List of Accepted Papers in INDIA – 2015 Date of Publication: - 22nd October, 2014 Paper ID 3 6 8 10 11 13 17 18 22 25 30 32 33 34 Author Name Sandip Dam, Rajat Kumar Dey and Arunava Bhadra. Bijan Paul, Kaysar Ahmed Bhuiyan, Kaniz Fatema and Partha Pratim Das. Bijan Paul, Faisal Ahmed Khan and Aditi Roy. Sujay Ray and Angshuman Bagchi. Uzma Khan, Shikha Agrawal and Sanjay Silakari. Simanti Bhattacharya, Amit Das, Rakhi Dasgupta and Angshuman Bagchi. Semanti Ghosh and Angshuman Bagchi. Sanchari Bhattacharjee, Angshuman Bagchi and Rakhi Dasgupta. Santoshi Halder, Sanju Saha and Soumita Das. Soumen Kanrar and Prasenjt Kumar Mandal. Angshuman Bagchi. Sangita Roy, Sheli Sinha Chaudhuri, Arijit Mallick and Sourya Roy. Sourav Singharoy, Monobesh Patra, Rakhi Dasgupta and Angshuman Bagchi. Sripada Haldar, Pradip Kumar Mandal and Wolfganq Haase. Paper Title Distortion of the Secondary Cosmic Ray Muons by the Geomagnetic Field Performance Evaluation of AOMDV, AODV, DSR & DSDV Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Screen Reading with Bangla & English Audio Assistance Bi-Lingual Supported Software ‘Mongol Dip’ for Visually Impaired People An in-silico structural analyses of the interactions of SoxY and SoxZ from Moderately Thermophilic Betaproteobacterium, Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus in the Global Sulfur Oxidation Cycle A Detailed Survey on Misbehaviour Node Detection Techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks The effect of T192M mutation in stability of alpha dystroglycan: study with molecular dynamics simulation Intermolecular Interaction Study Of Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase (DsrAB) from Sulfur Oxidizing Proteobacteria Allchromatium vinosum Structural Bioinformatic Approach to Understand the Molecular Mechanism of the Interactions of small heat shock proteins IbpA and IbpB with Lon Protease Computer based Self- pacing Instructional Design Approach in Learning with respect to Gender as a variable Detect Mimicry by Enhanceing the Speaker Recognition System Use of machine learning features to detect protein-protein interaction sites at the molecular level A novel approach on Cuckoo search algorithm using Gamma distribution Mutual interaction study between DnaK-GroEL-FtSH with heat shock regulator σ32 to explain prokaryotic heat shock regulation Molecular structure and packing analysis of two nematogenic fluoro-phenyl compounds in the crystalline phase Paper ID 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 51 53 54 55 Author Name Deepak Sharma, Rajiv Saxena and Narendra Singh. Pritam Bhattacharjee, Kunal Das, Mallika De and Debashis De. Revathi Arunachalam and Venkataramani Yegnanarayanan. Swalpa Kumar Ray, Nilavra Bhattacharya, Utpal Nandi and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal. Varun Bajaj, Yogit Kumar, Manish Gehlot, Harshita Meena and Anil Kumar. Varun Bajaj, Gaurav Sahu, Nishant Chaurasia, Prem Prakash Suwalka and Anil Kumar. Mahua Bose. Arijit Dey, Kunal Das, Sanjoy Das and Mallika De. Hemakumar G and Punitha Swamy. Amit Das, Simanti Bhattacharya, Angshuman Bagchi and Rakhi Dasgupta. Sharmin Shabnam, Suvrajit Manna, Udit Sharma and Pinaki Mukherjee. Sujay Ray and Angshuman Bagchi. Ananya Ali, Sanchari Bhattacharjee and Angshuman Bagchi. Sajal Mitra, Ajanta Das and Sarbani Roy. Paper Title Better Performance for Compression Scheme using Multiple Parameter Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform SPICE Analysis for Metal Island ternary QCA logic device Text Independent Speaker and Emotion Independent Speech Recognition in Emotional Environment Fractal Image Compression With Adaptive Quadtree Partitioning And Lossless Encoding On The Parameters Of Affine Transformations EMD based features for discrimination of focal and non-focal EEG signal HHT based features for discrimination of EMG signal Two-level Multivariate model for Monsoon Rainfall Prediction Feed Forward Neural Network Approach for Reversible Logic Circuit Simulation in QCA Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition: Speaker Dependent and Speaker Independent Understanding the Interaction of Human Formin Binding Protein 4 with Formin FMN1 DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF ULTRAWIDE BAND PRINTED MONOPOLE SQUARE ANTENNA USING DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUATION ALGORITHM In-silico structural analysis of SoxF protein through mo-lecular modelling and protein-protein docking from Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus: An approach to under-stand the molecular mechanism of thiosulfate oxidation Structural Analyses of the Mode of Binding between AANAT protein with 14-3-3 protein involved in Human melatonin synthesis DEVELOPMENT OF E-LEARNING SYSTEM IN GRID ENVIRONMENT Paper ID 56 57 58 61 62 64 65 70 73 74 75 77 81 82 83 Author Name Anal Acharya and Devadatta Sinha. Partha Ghosh, Abhay Kumar Mandal and Rupesh Kumar. Sajal Saha, Angana Chakraborty, Dr. Asish K Mukhopadhyay and Anup Kumar Bhattacharjee. Margam Suthar and Dhaval Sathawara. Shiva R Singh and Anil K Nishad. Lakshmi Sreenivasa Reddy D, Dr.Raveendra Babu B, Dr.Govardhan A and Mukesh Kumar. Soumen Saha, Utpal Roy and Devadatta Sinha. Samayita Bhattacharya and Kalyani Mali. Shreyasee Debnath, Manashwi Tamuli and Ashok Ray. Arundhati Bagchi Misra and Hyeona Lim. Parag K. Guha Thakurta and Sujoy Sett. Aritra Rudra, Parag Kumar Guha Thakurta and Rajarshi Poddar. Sougata Das, Sayantan Dutta, Nilava Debabhuti, Anusree Sarkar and Dr. Apurba Ghosh. Apeksha Prajapati and Bimal Kumar Mishra. Dr. V. Rajinikanth and Micael S. Couceiro. Paper Title A Weighted Concept Map Approach to Generate Learning Guidance in Science Courses An Efficient Cloud Network Intrusion Detection System Mobile WiMAX Physical Layer Optimization and Performance Analysis Towards Sustainability and Ubiquity Further Improvement in SACK TCP SS Window Behavior of Limited Slow Start Algorithm for High Speed Network Linear Programming Problem in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment Comparision of Classifiers Accuracies from FAVF and NOFI for Categorical Data AODV ROUTING PROTOCOL MODIFICATION WITH DQUEUE(dqAODV) FOR VANET IN CITY SCENARIOS Fingerprint Recognition by Divide and Conquer Method A Review on Accelerating Scientific Computations using the Conjugate Gradient Method Nonlocal speckle denoising model based on non-linear partial differential equations Multi Objective Optimization on Clustered Mobile Networks: An ACO based Approach A trade-off Analysis of Quality of Service (QoS) Metrics towards Routing in Mobile Networks: MOGA based Approach Advanced Bi-directional Home Appliance Communicator With Security System Cyber Attack and Control Techniques Optimal Multilevel Image Threshold Selection using a Novel Objective Function Paper ID 84 86 87 88 89 92 93 97 104 105 107 108 110 111 112 113 115 117 Author Name Apeksha Prajapati and Bimal Kumar Mishra. Anamika Basu and Anasua Sarkar. Bharat Tidke and Sarika Patil. Shipra Kumari and Hari Om. Alo Sen, Asish Aich, Satya Ranjan Dash and Satchidananda Dehuri. Shauvik Paul, Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu and Mita Nasipuri. Priyanka Jaiswal, Abhimanyu Kumar and Sachin Tripathi. Abhinaya B and Sri Madhava Raja N. Neeta Sahay and Sanjoy Das. Dipti Kumari and Kumar Rajnish. Comparing Rewa Sharma, Chandra Kumar Jha and Meha Sharma. Kevin Kansagara, Shravya K V and Sivanantham S. Shikha Jain and Krishna Asawa. Prabin Kumar Panigrahi and Hrudaya Kumar Tripathy. Krishna Gopal Dhal, Md. Iqbal Quraishi and Sanjoy Das. Soumen Roy, Utpal Roy and Devadatta Sinha. Suman Das, Hemanta Dey and Ranjan Ghosh. Hariom Pandya and Malay Bhatt. Paper Title Large scale Cyber Attacks: A Mathematical Analysis Molecular docking analysis of AHL molecule on plant protein ARR10 DH-EAACK TO DETECT BLACK HOLE ATTACK IN MOBILE ADHOC NETWORK A Remote Login Password Authentication Scheme Using Row Vector With Biometric A Symmetric Key Cryptosystem using DNA Sequence with OTP key Text Localization in Camera Captured Images using Adaptive Stroke Filter Design of Queue Based Group Key Agreement Protocol Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography Solving Multi-level Image Thresholding Problem – An Analysis with Cuckoo Search Algorithm Dynamic Modelling of Three Link Finger Manupulator Efficiency of Software Fault Prediction Models Developed through Binary and Multinomial Logistic Regression Techniques Performance Modeling of Unified TDPC in IEEE 802.16e WiMAX Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures -A boon for desires of real time systems EmET : Emotion Elicitation and Emotion Trasition model ANANALYSIS ON INTELLIGENT BASED NAVIGATION AND PATH FINDING OF AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOT Performance Analysis of Chaotic Lévy Bat algorithm and Chaotic Cuckoo Search for grey level image enhancement Password Recovery Mechanism Based on Keystroke Dynamics Performance Analysis of RC4 and Some of its Variants A Novel Approach for Vehicle Detection and Classification Paper ID 119 124 125 127 129 130 132 133 134 141 147 152 155 157 159 Author Name A. Atchaya, J.P. Aashiha and R. Vijayarajan. Debjyoti Chowdhury, Soumya Jyoti Banerjee, Krishnendu Sanyal and Madhurima Chattopadhyay. Bharat Tidke and Poonam Pardeshi. Vimal Kumar K and Divakar Yadav. Partha Sarathi Chakraborty and Sunil Karforma. Angshuman Khan and Rupayan Das. Urvashi Chaudhary, S.R. Singh, Upendra Chaudhary and Surbhi Singhal. Vimal Kumar K, Divakar Yadav and Arun Sharma. Sanjib Sadhu, Niraj Kumar, Manas Mohanty and Kamaljit Pati. Rayachoti Eswaraiah and Edara Sreenivasa Reddy. Pawan Kumar Singh, Ram Sarkar and Mita Nasipuri. C. Raja Rao, Mahesh Boddu and Soumitra Kumar Mandal. Dr Vipin Tyagi and Nishant Shrivastava. Manas Paul and Joyita Goswami Ghosh. Sowmya Kamath S, Suresh Alse, Prajwal R Prasad and Abhay R Chennagiri. Paper Title Optimal Image Segmentation of Cancer Cell Images using Recent Heuristic Algorithms A Real Time Gesture Recognition with Wrist Mounted Accelerometer Improving Data Integrity for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing An Improvised Extractive Approach to Hindi Text Summarization Effectiveness of Proximity-based Outlier Analysis in Detecting Profile-injection attacks in E-Commerce Recommender Systems Novel Approach of Multiplier Design using ancient Vedic Mathematics SUPPLY CHAIN MODEL FOR DETERIORATING ITEMS WITH IMPERFECT PRODUCTION PROCESS UNDER BUDGET CONSTRAINT Graph based Technique for Hindi Text Summarization Generating Empty Convex Polygon Randomly from a Subset of given Point Set A Robust Medical Image Watermarking Technique for Accurate Detection of Tampers inside ROI and Recover-ing Original ROI Line-level Script Identification for six handwritten scripts using texture based features Single Sensor Color filter Array Interpolation Algorithms Region based image retrieval using integrated color, texture and shape features A Symmetric Key Cryptographic Technique Based on Frame Rotation of an Even Ordered Square Matrix Automatic Generation of Web Service Composition Templates using WSDL descriptions Paper ID 161 165 168 173 174 175 179 180 181 182 183 187 188 191 193 194 Author Name Md Azharuddin and Prasanta K. Jana. Manas Saha, Mrinal Kanti Naskar and Biswa Nath Chatterji. Priya Ranjan Sinha Mahapatra. Anuj Mohamed and K.N. Ramachandran Nair. Poulami Samaddar, Sushanta Sarkar, Srija De, Sushanta Biswas, Debasree Chanda Sarkar and Partho Pratim Sarkar. Syaamantak Das and Rajeev Chatterjee. Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta, Abul Kalam Azad and Ajoy Kumar Khan. Debahsree Guha and Bapi Dutta. Heba Ayeldeen, Mahmood A.Mahmood and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Heba Ayeldeen, Olfat Shaker, Osman Hegazy and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Tina Samajdar and Md. Iqbal Quraishi. Kunal Kumar Kabi, Bidyut Jyoti Saha, Arun Chauhan and Chittaranjan Pradhan. Shubhendu Kumar, Bhavna Sinha and Chittaranjan Pradhan. Heba Ayeldeen, Osman Hegazy and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Harish Singh and Dr. Bharat Mishra. Debapriyay Mukhopadhyay. Paper Title A PSO based fault tolerant routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks Poisson Noise Removal from Mammogram using Poisson Unbiased Risk Estimation Technique Smallest Square Covering k Points for Large Value of k Connectionist Approach for Emission Probability Estimation in Malayalam Continuous Speech Recognition Design of an Aperture Type Frequency Selective Surface with Sharp Roll –off A proposed systematic user – interface design framework for synchronous and asynchronous e – learning systems. Differential Power Analysis: Attacks and Resisting Techniques Health-system evaluation: a multi-attribute decision making approach Effective clustering for categorical sets: Distance similarity measures Case-based reasoning: A knowledge extraction tool to use Analysis and Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics Implementation of New Framework for Image Encryption using Arnold 3D Cat Map Comparative Analysis of Color Image Encryption using 2D Chaotic Maps Case selection strategy based on K-means clustering Performance Improvement and Analysis of various Web Browsers using Clustering & Classification Automatic Model Extraction from C Code - Abstracter and Architecture Paper ID 195 196 197 198 199 201 208 209 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 220 Author Name Hany Soliman, Mohamed Abd Elfattah and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Reham Gharbia, Sara Ahmed and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Mahir M. Sharif, Alaa Tharwat, Aboul Ella Hassanien and Hesham A. Hefeny. Musheer Ahmad and Bashir Alam. Manoj K. Mishra and Susanta Mukhopadhyay. Subit K. Jain and Rajendra K. Ray. Bijay B. Pal and Mousumi Kumar. Debashis Das and Sushanta Mukhopadhyay. Sujit Das, Megha Rani, Tandra Pal and Dr. Samarjit Kar. Heba Ayeldeen, Olfat Shaker, Osman Hegazy and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Bibhas C. Giri and Bhaba R. Sarker. Shivraj Singh and Himanshu Rathore. Manas Pal and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal. Kireeti Bodduna, Rishabh Roy, Neha Kumari and Rajesh Siddavatam. Abhishek Basu, Subir Sarkar and Susmita Talukdar. Ranjit Ghoshal, Anandarup Roy and Bibhas Ch. Dhara. Paper Title Cloud Computing Framework for Solving Virtiual College Educations Remote Sensing Image Registration Based On Particle Swarm Optimization and Mutual Information Enzyme Function Classification Based on Sequence Alignment A Novel Biometric Fingerprint Template Based Method for Stream Cipher Design Scheme for Compressing Video data employing Wavelets and 2D-PCA A Non-Linear Diffusion based Partial Differential Equation Model For Noise Reduction in Images A Hierarchical Optimization Method to solve Environmental-Economic Power Generation and Dispatch Problem with Fuzzy Data Uncertainty A Pixel based Segmentation Scheme for Fingerprint Images Interval-valued Induced Averaging Aggregation Operator and its application in group decision making with intuitionistic fuzzy information Distance similarity as a CBR technique for early detection of breast cancer: An Egyptian case study Improving supply chain performance under production disruption and third party logistics outsourcing Reverse logistic model for deteriorating items with non-instantaneous deterioration and learning effect Modified PCT on Variable Cipher Block Chaining Mode A Fast and Efficient Mesh Smoothing Algorithm for 3D Graphical Models using Cubic B-Splines On the Implementation of a Saliency based Digital Watermarking Text Extraction from Scene Images through Local Binary Pattern and Business features based Color Image Segmentation Paper ID 223 225 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 245 246 247 249 252 253 Author Name Shyamal Sen and Bijay Baran Pal. Kartik Singhal, Basant Agarwal and Namita Mittal. Prateeva Mahali, Arup Abhinna Acharya and Durga Prasad Mohapatra. Rajendra Babu Ch, Sreenivasa Reddy E and Prabhakara Rao B. Kvsn Rama Rao and Battula Sudheer Kumar. Kishore Thakur, Chayan Halder, Kaushik Roy and Santanu Phadikar. Animesh Biswas and Arnab Kumar De. Arindam Dey, Rangaballav Pradhan and Tandra Pal. Kuldeep Kumar Yogi, Nisheeth Joshi and Chandra Kumar Jha. Soumen Atta and Priya Ranjan Sinha Mahapatra. Srija De, Poulami Samaddar, Sushanta Sarkar, Sushanta Biswas, Debasree Sarkar and Partha Pratim Sarkar. Praveen Sharma. Ruhul Amin and Gp Biswas. Sandip Kakde, Atish Khobragade, Mithilesh Mahendra and Shailesh Kamble. Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Govil and Girdhari Singh. Rohit Yadav and Haider Banka. Paper Title Interval Goal Programming Approach to Multiobjective Programming Problems with Fuzzy Data Uncertainty Modeling Indian general elections: Sentiment Analysis of Political twitter data Model Based Test Case Generation and Optimization Using Intelligent Optimization Agent Age Group Classification of Facial Images using Rank based Edge Texture Unit (RETU) Automatic generation of domain specific customized signatures for an enterprise intrusion detection system based on sentimental analysis Writer Identification from Handwritten Devanagari Script An efficient technique for solving fully fuzzified multiobjective stochastic programming problems A Genetic Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Shortest Path Problems with Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Arc Lengths Quality Estimation of MT-Engine output using Language Models for Post-editing and their comparative study L(4, 3, 2, 1)-labeling for Simple Graphs Compact, Multi-band Microstrip Antenna with High Gain Denoising Method based on Wavelet Transforms: A Review Remote Access Control Mechanism Using Rabin Public Key Cryptosystem Performance Analysis and FPGA Implementation of Quadruple Precision FMA Unit for High Computing Systems A Context-Sensitive Approach for Precisely Detection of Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities Genetic algorithm with improved mutation operator for Multiple Sequence Alignment Paper ID 257 261 262 265 267 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 278 283 284 285 Author Name Amarsinh Varpe, Prashant Borde, Sadhana Sukale, Pallavi Pardeshi and Pravin Yannawar. Sudip Kumar Adhikari, Jamuna Kanta Sing, Dipak Kumar Basu and Mita Nasipuri. Ranjan Mehera, Arpan Chakrabarty, Piyali Datta and Rajat Pal. Debasis Dhal, Piyali Datta, Arpan Chakraborty and Rajat Pal. Santosh Kumar Das and Sachin Tripathi. Dogga Raveendhra. Dogga Raveendhra. Janmenjoy Nayak, Bighnaraj Naik, D. P. Kanungo and H. S. Behera. Ramesh Sahoo and Srinivas Sethi. Anjana Gosain and Ganga Sharma. Dogga Raveendhra. Sagnik Banerjee, Subhadip Basu and Mita Nasipuri. B K Tripathy and Kosireddy Govindarajulu. Kuzhaloli S and Shaji K S. Performance Noorul Hussain Ubaidur Rahman, Chithralekha Balamurugan and Mariappan Rajapandian. Abhishek Kumar and Anupam Agrawal. Paper Title Analysis of Induced Color for Automatic Detection of ROI in Multipose AVSR System Conditional Spatial Fuzzy C-means Clustering Algorithm with Application in MRI Image Segmentation Advancement in Guard Zone Computation through Detection and Exclusion of the Overlapped Regions Design of a Mixer for Performing Efficient Mixing to Reduce Overall Assay Response Time Intelligent energy competency multipath routing in WANET Digital controlled high power synchronous boost converter based MPPT charge controller for SPV system FPGA Controlled Solar Photovoltaic System fed Induction Motor through MLI An Improved Swarm based hybrid K-means clustering for Optimal Cluster Centers Remotely Functional Analysis of Mental Stress Based on GSR Sensor Physiological Data in Wireless Environment Dynamic Software Metrics for Object Oriented Software: A Review Analysis and design of SEIG model with FC-TCR and Fuzzy logic controller Big data analytics and its prospects in computational proteomics Some More Properties Of Covering Based Pessimistic Multigranular Rough Sets Analysis of MC-CDMA in Rayleigh Channel using Walsh code with BPSK Modulation A Novel DNA Computing based Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Emotion Recognition using Anatomical Information in Facial Expressions Paper ID 286 287 288 291 292 294 302 304 305 306 307 309 313 314 317 319 320 321 Author Name Dr Avireni Srinivasulu and Taninki Sai Lakshmi. Kumaresh Sarmah, Angana Sarma, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma and Sunandan Baruah. Sheetal Rathi, Chandrashekhar A. Dhote and Vivek Bangera. Abhishek Paul, Swatantra Saha, Suraj Kumar Chaubey and Sumitra Mukhopadhyay. Parag Chatterjee and Asoke Nath. V Amsaveni, Dr. N. Albert Singh and Dheeba J. Rahul Johari. Hemant Palivela. Godwin Premi. Varun D N, Pradeep T, Varun H, Vikas S Yaligar and Sowmya Kamath S. Anik Roy and Santanu Phadikar. Pravin Nagar and Anupam Agarwal. Sandip Das. Arijit Ghosh. Deepa Anand and Sushma Ravichandran. Shailesh Kamble, Dr. Nileshsingh V. Thakur, Dr. Latesh G. Malik and Dr. Preeti R. Bajaj. Sachin Jain and Dr. Nileshsingh V. Thakur. Anirban Chakrabarty and Sudipta Roy. Paper Title A Low Power Encoder for a 5-GS/s 5-bit Flash ADC Dual-band Microstrip Patch Antenna loaded with Complementary Split Ring Resonator for WLAN Applications Parallel implementation of FP Growth algorithm on XML data using Multiple GPU A CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF THE DETERMISTIC ANT SYSTEM MODEL The future ICT Education in India – a Pilot study on vision of Ubiquitous Learning in Higher Education Application of Support Vector Machine Classifier for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Brain Tumor from MRI EAST: Exploitation of Attacks and System Threats in Network Study of Various Feature Extraction and Selection techniques for Drought Prediction in Precision Agriculture Efficient Set Routing for Continuous Patient Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sensor Nodes A Graph Based Technique for Finding Common News Content from Multiple News Streams Automatic Segmentation of Spoken Word Signals into Letters based on Amplitude Variation for Speech to Text Transcription Geometric Invariant Model Based Human Action Recognition Logically Organised Sensor Based Prototype Model for Automatic Control of Process Temperature Neuro-Fuzzy PI Controller with Real-Time Implementation on a Speed Control System Investigations into the goodness of posts in Q&A forums – Popularity vs. Quality Color Video Compression Based on Fractal Coding Using Quadtree Weighted Finite Automata Overview of Cluster Based Routing Protocols in Static and Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks A Context Similarity Protocol for Incremental Text Clustering Paper ID 322 323 327 331 333 334 337 339 340 344 345 354 355 356 357 362 364 Author Name Akhilesh Kumar Pandey, Kunal Kumar Kabi, Abhishek Kumar and Farahnaz Rezaeian Zadeh. Paramartha Dutta, Mili Ghosh and Debarka Mukhopadhyay. Dr. Manas Kumar Sanyal, Sudhangsu Das and Sajal Bhadra. Dr. Manas Kumar Sanyal and Soma Bose Biswas. Soham Sarkar. Prerit Datta, Namandeep Kaur and Naveen Garg. Debjani Chakraborti and Bijay Baran Pal. Smrithi Rekha V and S Venkatapathy. Nikhilesh Barik. Amit Kumar Gupta, Indrajit Bhattacharya, Sayan Pal, Indranil Das and Suvajit Majumder. Sriparna Saha, Monalisa Pal, Amit Konar and Diptendu Bhattacharya. Masoumeh Zareapoor, Pourya Shamsolmoali and M.Afshar Alam. Bindu V R and K N Ramachandran Nair. Sanjay Gurjar and Harsha Katrani. S.Sangeetha Ravichandran and B.Gayathri Devi Devi. Akashdeep Sharma. Ranjit Ghoshal. Paper Title A Novel Framework for Reliable and Fault Tolerant Webservices A 2 Dot 1 Electron Quantum Cellular Automata based Parallel Memory BIG data analysis for Indian e-Governance projects -A proposed framework to improve real time reporting Role of team leaders in employee faith in the Performance appraisal practices: an exploratory study on the software professionals in some selected IT Companies in West Bengal (India) A Novel Multi-Level Image Segmentation based on Visual Attention Model Automatic Bus Fare Collection Sytem in India Stochastic Simulation Based GA Approach to Solve Chance Constrained Bilevel Programming Problems in Inexact Environment Understanding the Usage of Online Forums as Learning Platforms SECURE e-LEARNING FRAMEWORK (SeLF) Embedding an extra layer of Data Compression Scheme for Efficient Management of Big-Data Automatic Gesture Recognition for Health Care Using ReliefF and Fuzzy kNN Highly Discriminative Features for Phishing Email Classification by SVD Volume Cutting of Medical Data using Deformable Surfaces Modeled with Level Sets Design and Analysis A Novel Multiband Rectangular Sierpinski Fractal Antenna SIGNATURE BASED SEMANTIC INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM ON CLOUD FUZZY BASED QUALITY OF SERVICE ANALYSIS OF SCHEDULER FOR WIMAX NETWORKS Incorporating Canny's Edge Information in Otsu's Algorithm for Text Binarization from Scene Images Paper ID 365 366 367 369 370 372 375 376 379 381 382 383 386 387 389 391 392 Author Name Kartik Sau, Ratan Kumar Basak and Amitabha Chanda. Sharmistha Bhattacharjee and Dwijesh Dutta Majumdar. Alok Ranjan, H.B. Sahu and Prasant Misra. Gurpreet Matharu, Anju Mishra and Pallavi Chhikara. Nidhi Jain, Basant Agarwal and Mukesh Kumar Gupta. Sulata Mitra. Venki Balasubramanian and Andrew Stranieri. Jagdish Raheja, Devansh Gaur, Shalini Saxena and Dhiraj Sangwan. Roshani Ade and P R Deshmukh. Bijay Baran Pal and Papun Biswas. Souvik Sarkar, Partho Mallick and Aiswaryya Banerjee. Joyita Basak, Sangita Roy and Sheli Sinha Chaudhuri. Subhrajyoti Deb, Bhaskar Biswas and Nirmalya Kar. Sukalyan Som, Suman Mahapatra and Sayani Sen. Jenish Gandhi and Rutvij Jhaveri. Shruti Patil and Roshani Ade. Paramita Biswas, Bandana Barman and Anirban Mukhopadhyay. Paper Title Color Image Compression based on Block Truncation Coding using Clifford Algebra Early Diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids and Cancer with Ultrasonographic Images: A Shape Theoretic Approach Performance Evaluation of Underground Mine Communication and Monitoring Devices: Case Studies A Framework to leverage Cloud for Modernization of Indian Agricultural Produce Marketing System IMPROVED DB-SCAN FOR DETECTING ZONAL FOLLOWERS FOR SMALL REGIONS ON TWITTER Cooperative Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles from VANET AppA: Assistive Patient Monitoring Cloud Platform for Active Healthcare Applications Identification and recognition of Defects in Civil Structures using non-destructive technique Efficient Knowledge Transformation for Incremental Learning and Detection of New Concept Class in Students Classification System Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach for Solving Congestion Management Problem in Electrical Transmission Network using Genetic Algorithm A Real-time Machine Learning Approach For Sentiment Analysis Benchmark Function Analysis of Cuckoo Search Algorithm Study of NLFSR and reasonable security improvement on Trivium Cipher A No Reference Image Authentication Scheme Based On Digital Watermark Energy Efficient Routing Approaches in Ad-hoc Networks: A Survey A Software Project Risk Analysis Tool Using Software Development Goal Modeling Approach Construction of Co-expression and Co-regulation Network with Differentially Expressed Genes in Bone Marrow Stem Cell Microarray Data Paper ID 393 396 397 398 399 402 408 409 411 412 414 416 417 418 420 422 423 424 Author Name Usama Mokhtar Hassan, Mona A S Ali, Hesham Hefny and Aboul Ella Hassanien. Sourav Saha, Jayanta Basak and Priyaranjan Sinhamahapatra. Sukalyan Som, Sayani Sen, Suman Mahapatra and Sarbani Palit. Mridu Sahu, N.K. Nagwani and Saransh Shirke. Priyanka Upadhyay, Gurpreet Matharu and Naveen Garg. Suman Mahapatra, J. K. Mandal and Madhumita Sengupta. Shabana Mehfuz, Shabana Urooj and Shivaji Sinha. Swati Chowdhuri, Nilanjan Dey, Pranab Banerjee and Sheli Sinha Chaudhury. Vikrant Bhateja, Abhijeet Kumar Sinha and Anand Sharma. Pratiksha Saxena and Shabana Urooj. Md. Zafar Imam. Sudip Kumar Das. Preenon Bagchi. Aditya Srivastava, Vikrant Bhateja and Harshit Tiwari. Nilanjan Dey. Kavita Choudhary. Kavita Choudhary. Dac-Nhuong Le. Paper Title SVM-based detection of tomato leaves diseases A Hierarchical Convex Polygonal Decomposition Framework for Automated Shape Retrieval A Selective Bitplane Based Encryption of Grayscale Images with Tamper Detection, Localization and Recovery Based on Watermark An Incremental Feature Reordering (IFR) Algorithm to Classify Eye State Identification Using EEG System Modeling Agility in Internet Of Things (IoT) Architecture Authentication in Higher Region of Convergence of Z Transform Domain (AHRocZ) Wireless Body Area Networks-: A Review with Intelligent Sensor Network-based Emerging Technology Minimization of Error in Different Diversity Scheme for MIMO based Mobile Ad-Hoc Network using Space Time Block Codes Bilateral Filtering in Wavelet Domain for Synthesis of Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs Simulation Tool for Assignment Model: ASSOLVE Analysis of software Fault Detection and Correction Processes with Log-logistic Testing-Effort Flow Regime Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks for Air-Water Flow through 1–5 mm Tubes in Horizontal Plane Pharmaco-Informatics: An interaction study of herbal compounds with receptors implicated in ADHD Restoration Algorithm for Gaussian Corrupted MRI using Non-Local Average Filtering Study of Wireless Communication through coal using Dielectric Constant Multi-objective Optimization based Software Testing using Kansei Quality Approach Prediction of Occurrence of Heart Disease and its Dependability on RCT using Data Mining Techniques Applied MMAS algorithm to optimal resource allocation to support QoS requirements in NGNs
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