July 31, 1934. I]; w_ KU'LICKE ' REGISTER ' Filed March 24. 1931 Ill" I I HLJMIH II llll 1,968,560 ' Patented July 31, 1934 _ ‘ 1,968,560’ UNITED STATES’ PATENT OFFICE ' 1,968,560 REGISTER Frederick W. Kulicke, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to Mitchell Specialty Company, Philadelphia, Pa., a corporation- of Pennsylvania Application March 24, 1931, Serial No. 524,565 4 Claims. (01. 98-101) In the drawing I have shown at 1 the outer or My invention relates to devices, commonly known as registers, for regulating and control discharge end portion of a pipe or ?ue from ling the discharge of air through and from a ?ue which air, usualy heated. is discharged. The end terminating in a room to be heated or venti portion thereof projects through an opening 2 5 lated. The present invention relatesprimarily provided in a wall 3, such as the front end portion 1 to registers for use in automobiles to control the of the body of an automobile. The end of the discharge thereinto from a pipe or ?ue of air pipe or ?ue 1 projects a short distance beyond which has been heated by its passage in contigu the inner side of the wall 3 as shown in Fig. 1. ous relation to the motor or some part heated by The device embodying my invention is mounted 1')‘ the exhaust gases from such motor. on the outer or discharge end of the said pipe or ' . The general object of the invention is to pro vide a register of simple construction and of a character such that it may be manufactured at a minimum of expense or cost. a- 4 It also is an object of the‘ invention to provide a register‘ embodying novel means of a character such that the means for controlling the discharge of air, warm or cold, from the ?ue may beadjust ed readily to any position desired. 25 30 35 40 ‘ ?ue. The device comprises a base ‘or supporting member consisting of a plate 5 having an opening 6 centrally located therein. The edge of the said openingisprovidedwith an inwardly‘or rearward ly extending ?ange 7 slotted at intervals as in dicated at v8 so as to ‘provide relatively narrow portions which are more or less yielding and which are resilient. The slotted ?ange 7 is adapted to be inserted in the open end of the pipe To the foregoing and other ends the invention comprehends the construction as hereinafter de scribed in detail, particularly de?ned in the. claims, and as shown in the drawing wherein I or ?ue 1 and the frictional engagement thereof " l‘ device shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The outer edge of the annular ?at portion 16 of the plate 15 is bent and extended rearwardly as shown at 17. Such rearwardly-bent portion is of with the inner side of the said pipe holds the said base member in position on the said pipe. It will be apparent that the plate 5 may be rotated about have illustrated a construction embodying the the axis of the pipe 1 so as to adjust the same to invention in the form which at present is pre any position desired. The outer edge of the plate ferred by me. It will be understood that changes‘ 5 is provided with ‘a relatively wide projection 10 in the details of construction may be made with the opposite edges of which have rearwardly pro in the scope of the claims appended hereto with jecting I ears 11. These ears are arranged " in parallel relation to each other and each of them out departing from the invention. , In the drawing: is provided on its rear edge with a series of 1' Fig. 1 is a view showing in cross section the notches 12 for a purpose which hereinafter will device embodying my invention, also showing in be explained. The upper edges of the'said ears longitudinal section a portion of the front end of preferably are concave as indicated at 13. For the purpose of regulating and controlling a pipe or ?ue upon which the said device is mounted, and also showing in section‘ a fragmen the discharge of air or any other gas from the i tary portion of a wall of an inclosure such,,for pipe or ?ue 1 I'have provided a cover and de?ector 15 consisting of a metal plate. ' An annular por example, as an automobile body; Fig. 2 is a view in front elevation, looking'to tion 16 or the plate 15 is ?at and adapted to be ward the left in Fig. 1; and ~ - seated in contact with the outer surface of the Fig. 3 is a view in inside or rear elevation of the plate 5 outside of and surrounding the opening 6. ‘I; ' In the use of the register for controlling the discharge of warmed or heated air into the in terior of the body of an automobile it usually is 45 mounted at the front of'the automobile upon the a character to add to the ornamental appearance of the register but it also tends to cause greater dash board or any other part or portion of the dispersion of the air which escapes from the pipe front wall of the structure. However, it is to be or ?ue 1 and impinges upon the inner or rear sur understood- that the register may be mounted face of the cover and de?ector plate 15. The upon the bottom of the automobile. Although plate 15 is provided with a relatively wide pro 50 ‘the register is intended primarily for use for con jecting portion 20, the side and end‘ portions of 10‘ trolling the admission of heated air to the inte which are provided with ?anges 21 and 22 respec rior of an automobile body it is to be understood tively. The side ?anges overlie and for the most that it also may be used for controlling the ad part conceal the ears 11 at the opposite side edges mission of air into the rooms of dwellings or oth . of the projection 10 of the plate"5. 55 'er like structures. ‘ For the purpose of pivotally connecting the "'9 2 1,963,560 cover and de?ector plate 15 to the ears 11 I have provided pivots 23 which extend through the ears or projections 11 and the side ?anges 21. These pivots serve to connect the cover and de?ector plate 15 to the ears or projections 11 upon the base member of the register but at the same time permit pivotal movement of the said cover and de?ector as indicated by the dash and dot lines ‘at 25 in Fig. 1 of of the drawing. 10 For the purpose of retaining the cover and de?ector both in closed position and in any open position to which it may be adjusted I have pro 1. A register, comprising a base plate having a projection extending outwardly from one edge thereof the'opposite edges of which are provided with rearwardly extending ears, the said plate having an opening therethrough, a cover and de ?ector for controlling the passage of air through said opening, the said cover having a projection from one edge thereof which projection is pro vided with side ?anges and an end ?ange, means for pivotally connecting the said side ?anges to the said ears, and means in engagement with the said ears for retaining the said cover and de?ec vided a spring plate catch 26 upon the inner side tor in any position to which it may be adjusted. of the ?ange 22. The intermediate central por 2. A register for controlling the discharge of 15 tion of the plate 26' is secured to the correspond air from a ?ue, comprising a base plate having ing portion of the ?ange 22 by means of rivets an opening therethrough from the edge of which 27. The opposite end portions of the said spring a rearwardly extending ?ange projects, a pro plate 26 are bent inwardly away from the ?ange jection extending from one edge of the said base 22, as shown in Fig. 3 of the drawing, and termi plate, the opposite edges of the outer end por 20 nate in slightly inwardly extending reduced por tion of said projection having rearwardly extend tions 28 the inner surfaces of which are rounded as indicated at 29 in Fig. 1 for engagement with the notches 12 in the ears of projections 11 and also with the rear end portions of the ccncaved edges 13 of the ears 11. When the cover and de ?ector is in closed position as shown in full lines ing ears the rear edges of which are provided with notches, a cover for controlling the passage of air through said opening, means for pivotally connecting the said cover to the said base plate, and means on said cover cooperating with said notches for holding the said cover either in‘ closed in Fig. 1 the portions 28 engage the outer edges position or in any open position to which it may of the ears or projections 11 in adjoining rela be adjusted, ' tion to the notches therein, as shown in Fig. 1. 3. A register for controlling the discharge of If it is desired to adjust the cover and de?ector air from a ?ue, comprising a base plate having to an open position it is but necessary to take an opening therethrough and having a ?ange ex hold of the edge portion thereof and exert an tending rearwardly from said opening, which outward pull thereon, whereupon the outer end ?ange .is provided with slots at intervals therein portions of the spring 26 will yield to permit the to form slightly yielding resilient portions‘ for movement thereof over the teeth between the engaging the end of the said ?ue for adjustably 110 notches 12 to thereby permit the movement oi’ supporting the base plate thereon, the said base the cover and de?ector to any open position which plate having ears projecting rearwardly from an may be desired. The rounding of the reduced portions 28 as indicated at 29 and the tapering and rounded projections between the notches upon the ears or projections 11 facilitate the movement of the cover and de?ector from either closed to open or from open to closed position. By rotatably adjusting the device with respect to the discharge end of the pipe or ?ue 1 the direction of the ?ow of air as it is discharged from the pipe or ?ue and from the register may be controlled. The frictional action of the por tions of the ?ange 7 intermediate the notches 8 therein operates to hold the device in any position to which it may be adjusted upon the outer dis charge end of the pipe or ?ue 1. It will be seen by my invention I have provided edge portion thereof the rear edges of which are provided with notches, a cover and de?ector plate for controlling the discharge of air from the said 115 ?ue, means for pivotally connecting said cover plate to the said ears, and a spring device sup ported 'by the said cover plate and engaging the notches in the said ears for holding the said cover and de?ector plate in any position to which it may be adjusted about the axis of its pivotal movement. 4. A register for controlling the discharge of air from a ?ue, comprising a base plate having an opening therethrough, means for securing said base plate to the open end of said ?ue, the said base plate having a projection extending out a register of extremely simple construction and wardly from one edge thereof, said projection having rearwardly extending ears provided with. 65 of a character such that it may be manufactured at a minimum of cost and expense, and also that notches upon their rear and inner edges, a cover the device embodying the invention is of a char and de?ector plate for controlling the discharge acter such that it is highly suitable for use in the of air from the said ?ue, said cover and de?ec regulating and controlling of the discharge. of tor plate-having. a projection at one edge there ,heated air into the interior of the body of an, of the opposite sides and outer edges of which are provided with rearwardly extending side and end automobile. I Although the device has been designed pri ?anges, pivots for pivotally connecting the said marily for use in connection with automobile side ?anges with the said ears, and spring means bodies it is apparent that it may be used for con mounted upon the end ?ange for engaging the trolling the discharge of air into the rooms of said notches for holding the said cover and de 140 ?ector plate in any position to which it may be structures of other character. Having thus described my invention, what I adjusted. FREDERICK W. KULICKE. claim and desire tosecure by Letters Patent is: 70 141? 75 150 CERTIFICATE or CORRECTION. Patent No.1‘l,968,560. ‘ ‘ ~ July 31, 1934. FREDERICK w. RULICRE. It is hereby “It'll-H64: that error _appears in the printed specification of the above numbered [)?it‘lli requiring correction as follows: Page 2, line 23, for "of" read or; line 53, after "seen" insert ‘that; and line 140, claim 4,~before '-'p0sition" insert open; and that the said Letters Patent should he read with these corrections therein that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent Office. Signed and sealed this 11th day of September, A. D. 1934. Leslie Frazer (Seal) Q Acting Commissioner of Patents.
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