Omega Geophysical data processing platform Omega Realize the full potential of your geophysical data. The Omega* geophysical data processing platform integrates comprehensive workflows and advanced algorithms with scalable processing and flexible extensibility. This integrated approach combines data and expertise to deliver a customized solution that enhances operations at every stage of the E&P life cycle. Applications The platform accurately and efficiently processes ■■ land, marine, and transition zone data ■■ time and depth data ■■ 2D, 3D, and 4D surveys ■■ ■■ fully anisotropic (TTI and VTI) velocity fields multicomponent data. SeisView* 2D seismic data viewer and analysis software enables the visualization of data and attributes. 02 Omega The power of the Omega platform lies in its four major components. 1 03 Interactive Linux® desktop lets you easily and intuitively manage seismic projects and data, build workflows, QC processing results, visualize and analyze data, and interactively generate statics and velocity solutions. 2 Omega platform infrastructure allows you to concentrate on geophysics thanks to a database-driven project model, automated data management, job scheduling system, and detailed history. 3 Geophysical algorithm modules provide access to a robust database of more than 400 algorithms in two packages—Time and Depth. Additional advanced algorithms are available for license separately. 4 Interactive Windows desktop integrates the computing power of the Omega platform with the Petrel* E&P software platform, providing access to new, powerful geophysical workflows. 04 Improve processing functionality with innovative algorithms. Reverse-time migration Finite difference modeling High-end prestack two-way wave equation Two-way wavefield extrapolation modeling migration for accurate imaging in and below areas that generates synthetic shot gathers with with great structural and velocity complexity and without multiples Adaptive beam migration Image conditioning and enhancement pack High-end, full Gaussian beam migration for A toolbox of options to enhance either final situations demanding outstanding image quality results or gathers output from imaging algorithms and high interpretation confidence Extended interbed multiple prediction A data-driven demultiples algorithm that attenuates interbed multiples 05 Several advanced algorithm packages can be licensed to run in the Omega platform to extend the functionality of the platform’s Time and Depth packages, bringing the latest advances in technology to your geophysicists’ desktops. 3D general surface multiple prediction Single-streamer deghosting A full 3D SRME (surface-related multiple Full-bandwidth broadband data generation elimination) that accurately predicts complex from marine streamer data multiples, including diffracted and scattered multiples energy UniQ* processing package A suite of tools to address the challenges Matching pursuit Fourier interpolation of near surface characterization and noise Estimation of a Fourier spectrum of input data, attenuation in the presence of complex followed by an inverse Fourier transform near-surface geology to output data onto a regular grid 06 The Omega platform offers you the tools to transform your seismic and electromagnetic data into actionable information you can use to reduce risk and increase your chances of success. 07 Integrate data and extend workflows for comprehensive, reliable earth modeling Integrating the Omega and Petrel platforms introduces a new way to bridge the gap between two historically separate worlds—the highly visual and interactive world of interpretation and earth model building and the computationally intensive world of migration and tomographic inversion. This integration enables you to build more accurate, comprehensive earth models than ever before to solve complex imaging problems with greater efficiency. Enhance team performance with scalability The Earth Model Building collection is a full suite of interactive plugins that allows you to build velocity models and execute depth-imaging workflows though the integration of the Petrel and Omega platforms. The suite meets the need for efficient integration of interpretation, modeling, and seismic processing tools to facilitate any imaging workflow. Because the computing requirements of advanced algorithms are increasing, the Omega platform provides a scalable highperformance computing solution to effectively utilize any size of cluster (CPU or GPU) to minimize the time it takes you to arrive at a solution. The software developer’s kit (SDK) enables your developers to introduce your company’s intellectual property into the environment. The Omega platform incorporates a proprietary massively parallel infrastructure that is fault tolerant and allows you, to dynamically change allocated resources to jobs as they are executed. In combination with the job scheduling system, this allows you to maximize the resource use of your data center. 08 Project model Project management The Omega platform uses an Oracle® database to store all project information. The Omega platform project model (OPM) controls interactions between Oracle and all other Omega platform applications, making data access very efficient. In this database-driven environment, where all applications are linked, a complete history of the processing project is recorded and is always accessible. The Omega project manager application allows the geophysicist to define the project hierarchy—i.e., the organizational structure of the seismic processing project. Seismic surveys can be divided into different processing steps (e.g., demultiples, velocity analysis) or different vantages in 4D acquisition. A processing workflow can be easily laid out so that the organizational structure of the work to be performed is clear to all participants. This processing hierarchy, or sequence, is displayed in the project manager application, where individual jobs are displayed along with any ancillary data. OPM allows multiple geophysicists—in a true multiuser environment—to work productively on the same survey. Additional management tools include the stage jobs viewer, job monitor, and multijob monitor. These allow for the easy monitoring of processing workflows at various levels of detail. The prior usage of any dataset can be quickly tracked using the dataset history tool, which allows a geophysicist to rapidly understand the workflows, algorithm parameters, and velocities that have been used to process a seismic dataset. 09 Automation The Omega platform is highly automated at both the infrastructure and desktop levels. Routine tasks such as data management, job submission, and QC are easily automated, allowing the geophysicist to concentrate on geophysics. Nearly all data management tasks, such as selecting seismic files, outputting data to disk, load-balancing disks, and archiving and retrieving data from tape, can be automatically handled. Additional automation tools increase geophysicist productivity when managing a project. Tools such as job analysis (to check job run statistics), triggering (automated job submission based on given criteria), and QC sessions in SeisView software increase throughput during production processing, allowing for detailed QC on even the largest projects. A robust batch production processing system for bulk processing includes all the tools necessary to schedule and manage large job queues. A geophysicist can quickly and easily submit hundreds or thousands of separate jobs to the batch queue. The batch production processing system allows for parallelization in two forms: explicitly parallelized algorithms (mainly migration algorithms), and the ability to subdivide a survey and dispatch the data to multiple computational nodes within a cluster. This same system is in daily use at at Schlumberger processing centers worldwide to process huge volumes of seismic data efficiently and accurately. Workflow building The Omega platform allows for the intuitive creation of processing workflows with its graphical workflow builder, SeisFlow. Processing workflows are created interactively by selecting and inserting one of 400+ algorithms into the SeisFlow canvas. Each algorithm within the platform is graphically parameterized and contains detailed help documentation for each parameter setting, as well as details of the geophysics behind each algorithm. SeisFlow allows for the construction of a wide range of processing workflows, from simple data input or scaling to extremely complex 3D demultiples or depth migrations. 10 Omega platform processing workflows can be submitted to a Linux computational node in three ways: ■■ batch, submitted to a Linux cluster ■■ immediate, submitted to a targeted node ■■ interactive, submitted to a targeted node but with the results displayed in SeisView software on the user’s workstation without creating an output dataset. Batch submission is commonly used for production processing or parameter testing on complex processing workflows, whereas immediate or interactive submissions are used mostly for parameter testing because of their quick turnaround time. Analyzing seismic data The Omega platform has multiple applications to analyze seismic data, including SeisView software—a 2D seismic canvas—and multiple attribute display (MAD)—an attribute canvas. The SeisView software offers a robust 2D canvas for viewing full 32-bit seismic data and true random access, along with graphing and access to trace headers. Data analysis and investigation can be done using a series of interactive SeisView software toolkits (based on Omega platform algorithms), including spectral analysis, autocorrelation, band-pass filtering, F-K and Tau-P filtering, noise attenuation, muting, and attribute generation. SeisView software can rapidly compare datasets using roll and flip displays, on-the-fly difference plots, linkages between datasets (prestack-to-prestack, prestack-to-stack, and stack-tostack), and corendering of displays. MAD is the Omega platform QA/QC analysis tool that allows a geophysicist to either interactively view a dataset’s attributes, or view, in real time, attributes generated from multiples production processing workflows on the batch production system. MAD can be easily linked to SeisView software to create an attribute analysis workflow, in which attributes are selected in MAD and seismic data are visualized in SeisView software. 11 From field data to reservoir properties, the combination of the Omega and Petrel platforms delivers geophysical software solutions that allow you to better understand your critical subsurface challenges and make the right decisions. 12 Earth Model Building Integrate data and extend workflows for a unified, reliable earth model. The suite of interactive plugins, developed for the Petrel platform, support the full earth model building life cycle including initial model derivation, tomographic updates, full volume data QC, and model verification. Seismic Velocity Modeling Multiwell Modeling Enables a variety of depth imaging workflows, Allows for the creation of an initial anisotropic including initial model building, model editing depth model or calibration of an existing model and updating, depth tomography QC, model from well data comparison, residual moveout analysis, and volumetric CIP pick QC Near-Surface Modeling Allows for the inclusion of topography and near-surface velocities into your earth model Prestack Seismic Interpretation Supports prestack data viewing, interpretation, and processing SeisCal Enables 1D seismic calibration of anisotropic velocity models Map Migration Interactive Structural Model Editing Enables rapid map remigrations on interpreted Allows fast manipulation of salt or geobody surfaces with an updated velocity model velocity models without detailed reinterpretation Survey Design and Modeling of an entire seismic volume Enables interactive illumination studies through Geobody Mesh Modeling velocity models using advanced ray tracing in both Enables the generation of closed geological isotropic and anisotropic (VTI and TTI) models bodies from single-Z or multi-Z seismic interpretation for improved structural and velocity model building Surfaces and geobodies displayed with background property model and seismic volume. Powerful data solutions for your operations. Omega Geophysical data processing platform Operational and licensing models The Omega platform is available for use in a variety of operational and licensing models. The platform can support traditional licensing models that include purchase, lease, rental, and pay-per-use. Operationally, the Omega platform scales seamlessly from single workstations or blades to major high-performance computing environments. Schlumberger has recently expanded the operational and licensing modes to include cloud-based or managed service solutions. The managed cloud models can be implemented as private or hybrid clouds hosted by Schlumberger in one of our many data centers, or deployed in your data center or a third party hosting facility. This allows users to work in a more flexible manner where overflow type capabilities to existing license numbers can be made available. *Mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners. Copyright © 2014 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 14-PT-0159
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