Weekly This Week’s Activities October 26-November 2, 2014 Today Reformation Sunday Combined Service - 10:30 a.m. Reformation Sunday Dinner, Great Hall, 12:00 p.m. Worship Ensemble, Sanctuary, 2:30 p.m. Choir, Great Hall, 4:00 p.m. Monday Special Meeting of the Session, Great Hall, 7:00 p.m. Doulos Housekirk, Mick Residence, 7:00 p.m. TruthSearchers Housekirk, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Bagpipers, 1:00 p.m. (Chicago Speakeasy) Women’s Bible Study, East Wing, 1:00 p.m. Koinonia Housekirk, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday WOW supper, Great Hall, 5:30 p.m. Worship, Sanctuary, 6:15 p.m. Classes for Children, Students and Adults, 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Class, Lounge, 6:30 p.m. Thursday Trunk or Treat, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study, Cunitz Residence, 7:00 p.m. Friday Wedding Rehearsal, 4:30 p.m. Saturday Operation Christmas Child Packing Party, Great Hall, 8:00 a.m. - Noon Wedding, 4:00 p.m. Sunday, November 2 Daylight Savings Time Ends New Members Received Worship Ensemble, Sanctuary, 2:30p.m. Choir, Great Hall, 4:00 p.m. Our Weekly Concerns - New additions will be listed in bold print, and names will be removed upon request. Names left on for more than 3 weeks will be removed at the discretion of the office. Please keep these friends in your prayers: Carolyn Barnes, Beth Boeckemeier, Ann Bratney, Nancy Brumfield, Don and Bette Burroughs, Darlene Denison, Judy Gaumer, Ellen Kinnaird, Marie McGhee, Colleen Obrecht, Paul Olson, Mary Ellen Risewick, Shannon Raisch-Roam, Clara Sharp, Margaret Thomas, Kristen Webb. Condolences to: Steve and Lynda Brown and family on the death of Steve’s father, Bill Brown; Audrene Hansen and Colleen Obrecht on the death of their cousin’s (Ross and Marcia Reck’s) son in Tempe, AZ; Fran Nugteren on the loss of her infant great-grandson, Christian Clark, son of Ben and Nicole Clark. OMEGA HOUSEKIRK will not meet Monday, October 27. Regular schedule will resume on November 10. Trunk or Treat! Plan now to be a part of Westkirk’s ‘Trunk-orTreat’ Night on Thursday, October 30, as we help make Christ known to our community! The fun will start at 5:30 with a Hot Dog dinner for everyone! At 6:00 p.m., we’ll open the trunks of our cars, and hand out candy, small toys, stickers—whatever you’d normally hand out on Beggar’s night. Giveaway items from Westkirk including information about our services, Housekirks, and activities will also be available! Friends, family, and neighbors are all welcome to come and eat and hang out as long as they’d like! Student Ministries is planning some great activities for the kids as well. Costumes are welcome and encouraged—just please keep them non-scary. It’s easy—just bring some treats, open your trunk, and enjoy! If you’d like, you can decorate your trunk. We’ll even have a trunk decorating contest—Bible-themed trunks will be given extra points! If you need ideas, try a Google search for ‘Trunk or Treat’ or see Benae Duff. Children’s Ministry also has props available for you to borrow--Tropical Island, Egypt, Jonah, Veggie Tales, Rome, etc. Check the box on the Connect Card to sign up, and start planning your trunk! Westkirk Women Connect. You are invited to join with your friends at Sandy Champion’s home (9423 Goodman Circle, Urbandale) for the third coffee, treats and conversation get together. This gathering will be Saturday, November 8, 9:30 a.m. Sign up on the Connect Card today if you will be attending. Hope to see you there! About Those Inserts - Note from Gail DeGraaf: It is exciting each week to plan worship, choosing hymns which relate to the sermons. I try to find appropriate hymns from our hymnal, but sometimes rely on the Trinity Hymnal and Psalter Hymnal. So please be patient with a new or unfamiliar hymn which fits the text. Take it home and learn it! Stephen Ministers Care. When was the last time someon e r e al l y l i st e n e d t o you? We're talking about that undistracted, full attention kind of listening. That's one of the ways Stephen Ministers care for others. We need more Stephen Ministers here at Westkirk to care for those who are making that long journey through the valley of a life crisis. Will you consider serving in this way? For more information check the box on the Connect Card or contact Pastor Paul at 253-0330. You are invited! What: Operation Christmas Child Packing Party When: Saturday, November 1, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Where: Great Hall, Westkirk Why: To share Christ with children living in poverty around the world! It’s amazing to hear how God uses Operation Christmas Child to touch the lives of children and bring them hope through the gift of God’s love. How to help: Please bring new items to put in shoeboxes - small toys, school supplies, tshirts, socks, sunglasses, jewelry, washcloths, bar soap, combs, washcloths, hard candy. (Please avoid chocolate, other food, liquids, and anything related to war or violence.) You may also donate money to buy items in bulk or to help with shipping costs. Boxes: We still have 100 boxes to put together in preparation for the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party! Please grab a few flattened boxes from the Narthex, take them home to fold (don't worry-the instructions are simple!) and return them to the church before Saturday, November 1. WOW Menu BBQ Sandwiches, French Fries, Salad, Fruit Cup and Cookie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Here is your chance to get to know some other adults who attend Westkirk Presbyterian. So line up a babysitter and reserve the evening of Saturday, November 8 at 6:00 p.m. for dinner. The Fellowship Committee will arrange the locations and group and let you know where to go. You just have to fill out the forms that can be found at the Welcome Center by next Sunday, October 26, or sign up on the Connect Card. Each guest will bring a dish to share. The host will provide the main dish. You may be asked to bring a salad, dessert or rolls; it all depends on how many are coming for dinner. Here’s the catch: you are the only person who knows where you are going for dinner. Neither the host, nor the guests, will know until that evening who they are dining with. So, keep it a secret when you receive the details. If you have questions call either Dawn Vis at 515-447-2451 or Brad Miller at 515-5570012. Open House - Dorothy’s House invites you to tour their new location Saturday, November 22, between 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. This home is a place for restoration and healing for young women rescued from abuse and sex trafficking. In addition, if you are able to make some baked goods for that morning or are willing to help assemble baskets that will be raffled off that day, please contact Sue Holcomb for the address of Dorothy’s House and more information (556-6742 or [email protected]). Urbandale Food Pantry Item for October Kleenex Westkirk Presbyterian Church 2700 Colby Woods Drive, Urbandale, Iowa 50322 515-253-0330 [email protected]
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