Welcome to our School Newsletter Thursday 23rd October 2014 MMPS Dates & Events (Web Link) crossing Ernst Wanke Rd, students are only to cross at the school crossing located in front of our school or at the traffic lights at the corner of Ernst Wanke Rd and Narre North Rd. Follow the links to your articles of interest Principal’s Report Deputy Principal Religious Education Student Wellbeing Office Year Prep Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 Physical Education Music iLearning Centre Grounds & Facilities Canteen Parish FOMM Wider Community Arts Festival - This week we have started our Arts Festival activities. The celebration of these activities will take place next Thursday and we encourage all families to come and help us celebrate. During the week children participate in a range of visual and performance art activities, including spending time with an artist, dancing performances and rotational activities in the classroom. We look forward to this celebration of learning in our school over this two week period. Crossing Ernst Wanke Rd - I have recently been informed that some of our students are crossing Ernst Wanke Road, north of the school crossing, without the appropriate supervision. When Intentions 2015: Again, at the end of today’s newsletter there is a tear off section regarding your intention to return to Mary MacKillop in 2015. If you know your child/ren will not be returning in 2015, I ask that you send this slip back to school via the class teacher asap. Our staffing is based on enrolments and our ability to predict future enrolments, so early notification of this information is critical. Artist Kevin Weeks - On Monday, students in Prep and Year 5 and 6 were privileged to view Contemporary Artist, Kevin Weeks, demonstrate his wonderful painting skills. Kevin, who is an artist with the Berwick Artist Society, captivated our students with his own style of art called “Alienism”. His painting style emphasised the use of recycled objects, like cardboard, sticks, rulers, and ice-cream containers. Many of these items produced interesting, geometric shapes, which were then paint-filled using a cotton bud. Some students were even encouraged by Kevin to add their own ‘mark’ to the paintings. Kevin also demonstrated to our senior students, painting techniques used to create Indigenous paintings and Impressionism paintings. Kevin shared his journey of art and his passion for painting. We are sure he has inspired our students to think and paint in a creative way. Kevin will demonstrate his paintings for our Junior and Middle school students tomorrow. Kevin’s four paintings will be on display on Thursday 30th October for our Arts Celebration Day. <Back to Contents> This week and next week our school is celebrating The Arts. Below is an excerpt from the AUSvels curriculum framework that is followed by all Victorian schools. “The Arts are unique, expressive, creative and communicative forms that engage students in critical and creative thinking and help them understand themselves and the world. In every society the Arts play a pivotal role socially, economically and culturally. The Arts encourage the development of skills and the exploration of technologies, forms and processes through single and multimodal forms. They fuel the exploration of ideas that cross the gamut of human emotions and moods through holistic learning using cognitive, emotional, sensory, aesthetic, kinaesthetic and physical fields.” http://ausvels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/The-Arts/Overview/Introduction Over the next two weeks, teachers have planned learning experiences for students in many of the art disciplines such as; Art, Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Communication. Each year level has special events planned so please see the year level entries of the newsletter for further information. On Thursday 30 October we have numerous events planned and welcome families and friends to join us for out Arts Celebration Day. Student Assessments - Teachers are continuously assessing student learning throughout the course of each term. This assessment information provides teachers with evidence of achievement and supports planning for the needs of individuals and classes. Assessments can be formal tests, work samples, observations, checklists, rubrics, (a set of criteria) presentations, peer assessment and self-assessments. Teachers use this evidence to measure the achievement of standards for each level. The AUSvels curriculum, covers sixteen learning domains, including personal and social, the traditional discipline based learning and interdisciplinary learning. Our comprehensive curriculum also includes the diocese Religious Education curriculum, Journeying Together in Hope. School Closure Days - There will be no school for students on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 November, due to the Melbourne Cup weekend. Junior Athletics Day - On Friday 7 November our Prep, Year One and Year Two students will participate in junior athletics day at school. This will take place from 9:00-1:00pm at school on the small oval. We invite families and friends to join us. Cake Decorating Workshops – at the end of today’s newsletter there is a flyer with further details regarding the workshops run by one of our school parents, Tamara. These workshops are offered to our parents as a specially discounted price. <Back to Contents> ARTS CELEBRATION DAY- THURSDAY 30 OCTOBER 2014 EVENT TIME & VENUE P-2 Grandparents Day Mass 9:15am in the school hall Morning Tea for grandparents ( provided by the school) 10:30-11:30am in the school gym Whole School Performing Arts Concert 11:30-1:00pm in the school hall Visual Art Display 2:00-3:15pm and 5:00-6:00pm various locations around the school Band and Choir Performance 6:00-6:30pm in the school hall FOMM BBQ- sausages & drink available to purchase 6:30-7:30pm There is an important letter from Fr Brendan at the end of this newsletter regarding changes to the Sacramental Program. I urge all families to take the time to read it carefully. Term 4 School/Class Mass & Class Reconciliation Roster: Parents, families and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate with staff and students during the following Eucharistic and liturgical celebrations. DATE Mass Celebration (Thursdays 9.15am in Hall or as indicated) Reconciliation Celebration (Thursdays 10.00am in stage area of Hall) 30th Oct 6th Oct 13th Nov 20th Nov 27th Nov 4th Dec 9th Dec 11th Dec Prep, Year 1 & Year 2 - Grandparents Mass & Farewell to Fr Sabu M-DB Year 1 M-VW Year 2 M-KW Prep M-SL J-MV & S-HF M-CP Year 6 Graduation Mass @ OLHC 7.00pm Whole School @ OLHC 11.00am During Assembly next Monday, as a School community, together we will pray for places around the world today where peace is in desperately short supply. It will be a time of reflection and thinking about the importance of peace in our lives. Each class has engaged in the ancient art of origami and learnt how to fold doves from paper dollies. Their contributions have been put together as a wall hanging by Mrs Boyle, her helpers, our Faith and Art Student Leaders. A number of classes wrote their own class prayer for peace, which will be a reminder in their classrooms of how important peace is to our community. Please join us as we create a symbol of peace and spread peaceful intentions. and make better decisions. Sometimes some children have impulsive temperaments and find learning to think through their behaviour challenging. It is essential that in knowing the child parents and teachers are able to teach the skills needed. These children benefit from learning skills that help them to think before they act. Certain kinds of thinking can also interfere with good judgement ie being over confident about their own abilities; unrealistic competitiveness where children feel they need to prove themselves in front of others can also lead to rash decisions. Being able to plan ahead and choose wisely are very important skills that help children succeed at home, at school and in life. Parents can help by acknowledging children’s feelings and teaching children how to think through decisions giving then opportunities to practise their skills. A calm and positive frame of mind will enhance decision making. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, addresses us with these words for World Mission Month: Reference:-www.kidsmatter.edu.au “Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ. For this reason, the mission of the Church continues to be most urgent. All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission, for the Church is missionary by her very nature: she was born ‘to go forth’.” Nourished by God’s Word and moved by the Spirit of Jesus let us go forth to proclaim God’s saving love to all. <Back to Contents> Making responsible decisions is not a skill that magical appears over overnight but with practice modelling, encouragement and a positive calm approach it is a skill that has life- long benefits in all environments from the playground to the classroom to the workforce. Last week the focus was in identifying the 4 steps that are needed to develop ‘Responsible decision’ making skills. i.e. 1. What do you have to decide about? 2. What choices do you have? 3. Weigh up the pros and cons of each option and choose the best one. <Back to Contents> Fee Accounts – statements were emailed out to all families early this week. Term 4, and any outstanding fees, are due no later than Monday 27th October unless a direct debit or fee arrangement is in place. Should you have difficulties in finalising your fee account for 2014 we ask that you contact the office immediately. Families with 2014 fee arrangements - Before the end of term, all families who have a current 2014 fee arrangement are asked to contact the office to review this arrangement and establish a new arrangement for 2015 if needed. New fee arrangements are required to be discussed with the Principal on a yearly basis. Families who are having difficulties meeting their fee commitment are asked to contact the office to discuss options available to assist them meeting their fee payments. Medication Forms – a reminder that all students who require medication during the school day (either prescription or over the counter) MUST hand it in to the office, together with a signed medication form. Forms are available from the office or on the website. 4. Put your choice into actions and then check how it works. What can get in the way of making good decisions? Being angry, frightened, sad, negative or having strong feelings can cloud clear thinking and inhibit ‘good decision making’ Having skills for managing feelings can help children to calm down <Back to Contents> As part of our concept this term, we are learning about jobs in our communities. We would love to have guest speakers come in and share information with the students about their job. If you are interested, please let your child's class teacher know. <Back to Contents> Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Jordin Barrington, Sebastian Buehler, Sophia Charles, Ananya Khamly,JD Ashkar, Anthony DiConza, Diya Jaura, Anhadpal Kang, Inesa Plosnic, Aaron Edmonds, Patrick Alvaraz-Avendano Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Last week was health and physical education week. There were workshops run by teachers and senior students. Prep students were invited to participate in cheerleading and athletics. It was fantastic to see so many sporting talents highlighted. This week is the start of our Arts Festival celebration. Already students have been immersed in a range of creative experiences. On Monday we were lucky enough to have Kevin Weeks, a contemporary artist, come in and work on a collaborative art piece with the Preps. Kevin encouraged students to understand that ‘There’s no right or wrong when it comes to art, it’s what you feel!’ Later in the day, each class had a chance to employ the techniques used by Kevin to create their own contemporary art piece. On Tuesday we had our Cultural Infusion incursion where we were presented with many new cultural experiences. We had Kofi from Ghana teach us about rhythm, African drumming and dance, Narissa and Jason who taught us the German Pretzel and Slap dances, Dee who taught us fun Bollywood moves from India, Emilio who had us doing Flamenco dancing from Spain and finally Kung Fu and Fan dancing with Cindy from China. We were all exhausted by the end of the day! Today students enjoyed rotating through workshops with the Prep teachers. They worked on their acting skills with Mrs Fonti, created clay pieces with Mrs Stewart and made their own string, percussion or woodwind instrument with Miss Joachim. Next week we will have art displayed around the school. Our special Arts Festival open night is on Thursday 30th October and begins at 5pm. It would be wonderful to see you there! The Prep and Junior classes will also be celebrating Grandparents day next Thursday the 30th of October. As part of this we are collecting photos of students with their grandparents. We invite all grandparents and parents to come and share in our special mass, morning tea and class room activities on the day. Jason Bethany, Rianne Dubier, Nicolas Ptasznik, Sienna Albarenque, Amelia Diercks, Amber Gore, Aidan Nicolaas, Cooper Bighan, Brigitte Camilleri, Olivia Papanastasious, Wow, what a week we have had so far with our Arts Festival! The Junior level have been engrossed in all facets of the Arts during our art rotations. These included drama, dancing and the visual arts. On Monday children were thoroughly entertained by the Flying Book Worm Company who presented three well known stories, Mulga Bill, The Giant Turnip and the Gingerbread Man. There were many opportunities for the children to become involved and share some of their dramatic talents. On Wednesday we were entertained by the Mater Christi Mater Bellas (singers) in the hall and on Friday we have our our Junior Concert and Incursion with the artist, Kevin Weeks. Next week is another jam packed week of wonderful activities showcasing the talents of both students and teachers. We look forward to the grandparents Mass on Thursday 30th October, as well as and the school concert, with a special performance by the teachers. Request: If families have any appropriate old magazines that they could donate to the junior classes to help with our unit, ‘Our Physical World’, it would be greatly appreciated. Also we would like to ask if children could bring a photo of themselves and their grandparents. These will be used for a power point reflection during our Mass next Thursday. We will scan them and returned them as soon as possible. Reminder: If children have not returned their Term 3 Learning Journals and Writing Books, could they do so as soon as possible to their classroom teacher. Thank you. <Back to Contents> A quick reminder that homework is due tomorrow. We’re grateful to those families who have embraced the idea of ‘Big Talk’ at home. This is part of our ‘Big Write’ focus we have begun at school. The idea behind this is that if students cannot talk about a topic, then they cannot write about it. Talking with others, listening to ideas and justifying one’s point of view is helping our students to formulate their ideas, build up their vocabulary and their confidence about writing. You will continue to learn more about this as the term goes on. Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: William Merrick, Hayley Sammut, Mariana Castano, Elisa Morales, Annie Spiteri, Dylan Aviles, Joshua Jasin, Alicia Gonsalvez, Jacon Hennett, Taylah Keen, Zane Wylie, Isabella Pettenuzzo, Talyssa Route, Siena Tassone We have definitely begun our ‘Arts Festival’ celebration with a bang! Our first week isn’t even finished and we have created artwork, engaged in music activities, developed our drama skills and danced, danced, danced! All this happened with our level teachers, not to mention the Cultural Infusion excursion that took place on Tuesday. The students thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a range of different cultural styles of performance. Students in the Middle Level have begun a contemporary learning task about a famous artist. They had the opportunity to choose an artist who works in any of the arts fields (e.g. painter, architect, photographer, illustrator, musician, actor and dancer to name a few.) Over the next weeks, they will research their artist’s life and present their learning in a format of their choice. This activity builds on their learning about ancient civilisations from term 3. Students will be required to manage their time, work collaboratively with others, complete the task according to a set criteria and make decisions about how they want to present their learning. We look forward to seeing what the students produce. Today we celebrated our level Mass at the OLHC Parish. It was a wonderful opportunity to gather together in a sacred space and the students should be commended for their participation and exemplary behaviour. The theme for our Mass was “Build a better world for all of God’s people”. This year, as part of the Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal, parishioners and school children across Australia are invited to reach out to support the crucial work of the Jamaican Catholic Church. This is done by helping people turn away from violence and crime to seek a new future through the power of education and the spirit of Jesus Christ. During the month of October, we are encouraging the students and their families to support Catholic Mission through prayer and monetary contributions to classroom Mission boxes. We still have so much more of the Arts Festival to experience including an incursion from a local artist, Kevin Weeks, taking place tomorrow. Tabloid arts run by the Year 4/5/6’s for the lower grades, whole school concert and Arts Festival Opening Evening from 5-7pm next Thursday plus much more! <Back to Contents> Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Luke Bell, Helene Lelo, Joshua Paranavitane, Kenisha Shibu, Jelaica Chapman, Ashley DaCunha, Clarinda Goren, Onali Jayasuriya As part of our Arts Festival, the Senior Level students participated in an interactive workshop run by local artist Kevin Weeks. During this time the students leant how to use different techniques to create visual arts. We have danced to and experienced the rhythms of various cultures to extend our understanding of Dance. The students took part in a Cultural Infusion incursion which exposed them to Bollywood and Latin dancing, German folk dance and Chinese Fan Dancing. This was a very vibrant and informative incursion. Our Year 6 students took another step closer to graduation as they smiled and posed for their final group picture at Mary MacKillop School. 21st November - Mission Day Fete is taking shape. This week the students have finalised their stall posters. They will be visiting classes to promote their stall. As mentioned in our previous newsletter we are relying on your support in this by donating small items for our stalks. Please ensure these as passed to class teachers. If you have any questions about Mission Day Fete, please do not hesitate to contact us. St Francis Xavier College - Gary Lechte Group Music Scholarship 2015 – please see the flyer attached at the end of this newsletter for further details. <Back to Contents> Irene Castricum Liz Anderson Friday 24th October Danielle Smith Melinda Price Imaculada Mesquita Lisa Delahoy Monday 28th October Kerrie Spiteri Karinne Pidgeon Anna Hennnett Friday 31st October Rachael Fernandez Mary-Rose Bourke Christina Casse Monday 3rd November A farwell to Fr Sabu will be held on Sunday 2nd November at the 11am Mass. Those who attend are asked to please bring a plate of finger food to share after Mass with everyone. A sausage sizzle has been organized as well. The courtyard area will be out of bounds for parking on this day. Please stay to make this a special event for Fr Sabu. If you wish to make a contribution towards the farewell gift for Fr Sabu, you may do so via the office. Student Free Day Susie Leach Lauren Johnson Friday 7th November Julie Dines Special Blessing for VCE Students - will be held on the weekend of 25th & 26th October at all masses. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they prepare for their exams. Sandra San Martin Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - an information night will be held on 18th November at 7.30pm in the Keogh Room. All who are keen to go on this pilgrimage are welcome. Imaculada Mesquita Additional helpers are always very much appreciated. Pop in to the Canteen, even if it’s just for an hour or two! Planned Giving Envelopes - the next twelve months supply is now available from the foyer of the church. The envelopes will be in alphabetical name order and categorised in weekly & monthly order. We thank you for your generosity and support of our parish. <Back to Contents> <Back to Contents> To assist us with the planning of classes for 2015, please complete the slip below if your child/ren will not be returning to Mary MacKillop School next year. It needs to be returned to your eldest child’s class teacher ASAP. Icy Poles: Lemonade icy poles will be available from the canteen each Wednesday at lunchtime for $1.00 each. Arts Celebration Day: Thursday 30th October. FOMM will provide BBQ sausages and drinks for families to purchase during the evening session of the Arts Celebration Day. Alternatively you may email it to [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… School Disco: Friday 28th November. Tickets will be going on sale next week. $5 per family. Students who WILL NOT be returning to Help Needed: We are looking for parents to help with the sausage sizzle on Thursday 30th October from about 5:30pm. We are also looking for parents willing to help sell icy poles on Wednesdays. If you can help with either, please leave your details at the office or email [email protected]. Mary MacKillop School in 2015 Family Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………. Child’s name: …………………………….…………………………Current Class: ………………… Next FOMM Meeting: Tuesday 28th October at 7pm in the new staffroom. All Welcome! <Back to Contents> Child’s name: …………………….…………………………………Current Class: ………………… Child’s name: …………………….…………………………………Current Class: ………………… Narre Warren Netball Club is holding its Registration Day on Saturday 25th October from 9am – 1pm at the Sweeney Reserve Clubrooms (next to the netball courts). For further enquiries please contact Shelley on 0417 571 781 or email [email protected]. Reason for Transfer: …………….…………………………….……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name of new school: …………………….…………..……………………………………………… Guitar Lessons - There are places available for lessons in term 4. These are half hour group lessons which cost $80 per term. Please contact Clint Timothy at [email protected] for more information. Address of new school: ……………………………………………………………………………… <Back to Contents> ……………………………….…………………………………………………………………………….. Our Lady Help of Christians Parish ABN 19 938 523 734 23rd October 2014 Dear Parents The Sacrament Program in our parish, initiated in 1998, under the guidelines of The Diocesan Policy promotes a collaborative approach to growth in faith where family, parish and school each carry out their particular role with the faith development of the child as the central focus. The program has also been responsible for creating a sense of belonging, fostering an awareness of the wonder of God and challenging our children to live out the Gospel values, all of which has enriched the life of our parish. To be able to implement the Sacrament Program more effectively and efficiently and to sustain this ongoing ministry in the parish the Sacrament Team has streamlined the program for 2015 The Sacrament Program for 2015 will be run in the following way The Parish will provide: ONE Enrolment Night / Parent workshop in the year for each of the Sacraments. (First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation) and eight Parent and child workshops per sacrament per year. (It is mandatory that parent/s attend the Enrolment Night/ Parent workshop and ONE Parent and child workshop for the relevant Sacrament, however if you are unable to attend any of these important formation nights, we request that you enrol the following year.) Sixteen celebrations in the year for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Thirty two masses over eight weekends for the Sacrament of First Eucharist, providing families an opportunity to choose from four masses -Sat 6pm, Sun 9.15am, 11am and 6pm (with a limit of eight children per Mass). Four masses for the Sacrament of Confirmation, A reflection day for the Confirmation candidates and rehearsals prior to the celebration as in previous years. More information regarding the dates for all the Sacraments will be outlined in the Sacrament Program Booklet for 2015 and will be available from the Parish and the schools in the first week of December. 496 Princes Highway, Narre Warren 3805 P.O. Box 166, Narre Warren 3805 Tel: (03) 9704 7935 Fax: (03) 9704 7023 Email: [email protected] To ensure that the Sacrament Program meets the high standards established by the diocese for the pastoral care and Sacramental preparation of our children, we have made minimal adjustments to the levies, bearing in mind the financial demands faced by our parish families. The following changes have been made to the way the Sacrament Program will be funded from 2015 and beyond: Children enrolled in our three Catholic primary schools will pay a Sacrament Levy of $22.00 per child per year and will not pay an enrolment levy at the enrolment night. The children attending public/ state schools will be paying an enrolment levy of $55.00 ($15.00 more than the current levy) at each enrolment night. These changes will make a significant difference to the pastoral responsibilities of our parish. We will be more visible in matters of faith and outreach and ensure that the parish provided more opportunities for an intimate celebration of the Sacraments for all the children and their families and our parish will be a supportive community where young people learn that they are welcome, loved and valued as they explore their own sense of faith and spirituality. We look forward to supporting you and your families as we journey together in faith. Yours sincerely Fr. Brendan Hogan Parish Priest 496 Princes Highway, Narre Warren 3805 P.O. Box 166, Narre Warren 3805 Tel: (03) 9704 7935 Fax: (03) 9704 7023 Email: [email protected] Mary MacKillop Primary School CELEBRATING 20 YEARS 1995 - 2015 ? Logo Design Competition 2015 will be the 20th anniversary of the opening of our school. The Anniversary Committee are inviting all students and families to design a logo for this year long occasion. There will be a number of community events throughout the year celebrating our milestone. It is envisaged that the new logo will be used on anniversary publications and newsletters to mark and promote community recognition of events and news. Entries with your name included should be returned by Friday 24 October addressed to Mrs L Privitera, Anniversary Committee. MARY MACKILLOP SCHOOL DISCO (SAUSAGE SIZZLE TOO!) When: Friday 28th November Time: 5.30pm – 8.30pm Entertainment by: “Bob Till You Drop” NB: PARENTAL SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES St Francis Xavier College Berwick, Beaconsfield & Officer Gary Lechte Group Music Scholarship 2015 For Year 7 students commencing at St Francis Xavier College in 2015 The Gary Lechte Group Music Scholarship is awarded to a student in Grade 6 (for entry into Year 7) on the basis of an audition, school reports and an interview. The 2015 Instrumental Music Scholarship is tenable until the completion of the 2015 school year and covers all Instrumental Music Tuition Fees on your choice of instrument. The successful applicant will be required to perform at the St Francis Xavier College Presentation Night on Thursday November 27, 2014. Auditions will be held during Term 4 at the Berwick Campus. Application Forms are available on the College Website and must be received no later than Friday October 31, 2014. www.sfx.vic.edu.au If you have an further queries, please contact: Mrs Patricia Dulude— Head of Performing Arts 9707 3111 [email protected]
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