PO Box 4335 Ringwood 3134 [email protected] www.ringwooddivingclub.com.au 22nd October 2014 Dear Ringwood Diving Club Member, Please find attached the agenda for our upcoming Annual General Meeting and Presentation Day. All members, family and friends are welcome to attend. All Club trophies and awards will be presented at the conclusion of the AGM. The committee presents trophies for outstanding achievement at a National level as well as Encouragement awards and Achievement awards from the Club Championships. All levels from Dive School through to Foley are covered in these awards, so we encourage all to attend. The AGM and Presentation Day will be held on Sunday 23 November 2014 at the Croydon Leisure and Aquatic Centre Address: 11 Civic Square, Croydon, Vic 3136 Melways Ref: 50 J5 We ask that you are all seated promptly by 2pm. Whilst the minutes are read and new committee elected, (this usually takes around 30 minutes), the children are asked to sit quietly during this time. RDC Club merchandise will be on display and afternoon tea is also provided. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday 23 November. Regards On behalf of the RDC Committee, Angelo Bruno Secretary Ringwood Diving Club [email protected] TWENTY- NINTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND PRESENTATION DAY 2.00PM - 4.00PM Sunday 23 November 2014 Multi-Purpose room Croydon Leisure and Aquatics Centre All Members and their Families Welcome! Club Awards Presentation New committee elected Afternoon tea provided IMPORTANT DATES: Friday 7th November 2014 Life Membership nominations and Committee nomination forms to be received by the Administrator Friday 14th November 2014 Agenda, previous AGM Minutes and new committee nominations sent out to all members. To be eligible to vote at the AGM you must be a fully paid RDC member. If under 16 a parent may vote on your behalf. PO Box 4335 Ringwood 3134 [email protected] www.ringwooddivingclub.com.au ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND PRESENTATION DAY The Twenty Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Ringwood Diving Club Inc. will be held at the Croydon Leisure and Aquatic Centre, 11 Civic Square, Croydon Sunday 23 November 2014 commencing at 2.00pm In accordance with clause 8.4 of the constitution the ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be: (a) to confirm the minutes of the last preceding Annual General Meeting and of any special general meeting held since that meeting; (b) to receive and adopt the Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts of the previous financial year; (c) to elect Office Bearers and the Committee of Management of the Club; (d) to elect a qualified independent auditor; (e) to consider any special business of which twenty-eight (28) days’ notice in writing has been given to the Club; (f) to receive a report from Diving Victoria; (g) to consider any general business; and (h) to consider nominations put forward for Life Membership of the Club. With regard to item (e) and (g) above, any member wishing to bring any matter of Special Business and/or any nominations for Life membership before the meeting must provide details in writing to the Secretary by Friday 7 November 2014. With regard to item (c) above, nominations for the following Committee of Management positions shall be provided in writing, proposed and seconded, to the Secretary by Friday 7th November 2014. Correspondence to the secretary may be by post to the club postal address, PO Box 4335, Ringwood, 3134 or email to [email protected] The Committee is to consist of up to ten (10) members of the Club, being: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and six (6) ordinary members. An agenda, including nominations and any special business, shall be forwarded to the members by Friday 14 November 2014. In accordance with clause 11.16, a member is not entitled to vote at any general meeting unless all moneys payable by him to the Club have been paid. The Current Committee of Management of the club: President Mick Simone Vice- President Jane Newnham Treasurer Sue Foord Secretary Angelo Bruno General Members Jenny Bennett, Corey Bruno, Tony Fullard PO Box 4335 Ringwood 3134 www.ringwooddivingclub.com.au RINGWOOD DIVING CLUB INC. COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM 2014/2015 season Nominations to be received by the Administration Officer by Friday 7th November 2014 NAME OF NOMINEE: .…………………………………………………….. ADDRESS: .…………………………………………………….. ……………………...…..POSTCODE: …..…….. EMAIL: ……………………………………………………… TELEPHONE NUMBER: .…………………………………………………….. COMMITTEE POSITION: .…………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE OF NOMINEE: .…………………………………………………….. NAME OF PROPOSER: .…………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE OF PROPOSER: .…………………………………………………….. NAME OF SECONDER: .…………………………………………………….. SIGNATURE OF SECONDER: .…………………………………………………….. Nominee, Proposer and Seconded must be registered financial members of Ringwood Diving Club. Please return to: SCAN & EMAIL TO: [email protected] OR POST TO: Attention Secretary, Ringwood Diving Club, PO Box 4335, Ringwood 3134 PO Box 4335 Ringwood 3134 [email protected] www.ringwooddivingclub.com.au NOMINATION FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP I being a Member of Ringwood Diving Club hereby nominate for Life Membership. The following is their history of service to Ringwood Diving Club for ten years or more: NAME NOMINATOR (Please Print): SIGNED NOMINATOR: DATE: _____/_____/_____ SEND TO: Voting Member ______________________________ NOMINATION MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE 5PM, FRIDAY, 7th November 2014 The Secretary, Ringwood Diving Club, PO Box 4335, RINGWOOD, 3134 EMAIL TO: [email protected] PO Box 4335 Ringwood 3134 [email protected] www.ringwooddivingclub.com.au NOTICE OF MOTION SPECIAL BUSINESS Annual General Meeting 23rd NOVEMBER 2014 I propose the following motion: being a Voting member of Ringwood Diving Club NAME PROPOSER (PRINT): _________________________________________ Voting Member SIGNED PROPOSER: _________________________________________ Voting Member NAME SECONDER (PRINT): _________________________________________ Voting Member SIGNED SECONDER: _________________________________________ Voting Member DATE: ___________________________ NOTICES OF MOTION MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE 5PM, FRIDAY, 7th November 2014 SEND TO: The Secretary, RDC PO Box 4335, RINGWOOD, 3134 EMAIL TO: [email protected] PROXY VOTE FORM I ____________________________________________________ Name(s) of Member) of _________________________________________________________________________ Address being a Member of the Ringwood Diving Club Inc. appoint _____________________________ (Name of proxy or office held) of ________________________________________ (address) my proxy to vote on my behalf during the AGM of the members of the Association to be held at 2 pm on Sunday 23rd November at the Croydon Leisure and Aquatic Centre This appointment applies to all of my votes (being as a Member, I am entitled to one vote). Dated __________________________ Signed by Member __________________________ Name __________________________ Signed by proxy __________________________ Name __________________________ PROXIES MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE 2 PM, Saturday, 22 November 2014 (Item 11.12) SEND TO: The Secretary, RDC PO Box 4335, RINGWOOD, 3134 EMAIL TO: [email protected]
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