $33.49 *Additional charges may apply. --.-- .-...... --. $47 Flat Rate -Dunwoody To Airport Credit Card Accepted - On Time Po 's It Rates ATL Airport Downtown ATL Airport 4-4 Buckhead ATL Airport Midtown Trips within Buckhead 00 $30.00 $40.00 $32.90 $8.00 [ Local Taxi Phone NutZers---More Info • walking takes about 4 hours, 41 minutes and costs around 1171 calories. • How much does It cost the driver? • How does this compare? Taxi rates ranking by city. • Check out our Newsroom. 6000 North Terminal Parkway, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International A1rpoct Atlanta, GA 30320, USA ,..... _ . . .........____ 11.7 rni - about 16 mine 1. Head east on N Terminal Pkwy 2. Take the l-135 N ramp to l-20/I-75/Atlanta 3. Keep left, follow signs for 1-75 N/1-20/1-55 N/Atlanta and merge onto 1-85 N 0.4 mi 0.5 rill ---- ...... 10.0 rni 4. Take exit 249D toward US-19/ILIS 29 NM Peachtree St ,....-----, 5. Continue onto Linden Ave NW 6. Turn left onto West Peachtree St NW 7. Turn left onto US-2781N/US-29 S/US-78 WINoith Avenue NW Destination will be on the left ip244 North Avenue Northwest, Atlanta, GA 80313, USA Map datal13)2014 Google Popular Taxi Fare Estimates for Atlanta, GA Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) to Alpharetta, GA: $74.12 949 1-1811 Street SW 30310 to 1774 Century Blvd NE Suite A Atlanta GA 30345: $32.22 Hattsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATI) to Marriott-Atlanta Marquis: $26.42 Marietta, GA, USA to Hapeville, GA, USA: $57.00 Atlanta, GA, USA to Perimeter Mail Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30346, USA: $34.89 . . _..... 0.2 mi 453 ft .... ..____...._ mi 0.5 mi WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing. If requesting travel overnight/out-of-state, please allow a minimum of four weeks. 108 High Strteet Woonsocket, RI 02895 REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL DAY/CONFERENCE LEAVE Section Roger Picard School: Mcfee Conference Sponsor: International Assoc. for Truancy and Dropout Prevcnti Attedance Officer/ Social Worker Assignment: Conterence Location: San Antonio, Texas Total Days Requested: 3 First Absence: 27-Oct-14 Return Date: Oct 29 2014 Dates in a Series: 4.5 all together- starts wfe before Are you a Member: ❑ Yes U No Weekend Ill Yes After School r-1 Yes Dates beyond school day/hours: Why is this professional development opportunity relevant to your position? Amount Requested 400.00 $ 550.00 $ Actual Cost Policy Allowance Registration Cost; Transportation: Hotel: Estimate for Meals: Other Expenses: $ - . $ Total Estimated $ 575.00 $ $ 280.00 $1,805.00 Conference Cost: ) -. • .....- . . Graiding:ofthi professional day does NOT constitute approval for any expenditure by the Woonsocket Education Department: rAppliCant MUST contact the Grants or .,-- -- --- - - ... • BuSiness .M an ager"sioffiee tO mike arrangements for required -—. . - - . • . CV No ■ Grant ❑ Other Transportation costs will be funded by: ❑ Grant ❑ Other Registration and Misc. costs will be funded by: Local ❑ Grant ❑ Other - -, :---- - eriiiiii 4: -I Building Principal's Recommendation: Supervisor's Recommendation: 0 Approved 1—I L.] Denied Date: Comments: Supervisor's Signature Office of Professional Development JApproved As Submitted ❑ Approved As Amended ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Date: Comments: Principal's Signature Commments: ❑ Pending Substitute Availability t'l Recommended for Schaal Committee Approval. L . . quest Denied OC1 00 2014 = Ie Rev. 9-13 ... .. -:-.:.-.. • - , ..-.:-• Cemmittee: . . --.. Federal regulations for-Per Diem Rates for If profeSsiortaltravel . ... ,.,..... cin he Rim-id : at • requesting fu nds:,-,-Thi:, corm must by a bebeOmpiiined ac .: . . Requisition For m and pertinent biickup itifOrintaion ' I. Yes m I Local 1111 Local Substitute coverage is needed: Substitute coverage will be funded by: . - Plitelloe.. sand/or . SehOofeonithinee approval-All expenses: - , must fa -within the pelicy Iimitsrof the -Woonsocket Sc- hool *Final reimbursement not to exceed this amount. I Yes Vacation ,ifkiebA. / D Approval of Professional Development Office c9 -,37—/4,,-•,110 complete forjr) must be attached to a requisition. Please note: Incomplete forms will be returned. WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 7674600 Requisition NAME: P.O. No: Date: *Acct No(s) 1016/2014 Amount $ 1,805.00 Roger Picard Address: 764 Mendon Road City, State, Zip: Woonsocket, RI 02895 Phone _w-;'', Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket Education Department 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: ,. :, , ,' r .., QTY 1 % ';,, , f■, : , ,, ,.,Vii :=!..:,':=4,`,)'77:'-' - v CATALOG DESCRIPTION - V, s.».-.. ,,:,,:: '1,.vil-a-,.:!-,:.r.,ie.,,,,L=.:,..3.nP.F4CirkielitLVMAM,,-Vil TOTAL COST Reimbursement for the 104th Annual Truancy, Dropout, and Delinquency Prevention Conference October 26-28, 2014 San Antonio, TX Registration . Transportation Hotels Meals $400.00 $550.00 $575.00 $280.00 SUB TOTAL SHIPPING $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $550.00 $575.00 $280.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00" $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,805.00 .!.- & HANDLING $0.00 TOTAL $1,805.00 WTWE Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment T Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Textbooks Office Supplies Other ....X . SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS . I Superintendent Authorization AVICri—ei Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed Originator Kimberly Blais Principal/Project Director Director of Administration Revised: September 2011 & Finance CONCRENCE HIGHLIGHTS Saturday — October 254 2014 Texas Association Committee Meetings Sunday — October 26,2014 Early Registrations begins at 2:00 p.m. Early Bird Sessions on conference planning, grant writing, and legislative involvement Opening Session: Christian Moore discusses Student Resiliency with a book signing to follow Texas Night/President's Reception: Welcome to Texas Y'all! Imo mday — October 2`i $ 20 4 Morning Keynote: Christian Moore, WHYTRY? Afternoon Keynote: Kristof De Witte, University of Masstricht, NL Two Breakout sessions offering multiple topics of interest to participants. Several sessions explore ideas that can enhance truancy, dropout and delinquency prevention efforts. Committee Meetings. Memphis Conference Hospitality. .111aAttzacipi _22.11211.9.14 Morning Keynote: Kelly Kravitz, Title I Part D: Neglected, Delinquent, At-Risk Afternoon Keynote:TBD Two Breakout sessions. Honor our Person of the Year and Program of the Year at our Awards Luncheon with local flavor of entertainment. IATDP Annual Business Meeting Executive Committee Meeting Evening Excursion on River Walk Wednesday — November 3 2004 Panel of Recovered Dropouts share stories. San Antonio School Tours 104th ;AkriNIJAL TRUANCY, DROPOUT, AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION CONFERENCE OCTOBER 26 — 28, 2014 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS "OUR MISSION: BATTLE TRUANCY, DROPOUTS & DELINQUENCY" IATDP "Founded in 1911" INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR TRUANCY & DROPOUT PREVENTION 1ATDP Web Site: Texas Association Wehsite Dedicated to Truancy and Dropout Prevention The IATDP aims to: Improve the professional competency of its members. Assist administrators, teachers, and parents in school truancy and dropout prevention methods. La Quinta Inn & Suites Convention Center 303 Blum Street SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 1-800-SLEEPLQ Train educators and other professionals in the most effective programs and methods for truancy and dropout prevention. Develop programs and strategies to address school attendance problems. Professionalize truancy and dropout prevention efforts. For more Conference Information, contact: Wendy Brower, President or call 972-494-8255 wIhrowenitt arlandisd. net 1 04Th ANNUAL IATDP CONFERENCE La Quinta Inn & Suites Convention Center TRUANCY, DROPOUT & DELINQUENCY PREVENTION 303 Muni San Antonio, Texas SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2014 2:00 pm Texas State Association TATDP Meeting Conference Committee 3:00 pm San Antonio City Tours Available SUNDAY - OCTOBER 26.2014 Registration 2:00 - 6:00 pm 1:00- 3:00 pm IATDP Executive Committee Meeting Early Bird Sessions 3:00 - 6:00 pm IATDP Board of Directors Meeting 3:00 - 4:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm OPENING SESSION President's Reception 8:00 - 9:30 pm MONDAY - OCTOBER 27, 2014 8:00 - 4:00 pm Registration 8:30 - 9:00 am Welcome 9:00 - 10:30 am MORNING KEYNOTE 10:30 - 10:45 am Break 10:45 - 12:00 am *BREAKOUT SESSION I 12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch (on your own / Directors Luncheon) 1:30 - 2:30 pm *BREAKOUT SESSION U Break 2:30 - 2:45 pm 2:45 - 4:15 pm AFTERNOON KEYNOTE 4:30 - 5:15 pm IATDP Committee Meetings 5:30 - 7:30 pm 2015 Conference Hospitality 7:30 Enjoy San Antonio / On your own TUESDAY - OCTOBER 2$. 2014 8:00 - 4:00 pm Registration 9:00 - 10:30 am MORNING KEYNOTE 10:30- 10:45 am Break 10:45- 12:00 am *BREAKOUT SESSION IV 12:00- 1:30 pm AWARDS LUNCHEON 1:30 - 2:30 pm *BREAKOUT SESSION V 2:30 - 2:45 pm Break 2:45 - 4:15 pm AFTERNOON KEYNOTE 4:30 - 5:30 pm IATDP BUSINESS MEETING 5:30- 6:30 pm IATDP Executive Committee Wrap-Up 7:30- ? RIVERWALK DINNER CRUISE/ Enjoy San Antonio on your own FOR HOTEL GUEST ROOM RESERVATIONS CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-SLEEPLQ Or 210-222-9181 (Ask for IATDP Group . Rates) Website: www.lq.cora TO GET CONFERENCE RATES ($119.00), MAKE RESERVATIONS BY SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 Ask for IATDP room rates for the special rate. Limited! special TAMP Conference note/ Rates S 119 single/double (plus local taxes) All of San Antonio's attractions are easily accessible from the La Quinta Inn & Suites Convention Center. The hotel is only one block from the Historic Riverwalk, two blocks from the Alamo, in view of the Tower of Americas. Many other area attractions are only a short distance from the hotel including the San Antonio International Airport. The hotel offers a hot complimentary breakfast with TEXAS WAFFLES. Many San Antonio tours are available and the San Antonio nightlife and dining are superb. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Pupil Personnel Workers (PPWs), Child Welfare & Attendance Supervisors, Attendance Workers, Social Workers, School Counselors, Psychologists, Health Professionals, School Teachers, School Administrators, PINS Officers, School Nurses, Community Agency Service Providers, Law Enforcement Professionals, Juvenile Court Personnel, School Resource Officers and Legislators. CONIPERENCE REGISTRATION - Member* Non-Member** Full Conference Regular Registration Life Member Retired Member 4000001204, $275 $225 $250 $350 At4i**261.4 $400 $325 Regular Registration $225 Life Member $275 Retired Member * Member's annual dues must be current or renewal enclosed. ** Non-Members can register as members if annual dues are enclosed with registration form ($50.00). Daily Registration for those who cannot attend full conference Member: $110 per day Non-Member: $150 per day Attending: (check all days you will be at the conference) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Name (Please Print) Mailing Address City/State/Zip Phone: E-mail: School District/Agency MEMBERSHIP DUES: $50 New Renewal R Already paid _Life Mem. REGISTRATION: (check appropriate type) _ Full Conference (Member) _ Full Conference (Retired Member) _ Full Conference (Non Member) Daily Rate x number of days $ $ $ $ Annual IATDP Conferences bring together school and community professionals to encourage team building, to recognize outstanding achievements in service to at-risk youth and families, and an opportunity to share information about effective strategies, techniques, and programs in truancy, dropout, and delinquency prevention, Board of Directors Member / Officer (circle one) [yes] [no] OTHER CHARGES: Sponse/Guest Registration Riverwalk Dinner Cruise LOCAL ATTRACTIONS: Alamo Tower of the Americas at HemisFair Park *BREAKOUT TOPICS: WhyTry? New Immigrants: Campus Ambassadors Program Hearing Officer Training Levels I-IV with Certificates McKinney ISD's elfigh program Working with Kids in Poverty Over-age/Under Credited Texas ChalleNGe Students in Foster Care Defining an "At Risk Student" Truancy Court Legislation from the Judges River Walk Sea World Ghost Tours Mission Tours Ethics Information sharing: keeping FERPA in mind GOAL: Guys Operating As Leaders Determining the Contributing Factors and Interventions of School WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 29.2014 CLOSING SESSION 9:00- 10:00 am San Antonio School Tours 10:00 - 12:00 Depart 12:00 - Wineries and Breweries Market Square Carriage Rides Dropout Rates in One Rural School District Rethinking a District's Suspension Policy Pros and Cons of Addressing Absenteeism in the Juvenile Justice System: The Evolution of a Program Full Conference Registration fee includes: daily breakfast buffet, complimentary Wi-Fi, Presidential Reception, Awards Luncheon, and all materials and handouts. TOTAL ENCLOSED: ® $100 S $ (TBA) ■ Make check payable to IATDP Conference ' n form and check to: ■ Mail registrant, Brenda Vallee, Conference Treasurer P.O. Box 366 Colfax, LA 71417 The 104th Annual Conference of the IATDP • • • • • • • • • Page 1 of 5 Home About Us Join Journal History Affiliates Articles Useful Links Downloads Home » IATDP International Association for Truancy & Dropout Prevention Search J -Search • The 104th Annual Conference of the IATDP Call for Speakers: We are always interested in prospective conference speakers. Please contact our current president, Wendy Brower, phone (972) 494-8255. Dr. Thomas Blomberg, Phd, participates with the Click here for details on the Kevnote National Alliance on Correctional Education. Kristof De Witte is an associate professor at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. And, Christian Moore is a founder of the "Why Try?" Program. 10/1/2014 Page 2 of 5 The 104th Annual Conference of the IATDP 41.yre: Sek4. '7 ' -.(pitee e-e-eieemr. ktoz: RUA nOsniMirm fp r a strpO'ckt,,*foicir viiillenOntilpg 6e6.4-0, exprig.ii*=-46/4114.0ViramajtriNte01:7• 1.; itito ' S$4:. 1101-Ai *11tsptnikillotttorti '0.,olla r 2 w 0)1 vcwiv*r• Questions Relating to the 2014 Conference in San Antonio: Click underlined questions below to jump to answers. Click on photos to jump to information about photos." a. Who Should Attend? b. Where will we stay? c. What is the Cut-Off date for Hotel Reservations? d. How do we get to the Hotel? e. What will we do After Hours? Return to Top a. Who Should Attend? Anyone working with Student attendance in the following fields: Technology - Computer hardware, software, data collection, pupil records, telecommunication, wireless data entry/retrieval, data security, and FERPA and HIPPA compliance. Special Needs Applications - Special education, homeless, suicide, adolescent parents, divorce, death, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, cultural diversity, social skills and academic instruction, academic and behavioral interventions, and distance learning including tutoring students unable to attend school. School Safety - Violent and disruptive behavior and incident reporting, gangs, bullying, bomb threats, school visitor policy, school bus safety & in-service education, abuse in an educational setting, Emergency Planning, Health Service Office and field trips. 10/1/2014 The 104th Annual Conference of the IATDP Page 3 of 5 Wellness - Obesity, asthma, mental health, home bound hospital instruction, diabetes, stress management, lice, school phobia, coping skills, analysis of data, deferred gratification, mediation, negotiation, risk behaviors and data driven program development. Legal Issues - Special education, suspension, attendance, compulsory education, residency issues, FINS/PINS, search and seizure for weapons, code of conduct, school violence and reporting, NCLB, and right to alternative instruction. School Management - Security, safety monitoring student attendance, school building management, suspension alternatives, teacher supervision, parents as partners, communication and classroom management. Other - Teacher home visits, safety issues during home visits, dealing with difficult people, teaching parenting involving parents who won't come, to school, involving teachers and administrators who won't get help, parents as real partners, involving the board of education, volunteers, and products for teachers and or educational administrators. Return to Top Ciii l,8004LEEP.LQ (140 Bokirt $01 II, Mitfor IATIO 33757): b. Where will we stay? La Quinta Inn & Suites Convention Center 303 Blum, San Antonio, Texas For Hotel Guest Room Reservations, Call: 1-800-SLEEPLQ (1-800-753-3757, Toll Free) or 210-222-9181 (Be Sure to Ask for IATDP Group Rates) Return to Top c. What is the Cut-Off date for Hotel Reservations? 10/1/2014 The 104th Annual Conference of the IATDP rage 4 of To get conference room rates, make reservations by September 11, 2014. Be sure to ask for the "Conference" room rates for the IATDP conference. Limited rooms are available! Special IATDP Conference Hotel Rates $ 119 single/double (plus local taxes) Return to Top d. How do we get to the Hotel? If flying into San Antonio, the Go Airport Shuttle provides service from the airport to downtown San Antonio and other locations. It is cheaper to use the on-line reservation service through the underlined link. If driving into San Antonio, be aware that it is a large city with the usual traffic and parking problems. Self Parking at the hotel costs $22.73 per night and Valet Parking costs $27.06 per night. Return to Top e. What will we do After Hours? The San Antonio River Walk Guide Your guide to everything along the River Walk and the Downtown San Antonio area. Ernie Pyle once described the River Walk as "The American Venice" and it's easy to see why. If you tried to imagine a place where the sights, sounds and flavors of Native America, Old Mexico and the Wild West blend effortlessly with the hustle and bustle of a modern city, it would probably look a lot like the San Antonio River Walk. If you need more to do, try the Alamo City Trolley Tour located next to the Alamo and only two blocks from our hotel. You can purchase your tickets at the Alamo Visitors Center next to the Alamo or the Market Square Visitors Center. Both are open at 9:00am, 7days a week. It includes all-day unlimited reboarding at the Alamo Trolley Hop Stops with your Hop Pass. You can get off and see major sites, then reboard and continue. If this still isn't enough, we suggest you look up other attractions on the interne. There is clearly enough to do in and around San Antonio to justify a major family vacation, Events 10/1/2014 The 104th Annual Conference of the IATDP Page 5 of 5 104th Annual Truancy, Dropout and Delinquency Prevention Conference. Battling Truancy, Dropouts & Delinquency. Join our mission for a super conference with engaging speakers, exciting experience and lively entertainment. Our News Executive Director, Ronnie Land, and 2013-2014 President, Wendy Brower, attended the CASCWA Conference in Leemore, California where they shared information about the IATDP and recruited to expand our membership there. More >> Truancy & Dropout Prevention System #6 Attendance Improvement Effective Collaboration Timely Interventinn Data 1DIIVV11 Decisions • ADA Gains At FtiorWee, Inc. • • • • • • • Home Mission Current Articles IATDP History Benefits Useful Links Downloads Copyright 2014 IATDP. All rights reserved. Website Contributed by RaaWee, Inc. I 04th-annual- conference-of-the- iatdp/ 10/1/2014 rage Meals (Per Diem) I Travel Office TRAVEL OFFICE TIULN finance FadliUen UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON Finance & Facilities n Finance a i or 4 ravel Search UW Direetorlen l Calendar financial Maaggemanl Travel Meais (Per Diem) Meals (Per Diem) Per Diem Rates Reimbursement Rel burs ment for Actual Cost Over Allowance Meakr,,,Wdon1300aplez "lying Allowance Meals must be incurred during travel status , at least three hours beyond your normal work hours, and based on allowablerawlizaralmwhich includes: basic cost of meal sales tax customary tip/gratuity incidental expenses • • • • * Department is responsible for retention of course catalogue/conference brochure. Do not attach to ER in Ariba. Per Diem Rates ist if • Domestic Per Diem Rates • • • • includes 48 contiguous States and District of Columbia high cost locations use this county code search when the city is not listed and to identify if the city is in a high cost county if both city and county is not listed, use CONUS (contiguous U.S. and District of Columbia) standard meal rate of $46 use this meal breakdown for domestic locations (do not use GSA meal breakdown) Daily Brea fas r Lunch DI rine Maximum $46 $51 $56 $61 $66 $71 mom $14 $21 $13 gm $23 OCIIIINIMIEEM $15 $16 $18 $18 $20 $28 $30 EINEM 141Otion;QanljarLompcaleiri • • • • Wes includes Alaska, Hawaii and other U.S. territories use other category if location is not listed add local incidental and local meal rates to compute total allowable daily meal rate meal breakdown Is 25% for breakfast, 30% for lunch, 45% for dinner of total daily meal rate List ecirei r Diem Rates • listed in US dollars • use other category if location is not listed • meal breakdown is 25% for breakfast, 30% for lunch, 45% for dinner of total daily meal rate http://f2.washingtomedii/fm/travel/meals 10/6/2014 Meals (Per Diem) Travel Office Page 2 of 4 * If travel was prior to listed per diem in ARIBA use "Other Miscellaneous" line item, add comment listing allowed per diem and attach Rua in form of a pdf or copy and paste details into comment section. Reimbursement Daily meal allowance is allowable according to the following time guidelines: 1. entering travel status by departing from official duly station/residence; it's allowable to go into travel status up to three hours before domestic flights and up to four hours before international flights • 8am or before (breakfast, lunch and dinner) • after 8am until 2pm (lunch and dinner) • after 2pm until 6pm (dinner) 2. coming off travel status by returning to official duty station/residence • before 12 noon (breakfast) • 12 noon until before 6pm (breakfast and lunch) • 6pm or after (breakfast, lunch and dinner) Reimbursement for Actual Cost Over Allowance Meal(s) such as banquet dinners (if required) must be conference/seminar sponsored and have speakers or pertinent round table discussions, These type of meals are not considered meal per diem. Use banquet meals line Item in eTravel. Receipts are required. Meals Paid on Behalf of Others Itemized receipt(s) are required regardless of cost. Reimbursement is at actual amount paid (exclude alcohol) and cannot exceed allowable meal per diem rate/per person according to location of travel (attach proof of per diem to ER). Spreadshee is required. Review instructions, Since meals are based on allowable per diem rates, travelers should pay and claim their OWN meals and receipts are not required. When meals are paid on behalf of others, itemized receipt(s) are required regardless of cost and the completed meals paid for others spreadsheet must be submitted. Instructions: • all participants must be in travel status; meals for others not on travel status are claimed on a Check Request (Non UW) or eFleimburemenrs (UW). • reimbursment is at actual amount paid (exclude alcohol) and cannot exceed allowable meal per diem rate/per person according to location of travel. • traveler claiming meals on behalf of others should claim their OWN meals as allowable per diem. • select Meals Paid for Others in eTravel • ensure travelers do not claim allowable meal per diem for any meal(s) paid and claimed by another, • attach proof of per diem in pdf form to ER ( ex, pdf of GSA website). TIPS: • travelers should pay for their own meals and request allowable meal per diem which does not require receipts • if it's necessary to pay meals on behalf of others, request itemized receipt before ordering Living Allowance Living allowances are payments made to support a foreign national during a course of study or research. The individual must be in travel status Living allowances can be issued to a foreign national not receiving an honorarium. The allowance is based on the temporary work destination's daily meal per diem rate and is issued for up to 30 days at a time. Additional requests (up to 30 days each) may be submitted. Living allowances must be paid in advance, otherwise expenses are reimbursed on an Expense Report (ER) under meal per diem line item. Under most circumstances, living allowances are not considered taxable income. *if short trip please contact Travel Oflice to expedite payment. http;// 10/6/2014 Meals (Per Diem) I 1 ravel Unice icige _I 01 4- Non-Reimbursable • meals included in price of lodging (i.e. B & B) • meals included in registration fee • provided meals (except for airline meals and continental breakfasts) and regardless whether or not: • there was a registration fee • personal dietary decisions for religious or other optional choices • attended the function where the meal was served (unless there is a legitimate business reason not attending) • medical conditions that require special dietary constraints should be handled on a case by case basis 10/6/2014 City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4398 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 Email: [email protected] RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800. 745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1 . 800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filomeno, Director TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Linda Filomeno - Director of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: October 16, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Forms as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from Mr. and along with their letter of intent to home school their children: Mrs. - Grade 4 for academic year 2014-201.5. - Grade 3 and Grade 2, I have reviewed the Curriculum Forms and have determined that they are in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Deparnnent does not discriminate on, the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800 .855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Email: Ifilomeno@woonsocketschools,com Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filotneno, Director TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Linda Filomeno - Director of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: October 15, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Form as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from Ms. along with her letter of intent to home school her son — Grade 7 for academic year 2014-2015. I have reviewed the Curriculum Form and have determined that it is in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. LF/cm "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-9641 Fax 401-767-4640 Email: [email protected] RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800. 745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1 . 800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filomeno, Director TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Linda Filomeno - Director of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: October 15, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Form as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from Mr. and along with their letter of intent to home school their son Mrs. Grade 9 for academic year 2014-2015. I have reviewed the Curriculum Form and have determined that it is in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. p / F/cm "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on. the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin., color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition P.O. No: Dote: 9/30/2014 Amount *Acct No(s) Company: ProCare Therapy Inc. $171,360.00 Address: P. 0. Box 1024640 ity, State, Zip : Atlanta,GA 30368-4640 Phone fax Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable Ship To: Woonsocket Education Department 108 High Street Woonsocket RI 02895 Attention: Carole Lerner, birctor mt-,N,p041,,f,_,,,-1..„, r,,_,_„,,.. ,,,,,,,-=_ ,,,vx:;Er.).0,.-;,,It .84 krs , 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 ::.,-- - --5,-,,,=_,S,-,,„=1-=----z-,W_-_,—,,,li,-;..L-, ..,,. _-. , ,,r._ ) , LV,-.4.V.N7WfV4Wf-=• _=EA oilk,"a-e-r, g .------. .,--,-=-,--",-===',= UNIT COST CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY Occupational Therapy Services for 2014/2015 School Year ,::.,1,.,:WIc==_--,.-.=_=, ,,,,,-=',,,,- ---Y-4-hk' TOTAL COST $ 85, 680.00 $68.00 per hour 35 hours per week 36 weeks ;,......,.4. Speech/Language Therapy Services for 2014/2015 School Year $85,680.00 $68.00 per hour 35 hours per week 36 weeks ) leane)'---,..e-r? I ..).f. :5- -3 -‘1/1/-1 ..." . 3 ,..,1r:A ' ;1--e' . i-- (` r`e17" ' ....A • „„ '' u S dWe_, —,.—=., '''41-4WeA47111 -; 0 0 Zi A ,,---ru,4 Iroi .7Coo .. Check One: Dues & Educational Supplies Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment School Furniture & Equipment kaYRAZSgkil-Wa2TIMIIhTg:M-iWf4:4.5:,,:=S%r.1Tr3tt=s:_—TZZ:ZI--1- I- 6-kJ ' 7t2AT_a%:'Z'r3X ,73,76-f21MAVO—M-1:- -1*'" argie."-a0A-W0=7:,-VE!-Autheri . tion: (Ceitral 0 . Originator t V 3 . / 0 / g----/prz4"1" /67.9 a//i $171,360.00 Textbooks (-7 k s ----- =''' Office Supplies SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS .------ --- - k...--C} Principal/Project Director Business Manager Relay Rhode Island 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) CITY OF WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 767-4608 lax (401) 767-4647 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Patrick MWee, Ed.D. Interim Superintendent Website: INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Patrick McGee, Interim Superintende SUBJECT: Recommendation of Executive Direc of Finance and Operations DATE: October 17, 2014 It is with great pleasure that I recommend the appointment of Mr. Brad Peryea as the Executive Director of Finance and Operations for the Woonsocket Education Department. Mr. Peryea began his career with I. , ) Telling & Conroy, CPA Firm in Plattsburg, New York. In addition he was employed as a staff accountant for UPS Supply Chain Solutions. Since 2006, he has been employed for the Central Falls School District which he has gained the experience and knowledge of school finances, He has earned his Bachelors of Science from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh with a major in accounting. It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Mr. Brad Peryea to join our exceptional team of administrators in Woonsocket as the Executive Director of Finance and Operations. Salary: $106,000.00 Term: 12 month employee Contract: Per School Committee (see attached) Thank you. PM/kb 0 e;--1+6 lae,r- es-711; ,96//- MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR ATHLETES VERIFICATION AND WAIVER FORM Please complete this form and sign in each of the three areas indicated. A Notary is available at school for your convenience. This form shall remain CONFIDENTIAL. We use it to protect your child's health, not disqualify anyone from participation. A. HEALTH INSURANCE (1)Health Insurance: Company Name Policy # (2)Have you purchased School Insurance this school year: Yes Name of Insured No If you answered NO to School Insurance you MUST complete and sign the section below: B. SCHOOL INSURANCE WAIVER I AM FULLY COVERED BY MY OWN INSURANCE FOR ANY INJURY THAT MY CHILD MAY INCUR DURING THE TIME OF PARTICIPATION IN I HAVE READ SECTION (A) ABOVE AND UNDERSTAND THERE MAY BE LIMITS TO MY COVERAGE. I DO NOT WISH TO PURCHASE SCHOOL INSURANCE. Date Signed Signature of Parent/Guardian C. WAIVER & HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I do hereby absolve and hold harmless the Woonsocket Education Department and Woonsocket School Committee, its agents, servants, and assigns, from any and all liability for payment of medical expenses and medical services which may be necessary for and/or occasioned by my child's participation in athletic activities. This waiver and hold harmless agreement is being signed because I am unwilling to purchase the school's student accident insurance to cover these expenses. Date Signed Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signed Signature of Notary Public 1,7:7 - -- r-- WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 High Street Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895 /Diazh-eci /416.15-71 c-9.7 2014 Waiver, Verification & Hold Harmless Agreement — Student Medical Insurance GRADE: STUDENT'S NAME: LAST DATE OF BIRTH: (Month/Day/Year): MIDDLE FIRST / / It is the policy of the Woonsocket Education Department that no student shall be permitted to participate in any school sponsored sports program unless the student has private insurance coverage to cover medical expenses arising from injuries sustained while participating in said sports programs. This requirement for insurance may be met by enrolling in the District Student Accident Insurance Plan or by waiving enrollment in the District plan through proof of private insurance coverage. At the present time, the District strongly encourages, but does not require, enrollment in the District Student Accident Insurance Plan, whether or not the student is covered through a private insurance plan. If you do not have insurance coverage for your son/daughter for medical costs incurred as a result of injuries sustained during participation in school sponsored sports programs, he/she will not be permitted to participate. Again, this requirement can be met through proof of private coverage, enrolling in the District Student Accident Insurance Plan, or both. NEITHER THE CITY OF WOONSOCKET, NOR THE WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SHALL PAY THE MEDICAL EXPENSES OF STUDENTS INJURED WHILE PARTICIPATING IN ANY SPORTS PROGRAM. Cost of medical expenses will be satisfied as follows: 1. Blue Cross or any private insurance covering the student. 2. Rhode Island Interscholastic League Injury Fund, which may consider payment of medical, dental, and physical therapy bills for injuries incurred by an athlete participating in a sanctioned interscholastic league event. The fund considers bills, which exceed the amount covered by an eligible athlete's primary insurance coverage. It is important to note that the injury fund is not an insurance company. For specific information, please visit htt ://www.hfund.or /w content/uploads/2013/05/Policies-and-Procedures 1 .pdf 3. Parents will be responsible for all balances due on bills not paid through the above listed agencies. Any visit to a doctor, dentist, or hospital must be reported to the Athletic Director and the Coach within three (3) days of said visit. If you do not enroll in the District Student Accident Insurance Plan, you MUST complete and sign this form. Some type of medical insurance is required for all students participating in any Rhode Island Interscholastic Activity. If you do not purchase school insurance, you should be fully aware of your policy deductible and limits on coverage for particular conditions. For example, Blue Cross Blue Shield does not cover, in full, claims made for all injuries. Other HMO's have similar restrictions. CHECK WITH YOUR INSURANCE CARRIER BEFORE YOU FIND YOURSELF IN NEED OF HELP. The following MUST be com p leted and signed: PRIVATE INSURANCE POLICY/COMPANY NAME: NAME OF INSURED: POLICY NUMBER: (Proof of insurance (copy) is required consistent with information provided above) Woonsocket Education Department Insurance Waiver: I am fully covered by tny own insurance for any injury that my child may incur during the time of participation in athletic activities. I have read and understand there may be limits to my coverage. I will maintain coverage for my child throughout the length of the entire season. I do not wish to purchase school insurance. Date Signed Signature of Parent/Guardian Woonsocket Education De partment Hold Harmless Agreement:, I do hereby absolve and hold harmless the Woonsocket Education Department School Committee, its agents, servants, and assigns, from any and all liability for payment of medical expenses for and medical services which may be necessary in which are occasioned by my child's participation in athletic activities. This waiver and hold harmless agreement is being signed because I have willfully and knowingly opted not to purchase the school's student accident insurance to cover these expenses. Date Signed Signature of Parent/Guardian RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de A&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) City of Woonsocket Education Department 108 High Sheet Woonsocket, Rhode island 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 7674600 Fax (401) 767-4640 Web site: http:I/wounsocketsehools.cont Web site: TO: Dr. Patrick McGee Interim Superintendent of chools FROM: Margaret R. Baker Interim Director of Ar inistration and Finance DATE: October 15, 2014 RE: #15-07 Athletic Supplies Sealed Bids for furnishing the Woonsocket Education Department with Athletic Medical Supplies for the 2014-2015 school year, were received on August 125, 2014 at 11:30 AM, at which time they were publicly opened and read. Bids were sent to ten (10) vendors with four (4) vendors responding. After reviewing bids with Carnell Henderson and Brian Bouley, Athletic Director, it is recommended the ) bid be awarded to the following vendors, according to specifications. BSN Riddell All American $ $ Stadium Systems $ Grogan-Marciano Total $ 920.57 36.00 3,469.85 2,877.60 7,304.02 u Superintendent's Recommendation for School Committee Approval Scheduled for School Committee Meeting on October 22, 2014 "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world." The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. BSN SPORTS DESCRIPTION Unit Qty dz Size if Applicable Unit Price Total Price 1 $31..44. --$34:44 ea 3 $2:77 $6..31 dz 2 $23.10 $46;20 ea 4 $6352 ea 1 .$12.88 ea 1 $21:72 BASEBALL Easton Soft Stitch Incrediball Baseball Scorebooks MacGregor *As Specified or Equal* Pitching Machine Balls Jugs Color: Yellow 1 2 3 6 22 23 42" x 42" Black Caniras Duffel Bag Baseball Express #DB4224 or equal Tag Collegiate Bat Bag, Style # TBB900 Tag Collegiate Helmet Bag, Style # THB-925 BASKETBALL - GIRLS Nike 4500 28.5 Leather Game Balls48 NO SUBSTITUTE 50 Mark V Score Books BASKETBALL - BOYS 52 Basketball Nets- Anti whip 55 Mark V Score Books Basketballs - Nike 4500 Boys 57 Basketball (NFHS) NO SUB ea ea ea ea FIELD HOCKEY HD-100 Colored Mouthguard (Black) 60 Adam style 2-32"-29" oz., 2-33"-30 oz. 3 2 ea 29.5" 10 Circumference ea 100 ea ea ea 3 12 2 ea 3 .$36.98 $4.04 -.$110.94 $12.12 :$1:69 44.04 .$12A 2 •$36:98• $3.69.80 FOOTBALL Tee Kick-Off Tag Collegiate #TKP73 112 As Specified or Equal 79 Girdle White 5 pad - Lycra Spanex 87 Cleat Cleaner - Bassco #7750 Footballs "Rubber" practice 107 F1552XD Total 44.50. $15:49: • •$30..98 $41.46 $920.57 1 of 1 RIDDELL #122047 DESCRIPTION Belts Nylon Custom Athletic Gear #TNB-4001-W-54" Length As Specified or Equal MAROON-NO 74 SUBS. Unit Qty dz 4 Size i# Applicable Unit Price $9.00 Total Price $36.00 $36.00 1 of 'I Stadium Systems DESCRIPTION Size if Applicable Unit Price Total Price Unit Qty 100/bag 1 $3000 $30.00 ea 100 $0.29 $29.00 ea ea 27 6 $8.75 $18.00 $236.25 $108.00 ea 15 $17.00 $255.00 100-piece bag 1 $8.10 $8.10 ea 10 $189.50 $1,895.00 dz 2 $63.00 $126.00 ea ea pr pr 10 50 50 50 $9.50 5.40 $3.50 $4.85 $95.00 $270.00 $175.00 $242:50 FOOTBALL 75 Helmet Hardware-Loop Strap #1991 Mouthpiece Custon Fit Color 77 (Maroon) Nylon Game Practice Pants, PPNS 100% double-knit, two-Ply front and back duke, side load knee pocket, and Bellows-Style Thigh Guard Pocket. All seams are Cover Stitch 78 Reinforced. As Specified or Equal 81 Wilson Football Composite F1735 Scrimmage Vests - Heavyduty (color: maroon) to match previously ordered 82 Size: XXL Faceguard hardware (Shutt) screws 83 7/16" - 15002527 DNA Shutt Football Helmets - White with Maroon stainless steel (facemask SS-ROPO-DW) attach all stripes & decals - NO 84 SUBSTITUTIONS DNA 1 1/8" Jaw pads (white) - NO 85 SUBSTITUES DNA Shutt Chin Straps 4-pt. high hookup (Hardcup - Maroon 88 1088xx00) - NO SUBSTITUTES hip pads knee pads thigh pads Total $3,469.85 of 1 GROGAN MARC IANO Size if DESCRIPTION Applicable Unit Price Total Price Unit Qty ea 4 419:50 $78.00 dz 10 $:53:.50 $535.00 dz 6 $39.50 $237.00 ea 6 $52 50 ;:$315:00 ea :.$66:90 :$38.60 ea $129.00 .$258:00 BASEBALL 8 12 Atec Batting Tee, Telescopic model # T-3000 Baseball Diamond D1PRONFHS (NO SUB) Baseball Diamond DOLA (NO SUB) Shutt Air-7 Batters Helmet- Metallic 46 Scarlet and Silver 13 FOOTBALL 80 Wilson Football GST - F1003 Shoulder pads Tag Collegiate (QB, 93 WR, RB, DB) - NO SUBSTITUTES Shoulder pads Tag Collegiate (OL, 94 DL) - NO SUBSTITUTES Elastic shoulder strap GL Sports 1 101 1/2" - F15.ESS-1.5 or equal Football cleat wrenches GL Sports 102 plastic F15,SCW ICE HOCKEY Sherwood PMP 5030 - Right Hand 112 (NO SUBSTITUTES) Sherwood PMP 5030 - Left Hand (NO 113 SUBSTITUTES) Total ea 2 $1.29.00 $250.00 roll 1 $300 $33:00 ea 2 dz 1 $4$0;to $450-.00- dz 1 $2,877.60 1 of 1 RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de A&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) City of Woonsocket Education Department i OR High Street Woonsocket, Rhode island 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 767-4600 Fax (401) 767-4640 Web site: bitp://woonsocketsehools.corn Web site: bttp://woonstteketsehools,eom TO: Dr. Patrick McGee Interim Superintendent of Schools FROM: Margaret R. Baker Interim Director of A nistration and Finance DATE: October 14, 2014 RE: #15-08 Athletic Uniforms Sealed Bids for furnishing the Woonsocket Education Department with Athletic Uniforms for the 20142015 school year, were received on August 25, 2014 at 11:15 AM, at which time they were publicly opened and read. Bids were sent to eight (8) vendors with two (2) vendors responding. After reviewing bids with Carnell Henderson & Brian Boulay, Athletic Director, it is recommended the bid be awarded to the following vendor, in full, according to specifications. Grogan Marciano $ 9,201.96 o Superintendent's Recommendation for School Committee Approval Scheduled for School Committee Meeting on October 22, 2014 "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world." The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable lawS and regulations. Athletic Uniforms 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 BASEBALL Baseball Pants - Specs: Speedline, must match existing inventory , Style 6306-89, body - Grey, Soutache-maroon - all to be 27" standard inseam - No Substitiute Sizes if applicable 2- 34 waist and 3- 36 waist Baseball Express - Tube socks - Adult 27" long MAROON socks Style TTK TBD Hats Baseball Custom Ath. Gear as previously ordered, Style #TMBH-1000 - Crown= Maroon, visor= black, eyelets= black Fitted Sizes- see AD for sample TBD Baseball Belts -color Maroon Style # TBA-146A-M color Black, Style# TBA-146-B TBD OUTDOOR TRACK (BOYS) Speedline Mens' Track Jersey: Style #SHGR-2-01, Body: Maroon, NOVANS - Maroon process done by Speedline at Factory. MUST MATCH EXISTING INVENTORY SEE AD FOR 33 SAMPLE TBD Speedline Mens' Track Shorts: Style #SHGR-2-01, Body: Maroon: MUST MATCH EXISTING INVENTORY SEE AD FOR 34 SAMPLE TBD OUTDOOR TRACK (GIRLS) Speedline Womens' Track Jersey: Style #SHGR-2-01, Body: Maroon, NOVANS - Maroon process done by Speedline at Factory. MUST MATCH EXISTING INVENTORY SEE AD FOR TBD 35 SAMPLE Speedline Womens' Track Shorts: Style #SHGR-2-01, Body: Maroon: MUST MATCH EXISTING INVENTORY SEE AD FOR TBD 36 SAMPLE SOFTBALL GROGAN MARCIANO Total Price Unit Price UNIT QTY ea 5 $83:50. pr 36 $3.35 dz 3 $192.00 $076:00 ea 6 Kw' $27.00 ea 20 $61.00 $1,220.00 ea 20 $48.-68 $977.60 ea 20 $61'.88 $1,237.60 ea 20 $48.88 $977.60 :$417.50 . $120.50 DESCRIPTION Softball Pants Speedline - Maroon with white braid Must match 45 existing uniform - No substitutue Sizes if applicable UNIT QTY Unit Price TBD ea 18 $71.66 46 Softball Socks - Maroon full heel and toe TBD Softball Jersey Speedline - Must match existing inventory- No 48 Substitiute pr 18 $3.35. ea 18 $127.66 Total Total Price $9,201.96 RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de A&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) City of Woonsocket Education Department 108 High Street Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone (40 I ) 767-4600 . Fax (401) 767-4640 Web site: htip://woonsueketsehouls.eorn Web site: Int p://w oonsoeketschools cant TO: Dr. Patrick McGee Interim Superintenden of Schools FROM: Margaret R. Baker Interim Director of ministration and Finance DATE: October 14, 2014 RE: #15-09 Athletic Medical Supplies Sealed. Bids for furnishing the Woonsocket Education Department with Athletic Medical Supplies for the 2014-2015 school year, were received on August 25, 2014 at 11:30 AM, at which time they were publicly opened and read. Bids were sent to five {5) vendors with three (3) vendors responding. After reviewing bids with Camel! Henderson & Brian Boulay, Athletic Director, it is recommended the bid be awarded to the following vendors, according to specifications. Everything Medical Collins Medical' Medco School Health Total $ $ $ $ 463.01 282.46 1,364.20 37.91 2,147.58 a Superintendent's Recommendation for School Committee Approval Scheduled for School Committee Meeting on October 22, 2014 "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world." The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Company: ATHLETIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION EVERYTHING MEDICAL Unit Size QUAN Unit Price Total Price 2 Bacitracin 3 Oz. Tube 12 $4.75 $57.00 3 J & J First Aid Cream 3 oz. Tube 12 $1.49. $17.88 5 Sunscreen - 30 SPF - 4 oz. Bottles bottle 6 $2.70 $16.20 10 Eye Wash irrigation 1/2 oz(single use) 4 $1.39 $5.56 12 Ace Bandage 3" ea roll 12 $0.34 $4.08 13 Ace bandage 4" ea roll 12 $0.44 $5.28 roll 6 $0.64 $3.84 100/bx 6 $1.49 $8.94 1 6/cs 30 $5.50 $165.00 Bandages 14 Ace elastic wrap banda ge 6" x 5 yards 15 1" Bandaids- Flex-Latex free General Supplies 22 Ice Pack 6114 x 5 1 OF 2 Company: ATHLETIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION 26 Sun Glare - Black .75 roll-up EVERYTHING MEDICAL Unit Size QUAN Unit Price Total Price each 5 $4.49 $22.45 Equipment ent 31 Ankle Braces ea 2 $10.95 $21.90 32 Bandage scissors 5 1/2 " ea 2 $1.09 $2.18 34 Mourthguard Form Fit Vinyl - Regular Maroon w/strap ea 100 $0.35 $35.00 40 Flexi-Wrap tin. - 6 rolls with handles 6/rolls 2 $29.30 $58.60 45 Knuckle bandaids 1 1/2 x 3 in. 100/box 1 $2.85 $2.85 46 Ice Chest - 7 quart little playmate (red) ea 1 $14.50 $14.50 48 McDavid Ankle Brace (Hexpad) ea 3 $7.25 $21.75 $463.01 2 OF 2 Company: ATHLETIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION Mediquick Spray COLLINS SPORTS MEDICINE Unit Size QUAN 4 oz can 12 Unit Price Total Price $22:56 All American Training Kit (Empty) 15" x 10 1/2" x 8 1x4" Cramer 30 #112071 or equal kit 2 $53.75 $107.50 43 Towel (Gatorade) 24" x 42" ea 24 $6.35 $152.40 $282.46 1 OF 1 Company: ATHLETIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION MEDCO Unit Size QUAN Unit Price Total Price 11 ibuprofen 200 mgm. 500/box (250/2's) 12 $10.55 $126.60 18 Patch bandaid 2 x3 100/bx 6 $2.56 $15.36 ea 6 $4.16 $24.96 General Supplies 19 CPR Pocket mask 24 Pre-wrap 2 3/4" x 30" 48 roll/case 2 $30.46 $60.92 25 Power Flex 2" x 6 yards 24 roll/case 10 $24.56 $245.60 37 Trainers Tape 1 1/2" - 15 yards to a case case 20 $34.86 $697.20 47 Water Cooler - 5 gallon ea 6 $32.26 $193.56 $1,364.20 1 OF 1 Company: ATHLETIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2014-2015 DESCRIPTION School Health Unit Size QUAN Unit Price Total Price 38 Zip cut tape cutter ea 1 $229 $2.29 39 Drinking Bottles - Polyethlene Big Mouth ea 12 $1.61 $19.32 44 Water Bottle Carrier (holds 6 bottles) ea 2 $8.15 $16.30 $37.91 1 OF 1
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