M N GA HI IC Malory Davis For the first time, at the Oakland County Open Jackpot Poultry Show I decided to try Malory’s Menagerie of Poultry . Malory’s Menagerie is an educational game about poultry. The game is similar to a Jeopardy game. My goal is to educate about poultry in a fun way. The winners of each class won a trophy ,a ribbon , a certificate, and a year membership or a year renewal in the APA-ABA Youth Program. The 2nd and 3rd place of each class received a ribbon. Overall, Malory’s Menagerie went very well and everyone seemed to enjoy it . I hope to bring Malory’s Mengerie of Poultry to other poultry shows . I hope to see you next time , Malory Davis The winners of the Junior class were 1st place Libby Laforest, 2nd place Mark Hagen,and 3rd place Piper Laforest. The winners of the Intermediate class were 1st place Aneesa Berryer, 2nd place Allie Purves, and 3rd place Chase Finkbeiner. The winners of the Senior class were 1st Tommy Purves , 2nd place Mark Ugo, and 3rd place Jacob Blodgett . COLORADO This is a photo of me, Andie Rupple and new members of the APA ABA Youth club. I’m teaching two new boys 101 poultry basics and getting them ready for showmanship at their fair in Park County Colorado. They came to my home on July 5th. The new members are Adam Susic and Aron Susic. New coop tenders. MISSOURI This is Trevor Simmons. I took Champion Bantam and Best of Show last weekend at the Daviess county fair in Missouri. This little pullet Iwon with is out of mu rooster and a hen that I got from Craig Hansen. My parents are very proud of all the hard work and time I spend with my birds and I’m working hard on my breeding program. CALIFORNIA Thank you for spending so much time with me today on the phone. I sent in my daughter's membership application online. Her name is Lindley Mason and we are out here in sunny Southern Calif. I am attaching two photos from our San Diego County Fair last week. One is with Lindley and her white bearded silkie, Prince, in his cage. He won Best in Breed, Best Feather Legged, Best Bantam, Best in Youth, and Reserve in the show. She is very proud of him! I am proud of what good care she has learned to give him to keep him looking his best. The second photo was taken after showmanship. Lindley won 1st in Senior and is pictured with the judge Frank Joseph. I have printed off the information to give to our Fair Manager to get this showmanship sanctioned for next year. I don't see how this wouldn't be to our Fair's advantage and our Fair Manager has always been very open to ideas on how to improve. Thank you again! Jody Mason CALIFORNIA FROM KENDALL OSBORN These are my Wheaten Ameraucanas. Some of the pictures aren’t very good but I thought I’d just let you see all of them. The pictures are actually just of one of my pullets but I think right now she is the best one. I just to where my dad works and I made $65.00 by selling Zucchini bread and it’s going toward buying a rooster to go with my two pullets if they do good in showmanship and best of breed.. (Last month Kendall wrote about getting her birds and giving them blueberries to help get them gentled and used to her—I think it worked Kendall.) This communication below is a little different, not from a member but a parent and I wanted to share with all of you. It’s a note that tells just a little of what parents do and go through for their kids in the poultry hobby. It brought a huge smile to my face. Parents are just so special! Hi Doris, Well I've got five kiddos, ages 12, 10, 8, 6, and almost 4. The two have shown a few years and the 8 and 6 year olds are getting into it. Our main focus, and the majority of our 120+ birds (yikes) are Modern Game Bantams. My 10 is really into the moderns. She started with a pair of brown reds from Brett Davenport but we lost the cock early on. It took awhile but a few years ago she acquired a trio of Birchen from Tom Anderson and has been showing birds she's bred from those and their offspring. We actually just picked up a Jim & Bonnie Sallee line pair by way of James Cooper from the USPS today...she's looking forward to seeing what they bring to her and her siblings program next year. She also has Sumner and Davenport Brown Reds and Karen Derrik whites. Lulin Serama's sold her a trio of splash last year so this year she was working on increasing numbers in brown red, white, lemon blue, and splash. Lulin gave my kids a "leftover" Dutch Bantam Silkie from imported lines last year and my oldest fell in love :-). I've purchased her some more from Vicki Harry and others (only about ten) and she's growing them out and learning. We added Quail D'Anvers from Mr Cooper and have been hatching, hatching, hatching :). We are all still very much learning Silkies and D'Anvers and even Moderns...always a work in process! I personally love the moderns. While I don't show...I may at some point and that would be my breed of choice. The way o figure it is its my kids turn to show...I had my time when I was younger showing horses and its my job to be there for them right now:-). Someday I'll start showing myself though I'm sure as I enjoy the birds and shows as much as they do! Mostly because of the people! Looking forward to all the upcoming info and love the program! As a 4-H leader I try to get all my "chicken kids" involved! :) Michelle Lynch, Florida [email protected] CONTEST RULES $100.00 cash prize for (Best of Breed) photo. (Photo that best shows the pure breed.) $100.00 cash prize for (Funniest Chicken) photo. (funny, cute, originality or artistic) $100.00 cash prize for (Poultry show prize or ribbon) photo (Photo of bird with ribbon or prize in the photo and may or may not include persons). A Youth Club Platinum Sponsor Wouldn’t it be nice to win $100.00? Just think—you can buy more birds! Central Florida Poultry Breeders Association Spring Show Report By Kegan Prusansky In the youth show, there were 50 kids who showed their poultry. The exhibitors travelled from as far away as Alabama, Georgia, and Miami. They brought a total of 236 birds of all different breeds and varieties. Hunter Sharp won Youth Grand Champion with his Silver Sebright Hen, and Philip Shaske won Youth Reserve Champion with his Single Comb Rhode Island Red Cockerel. Out of those 50 kids, 35 competed in ABA/APA Youth Club Sanctioned Showmanship. There were 6 seniors, 4 intermediates, 12 juniors, 6 pee-wee and 7 novices competing in Youth Showmanship. Information on our Fall Show can be found on the Central FL. website at http://www.cflpoultrybreeders.org/ . The show will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at the Citrus County Auditorium in Inverness, Florida. We will be sending live updates to Facebook and Twitter during the show. This way, you can make sure you don’t miss anything. The Facebook page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/CentralFloridaPoultryBreedersAssociation and you can follow us on Twitter at @CFLPBA or http://twitter.com/CFLPBA . Below are some pictures from the show. Cindy Kinard judged Jr. Showmanship Birds being judged . NPIP inspector bleeding birds for Pullorum. Pee Wee Showmanship. Folks watching showmanship The Show Secretary hard at work posting scores. LUCASVILLE, OHIO Watch for information on the upcoming fall show in October 4-5, 2014. Always the first full weekend in October. The showmanship class will be a sanctioned showmanship competition. For more information contact: David Adkins evenings at 740-259-2852 or the club secretary at: [email protected] COCHINS INTERNATIONAL APA-ABA YOUTH CLUB PARTNER/ASSOCIATE MEMBER http://www.cochinsint.com/ email: [email protected] Some of our junior members of the APA-ABA Youth Poultry Club and Cochins International Jodi Frye Justin Day Sean Kennedy Lori Beth Selucky Kristin Busby Edison Cigany Malory Davis IF YOU SHOW COCHINS you can become a member of Cochins International, earn special awards and points for showing and participating in Cochins International junior activities & events. See what you are missing. Look over their whole website so you don’t miss anything. Www.cochinsint.com 2014 APA NATIONAL MEET Top Birds from Top Breeders The APA-ABA YOUTH CLUB is going to feature a silent auction of birds donated by some of our top breeders at the 2014 APA National Meet. This years national is being hosted by the Tennessee Valley Poultry Club in Knoxville, TN on December 6th & 7th. Other poultry related items are also being accepted. The auction will be set up near the APA-ABA Youth Club table with clearly marked signs on the cages on who donated the birds. We are accepting Large Fowl and Bantams. A box labeled with the name of each breed and will be on a table near the birds, you can submit your bids on a piece of paper and put it in the box. Bids will remain private. We will add and post each donation in our monthly Youth Club newsletter, in articles to the Poultry Press and the Exhibition Poultry Magazine and posted on the APA-ABA Youth Poultry Club website. Silent Auction Bird Donations. Wil Hanley, NC Paul Kroll, NY April Howington TX Beverly Robertson, Sandy Siegfried TX Sylvia Majstruk Bland—FL Mike House— NC Sharon Fildes— Tom Roebuck, VA Teri Frye—TN LANGSHAN ……..Trio Bantams: 1 Blk. Cockerel, 1 Blk. Pullet, 1 Blue Pullet JAPANESE………..Two (2) pairs — Silver Duckwing MARAN…….………Trio LF Black Copper, Trio White MARAN………..Trio LF Wheaten ORPINGTON…….Trio Black LANGSHANS— Breeding Trio Black Bantams BUCKEYE—1 pair Bantams COCHIN—1 pair Buff Bantams COCHIN—LF “Other Donated Items” Cindy Kinard, FL Doris Robinson, FL Sylvia Majstruk Bland—FL Bev Robertson, Sandy Siegfried Original Oil Paintings (Pekin Duck, Crevecoeurs, Buff Leghorns, Polish) Original Oil Paintings (Dark Brahmas) Feather Guard Hen Saddles LF Wheaten Maran (Hatching Eggs) To donate please call Doris at 865-717-6270 or email [email protected]
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