St Andrew’s Parish Church 26 October 2014 10:50 a.m. Praise Time 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Welcome to our service! If you are a guest with us this morning, we trust you will enjoy your time of worship. Please do sign the Visitor’s Book in the entrance vestibule. A crèche is available for babies and toddlers in the Session Room (through the door next to the organ). The words for the songs can be found in either Mission Praise (MP), in the Church Hymnary (CH), or will be printed in this Order of Service. Note that Mission Praise numbers 799 and over are only available in the newer edition. We use the New International Version of the Bible and copies can be found in the backs of the seats for your use. Our service this morning is led by Rev Sharon Colvin. Blantyre St Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity (SC005955) The Church Copyright Licence Number:506352 Order of Service Praise MP 795 You laid aside your majesty MP 796 You shall go out with joy Welcome Time & Church Notices Call to Worship Praise MP 452 Loved with everlasting love Prayer & Lord’s Prayer All-Age Talk Praise MP 179 Go tell it on the mountain (omitting verse 1) Reading Exhortations Philippians 4, verses 4-13, page 1181 Praise MP 1003My Jesus, my Saviour The Message Offering Praise I stand amazed in the presence (MP 296) Prayers of Intercession Praise MP 323 I’m not ashamed to own my Lord Blessing Sung Amen Please remain standing as the Bible is removed. Doxology MP 460 May God’s blessing surround you each day Please stay for refreshments served after the service in the Church Hall. 2 Morning Worship St Andrew’s Parish Church Church Notices 1. Sunday Funday Club Soup Lunch: the Sunday Funday Club are hosting a Soup Lunch today immediately following morning worship. The cost will be £3.00. All are welcome. 2. The Grapevine Magazine: your personal copy of the Autumn issue of The Grapevine is now available for you to collect in the vestibule. There are spare copies for any visitors who wish to take one. Will Pastoral Team members please collect their copies for distribution. 3. Tea Room: the Tea Room will be open on Tuesday, 28 October from 10 a.m -12noon. Teas, coffee, home baking, books and bric-a-brac. All welcome! 4. Jars of Grace: over the next few Sundays we shall collect the ‘Jars of Grace’. The money collected will be donated to PoppyScotland (Earl Haig Fund). 5. Emmaus Group: the next in this series on the The Lord’s Prayer will be held on Tuesday, 28 October at 7.00 p.m. at 30 Ness Drive. The title of this week’s discussion is ‘Why pray when you can worry?’ All will be made welcome and study books will be supplied. 6. Prayer Time: we will meet in the Session Room from 10.15-10.45 a.m. on Sunday, 2 November. All are welcome. 7. Fundraiser for Church Funds: Sandra Goodall and Sally Jamieson are collecting clothes, shoes, slippers, bags, belts, toys and books once again to raise funds for the church. Last year they raised over £300 for church funds. If you can help, please bag similar items together and bring them on a Sunday or phone them on 01698 335889 or 01698 829825 and they will collect them from you. Every little helps! 8. Autumn Fayre: our thanks to all who helped and supported this event in any way. 9. Livingstone Memorial Church Guild: are holding a Guest Night including ‘Acting Up’ on Tuesday, 28 October at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome! 10.Blantyre Old Parish Church Guild: are holding a Guest Night on Thursday, 30 October at 7.15 p.m. The entertainment will be provided by Eleaanor Kelly. All are welcome! 19 October 2014 3 11.Kirk Session: there will be a meeting of the Kirk Session with the Implementation Committe of Hamilton Presbytery on Wednesday, 29 October at 7.30 p.m. in the Session Room. A good attendance would be appreciated! 12.Outing to McArthur Glen, Livingston: The Membership Group are organising an Outing to McArthur Glen, Livingston on Saturday, 22nd November, leaving Church at 10.30am and leaving Livingston at 4.00pm. The price is £2.50 per seat on the bus. If you wish to go on this Outing, there’s a sheet on the Notice Board and we ask that you add your name and number of seats required. 13.The Haven’s Christmas Charity Shopping Extrvaganza: a day of festive fun and shopping in aid of the Haven will be held on Sunday, 2 November from 12 noon - 4 p.m. at the Strathclyde Hilton, Bellshill Entry tickets are £5.00 (includes a glass of fizz on arrival!) See poster for more information. 14.Blantyre Festive Market and Lights: this event will be held on Sunday, 30 November in the public park from 11 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. The lights will be lit at 4.15 p.m. A tea-room will be held in the large hall of the Sport’s centre. 15.Pensioners Lunch: This year’s Pensioners Lunch will be held in the Parkville Hotel on Monday, 8th December at 12.00pm for 12.30pm. The lists of Pensioners are on the Notice Board in the vestibule. Can you please check that your name appears there if you have reached 60 years of age and over and tick appropriately if you are able to attend. If your name does not appear there, please inform Marion Brownlie (822754). Pastoral Care Please remember Irene Averell, Nan Campbell, Gladys Colston, Grace Dunn, Betty Gilchrist, Charlotte Jack, Rita Johnston and her family, Pearl Murray, Annie Orr, May Scott, Margaret Scullion, May Snaddon and Nancy Wood in your prayers. 4 Morning Worship St Andrew’s Parish Church Visit to McArthur Glen, Livingston arranged by the Membership Action Group Saturday, 22 November leaving from the church at 10.30 a.m. and leaving Livingston at 4.00 p.m. Tickets: £2.50 If you would like to go on this outing please add your name to the list on the noticeboard in the vestibule. 19 October 2014 5 Today Sunday Rotas Next Sunday First Aid Maureen Cochrane Reader Malcolm McCormack Crèche Sally Jamieson & Lorraine Duffy Tea/Coffee Sally & Alastair Jamieson Welcome Frances Speedie, Louise Darling, Offering Maureen Cochrane & David Simpson Bobby McKean Robert Menzies Sally Jamieson & Karen Morley Geoff & Val Krawczyk & & Lorraine Duffy Margaret Crookston, Sally Jamieson, Morag Airlie & Janie Paterson Notices for next week’s Order of Service should be passed to Gill Fraser in the Church Office by Wednesday [email protected] or 01698 327958 Response Slip Please use this section of the Order of Service to share information with us. Complete, tear off, and place in the box next to the noticeboard in the entrance vestibule. 1. I am a guest / visitor to St Andrew’s Parish Church. 2. I wish to inform you that (Name) _________________________________________ (Address) _________________________________________ is ill at home / in _____________________________Hospital, ward ______________ 3. Please note my new: Address _________________________________________ Telephone _________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ 4. I would like to receive a visit from a member of my Pastoral Team. 5. I am interested in receiving: Weekly Freewill Offering Envelopes Gift Aid Details Bank Standing Order Details 6. I am interested in becoming a member of St Andrew’s Parish Church. 7. I would like to start a subscription to Life and Work magazine. 8. I will shortly be leaving Blantyre and would like to receive a Certificate of Transference. 9. Any other message: Your Name _________________________ Address __________________________________ 6 19 October 2014
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