Traditional Worship Service T H I S W E E K A T B ET H E L October 12, 2014 | 18th Sunday after Pentecost Children’s Sabbath Announcements Welcome and Recognition of Visitors Rev. Candy Thacker * Pass the Peace Chiming of the Hour Prelude * Opening Hymn Jesus Calls Us Affirmation of Faith UMH page 398 The Apostle’s Creed UMH page 881 * Gloria Patri Special Music “Dona Nobis Pacem” Offertory Scripture Malachi 3:8-12 Offertory Youth Choir Lance Brooking Red Pew Bible, OT page 838 “Be Still and Know” Children’s Choir * Doxology UMH page 95 Children’s Sermon Valerie Blackburn Pastoral Prayer Glory Cumbow The Lord’s Prayer in Unison UMH 895 * * Scripture Reading Message John 14:15-29 Lane Brooking Red Pew Bible, NT page 103 “The Overwhelming Advocate” *Hymn Of Invitation Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast *Benediction * Benediction Response Glory Cumbow UMH page 339 Glory Cumbow Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:30 AM, Contemporary Worship 9:30 AM, Sunday school and Adult Enrichment Classes 11:00 AM, Traditional Worship 1:30 PM, Sign Language Class 5:00 PM, Youth xPress Worship Monday, October 13, 2014 6:00 PM, GS SU #623 6:30 PM, GS Troop #399 7:00 PM, Disciple Bible Study Tuesday, October 14, 2014 11:00 AM, Lunch Bunch 4:00 PM, Middle Ground (FH) 6:30 PM, Finance Meeting (CR) 7:00 PM, Administrative Council (CR) 7:00 PM, Cub Scout Pack #164 (FH) 7:00 PM GS SU #622 (AX) Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:00AM, TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly (FH) 12:00 PM, Pastor’s Mid-day Bible Study (CR) Wednesday, October 15, 2014 (cont’d). 1:00 PM, Piano Lessons (CH) 7:00 PM, Ladies’ Chorus (CH) 7:00 PM, Men’s Chorus (CH) 7:30 PM, Chancel Choir (CH) BETHEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 245 FAIRVIEW ROAD STOCKBRIDGE, GA 30281 (770)474-2570 [email protected] REV. DR. CANDY THACKER Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:00 AM, Food Co-op Meeting (FH) 4:00 PM, Middle Ground (FH) 7:00 PM, Joy Circle (FH) 7:00 PM, Praise Band Practice (WC) Friday, October 17, 2014 12:00 PM Wedding reception preparation (FH) 5:00 PM, Wedding rehearsal (WC) 6:00 PM, Girl Scout Troop #242 (AX) Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:00 AM, United Methodist Men (FH) 9:00 AM, Girl Scout Troop #12341 (AX) 3:00 PM, Joseph wedding (WC) Abigail’s Pantry Urgent Need: We ar e out of canned tuna, which is a muchneeded staple for our visitors. Please help by donating some tuna this week. Three Fold Amen Next Sunday is Laity Sunday at Bethel. Lay persons will be leading worship, and we will be celebrating the ministries of laity of all ages. Postlude *Please stand as you are able T H I R D S U N D AY D O N AT I O N S Next Sunday, October 19, will be the third Sunday in October. Please remember your Third Sunday donations for A Friend’s House and for Helping in His Name Food Pantry. V OLUNTEERS N EEDED We are seeking volunteers to assist with the audio-visual ministry at the 8:30 and 11:00 services. If you are interested, please contact Pat Deloney by phone at 404.275.8547 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you in advance. Guests: If you are visiting with us today, we would like to welcome you to our congregation. Please let us know of any needs or questions you might have. It is our sincere desire that you worship and fellowship with us again soon. CHURCH STAFF OFFICE: 770-474-2570 FAX: 770-389-4845 WEB: WWW.BETHEL-UMC.COM OFFICE HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY | 9:00AM - 2:00PM Rev. Dr. Candy Thacker, Senior Pastor Margaret Marlow, Music Director Glory Cumbow, Youth Director Lynn Hanna, Administrative Assistant Brian McClure, Musician Randy Godwin, Praise/Worship Leader Doreen Elliott, Treasurer [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] October 12, 2014 Contemporary Worship Service October 12, 2014 | 18th Sunday after Pentecost Children’s Sabbath Cantata practice kick-off will be on October 19 from 2:00-4:30 in the Chapel. Seasoned Saints Road Trip October 19 | 11:00 AM Announcements Greetings and Welcome of Visitors Location Current Topic Christian Fellowship Upstairs Annex The Story Fidelis Library Standard Quarterly Fellowship Dinner October 22 | 6:00 PM New Founders Fellowship Hall Parables in Luke Chronological Class Upstairs Annex Life Interrupted Join us in the fellowship hall on October 22 for our fellowship dinner. The Youth will act as hosts. Tacos are on the menu, with ice cream for dessert. Growing in Faith Together Upstairs Annex Studies in the Book of Nehemiah Red Pew Bible NT page 103 Family Fun Fest October 25 | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Ladies in Prayer & Service Conference Room The Prayer That Changes Everything Glory Cumbow Plans are under way for this fun-filled annual event. In order to make it a success, we need volunteers and donations of food and candy. There is a basket available in the narthex now for your candy donations. Glory Cumbow Lord’s Prayer in Unison UMH page 895 Malachi 3:8-12 Red Pew Bible OT page 838 Offering of Our Tithes and Gifts * Praise Scripture Reading John 14:15-29 “The Overwhelming Advocate” * Closing Praise * Invitation * Benediction You can deepen your understanding of God’s purpose for your life by actively studying the Bible. We offer a variety of learning opportunities for you. Please visit our classes and find a comfortable and safe place to ask questions and enhance your faith walk! Adult Classes Pastoral Prayer Offertory Scripture SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES On October 19th the Seasoned Saints will be making a trip to the Legacy Theater in Tyrone to see the play "Moonlight and Magnolias,” but the whole church is invited. The deadline to sign up is October 15th. We have 25 seats reserved and it will be on a first come first serve basis. See the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. For more details, check upcoming eNews issues and the October issue of the newsletter. Rev. Candy Thacker * Opening Praise Message Cantata Rehearsals Begin October 19 | 2:00 pm Glory Cumbow *Please stand as you are able. Children & Youth Classes Location Children (K4-5th grade) Chapel –Lower Level Worship Committee Meeting October 28 | 7:00 PM Youth (6th grade - 8th grade) Chapel –Lower Level Youth (9th grade - 12th grade) Chapel –Lower Level The Worship Committee will meet at the home of John and Joni Per-Lee on Oct. 28 at 7:00 PM. Special Needs Fellowship Hall Youth Lock-in October 31 | 7:00 PM COB C ANNED FOOD DRIVE We will be placing a box in each Sunday school classroom and in the narthex to collect canned items. We need canned meats, canned fruits, and canned soups. If you have any questions, please see Ginette Tatem. Thanks. (Reminder: Deadline for COB applications is October 31.) Get ready for a lock-in Oct. 31-Nov. 1. We are starting at 7:00 PM on Friday night and meeting at the Fellowship Hall. From there we are going trick-or-treating. When we return, we will be spending the night in the chapel and will finish up after breakfast on Saturday morning at 9:30 AM. *Ernest Alleyne October 12 *Josh Baine Family of Keith Bingham Chris & Dori Brown *Cody Brown Felicia Brown Shirley Carpenter Katie Davies Nat Dewonde Slade Gallagher Children’s Sunday School: Eugenia Walter s Children’s Church: Valer ie Blackbur n, Eugenia Walter s Ushers: Team 3, Nick Sparks, Liz Sparks, Ann Owens, Mary Ann Hill, William Cowan Nursery: 8:30, Cher yl Newstead 11:00, Linda Henderson Money Counters: Har old & J eanette Moore October 19 Children’s Sunday School: Patti Pier ce Children’s Church: Valer ie Blackbur n, Chr istine Cages Ushers: Team 4, Char lie Hender son, Linda Hender son, Bo Shealy, Duane Revenaugh Nursery: Eugenia Walter s, J eanette Moor e Money Counters: Har old & J eanette Moore P AS T O R ’ S B I B L E S T UD Y Wednesdays | Noon The Wednesday Mid-Day Bible study meets at 12:00 in the conference room. Anyone interested in attending a Bible study during the day is welcome to join in. P R AY E R R E Q U E S T S S U N D AY S E RVA N T S ONGOING GROUPS & CLASSES Steve Gay Papia Mauger Lily Nixon *Sheila Readdy *Ed Redding *Dorsey Ricks Diane, Barbara Sanders’ daughter Jeff Sanders *Kathlee Frizzell Shook Cody Smith Liz Wagoner Marvin Walden *Laura Zehner Johnson * Long Term Prayer Concern We will begin each month with a clean prayer list. Before the end of each month we invite you to call, or email the church office to place your loved one on the prayer list. Phone: (770) 474-2570 Email: [email protected] J O Y C I R C LE October 16 | 7:00 PM Joy Circle of the United Methodist Women meets at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come and bring a dish to share as we join in the fun and fellowship. You do not have to be a member of the church or Joy Circle to attend. U N I T E D M E T H OD I S T M E N October 18 | 8:00 AM Join us again for Breakfast, Fun, Fellowship, and Devotional Study. All men of the church are urged to come!
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