FRIENDSHIP BOOKS October 26, 2014 We ask that you please take the time this morning to sign our FRIENDSHIP BOOK and pass it down the pew or across the isle to the next person. Once everyone has signed the book, simply return it to the center isle. Please feel free to use this information to introduce yourself to members or visitors you may not know. If you are seated in a row that does not have a FRIENDSHIP BOOK, please locate one so that we will know you were worshipping with us today. 8:45 a.m. Worship As Long As I Have You The Only Name (Yours Will Be) God of Wonders 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) Departure Times for the Keenagers' Next Three Fun-filled Outings Please mark your calendars and set your alarms for the following trips: 10:55 a.m. Worship Welcome and Announcements Richard Childress Deacon Election "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" Organ Prelude Authur A. Messiter *Prayer of Invocation *Congregational Hymn Joel Elder "God, Our Father, We Adore Thee" No. 248 Petty Museum: Tuesday, October 28 at 9:00 a.m. (This trip will replace the regular October 28 Keenager Meeting) Fruitcake Factory: Friday, November 7 at 8:30 a.m. Biltmore: Thursday, December 11 at 10:00 a.m. All 3 outings depart from the Calvary Drive parking lot! (The children are invited to come forward during the final stanza of the hymn) Children's Message Joel Elder "Rejoice! The Lord is King" Worship Choir Choral Anthem John Darwall (The congregation is invited to stand & sing the final stanza with the choir) Rejoice in Glorious Hope! Our Lord and judge shall come And take His servants up to their eternal home: Lift up your heart, Lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, Rejoice! Pastoral Prayer *Congregational Hymn Richard Childress "All People That on Earth Do Dwell” Offertory Prayer Message *Hymn of Invitation No. 5 Linda Horton "Come, Holy Spirit" Dietrich Buxthude “Navigation for Pirates” Philippians 4:4-13 Richard Childress Organ Offertory “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” No. 267 Sharing of Spiritual Decisions Richard Childress Benediction Richard Childress Organ Postlude "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" Mark Andrews ------------------------------------------------------------- Burke Raper, organist *Stand as you are able † Each Tuesday, the NHBC office staff and volunteers make every effort to assist those in our community who are in need. We offer food bags, Catholic Parish referrals, North Raleigh Ministry referrals, as well as toiletry items. If you are ever approached by someone on the New Hope Baptist Church campus for money or for any other need, please recommend that they visit the church office the following day for assistance. If their need is immediate, please recommend that they contact the Minister on Call at 919-876-5250. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Christine at 919-876-5250 ext. 3113. You are invited to use the blue Prayer Request Card located in the pew racks to write down any prayer needs you may have. Place your cards in the Prayer Chest located in the Narthex. Each request will be prayed for during the following week. CHARLOTTE SOUTHERN CHRISTMAS SHOW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Sign Up Sheet is located on the bulletin board located across from the Kitchen door. Thank you! Thanks to all who participated in last week's Medical Missions events. All goals were met except blood donations fell lower than other years due to a glitch in the Red Cross computer system Saturday morning. For all who gave or offered to donate, thank you for your willingness to help meet the gift of life need. Special thanks go out to Dr Aaron Tropman, Cecilia and Jerry Kuiper, Sandy Tapley, WakeTech and Nash Community College nursing and dental assistant volunteers and Joe Horton who provided the hours of service to make the events a reality!! Linda Horton Dear Members: Thank you for your cards, prayers, telephone calls & visits since my accident. It appears I will be able to return to my normal activities in mid-December. Bobby Hicks Ideas? Suggestions? Feedback? We want to hear from you - email [email protected]. The Minister on Call can be reached at 919-876-5250 and press "8". If you are unable to speak directly with the minister on call, please leave a message and the minister will respond to your need as soon as possible. Bible Study Opportunities! Beth Moore’s: Believing God—Experiencing A Fresh Explosion of Faith Now through November 23rd Sundays at 5:30 p.m. in the Old Conference Room Wednesday Nights at 6:15 p.m. Join us on Wednesday nights for our weekly Bible Study held in the Sanctuary. October 29: Gluttony November 5: Lust FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14: PACKING PARTY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16: SHOEBOX DEDICATION We are excited about our first ever Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party. This is an opportunity to come together as a church family to send the love of Jesus around the world and to come together in fellowship to pack our shoeboxes collectively. You will find a display board with items we are collecting. If you would like to help in this way, please take a card(s) off the board and bring the items in by Sunday, October 26th. Items still needed are: Shoelaces Pencil sharpeners Poncho in a bag Travel size tissue packs Watches Hats Barrettes Children's undershirts Mini toothpaste Toy cars Safety scissors Travel size sewing kits Screwdrivers with changeable heads Silly bands Legos Jump ropes Boxes will still be available in the Narthex for those who would like to pack them individually or as a family. You and your family are also more than welcome to join us for our packing party. Because the Finance, Personnel and Nominating Committees have one-third of their members rotating off this year, we need your help with replacing the three members rotating off after their third year. For the November Church Conference, one candidate for each of these committees will be nominated by the Nominating Committee, one by the Deacon Fellowship, three At Large member for the Administrative Council and one from the Church Conference floor. In November, please be ready to present nominees for these committees and please remember to get their concurrence before you nominate them. New Hope Invites You to Join Us We invite you and your family to join the membership of New Hope Baptist Church at a time when you are inspired by the Holy Spirit to make one of the following decisions: 1. Your initial profession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. 2. To transfer your church membership from another church. 3. To join by statement that you have been a member of another church, if for some reason a letter of transfer is not available. At the conclusion of both our Contemporary or Traditional worship services during the "Song of Invitation", we invite you to come forward, where the pastor will be waiting to receive you and your family, and to present you to the church. For your convenience you may record your decision on the form below and present it to the pastor when you come forward. Name _______________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________ State _________________ Zip Code ______________ Telephone ________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________ MY DECISION: Profession of faith Transfer of membership from ____________________________ Church City ______________________________________State _______________ Statement of Faith MINI "I LOVE NEW HOPE DAY" November 15 8:00 a.m. - Noon (Light breakfast served at 7:45 a.m.) GOALS FOR THE DAY Clean up indoor restrooms Clean up outdoor beds Clean up Sanctuary Blow leaves Clean up Fellowship Hall Pick up sticks General sprucing up Plant bulbs & Fall flowers UPWARD BASKETBALL AND CHEERLEADING REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Registration forms are located at the Welcome Center. EARLY REGISTRATION (Now through October 27 is ONLY $65.00 per participant) (After October 27, registration fee will be $75.00) Wednesday Fellowship Meal (October 29, 2014) Menu: Chicken and Rice Casserole, Broccoli Cheese Casserole, Rolls, Salad and Desserts Servers: Cecilia Kuiper and Laura Barrier Clean-Up Group: Group 3 Cashier: Alice Smith Wednesday Night Childcare Workers: Gwen Bell and Ginny Pendleton ***All reservations and cancellations must be made by 2:00 p.m., Monday*** Call 876-5250 ext. 3176 This Week’s Opportunities... Sunday, October 26 8:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service, Fellowship Hall 9:45 a.m. Bible Study for all ages 10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship Service 4:00 p.m. Treasure Quest Practice, Fell. Hall 4:00 p.m. Bible Drill, Room D103 5:30 p.m. Beth Moore Bible Study, Room 318 6:00 p.m. Celebration Rehearsal, Fell. Hall Monday, October 27 1:00 p.m. ESL, Room A105 3:30 p.m. Lexington Apts. Tutoring, 4905A-1 New Hope Road 6:30 p.m. Girl Scouts/Brownies 6:30 p.m. Cub Scout Troup 349 6:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troup 349 7:00 p.m. BSF, Sanctuary Tuesday, October 28 9:00 a.m. Keenagers to Randleman 6:00 p.m. Daisy Girl Scout Troop #221 8:00 p.m. AA Meeting, Room A111 8:00 p.m. Al-Anon Meeting, Room A105 Wednesday, October 29 1:00 p.m. ESL, Room A105 3:30 p.m. Lexington Apts. Tutoring, 4905A-1 New Hope Road 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Supper, Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. Music, Missions & More! 6:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study, Youth Lounge 6:15 p.m. Adult Bible Study, Sanctuary 6:15 p.m. Divorce Care, Room A105 6:30 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal, Room A210 7:30 p.m. Worship Choir Rehearsal NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Thursday, October 30 9:30 a.m. Vietnamese Prayer Conference, Memorial Chapel 1:00 p.m. Women Embracing Recovery, Room A105 Friday, October 31 1:00 p.m. Prayer Warriors, Room A105 7:00 p.m. Vietnamese Choir Rehearsal 8:30 p.m. Vietnamese Bible Study 9:30 p.m. Vietnamese Fellowship Saturday, November 1 6:30 a.m. BSF Leader's Meeting, (Rooms A111 & A105) 9:00 a.m. Kenyan Women's Prayer Meeting, Memorial Chapel 5:00 p.m. Maranatha Class Cookout, Fell. Hall 8:00 p.m. Closed AA Meeting, Room A111 BE SURE TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR BEFORE YOU GO TO BED NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 1! WE'LL SEE YOU BRIGHT AND EARLY, AND ON TIME, SUNDAY MORNING! Today at New Hope (October 26, 2014) Deacons of the Week: 8:45 a.m. - Barbara Donald 10:55 a.m. - Craig Adcock Unlock: Dave Maben Lock-Up: Stuart Raynor Parking Lot Greeters: 8:45 a.m.: Jack Johnson 10:55 a.m.: Keith Pearce Deacon Exit Greeters: 8:45 a.m. - Ken Lowery 10:55 a.m. - Bobby Murray Sound: 8:45 a.m. - Scott Place and Ron Miller 10:55 a.m. - Ben Gaines and Greg Fowler Worship Childcare Today: 8:45 a.m. - Creepers: Gwen Bell and Ann Edwards Walkers: Rick Boggs and Beulah Parker 10:55 a.m. - Creepers: Julie Riggan and Nancy Ritchie Walkers: Jack Myrick and Brenda Narron MISSION STATEMENT Our church’s vision will be accomplished by: …. PROCLAIMING God’s love and the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ; …. PROVIDING ministries that promote spiritual growth and development; …. PARTNERING with other groups to support and nurture individuals in their journeys of faith; …. PLANTING the seeds of God’s love through outreach ministries; …. PURSUING opportunities for missional service in the community and the world . Greeters For Next Sunday (November 2, 2014) 8:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Greeters: Julie Riggan and Nancy Hopkins 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Greeters: Bobby Murray 10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship Greeters: Wanda and Doug Powell Cecilia and Jerry Kuiper Lois and Wayne Eidson Sunday School Visitors Center: Way, Truth, Life Class Attendance Summary for Sunday (October 19, 2014) Bible Study Worship Attendance Vietnamese Attendance 4301 Louisburg Rd. Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 876-5250 Church Phone (919) 876-9357 Church Fax 283 342 65 8:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 10:55 a.m. Traditional Worship Service
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