www.muleshoejournal.com - Muleshoe Journal, October 23, 2014 - Page B3 CLASSIFIEDS Legal\ Public Notice Cause No. 9394 IN THE MATTER OF THE MARRIAGE OF ORALIA ZUBIA AND FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO ZUBIA AND IN THE INTEREST OF FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO ZUBIA JR, ORALIA B. ZUBIA, AND N I K K O L E ALEJANDRA Z U B I A CHILDREN IN THE 287TH D I S T R I C T C O U R T OF BAILEY C O U N T Y , TEXAS TO: FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO ZUBIA, and to all whom it may concern, Respondent(s): GREETING NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: “You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00am on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 day after the date you were served this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you.” The petition of ORALIA ZUBIA Petitioner, was filed in the 287th Court of Bailey, Texas on the 14th day of October, 2014, against FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO Z U B I A Respondent(s), numbered 9394 and entitled In the matter of the Marriage of ORALIA ZUBIA AND F R A N CISCO ALE J A N D R O ZUBIA And In the Interest of FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO Zubia JR, ORALIA B. ZUBIA, and NIKKOLE A. ZUBIA a child(or children). The suit requests that the Court grant a divorce and all other relief requested in the petition. The court has the authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree dissolving the marriage and the providing for the division of property that will be binding on you. The suit requests the appointment of conservators and order for the payment of support for the child(children). The date and place of birth if the child(children). The date and place of birth of the child/children who is/are the subject of the suit is/are: FRANCISCO ALEJANDRO ZUBIA 09-172000 ORALIA B. ZUBIA 11-302004 NIKKOLE A. ZUBIA 01-222011 The Court has authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree dissolving the marriage and providing for the division of property that will be binding on you. The court has authority in this suit to render an order in the child’s/children’s interest that will be binding on you, including the termination of the Parent-child Relationship, the determination of paternity, and the appointment of conservator with authority to consent to the child’s/children’s adoption””. Issued and given under my hand and seal of said Court at Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas this the 15th day of Oct. 2014. Clerk of the Court: Elaine Parker 300 S. First Street, Ste. 130 Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas By Yesenia Chacon Deputy Published in the Muleshoe Journal on October 23, 2014 TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION FOR WATER QUALITY LAND APP LICATIO N PERMIT FOR M U N ICI P AL W ASTE W A TER RENEWAL PERMIT NO. WQ0010049001 APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY DECISION. City of Muleshoe, 215 South 1St Street, Muleshoe, Texas 79347, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for a renewal of TCEQ Permit No. WQOOlO04900l, which authorizes the disposal of treated domestic wastewater at a daily average flow not to exceed 640,000 gallons per day via surface irrigation of 78 acres of golf course (Outfall 001) and surface irrigation of 240 acres of non-pub- lic access agricultural land (Outfall 2002). This permit will not authorize a discharge of pollutants into waters in the State. TCEQ received this application on October 1, 2013. The domestic wastewater treatment facility and southern disposal area are located approximately 1.5 miles south of the intersection of State Highway 214 and U.S. Highway 84, in Bailey County, Texas 79347. The northern disposal area is located 0.75 mile east of the intersection of State Highway 214 and U.S. Highway 70, in Bailey County, Texas 79347. The wastewater treatment facility and disposal site are located in the drainage basin of Double Mountain Fork Brazos River in Segment No. 1241 of the Brazos River Basin. The TCEQ Executive Director has completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if approved, would establish the conditions under which the facility must operate. The Executive Director has made a preliminary decision that this permit, if issued, meets all statutory and regulatory requirements. The permit applications Executive Director’s preliminary decision, and draft permit are available for viewing and copying at Muleshoe City Hall, 215 South 1st Street, Muleshoe, Texas. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. http: / /www. tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/ index.html?la t= 34. 2069 44&lng =102.723333&z oom=13&type=r PUBLIC COMMENT/ PUBLIC MEETING. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting on this application.] The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or to ask questions about the application. TCEQ will hold a public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. OP- Real Estate Ronald Byrd 575-760-1495 Licensed Broker Crista Bass 806-946-7261 Sales Associate 228 Main Street, MuleShoe, texaS CheCk all of our liStingS at w w w. b y r d r e a l e s t a t e . n e t RURAL AREA IN CONTRACT • 5.39 acres-3-1.75-2 home with 3300 sq. ft. barn $45k. • 10 acres-4-3.5-2 brick home,cent. a&h, sprinkler system, fenced yard, septic, workshop, $235k. • 1 acre-3-2-2 brick home, cent. a&h, fireplace, sprinkler system, 1200 sq. ft. insulated • 2 acres-4-1.75-detached garage, storage building, septic, thermal windows, water softener, on highway. $69,900.00. IN CONTRACT IN CONTRACT MULESHOE IN CONTRACT • Very nice remodled 3-2-2 brick home, cent. a&h, fireplace, sprinkler sys., shop, plus more!!!! • newly remodeled-4-1 brick home, cent. a&h, fenced yard, $85k. • 3-1 home, appliances, detached garage, carport, corner lot, $48k. • 3-2-1 brick home, cent. a&h, appliances, fenced yard. $67,900.00. CheCk our websites for other properties. Just out of CLAYtoN, NM – 15 ac. +/- w/a nice 2 story home & roping arena. the adjoining two properties can be purchased w/this property or separately; section w/bunk house or small home for couple or a bachelor pad (nice/new), state-of-theart horse training facilities together with roping/cutting arena, horse stalls & runs and a adjoining 2,030 ac. +/- ranch which is well watered & w/a nice brick home. can all be purchased together or separately! buY oNe pAsture or ALL (pastures run in size fr. 7-900 ac. each up to 3,300 ac. w/lake) pick the size of ranch that you want w/a total of 10,432 ac. +/-. MotLeY Co., tX. ranchland w/a large, permitted dam providing a huge, beautiful lake w/water backed up in a number of smaller canyons for boating, fishing & other recreation together w/good hunting on the ranch. on pvmt.! pArMer/CAstro - irrig. 640 +/-, sprinklers, irrigation wells, excellent irrigated area of the texas panhandle, on pvmt. hwY. 385 – LAMb Co., tX. - 160 ac. +/-, _ mile sprinkler w/4 irr. wells. CAstro/pArMer Co., tX. – 918 ac. +/- crp, 2 tracts of 626 ac. +/- & 292 ac. +/-, expires 2014 & 2015. CAstro Co., tX. –hwY. 86 – 2,001.88 acres +/- irrigated, dryland & crp. frioNA Auto pArts - established independent parts business. excellent location in friona, texas for 34+ yrs. building, inventory & manufactured home all included. Just out of hobbs – 137 ac. +/- w/1400 cow dairy, a 4000 sq. ft. nice home & accompanying improvements. seller will consider all offers including offers for the dairy & acreage and/or the home w/acreage. oChiLtree Co. DAirY – double 16 (expandable to 20) parallel, rapid exit parlor, 990 lockups, 160 ac. +/-, 4 yrs. old, excellent farming area, very nice! bAiLeY Co., tX. – 6,604.36 ac. +/- of mostly crp (most w/ prairie chicken contracts) small amount of grassland & farmland, can be divided! CoChrAN Co. – 353 ac., 2 circles, one pivot, two wells, corners in crp. CoChrAN Co., tX. – 724 ac. +/-, 3 pivots, 7 wells, on pavement (owner motivated). www.scottlandcompany.com www.texascrp.com Ben G. Scott – Broker Krystal M. Nelson – NM Qualifying Broker 800-933-9698 day/ eve P O R TU N IT Y FOR A CONTESTED CASE HEARING. After the deadline for submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. Unless the application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting a contested case hearing or reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in a state district court. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision and for requesting a contested case hearing. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE F OLLO W I N G ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name; address, phone number; applicant’s name and permit num- Deadline is Monday at noon to place a classified ad. ber; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; and, the statement”” [I/we] request a contested case hearing.”” If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how Continued on B4 Have a House to sell in a small town? I pay cash for your house. Call for a free quote today. Keith 806-317-7187. Real Estate 603 NE 3rd St., Earth Nice 3 bed/1 bath home with 3 storage sheds, 3 carports and fenced yard LaNell Whitaker, 806-774-7600 Steve Whitaker, 806-774-7598 FaRmland/investment SOLD Residential Sold PaRmeR County- niCe home on 34 aCres, 3 bDr, 2 bth, basement, 3 Car garage, large metal shop, on pavement. muleshoe- 3 beDroom, 1 3/4 bath, 2 living area W/ fireplaCe, upDateD niCely, storage builDing, baCk yarD patio, great neighborhooD. eaRth- l arge roCk house, 3 beDroom, 2 3/4 bath, formal Dining, large finisheD basement, Central h& a , on five aCres. lazBuddie aRea- 3 beDroom, 2 bath home on 6 aCres, With one Car garage, lots of storage, several metal barns anD out builDings. WoulD make a great plaCe for ffa/4h projeCts. motivateD seller, priCe reDuCeD! IN CONTRACT Vic Coker, Broker Cell 806-946-7242 Barry Coker, Agent Cell 806-787-0917 316 Main Street • Muleshoe, Texas Office: 806-272-3100 • www.vicoland.com Thanks for reading! CommerCial Springlake Feedyard 4.5 miles W. of earth, permitted for 10K hd. Good hospital, office, scales and silaGe pits. WelldesiGned pen layout– priCe redUCed Farm & ranCh ~1256 aCreS Farm/ranCh/Crp/reC W/excellent mule deer and dove huntinG consist of tWo tracts W. tract-~1076 acres (~450 irr./~486.6 crp and W. tract ~180 acres (~135 irr./~40 crp) ~ 5 m. n. of sudan Will consider separate offers on e. and W. tracts. ~47 aCreS – non irrigated Farm Good flat acreaGe 2.5 m. e. of anton, tx king CoUnty ranCh 113 acres cult./207 acres ranGe. mesquite flats & deep canyons, 2 tanKs, Gravel road, 2 trailer houses, 2 equip. barns & 1 shop, cooK house, pens & Grain bin. fenced & cross fenced. priCe redUCed residential BeaUtiFUl 3/3/2 w oFFiCe/BaSement, ~ 2851 sq.ft. 1 year old home on quiet street- close to school. see to appreciate, loaded With features, very classy W/insulated steel buildinG on slab in bacK. CoUntry eState 3/2.5 w/4.4 aCreS bricK home south of sudan ~6.5 m. s. on fm 303 and ¼ m. W. on fm 37, corrals and barn for horses ~2989 sq.ft. $137,500 3/1.5/1 BriCk home Great starter home sudan W/ central heat and fenced bacK yard. 3 blocKs from school. $54,000 3/2/2 BriCk home ~2100 sq.ft. on corner lot, littlefield. very Well maintained home With excellent floor plan includinG isolated master and beautiful front and bacK yard. $139,500 4/2/2Cp BriCk CoUntry home ~2297 sq.ft. s of littlefield. home boast 4 really larGe bedrooms, biG Kitchen and utility. only 4.5 miles s. of lfd $139,500 3/2/1 BriCk home ~1256 sq.ft. home exterior is in excellent shape neW ac/heatinG unit, sprinKler sys. motivated seller offerinG possibility of alloWances. $62,500 NiemaN Realty 116 E. AvE. C • GEorGE NiEmAN, BrokEr • 272-5285 or 272-5286 ChECk our ListiNG iNfo., Photos, EtC. oN-LiNE At www.NiEmANrEALty.Com hAvE BuyErs! NEEd homE ANd LANd ListiNGs!! HIGH SCHOOL AREA RURAL • 3-1.5-1 carport Home, Cent. A&H, stove thermal windows, “AS IS”’, MAKE OFFER!! $47K!!! • Nice 3-2-2 Home, approx. 1974’ lv. area, built-ins, corner lot, workshop/storage, fenced yd. MORE!! REDUCED $77,900!!!! • NICE 4.8 acre homesites, deed restricted!! $17,500!! • 3-2-2 carport, Brick home, corner lot, approx. 1837’ lv. Area, cent. A&H, oven, cooktop, disposal, fans w/lights, thermal windows, lots of storage, cov. Porch & patio, fenced Yd.!! $65K!!! • NICE 3-3-2+1 carport Brick Home, Cent. A&H, built-ins, approx. 3180’ lv. Area, office, den, 7 fans w/lights, enclosed porch, coered patio, workshop, fenced Yd.!! MORE!!, $159K!! • 4-2 Brick home, Cent. A&H, approx. 1962’ lv. area, dishwasher, disposal, covered patio, fenced yd. $89K!! REDUCED!! $81,999!!!!! • MAPLE - 3-2.5-2 Brick Home on 2.48 acres, Cent. A&H, built-ins, gas log FP, approx. 2557’ lv. area, (garage enclosed), Make Offer!! MORE!! $65K!! • 15 Rental Units- (1 quadplex & 11 individual units) $5580 gross income when full!! $350K!! Make Offer!! • DODD AREA- 3-1 1/2-2 carport home on 5.9 acres, Cent. A&H, basement, stor. bldg., cov. horse stalls, fenced!! MORE!! $95K!! RICHLAND HILLS • PARKRIDGE • HIGHLAND LAnd & COMMERCIAL • NICE 4-4.5-2 Brick Home, Cent. A&H, Built-ins, FP, Fans w/lights, basement, auto. spklr., fenced yd., cov. patio, Approx. 3084’ Lv. Area!! $180K!! REDUCED $169,900!!! • VERY NICE 3-2.5-2 Brick Home, Cent. A&H, built-ins, FP, approx. 2749’ lv.area, lots of storage, nice courtyard & landscaping, workshop/storage/ fenced yd., Much More!! Reduced-$155K! • 3-2 BDRM. DUPLEX UNITS, TOTAL ELECTRIC!! $180K!!! • 2-1 Home, wall furnace heat, window evap. air!! $30,000!!! •CUSTOM BUILT 3-2.5-2 Brick Home on corner lot, 2608’ lv. area, built-ins, FP, covered patio w/grill, fenced yd., auto spklr., numerous amenities!! $270 K!! • VERY NICE 3-2-2 Brick Home, Cent. A&H, Built-ins, FP, thermal windows & doors, approx. 1876’ lv. area, workshp/storage, fenced yd.!! $119,500!! • NICE 3-2-2+2 carport Home, corner lot, Cent. A&H, built-ins, ceiling fans w/light kits, storm doors, & windows, covered patio, tile block fence, auto. spklr., workshop/storage. MUCH MORE!! $135K!! More Call 272-4536. Real Estate CastRo and l amB County- 753 aCres irrigateD farm. all Contiguous, 5 Center pivot sprinklers, 10 irrigation Wells, 2 barns, Cattle pens, on pavement. Bailey County- 152 aCres, 2 irrigation Wells, 1 Center pivot sprinkler, on pavement. PaRmeR County- 155 aCres irrigateD farm, gooD soil, lays gooD, 1 Center pivot sprinkler, 2 irrigation Wells With submersible pumps. Bailey County- West Camp area, 320 aCre DrylanD farm, With niCe home anD metal shop. 3bDr/2bth home With fireplaCe, loCateD on pavement. Bailey County- 160 aCre irrigateD farm in West Camp area. With Center pivot sprinkler, 3 Wells, loCateD on pavement. Bailey County- West CamP aRea- 1,100 aCres irrigateD farmlanD, 7 Center pivot sprinklers partially fenCeD, briCk home W/ metal barn. Page B4 - Muleshoe Journal, October 23, 2014 - www.muleshoejournal.com • Approx. 1080’ metal bldg. w/off. & 3 bay garage/workshop area plus chain link fenced area!! $39,500!! • GREAT BUSINESS LOCATION - 13000’ Bldg., 7000’ paved parking, corner lot, Hwy. 84 & Main. A&H, $100,000!!! Price Reduced $60,000!! • 308 W. 2nd - 2856’ bldg. - former Odd Fellows Lodge, PRICED TO SELL!! $31,500 • 1020 S. Main - 200’ x 104’ tract w/ 1000’ Bldg.!! $20K!! Price Reduced $18K!! • CASTRO CO. / FM 303 - Approx. 445.5 acres, 6 subs, 1 turbine, 2 valley & 1 Zimmatic circle!! $1950 per acre!! • NICE 1680’ office, Cent. A&H, plus 1120’ storage/workshop w/gar. door + 2 carport!! $30K!! Continued from B3 and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are germane to the group’s purpose. Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission will only grant a contested case hearing on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and material to the Commission’s decision on the application. Further, the Commission will only grant a hearing on issues that were raised in timely filed comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. TCEQ may act on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater without providing an opportunity for a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ACTION. The Executive Director may issue final approval of the application unless a timely contested case hearing request or requesr for reconsideration is filed. If a timely hearing request or request for reconsideration is filed, the Executive Director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. All written public comments and requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality,P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at www.tceq.state.tx.us/ about/comments.html within 30 days from the date of newspaper publication of this notice. AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. If you need more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea informacion en Espanol, puede llamar al l-800-687-4040. General information about TCEQ can be found at our web site at www.tceq.texas. gov. Further information may also be obtained from City of Muleshoe at the address stated above or by calling Mr. David Brunson, City Manager, at (806) 272-4528. Issuance Date:October 2, 2014 Published in the Muleshoe Journal on October 23, 2014 Help Wanted 2 temp positions: Livestock farmworker 12/01/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $13.41 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: feed, medicate, vaccinate, castrate, clean, herd and general care of livestock. Clean and maintain facilities. Min. 3 months experience. ACS Ranch, Glenfield, ND. Interested? Apply at Job Service North Dakota, or call 701-253-6200, job order #383404. 2 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 12/01/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $9.87 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: repair, maintain and calibrate farm machinery, haul grain and fertilizer, clean seed, maintain farm buildings and structures. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. DNA Farms, LLC, Paragould, AR. Interested? Apply at nearest AR Dept. of Workforce Services, 501-683-2372, job order #1036628. Farwell Fuels has positions available for Bobtail Drivers and Plant Attendant. Applications available at 710 N. State Line Rd in Farwell, TX and farwellfuels@ plateau tel.net Veterinary Industries of Friona is looking for a full-time bookkeeper. MUST HAVE Quick Books experience. Bring resume by 1011 Grand Street, Friona. of hire. Rick Neumiller, Bowdon, ND. Interested? Apply at nearest Job Service ND, 701-8577500, job order #384284. 3 temp positions: Livestock farmworker 12/12/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $13.41 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: feed, medicate, vaccinate, castrate, clean, herd and general care of livestock. Clean and maintain facilities. Min. 3 months experience. Rolling Ridge Ranch, LLC. Interested? Apply at Pierre DLR, or call 605-773-3372, job order #1670308. 3 temp positions: Livestock farmworker 12/01/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $13.41 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: feed, medicate, temp vaccinate, castrate, clean, 2 herd and general care Livestock of livestock. Clean and maintain facilities. Min. 3 months experience. Stacey Roberts, Raub, ND. Interested? Apply at Job Service North Dakota, or call 701-8577500, job order #383364 10 temp positions: Livestock farmworker 12/01/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $13.41 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: feed, medicate, vaccinate, castrate, clean, herd and general care of livestock. Clean and maintain facilities. Min. 3 months experience. Timber Lake Elk Ranch, LLC, Isabel, SD. Interested? Apply at Pierre DLR, or call 605-773-3101, job order #1669523. 2 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 12/05/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $13.41 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: repair, maintain and calibrate farm machinery, haul grain and fertilizer, clean seed, maintain farm buildings and structures. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days 12/01/14 to 04/30/2015. We offer $13.41 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: feed, medicate, vaccinate, castrate, clean, herd and general care of livestock. Clean and maintain facilities. Min. 3 months experience. Forfar Grain Co., Lansford, ND. Interested? Apply at Job Services North Dakota, or call 701-857-7500, job order #383501. For Sale Business or Restaurant equipment for sale. Longhorn Cafe in Lazbuddie. Amazing opportunity and Great Location. Contac 806-470-5382 806-965-2854. positions: or farmworker Miscellaneous Accepting bids to sell a Coleman Powermate Air Compressor. Model #ML6506016.01 Tank/ Gal 60. Voltage 230 Amp 15 HZ 60. Air compressor located in Muleshoe. If interested call 325672-2846 Ext.3114 Feed, Seed & Hay CUSTOM WHEAT planting and shredding. Free Estimates! Contact 806-6386449 or 575-760-2085 Real Estate For Sale- 3 Bedroom home with 13 acres. Sudan school district. Call 806-946-7250. Contact the Muleshoe Journal if you are interested in advertising in the classifieds! Don’t Miss Out on your local news! Subscribe TODAY! Please send subscription payments to 201 W. Ave C. - P.O. Box 449 • Muleshoe, TX 79347 One year in Bailey County...carrier delivered $27.00 One year in Bailey County...mailed $29.00 One year “out of Bailey County”...mailed $40.00 Electronic delivery...www.muleshoejournal.com $22.00 Call 806-272-4536 The P B R Kicks Off L.J. Jenkins Invitational The 2015 Season in Clovis, NM! TICKETS AVAILABLE AT JOE’S BOOT SHOP 2600 Mabry Drive, Clovis Until 6 PM night of show First Row Seating: $25 in Advance, $30 @ Gate Reserved Seating: $20 in Advance, $25 @ Gate. General Seating: $15 in Advance, $20 @ Gate. General Seating Only: Age 12 & under, Free with Paid Adult. Intermission Show All American Cowgirl Chicks® Equestrian Drill Team Autograph Sessions: Friday, Oct. 31: 2p-4p Saturday, Nov. 1: 10a-noon and 2p-4p Bull Viewing: Sat. Nov. 1: TBD Kids’ Rodeo Clown Contest Contact Joe’s Boot Shop for Group Pricing! Sat. Nov. 1@2p Entries open @ 1p After Party Dirt Pass $5 (age 5 & up) Meet the bull riders & fighters! Purchase T-shirts! Get photos & autographs! 2600 Mabry Dr., Clovis All at Joe’s Boot Shop Host Hotel: Days Inn & Suites 575-762-4491 - Ask for Bull Riding Rates! C3 BUCKING BULLS UNLIMITED MULESHOE, TX 8063935200
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