October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTORAL STAFF CLERGY Rev. John J. Detisch [email protected] Pastor Rev. Jason Feigh [email protected] Resident Deacon Richard Brogdon [email protected] Deacon Assistant PARISH LAY STAFF MASS & CONFESSION TIMES Weekend Masses: Saturday evening: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Martha “Mardi” Lata [email protected] Secretary/Receptionist Bruce & Trisha Yates [email protected] Music Ministry Jesse Spanogle Coordinator of Religious Office: 838-6225 Education and Youth cell: 716-640-9084 Ministry [email protected] Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday: 7:00 & 8:00 a.m. Holy Day Masses Holy Day: Please refer to the bulletin for mass times Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:00 p.m. Crystal Lander [email protected] Director of Finance Jennie Hagerty [email protected] Director of Parish & School Advancement SaintJudetheApostleChurch AWelcomingFamilyofFaith 2801 West 6th Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16505 Phone: 814-833-0927 Fax: 814-833-9692 Web Page www.stjudeapos.org October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time YÜÉÅ à{x Wxá~ Éy à{x ctáàÉÜ This is the weekend! As you read this, the sauce is simmering … the homemade meatballs are warming … the wine is chilling. Everything is ready for the Serafini’s Spaghetti Dinner! If you are reading this Saturday after Mass, there is still time to call everyone you know and invite them! If you are reading this on Sunday, you can easily come across the parking lot and come on in! We will be raffling off the gift baskets starting at 5:30, and the 2014 Corvette Stingray at about 6:00 … still, plenty of time to buy tickets! It is going to be a great day, with great food, and great friends! Tuesday, October 28th, is the Feast of St. Jude the Apostle. We are going to move the regular 6:30 p.m. Mass to 7:00, and have it in Church. Please allow me to invite you all to simply, come together for a Mass of Thanksgiving, as we honor our patron, thanking St. Jude for his intercession for almost 60 years, helping us to build up this wonderful community of family faith. Since Monday, we have been emailing different prayers to honor the Novena of St. Jude, in the hopes that you and your family would gather for a few brief moments to honor our patron. May we conclude these days of prayer with the Word of God and the powerful gift of the Eucharist this Tuesday evening! What a glorious way to end the Synod on the Family in Rome last week! Pope Francis beatified Pope Paul VI, who died on the Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6th) in 1978. Pope Paul had the enormous task of continuing the work of the Second Vatican Council, which began under the papacy of the very popular Saint Pope John XXIII. He was the one who initiated the whole idea of papal visits to different countries, having a special interest in Africa, where he visited so many of the nations there. In fact, he was the first Pope to visit the continent. One of his first acts as the new Holy Father was to canonize several martyrs from Uganda. I know that he was heavily criticized for it, but one of his greatest encyclicals was Humae Vitae, “Of Human Life”, in 1968. Pope Paul VI was one of the very first world leaders to address the world population problem of the late 1960’s, teaching his belief in “Responsible Parenthood”: teaching parents to become more responsible when bringing children into an already-crowded world … teaching them to know when to have children, and when not to. The Holy Father felt that it was not wise to bring children into this world if the couple was not properly prepared personally, spiritually, socially, etc., to provide a proper home and life that their child truly deserves. It was a radical change from previous Church teachings. With the recent canonizations of Sts. Pope John XXIII and John Paul II, it was easy to forget about the true importance of the deeply holy man who served in between them. It must have been a powerful celebration at St. Peter’s last week; especially, with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in attendance. Guys, I cannot express enough how great of a day is coming up next Saturday, November 1st: the “22:32 Men’s Conference” at the Warner Theater! There are going to be some powerful speakers geared just for guys … Deacon Harold Burke-Silvers, a passionate speaker and evangelist, author, radio guest and CEO of Servant Enterprises … Jesse Romero, a former boxer and LA County Sheriff’s Deputy with a master’s degree in Theology and a great message … along, with our own Fr. Larry Richards, Pastor of St. Joseph/Bread of Life. It is going to be a great day just like last year, and just like the Women’s Conference a few weeks ago. I am telling you that it is NOT to be missed, guys! It will make it even better if you bring your son or your Dad with you. Next Saturday is the Feast of All Saints. But, since it falls on a Saturday, it is still a holy day, but not a day of obligation. However, we will still be offering a Mass here for the Feast at 9:00 a.m. The Saturday Mass of anticipation will be for Sunday, the Feast of All Soul’s. At the noon Mass next Sunday, we will be, especially, inviting the family members of the people who died in the last year, and were buried from St. Jude’s since last All Soul’s. There will be a reception to follow in the Founders Room. It will be a very emotional and powerful liturgy, to be sure … as a reminder to these families that their loved ones are now in the Glory o God. Our hope is to bring them some peace. Msgr. Kreigel is having a few of “The Fathers” over for dinner this week. And, I never pass up on a free meal from Henry! I am always amazed by all the different ways he serves franks and beans! Have a great week! I sure hope one of you win the Corvette! See you at the dinner! Fr. D. October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time Doing Great Things at OLCS: Saint Jude the Apostle Church and Our Lady’s Christian School held their “Inaugural 5k run and walk” at Presque Isle on September 2014. Over 130 participated and proceeds benefited Saint Jude the Apostle Church, Our Lady’s Christian School, and The Sisters of St. Joseph. The Sisters were presented with a $500 check from the event. Pictured left to right are Sister Mary Alice Reed, Emily Morphy, Nora Taylor, Sister Ann Louis, Sister Mary Hermann, Stephen Nemenz, Principal, Laura Morphy, and Molly Taylor. The students pictured represent Our Lady’s Christian School. The Saint George Lancers and OLCS Raiders are the Diocesan Football Champions. They won against the Blessed Sacrament Bulldogs 14-0. Thank you to Saint George School for welcoming AJ Spinelli, Andrew Stark, Thomas Swanson, Colin Johnson, and Dylan Szymanski. SAVE THE DATE! Open House Sunday, January 11, 2015 Our Lady’s Christian School 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 606 Lowell Avenue, Erie, PA 16505 814-838-7676 www.ourladyschristian.com Save the Date: Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 5 pm The Saint Jude and Our Lady’s Christian Advent Tree Lighting Remembering and honoring your loved ones. A wonderful way to celebrate as one. The tree located in front of our bell tower will be glowing with lights this Advent season as we prepare for the birth of Christ. More details to follow. Feel free to contact Jennie Hagerty at (814) 833-0927 or [email protected]. October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time Altar Servers Saturday, November 1 4:30 p.m. ................................... Anna & Abigail Stubenbort Sunday, November 2 7:30 a.m. .............................. Alberto Spinelli, Ana Stempora 9:00 a.m. ........................... Aidan Dennis, Drew Sambuchino 10:30 a.m. ........................................ Brooke & Grace Talbot 12:00 p.m. ........................ Nellie Fallon, Dominic Montefiori Lectors Saturday, November 1 4:30 p.m. ......................................................... Jane Zawadzki Sunday, November 2 7:30 a.m. ............................................................... Mark Lucas 9:00 a.m. ............................................................ Michael Grab 10:30 a.m. .............................................................. Jeff Maries 12:00 p.m. ........................................................ Jennie Hagerty Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, November 1 4:30 p.m. . C. & N. Donnelly, S. & J. Matteson, K. Peightal, M. & R. Stubenbort, P. Wisniewski Sunday, November 2 7:30 a.m. ......................... S. Flanagan, J. Lauer, J. Stempora 9:00 a.m. ... M. Costa, B. Grab, B. & G. Karle, K. Polito, W. Sherwood 10:30 a.m. R. Gallivan, A. Harpst, S. Roehrl, J. & J. Sanza, T. Swanson, R. & E. Talbot 12:00 p.m. ..B. Barthelmes, G. & T. Bellotti, P. Guelcher, L. Montefiori SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Priesthood Sunday; National World Youth Day (U.S.) Ss. Simon and Jude Halloween All Saints; First Saturday Monday, October 27—Weekday 7:00 a.m. Fr. Tom Dugan (Karen & Mark Horstman) 8:00 a.m. David Hallman III (Matt Minnaugh) Tuesday, October 28—Sts. Simon & Jude 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Shirley Hemme (Family) Wednesday, October 29—Weekday 7:00 a.m. Charles Genck (Family) 8:00 a.m. Federowicz & Daleski Families (Agnes Federowicz) Thursday, October 30—Weekday 8:00 a.m. Dolores Bindseil (Paul & Janet Gora) Friday, October 31—Weekday 7:00 a.m. Sheila Wnukowski (Family) 8:00 a.m. Jack Geiger (Family) Saturday, November 1—All Saints Day 9:00 a.m. Ruth Malone (John & Julie Malone) 4:30 p.m. J. E. Kirsch (Frank & Elaine Mozdy) Sunday, November 2—The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed 7:30 a.m. Deceased Members of St. Jude Parish 9:00 a.m. Deceased Members of St. Jude Parish 10:30 a.m. Deceased Members of St. Jude Parish 12:00 p.m. Memorial Mass—Deceased Members of St. Jude Parish READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Daily Masses Available St. Julia’s Church: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Providing a strong foundation in Faith and Education from Pre-School through 8th grade Sacrificial Giving for the weekend of October 18/19, 2014 WEEKEND OFFERING Weekly envelopes……………………..$12,266.50 Loose offering……….………………… $1,085.04 TOTAL offering….….$13,351.54 Thank You so much for your weekly support of our parish! Prayer Line Need a prayer? Call: Marie Gieza—-474-1919 Nancy Young—838-4469 Please like Saint Jude the Apostle Church on Facebook and tell your friends and family too! The Church sanctuary lamp is lit this week in loving memory of Anniv. Daniel Kelleher From Family Baptismal Preparation Class Thursday, Nov. 6th, 7:30 p.m. In the Founders Room Mr. Stephen Nemenz, Principal 606 Lowell Avenue Erie, PA. 16505 (814) 838-7676 We invite you to visit our website at www.ourladyschristian.com Weekend Presider Schedule November 1/2, 2014 4:30 p.m. Fr. Detisch 7:30 a.m. Fr. Feigh 9:00 a.m. Fr. Detisch 10:30 a.m. Fr. Feigh 12:00 p.m. Fr. Detisch Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, November 13, featuring Senator Sean Wiley and his assistant, Mike Lehman. We will meet at Perkins on West 8th Street at 11:30A. Since the State Senate has passed the use of "Medical Marijuana," I'm sure we will all have questions on how this will affect our daily lives. Christmas party will be on Thursday, December 11 at the Colony Restaurant on West 8th Street. Time is 12 Noon. Carol Layden will be the gracious lady in charge. Info on price, etc. will be forthcoming, so be sure to check the bulletin. Remember ALL are welcome. Company, food, and program always make for a fun afternoon. Call the Parish Office to register, 833-0927 Please join us this Tuesday evening at 7 pm for mass. We will celebrate the Saint Jude Feast Day in the church and the close of our Novena. All Souls Day will be celebrated at the noon mass on Sunday, November 2, 2014. This mass remembers in a special way those who have gone before us. We will recognize during the mass all of the faithful departed of our parish family over the past year. Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Pastoral Planning Update from The Erie Diocese Tax Aide volunteers are needed in Erie County, particularly at the Asbury Methodist Church and the Salvation Army sites. Please consider becoming a AARP Tax Aide volunteer. Tax returns are prepared for low income individuals and senior citizens. Counselors prepare returns and Client Facilitators greet clients, have them complete intake form, and organize forms needed for counselors to prepare returns. Some training is required. To volunteer, or for more information, call Lifeworks Erie at 453-5072. October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time The OLC JV and Varsity cheerleaders will be hosting a Little Raider Cheer camp for girls in grades K-4. The camp will be held at the OLC gym from 11:30 -3:30 on Saturday November 22, 2014. The cost is $25 per camper and includes a t-shirt , snack and a drink. The girls will be learning basic cheerleading skills and will perform a cheer, chant and a brief dance for parents at 3:00. This year, the group will have the opportunity to perform their routine at half time at one of the OLC basketball games during the Jan Freeman tournament in early December. Information and registration forms are located in the vestibule. Final call: register for the 2014 Catholic men’s conference in Erie today! 22:32 Men, the second annual conference for Catholic men in the Diocese of Erie, is scheduled for this coming Sat., Nov. 1, from 9 am to 3:30 pm (registration begins at 8). Based on our Lord’s exhortation to Peter (Luke 22:32), the day is designed to help men reflect on deepening their faith so they can be a source of strength for their families and others. Hear inspiring national speakers and enjoy opportunities for adoration and reconciliation. The event will conclude with Mass offered by Bishop Lawrence Persico. For more information and to register, visit www.2232Men.com or call (814) 455-7364. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door “Diaper Drive” In recognition of the Respect for Life theme for October, Catholic Charities Counseling and Adoption Services is requesting support for their pro-life pregnancy support program. ST. Jude has offered to support this worthwhile program by collecting much needed items during the month of October. Bins will be placed in the back of the church to collect the requested items: DIAPERS, WIPES, INFANT CLOTHING, BLANKETS, NEW BOTTLES, BABY WASH AND LOTION. “GENTLY USED” MATERNITY CLOTHING is also requested. Your help and generosity is greatly appreciated! 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 John Fries GERLACH’S AUTO SALES, INC. 3027 West 12th Street 833-7749 Used Cars and Trucks John Fries • Paul Fries • John Szkotnicki • Bill Goodwill Tom Toale, R.Ph. Proprietor Garden & Floral frontier pharmacy 3161 West 32nd St. “Your Family Health Care Center” 1216 West 6th St. 452-2347 838-2363 455-2349 728 West 9th Street William M. Lyden • Hubert A. St. George • James J. Orlando John Ehrman’s Free Delivery Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Affordable Funeral Services • Preplanning On Site Cremation Tribute Center WE COME 2 YOU • LAWN CARE SERVICES • HOME PRESSURE WASHING • AUTOMOTIVE DETAILING • SNOW REMOVAL Partners: Carl T., Garett J., Austin, J., Carl R., & Leo J. Brugger III 1595 West 38th Street • 864-4864 CALL (814)-384-7480 www.bruggerfuneralhomes.com Jim Lyons Financial Advisor CFP, AAMS 2316 W. 8th St. 459-8657 Marybeth Baran LOW GUTTERS CLEANED ROOF - SIDING - GUTTERS REPAIRED Residential & Commercial 814-866-3306 MISSING SHINGLES REPLACED • Plumbing Repair Service • Sewer & Drain Cleaning SPOUTS UNPLUGGED • Water Heater Service • Back Flow Testing & Installation CHIMNEY - ROOF LEAKS FIXED “Serving The Erie Area Since 1902” W.H. MOTSCH & SON, INC. JIM SOLI Wor ld Vac al 864-3504 Erie - 420 W. 12th St. Margel Szumigale 814-450-0316 & Steve Szumigale 814-449-5023 Magical Planner Full Service Travel Agency Specializing in Disney Vacations s (814) 490-3030 Parishioner [email protected] www.MagicalWorldVacations.com www.bugmeforrealestate.com Francis V. Geiger & Sons E. Matthew Zimm, D.O. CEMETERY MEMORIALS • GRANITE KITCHEN COUNTERTOPS Board-Certified Eye Physician and Surgeon 814-838-3588 2976 West Lake Rd. Across from Trinity Cemetery Treating Every Body Like Family Hertel & Brown PHYSICAL & AQUATIC THERAPY • West Erie Plaza • Sterrettania 456-6000 836-1970 • Harborcreek • Summit • Warren 464-0660 866-5930 406-7384 www.hertelandbrown.com ERIE DIOCESAN CEMETERIES 3325 West Lake Road J.M. Kuneman Construction, Inc. New Construction • Homes • Garages • Etc. • Remodeling • Baths Basements • Kitchens • Siding • Roofing • Windows • Masonry Fully Insured Free Estimates OF: 814-864-1806 Lead Certified Cell: 814-434-1676 5711 West Lake Road & Peninsula Drive PA Lic# 083950 6000 Lake Pleasant Road Mausoleum/Niche Space and Full/Cremation Grave Space SCALISE FINANCIAL ADVISORS, INC. Licensed Professional Counselors 8 3 6 -10 3 8 2545 West 26th St. Erie, PA 16506 www.b2mcounseling.com 4021 W. 12th Street, Erie, PA www.scalisefinancialadvisors.com Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. • Member FINRA/SIPC DEAN SCALISE, CFP® A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Fruit and Gift Baskets Now Available Holidays, Birthdays and Occasion www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com VISIT WWW.MASONFARMS.COM • (814-774-8592) Gery T. Nietupski, Esquire, LLC Attorney and Business Advisor 818 State Street • Suite A • PA 16501 [email protected] ELECTRIC, INC. Family Owned Serving Erie, Pennsylvania & surrounding counties for over 30 years experience in the field of corporate law and Operated Call Us Today! 814.454.1600 484650 St Jude the Apostle Church (A) K loecker Funeral Home, Inc. Specializing in Cataract Surgery & Laser Vision Correction Surgery • LASIK and Other Advanced Vision Correction Procedures Bayfront Professional Building 300 State Street, Suite 200 - ERIE • No-Stitch Cataract & Lens Implant Surgery • Glaucoma Management and Laser Surgery (814) 453-4575 www.drzimm.com • Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery and Botox • Complete Eye Exams ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Calvary Cemetery, Trinity Cemetery Gate of Heaven Mary, Queen of Peace Mausoleums Corner of West Lake Rd. Cemetery & Mausoleum Cemetery & Mausoleum & Main Office 814-838-7724 TONY SCALISE Millcreek - 5236 Dorchester Dr. Sherry Trapp ion at www.edwardjones.com Mag ic 2340 West Grandview Blvd., Suite 3, Erie, PA 16506 Parishioner Phone (814) 838-8310 456-6211 1620 W. 8th St. www.jspaluch.com • • • • • • • • Experts at Rewiring Fire Restoration Fuse Boxes Updated Controls / Computer Wiring Licensed and Insured PA-020633 24 Hour Emergency Service FREE Estimates No Job Too Small Mark F.V. Kloecker, FD Supervisor 2502 Sassafras Street 814-454-0156 www.kloeckerfuneralhome.com Linda Chrzanowski Family Services Representative 814-838-7724 WWW.ERIEDC.ORG Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. For your lodging needs Glass House Inn Tim and Laura Merryman 3202 W. 26th St. Erie, PA 16506 Phone (814) 833-7751 glasshouseinn.com 1711 Chestnut • 459-3394, 455-6750, 572-9308 Cell For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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