CLASSIFIEDS - Muleshoe Journal, January 15, 2015 - Page B3 Legal\ Public Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BAILEY § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 287th Judicial District Court of Bailey County, on the 29th day of December, 2014, by the Clerk thereof, in the case(s) styled as follows: Cause No. 8947 Styling BAILEY CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT v. RON FLATT, IND/ HEIR OF JAMES G FLATT, DE- help wanted IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR A SPRAY RIG APPLICATOR AND A DELIVERY DRIVER Positions offer competitive pay and benefit package potential. Interested applicants should apply in person at Wilbur Ellis, 2765 FM 2397 Friona, TX 806-265-3271 Muleshoe location Seeking an experienced Dairy FielD Service Tech. We are also seeking a Supply WarehouSe Driver. CDL needed with HAZMAT endorsement. Great company with great pay and benefits with 401k! Apply online at on the Human Resources page. public notice RFPs are available by email by contacting Robert Whitfield, [email protected] and Olivia Barbosa, [email protected] or by phone call to 806 762 8815. RFP responses are due by 3:00 pm on January 16, 2015. Vendor selection is expected to occur by January 21, 2015 with vehicle delivery due by February 20, 2015 real estate a.m. on the 3rd day of February, 2015, which is the first Tuesday of said month, at the EAST door of the Courthouse of Bailey County, in the City of Muleshoe, Texas. Levied on the 5th day of January, 2015, as the property of Said defendants, to satisfy the judgment rendered in the above styled and numbered cause, together with interest, at 12 percent per annum, and all costs of suit in favor of each jurisdiction. “ALL BIDDERS MUST NOW DISPLAY PROOF OF COMPLIANCE WITH 34.015 OF TEXAS TAX CODE.”” GIVEN UNDER MY HAND THIS 5TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2015. Richard Wills SHERIFF, BAILEY COUNTY, TEXAS. Published in the Muleshoe Journal on January 8, 2015, January 15, 2015, and January 22, 2015. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Bennie Frank Stancell, Deceased, were issued on January7, 2015, in Cause No. 2625, pending in the County Court of Bailey County, Texas, to: Carolyn Mae Stancell. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: JEFF ACT K INSON Attorney at Law P. O. Box 286 Farwell, Texas 79325 DATED the 7 day of January 2015. JEFF ACTKINSON Attorney for House for Rent Carolyn Mea Stancell State Bar No.: 24001624 P. O. Box 286 Farwell, Texas 79325 Telephone: (806)481-3361 Facsimile: ( 8 0 6 ) 4 8 1 9060 E-mail: jeffactkinson@ Published in the Muleshoe Journal on January 15, 2015. Muleshoe I.S.D. is accepting applications for a bus driver position. You may apply Help online at www. Wanted muleshoeisd. Muleshoe I.S.D. net or by picking is accepting up an application applications for at the M.I.S.D a maintenance position. You continued on B4 may apply help online at www. wanted or by picking up an application Indian River Transport at the M.I.S.D is Looking for Local Loaders. Administration office at 514 W. Ave. G, between the hours of 8:00 New Pay Package. Weekly Pay/Direct am and 4:00 Deposit/401K Call 855pm., Monday IRT-TANK (478-8265). thru Friday. MulesHoe 3 bdr, 1.5 bth, stove, refrigerator Call 806-729-3646 real estate Ronald Byrd 575-760-1495 Licensed Broker Crista Bass 806-946-7261 Sales Associate 228 Main Street, MuleShoe, texaS CheCk all of our liStingS at w w w. b y r d r e a l e s t a t e . n e t RURAL AREA IN CONTRACT • 3-3-2 nice country home, cent a&h, appliances, 2 liVing areas, $70k. • 10 acres-4-3.5-2 brick home,cent. a&h, sprinkler system, fenced yard, septic, workshop, $235k. MULESHOE • 3-2-2 Very nice brick home, fireplace, system, fenced yard, corner lot, $125k sprinkler • price reduced- newly remodeled-4-2 brick home, cent. a&h, fenced yard, $79,900. • 3-2-1 brick home, cent. a&h, appliances, fenced yard. $67,900.00. Information concerning the position may be obtained by contacting Sam Whalin at 806-2727330. Muleshoe I.S.D is an equal opportunity employer. real estate FaRmland/investment new listing! northern lamb county - 693 acres crp, dryland, and irrigated. 4 center pivot sprinklers and 7 wells, hwy frontage. new listing! northwestern lamb county - 160 acres in crp program, good payment and located on pavement. new listing- 3 miles north of muleshoe on hwy 214. 120 acres with center pivot sprinkler and 2 wells. great location for new home site. Bailey County- 152 acres, 2 irrigation wells, 1 center pivot sprinkler, on pavement. PaRmeR County- 155 acres irrigated farm, good soil, lays good, 1 center pivot sprinkler, 2 irrigation wells with submersible pumps. Bailey County- 160 acre irrigated farm in west camp area. with center pivot sprinkler, 3 wells, located on pavement. Bailey County- west CamP aRea- 1,100 acres irrigated farmland, 7 center pivot sprinklers partially fenced, brick home w/ metal barn. Motivated Seller! SOLD Price reduced In contract Residential muleshoe- 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath, 2 living area w/ fireplace, updated nicely, storage building, back yard patio, great neighborhood. lazBuddie aRea- 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 6 acres, with one car garage, lots of storage, several metal barns and out buildings. would make a great place for ffa/4h projects. motivated seller! Price reduced Vic Coker, Broker Cell 806-946-7242 Barry Coker, Agent Cell 806-787-0917 316 Main Street • Muleshoe, Texas Office: 806-272-3100 • real estate Find Your Dream Home In The Muleshoe Journal Classifieds! CommerCialSpringlake Feedyard 4.5 miles W. of earth, permitted for 10K hd. Good hospital, office, scales and silaGe pits. Well-desiGned pen layout, oWner Will consider sellinG ½ sect. of irriGated land east of feed yard.– priCe redUCed Farm & ranCh~1256 aCreS Farm/ranCh/Crp/reC W/excellent mule deer and dove huntinG consist of tWo tracts W. tract-~1076 acres (~450 irr./~486.6 crp and W. tract ~180 acres (~135 irr./~40 crp) ~ 5 m. n. of sudan, Will consider separate offers on e. and W. tracts. ~655 aCreS oF Crp 3 separate parcels of ~357(still availaBle), ~121(in contract), and ~177(in contract) acres located in lamB county around sudan, tx. parcel that is still availaBle is nW of sudan. crp contract throuGh 2020. Good soil, close to toWn. call 806-7865426 for info. ~47 aCreS – non irrigated Farm Good flat acreaGe 2.5 m. e. of anton, tx king CoUnty ranCh 113 acres cult./207 acres ranGe. mesquite flats & deep canyons, 2 tanKs, Gravel road, 2 trailer houses, 2 equip. Barns & 1 shop, cooK house, pens & Grain Bin. fenced & cross fenced. priCe redUCed residential BeaUtiFUl 3/3/2 w oFFiCe/BaSement, ~ 2851 sq.ft. 1 year old home on quiet street- close to school. see to appreciate, loaded With features, very classy W/insulated steel BuildinG on slaB in BacK. CoUntry eState 3/2.5 w/4.4 aCreS BricK home south of sudan ~6.5 m. s. on fm 303 and ¼ m. W. on fm 37, corrals and Barn for horses ~2989 sq.ft. $115,000 3/1.5/1 BriCk home Great starter home sudan W/ central heat and fenced BacK yard. 3 BlocKs from school. $54,000 priCe redUCed 3/2/2 BriCk home ~2100 sq.ft. corner lot, littlefield. very Well maintained home With excellent floor plan includinG isolated master and Beautiful front and BacK yard. $134,900 4/2/2Cp BriCk CoUntry home ~2297 sq.ft. s of littlefield. home Boast 4 really larGe Bedrooms, BiG Kitchen and utility. only 4.5 miles s. of lfd $139,500 3/2/2Cp douBle Wide clayton pinehurst, ~1568 sq.ft. across from sudan school, Beautiful open floor plan W/fireplace. metal cp and shop Both Built on concrete slaBs. hiGh metal fence around front and side of property. BaCk on market priCed to Sell 3-2-2 ~2224 sq.ft. located only 3 BlocKs from sudan isd. Great floor plan, larGe BacKyard WorKshop, automatic sprinKler system, covered porch. $89,500 help wanted Milk Dispatchers IndIan RIveR TRanspoRT, a naTIonwIde bulk Tank food gRade caRRIeR seekIng eXpeRIenced MIlk dIspaTcheRs foR ITs clovIs, nM TeRMInal. need 3-5 yeaRs of docuMenTed eXpeRIence and sTRong coMpuTeR skIlls. knowledge of The as/400 and TMw InnovaTIve a plus, along wITh The abIlITy To woRk a fleXIble schedule. coMpeTITIve coMpensaTIon plus benefITs and 401k. Email resume to: [email protected]. NiemaN Realty 116 E. AvE. C • GEorGE NiEmAN, BrokEr • 272-5285 or 272-5286 ChECk our ListiNG iNfo., Photos, EtC. oN-LiNE At www.NiEmANrEALty.Com hAvE BuyErs! NEEd homE ANd LANd ListiNGs!! HIGH SCHOOL AREA RURAL • 3-1.5-1 carport Home, Cent. A&H, stove thermal windows, “AS IS”’, MAKE OFFER!! $47K!!! • Nice 3-2-2 Home, approx. 1974’ lv. area, built-ins, corner lot, workshop/storage, fenced yd. MORE!! REDUCED $77,900!!!! • NICE 4.8 acre homesites, deed restricted!! $17,500!! T IN CONTRAC • 3-2-2 carport, Brick home, corner lot, approx. 1837’ lv. Area, cent. A&H, oven, cooktop, disposal, fans w/lights, thermal windows, lots of storage, cov. Porch & patio, fenced Yd.!! $65K!!! • NICE 3-2-2+2 carport Brick Home, Cent. A&H, built-ins, approx. 3180’ lv. Area, office, den, 7 fans w/lights, enclosed porch, coered patio, workshop, fenced Yd.!! MORE!!, $159K!! • 4-2 Brick home, Cent. A&H, approx. 1962’ lv. area, dishwasher, disposal, covered patio, fenced yd. $89K!! REDUCED!! $81,999!!!!! • Lenau-2-1-1 Home, Cent. A&H, approx. 1072’ living area, hardwood floors, fenced Yd. $53,500!! RICHLAND HILLS • PARKRIDGE • HIGHLAND • VERY NICE 3-2.5-2 Brick Home, Cent. A&H, built-ins, FP, approx. 2749’ lv.area, lots of storage, nice courtyard & landscaping, workshop/storage/ fenced yd., Much More!! Reduced-$155K! • 2-1 Home, wall furnace heat, window evap. air!! $30,000!!! •CUSTOM BUILT 3-2.5-2 Brick Home on corner lot, 2608’ lv. area, built-ins, FP, covered patio w/grill, fenced yd., auto spklr., numerous amenities!! $270 K!! • VERY NICE 3-2-2 Brick Home, Cent. A&H, Built-ins, FP, thermal windows & doors, approx. 1876’ lv. area, workshp/storage, fenced yd.!! $119,500!! • NICE 3-2-2+2 carport Home, corner lot, Cent. A&H, built-ins, ceiling fans w/light kits, storm doors, & windows, covered patio, tile block fence, auto. spklr., workshop/storage. MUCH MORE!! $135K!! • MAPLE - 3-2.5-2 Brick Home on 2.48 acres, Cent. A&H, built-ins, gas log FP, approx. 2557’ lv. area, (garage enclosed), Make Offer!! MORE!! $65K!! • 15 Rental Units- (1 quadplex & 11 individual units) $5580 gross income when full!! $350K!! Make Offer!! • DODD AREA- 3-1 1/2-2 carport home on 5.9 acres, Cent. A&H, basement, stor. bldg., cov. horse stalls, fenced!! MORE!! $95K!! LAnd & COMMERCIAL • 179.1 acres, YL area, FM3269- 4 wells, 2 circle sprinklers!! $1500 per acre!! • Approx. 1080’ metal bldg. w/off. & 3 bay garage/workshop area plus chain link fenced area!! $39,500!! • GREAT BUSINESS LOCATION - 13000’ Bldg., 7000’ paved parking, corner lot, Hwy. 84 & Main. A&H, $100,000!!! Price Reduced $60,000!! • 308 W. 2nd - 2856’ bldg. - former Odd Fellows Lodge, PRICED TO SELL!! $31,500 • 1020 S. Main - 200’ x 104’ tract w/ 1000’ Bldg.!! $20K!! Price Reduced $18K!! • 305.5 acres-Castro Co., Fm 303 - 7 subs w/Franklin motors, 2 circles w/ drops, tied together!! $1950 per acre!! • NICE 1680’ office, Cent. A&H, plus 1120’ storage/workshop w/gar. door + 2 carport!! $30K!! • 3-2 BDRM. DUPLEX UNITS, TOTAL ELECTRIC!! $180K!!! • 15 Rental Unites- (1 quadplex & 11 individual units) $5580 gross income when full!! $350K Make Offer!! Administration office at 514 W. Ave. G, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm., Monday thru Friday. Information concerning the position can be obtained by contacting R. L. Richards at 806-272-7400. Muleshoe I.S.D is an equal opportunity employer. 4 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $10.18 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Joshua Graham Farms, Rayville, LA. Interested? Apply at nearest Louisiana Career Solutions Center, or call 318-6495398, job order #516575. 7 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $10.18 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Benton Farms, Oak Grove, LA. Interested? Apply at nearest Louisiana Career Solutions Center, or call 318-4288640, job order #517032 Ag. Equip. Op., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $10.18 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ elevators. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Gerlach Farming, Holly Grove, AR. Interested? Apply at nearest AR Dept. of Workforce Services, or call 501-683-5915, job order #1075829. 11 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ elevators. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. Lindskov Ranch, Isabel, SD. Interested? Apply at nearest South Dakota DLR, or call 605-7733372, job order #1679392. lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e le v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Bieber Farm, Trail City, SD. Interested? Apply at nearest South Dakota DLR, or call 605-7733372, job order #1679913. 3 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e le v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Ahlemeier Farms, Inc., Gettysburg, SD. Interested? Apply at nearest South Dakota DLR, or call 605773-3372, job order #1679900. 3 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e le v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Shotkoski Hay Co., Lexington, NE. Interested? Apply at nearest NE Dept. of Labor, or call 402-471-9977, job order #257096 7 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate 3 temp positions: and harvest crops; 4 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ elevators. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. Crafty Acres, Stanley, ND. Interested? Apply at nearest Job Service ND, or call 701-8577500, job order #392649. 2 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ elevators. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. Hoff Farms, Bowdon, ND. Interested? Apply at nearest Job Service ND, or call 701-8577500, job order #392723. 4 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Kirk Robinson, Ralph, SD. Interested? Apply at nearest South Dakota DLR, or call 605-6426900, job order #1679217. 4 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Op., 02/20/15 to 12/15/2015. We offer $10.18 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. Matthews Ridgeview Farms, Wynne, AR. Interested? Apply at nearest AR Dept. of Workforce Services, or call 501-683-2372, job order #1073777. 3 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Bruce Young Farm, Madrid, NE. Interested? Apply at nearest NE State Workforce Agency, or call 402-471-9977, job order #256669. 2 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. RDL, Inc., Gettysburg, SD. Interested? Apply at nearest South Dakota DLR, or call 605-7733372, job order #1679246. 2 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $13.59 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ e l e v a t o r s . Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 30-90 days of hire. RDL, Inc., Gettysburg, SD. Interested? Apply at nearest South Dakota DLR, or call 605-7733372, job order #1679246. 4 temp positions: Ag. Equip. Opr., 02/15/15 to 12/15/2015. We offer $10.18 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ elevators. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Stuckey Farms Partnership, Turrell, AR. Interested? Apply at nearest AR Dept. of Workforce Services, or call 501-683-2372, job order #1073217. 15 temp positions: Crop Farm Worker 03/01/15 to 12/31/2015. We offer $11.61 p/hr at the time work is performed. Housing provided, 48 hrs p/wk. ¾ guarantee, and transportation and subsistence expenses to worksite paid after 50% completion of contract. Tools, equipment provided at no cost. Duties: operate farm equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest crops; lubricate and repair farm machinery; transport grain to storage bins/ elevators. Min. 3 months experience. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. Must be able to obtain a driver’s license within 3090 days of hire. Phoenix Farms, Inc., Keystone, IN. Interested? Apply at nearest Indiana WorkOne Office or call 260-7268316, job order #8619588. Baler, S/N: M 1 8 3 9 0 A HBS3168, Bale Claw-XL6X3NH, NSN, Massey Ferguson- 2170 Baler, S/N: M 2 1 7 0 0 D HB04124. Massey Ferguson-1375 Disc Mower, S/N: M13750C HM02135.. Date of sale: WednesdayJanuary 21, 2015. Time of Sale: 10:30 A.M... Place of sale: Livingston Machinery, 602 WAmerican Blvd, Muleshoe, TX.. Equipment can be inspected at place of sale. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. We reserve the right to bid. For further information please contact Tracy Calhoun (505)301-0726 Cell, Reference Number 1101593, 1 2 7 2 3 7 6 , 1 2 3 0 4 3 7 , 1 0 5 6 8 9 5 , 1 2 7 2 5 8 3 , 1260220. Real Estate HOUSE & 80 ACRES FOR SALE 3-2-2 Brick Ranch Style House, 2428 sq ft, Large Multipurpose Rm w/FP, Geothermal central heating/ cooling, Tile Floors, Indoor Hot tub, Abundant Trees, Large Treehouse, 36x60 shop, Zimmatic Sprinkler. 5 mi West of Muleshoe on West Camp Rd. Jimmy Wedel 946-7011. For Rent Single bedroom apartment with utilities provided. $400 per month, $400 deposit. References required. Contact Muleshoe Journal during office hours. Farm Equipment for Sale Muleshoe Journal Funding is provided by the Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Head Start to South Plains Community Action Association, Inc., to procure the vehicles solicited in this request for proposals for use by the SPCAA Head Start Program. (26), Block Five (5) of the Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas 8. Lot Twenty-Five (25), Block Five (5) of the Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. 9. Lot Twenty-Four (24), Block Five (5) of the Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. 10. Lot Twenty-Three (23), Block Five (5) of the Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. Cause No. 9100 Styling BAILEY CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT v. MARGARET EDWARDS, IND/HEIR OF J S EDWARDS, DECEASED, ET AL Legal Description 11. Lot Thirty-Seven (37), BlockTwo (2), Northwest Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. Cause No. 9239 Styling BAILEY CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT v. DON J LENAU Legal Description 12. Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Lenau Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. And to me, as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed to sell, at 10:00 o’clock Call 272-4536. More LOOKING for Something FIND it, in the PUBLIC NOTICE of VEHICLE PURCHASE South Plains Community Action Association, Inc. (SPCAA) is requesting written proposals from qualified vendors for the purchase of five 2014 or 2015, 4-door sedans and one 2014 or 2015 four-door crew cab pick-up truck. ALL PURCHASED VEHICLES MUST BE NEW AND IN UNUSED CONDITION. CEASED, ET AL Legal Description 1. Lots Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block Sixteen (16), Original Town Addition to the City of Enochs, Bailey County, Texas. Cause No. 8961 Styling BAILEY CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT v. GABRIEL J ACEVEDO Legal Description 2. Lot Fifty-four (54), Parkridge Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. 3. The South Five feet (S 5’) of Lot Sixteen (16) and all of Lot Seventeen (17), Block Four (4), Original Town Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. Cause No. 9011 Styling BAILEY CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT v. SONIA REGALADO, ET AL Legal Description 4. Lots 23-28, Block 5, Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. Improvement Only 5. Lot Twenty-Eight (28), Block Five (5) of the Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. 6. Lot Twenty-Seven (27), Block Five (5) of the Morrison #2 Addition to the City of Muleshoe, Bailey County, Texas. 7. Lot Twenty-Six Deadline is Monday at noon to place a classified ad. Page B4 - Muleshoe Journal, January 15, 2015 - AGCO Finance LLC will offer the following repossessed equipment for sale to the highest bidder for cash, plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: M a s s e y Ferguson-2170 Rect. Baler, S/N: M21700A H B 0 4 3 6 9 , Rowse 27 Wheel Rake, S/N: TTU27-66, John Deere-455 Drill, S/N: N00455H001464, M a s s e y Ferguson-1375 Disc Mower, S/N: HU59112, Massey Ferguson-1839
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