Towns County Herald LegalYour Notices October 8, 2014 Hometownfor Newspaper Since 1928 Legal Organ of Towns County 50 Cents NOTICE OF 2ND DUI CONVICTION NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE SUPERIOR OF TOWNS COUNTY 83 Number CITATION 12 Publication NumberCOURT 635540 Volume Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Toby Gene Bateman, Jr. IN SECURITY DEED COUNTY OF TOWNS STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Address: 934 Sunnyside Road, Hiawassee, GA In Re: PEtition of Maurice Green, Administrator TOWNS COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER 30546 COUNTY OF TOWNS Because of a default in the payment of the of the Estate of Ishmael Newt Green, Petition GEORGIA Date of Arrest: 9/1/2011 Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale con- indebtedness secured by a Security Deed vs. All the World, Defendants; Complaint - Peti- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Disposition Date: 5/30/2014 tained in the Deed to Secure Debt and Secu- executed by Arvind Raina and Maninder Kaur tion to Quiet Title (to remove cloud upon the DOCKET NO. _____ Entered plea of guilty, sentence 12 months title); filed August 2, 2014 in Civil Action 14-CVrity Agreement from Brandon Derick Dills to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, VS.IN REM _____ probation, serve 10 days in County Jail, $1000 121 RG; the Order for service and Carolyn Holloway Dills to The Bankby of voters Inc. as nominee Provident Funding Associby Publication is 0.004 acres ofinstalled land; and County workers have 90 of the 150 fire hydrants approved last for year fine, 240 hours community service. dated August 25, 2014; notice is directed and Park Sterling Bank; Internal Revenue Service; Hiawassee, a division of Citizens South Bank ates, L.P. dated August 6, 2009, and recorded ing pretty fast, said Roberts. addressed to Defendants reside out- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Re- dated November 23, 2010, and recorded in in Deed Book 460, Page 636, Towns County Bywho Charles Duncan T(Oct8)B side the State of Ga. andTowns whoseCounty residence is ceiver for Bank of“If Hiawassee; Townspretty County Deed Book 485, Page 80, in the offices of the Records, said Security Deed having been last Herald we’d had unknown commanding you to be and appear Tax Commissioner; andwe City could of Hiawassee NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS [email protected] weather, have in- Clerk of the Superior Court of Towns County, sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to at the Superior Court of Towns County within The said named persons and any and all other Georgia; as assigned to Citizens South Bank Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. by Assignment, securSTATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF TOWNS stalled lot more,” Roberts 30 days of the date of the order It forall service by with persons anda unknown claiming any by that certain Master Assignment recorded ing a Note in the original principal amount of Re: Estate of Sara Oberia Wyatt Bryson, Thur: Cloudy started vot-known 47upon which such said. interest, ownership, equity, in Deed Book 486, Page 790, aforesaid records $312,000.00, the holder thereof pursuant to publication; the60 date party is polls right,last title, power, All creditors of the estate of Sara OberiaFri: Wy-Showers ers going to the 56 34 Roberts said that the (as same may have been modified from time said Deed and Note thereby secured has decalled upon to appear shall be the appearance claim or demand in and to the lands hereinatt Bryson, deceased, late of Towns County, Sat: Cloudy 54 28 March. day of the said referenced case, being October after described, andhas allno occupants, Georgia, are hereby notified to renderSun: theirSunny county timeline tenants, to fin- to time, collectively the “Security Deed”), and clared the entire amount of said indebtedness 45 26 Less than a year later, 30, 2014. Witness Cecil Dyer, Clerk Superior lessees, licensees and all holders, owners and demands to the undersigned according toMon: law, Sunny ish the project due to pursuant to that certain Discharge of Debtor due and payable and, pursuant to the power 50 32 Court, Towns County, Georgia; Honorable Ray- users of ways and easements in, across, over entered August 28, 2014 in Chapter 7 Case No. of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first the voter-approved Special and all persons indebted to said estate areShowers Tue: 54 36 weather mond George, Judge. Prepared and Local submitted andSales under said land areconcerns. hereby notified, under 14-20871-jrs filed in the United States Bank- Tuesday, November 4, 2014, during the legal required to make immediate payment to the Cloudy Purpose Option Wed: 55 41 “Overall, we’dof like to ruptcy Court, Northern District of Georgia; hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in by: Charles Gignilliat, Ga. Bar Nowill 293250, Attorthe provisions of the Official Code Georgia undersigned. Tax pay for approxihave them by the undersigned will sell at public outcry to said County, sell at public outcry to the highest ney for Petitioner, P.O. Box 282, Hiawassee, Ga. Annotated Sections 32-3-4 installed through 32-3-19, This the 17th day of September, 2014 mately 150 new fire hydrants 30546, 706-896-1057, Fax 706-896-7419. providing for the exercise of the power of the highest and best bidder for cash before bidder for cash, the property described in said Joyce B. Lockman spring,” Roberts said. which will greatly reduce thedomain byClose T(Sept17,24,Oct1,8)P eminent the State of Georgia, or Personal Representative proximity toany a the door of the Courthouse of Towns County, Deed, to-wit: of its or by any county of such Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, on the ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING county’s ISO rating tosubdivisions, a fire hydrant PO Box 1249 saved a condo- first Tuesday in November, 2014, the following AND BEING IN LAND LOT 159, 18TH DISTRICT, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS State, as follows: Young Harris, GA 30582 Class 5 in many areas, minium in Hawks Harbor on 1ST SECTION, TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA, CONFederal Project No. BR000-0000-00(303) the above stated case, being a condem- described real property, to wit: 706-379-0989 Towns County SoleThat ComSunday. Towns County nation in rem against the property hereinafter ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING TAINING 3.407 ACRES, AND BEING AS TRACT T(Sept24-Oct15)B missioner Bill Kendall said. was filed AND BEING IN LAND LOT 308 & 309, 18TH ONE (1) ON A PLAT OF SURVEY BY T. KIRBY Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor, matedescribed, said Court on the 26th “Ifin it hadn’t been as installation DISTRICT, 1ST SECTION OF TOWNS COUNTY, AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED 02/22/2008, RErial, equipment and other things The necessary for day ofof September, in as accordance NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS close to2014;That, a hydrant it was, the following work will bethose received by the unwith provisions of the aforesaid Official Code, GEORGIA, CONTAINING 4.10 ACRES, MORE OR CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 38, PAGE 118, TOWNS hydrants is well ahead STATE OF GEORGIA it of would have been gone,” LESS, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT OF SURVEY BY B. COUNTY RECORDS WHICH DESCRIPTION ON dersigned at the Department of Transportation, a Declaration Taking, duly authorized and COUNTY OF TOWNS of pace. To date, 90 of the Upstream Elevation Roberts said. by “Itthewas a GREGORY, COUNTY SURVEYOR, DATED 3/16/83, SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFOne Georgia Center, 600 West Peachtree Street, approved properly executed as provided Official RE: ESTATE OF ANNE SNYDER BOGAERT, Predicted 150 fire hydrants windblown fire that was exRECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 194, TOWNS ERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. NW, Atlanta, Georgia, 30308 until 11 a.m., OctoCode, has been made and filed in said case, A.K.A. ANNE MARIE BOGAERT 01/25/12 voters have been in- the ber 17, 2014 and publicly by opened. declaring necessity for and and exercising All creditors of the estate of ANNE MARIE BO-Chatuge tremely dangerous dif- COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS AND MORE PAR- THE GRANTOR GRANTS TO GRANTEE A PERPETLake 1918.53 stalled, said Marty Roberts, UAL NONEXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, takingtotheextinguish. said describedGood lands TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: GAERT, deceased of Towns County, Hiawassee, 0.440 Mile of Construction of a Bridge and the power officult Approaches 1763.09 on US 76/SRTowns’ 2 Over911 Hightower State-aid public road purposes, thereby BEGINNING AT THE END OF A ROAD, SAID POINT EGRESS AND THE RIGHT TO RUN WATER AND MappingforDirecGeorgia are hereby notified to render inLake theirNottely work firefighters and I’mof BEING 4.752 FEET FROM THE JUNCTION OF GA UTILITIES TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERBlue 1671.86 tor, who is helping to Creek. vesting to by same in the Department demands to the undersigned according to law;Ridge over-the title glad they had plenty of waTransportation; in pursuance of such au- HIGHWAY 17-75 AND MILL CREEK ROAD, RUN TY ALONG THE EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SAID and all persons indebted to said estate are (E) see the project along with ter and, to workofwith.” Contract Time: 9/30/2016 thority, the Department Transportation has THENCE N 75 E 95 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE PLAT, RUNNING FROM VICTORIA WOODS ROAD. required to make immediate payment to the INDEX Fire Chief Mitch Floyd. Proposal Guaranty: 5% deposited with theThe Clerk of the Superior undersigned. county hasCourt 28 N 86 E 408 FEET TO A ROCK ON THE USF LINE; THE PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO THE 2 Sections, 18 Pages The first hydrant was District Office: Gainesville of said County $1,000.00 as the compenThis 8th day of September, 2014. more hydrants to just install be- THENCE S 7 W 482 FEET TO AN IRON PIN ON EASEMENT TO BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN EMC Price of Plans: sationTo for the said lands described; and all THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF A ROAD; THENCE AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 216, PAGE 602, installed on July 7th. BRETT C. SNYDER Arrests...........................2A ALONG workers THE ROADare N 82 W 78 FEET; N hydrants 79 W 100 atTOWNS COUNTY DBE: 11.00 persons 6506 Contempo Lane date, 90 fire hydrants haveclaiming such fund or any interest County installing fire a record pace.GEORGIA Only theRECORDS. weather is keeping these Chamber News.....................13A Firerequired Hydrants, pageknown 12A FEET; N 87 W 121 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; THENCE THE PROPERTY IS ALSO CONVEYED SUBJECT Plans specifications may be installed. inspected That’s at therein, hereby to make Boca Raton, Florida 33433 been mov-are See important infrastructure from faster. Photo/Marty Church/Obits..............8,9A LEAVING THE ROAD N 20 Wpieces 409 FEET TObeing THE installed TO THE any RESTRICTIONS OF RECORDRoberts AS PERthe District Office as indicated. Copies of the their claims to the Court; T(Sept17,24,Oct1,8)B Classifieds....................2B TAINS TO VICTORIA WOODS SUBDIVISION REstandard specifications ($35) may be obtained In accordance with the provisions of the Of- POINT OF BEGINNING. from the State Transportation Office Engineer ficial Code of Georgia Annotated, the Plain- THE GRANTOR GRANTS TO GRANTEE A PER- CORDED IN DEED BOOK 94, PAGES 130-133 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Editorial..........................4A Elected Officials................4A at One Georgia Center, 600 West Peachtree tiff-Condemnor has prayed the Court for Im- PETUAL WATER RIGHT TO THE SPRING ON THE AND DEED BOOK 94, PAGES 207-209, TOWNS STATE OF GEORGIA updates throughout the week Legals...........................3B COUNTY GEORGIAfor RECORDS. Street, NW, in Atlanta, telephone number (404) mediate possession of said property, and all GRANTOR’S REMAINING PROPERTY.Visit COUNTY OF TOWNS Only as theindicated. weather persons could having be a setback county facility Television........................6A THE GRANTOR GRANTS TO GRANTEE A Charles PERPET- Duncan PROPERTY IS CONVEYED SUBJECT TO THAT 631-1215. Plans are available any interestfor in ornewest claim against RE: Estate of Ira Paul Plott By EGRESS TO PERPETUAL All creditors of the estate of Ira Paul Plott, Payment of the correct amount must be made such property, as above set forth, are required UAL EASEMENT FOR INGRESS ANDTowns County Herald WATER RIGHT TO THE SPRING LOCharles Duncan SAID EASE- CATED ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY such payments are by the Order of the Judge of said Court to sur- THE ABOVE DESCRIBED [email protected] deceased, late of Towns County, Georgia, are within 30 days of billing;By Towns County Heraldrender possession of the property to the De- MENT TO RUN FROM THE COUNTY ROAD Sports ALONG AND THE RIGHT TO RUN THE NECESSARY WArefundable. hereby notified to render their demands to the not TER LINEsheriff’s TO MAINTAIN SAME, ALONG WITH the contractor each partment of Transportation no later than 30 THE ROAD RUNNING SOUTH OF THE ABOVE undersigned according to law, and all persons Payment will be made [email protected] Towns County 10A DESCRIBED PROPERTY RUNNING authorities TO THE U.S. continue OTHER CONDITIONS calendar month based on the estimated work days from filing of the Declaration of Taking. indebted to said estate are required to make Page to await AND LIMITATIONS AS RESERVED BY JERRY SANDERS IN DEED BOOK complete in place as prescribedAby the stanin accordance with the Official Code of FOREST PROPERTY. Chad WinklerThat promimmediate payment to the undersigned. word from the Georgia Bureau LESS AND EXCEPT 199, PAGES 505-506, TOWNS COUNTY CLERKS dard specifications. Georgia Annotated Section 32-3-13 through This the 3rd day of October, 2014 ise is as good as gold. Investigation’s Crime LaboLAND LYING OFFICE. The state reserves the right to Winkler reject any or 32-3-19, if the owner, or any of the owners, or ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF of Mary Ruth McCollum & Winkler DISTRICT, property known as 1490 Ada Lane, Hiaall bids. any person having a claim against or interest AND BEING IN LAND LOT 309, 18TH ratory as to theSaid identity of is huPersonal Representative Moshetto’s Restau- Construction out of Blairsville GEORGIA, 30546, together with all fixtures Keith Golden, P.E., Commissioner in said property, shall be dissatisfied with the 1ST SECTION OF TOWNS COUNTY, 205 Manor Place, man remains wassee, found inGAsouthrant of Young Harris will broke ground on the new LESS AS and personal property attached to and constiDepartment of Transportation compensation, as estimated in the Declaration CONTAINING 0.98 ACRES, MORE OR Cornelia, GA 30531 ern Towns County on Jan. 15th host a T(Oct1,8)B fundraiser for Towns County Senior of Taking Cen- and deposited in Court, such person SHOWN ON A PLAT OF SURVEY BY BLAIRSVILLE tuting a part of said property, if any. 706-778-7508 Sheriff Chris Clinton said. orAt persons, Friends of the Libraries of ter in early November. T(Oct8,15,22,29)P the or any of them, shall have the right, SURVEYING CO., ROBERT J. BREEDLOVE, R.L.S. Said property will be sold subject to any outSheriff Clinton 6, standing ad said valorem taxes (including taxes OF ARTICLES at any time subsequent to the filing of the Dec- DATED APRIL 29, 1997 AS REVISED JUNE Towns NOTICE County on Jan. OF INCORPORATION time, Winkler said that 1998 which arehad a lien, Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation laration and the deposit of the fund into Court 1997, JUNE 13, 1997 AND FEBRUARY that2,his department yetwhether or not now due and NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS 26-28 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 weather-permitting, the PAGE 88, word payable), the right of redemption of anyClinton taxthat will incorporate Kangaroo House, Inc. but not later than 30 days following the date AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, STATE OF GEORGIA to receive regarding Sheriff Chris p.m. A portion of the meal project would be completed SAID ofing authority, which might be dishave been delivered to the Secretary of State of service as provided for in the Official Code TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. COUNTY OF TOWNS the identity the humanany re-matters ticket will be donated to with Brian Wilson and Deputy survey and inspection for filing in accordance the Georgia in 180 days. Busi- of Georgia Annotated Sections 32-3-8 through PLAT BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REF- closed by an accurate RE: Estate of Jimmie Alford Taylor mains discovered near the assessments, Corporation Code. The initial registered of the Libraries. Lloydliens, anden-a DNR All creditors of the estate of Jimmie AlfordFriends Tay- ness Even with all 32-3-10 the wetto file with the Court a notice of ap- ERENCE ALSO CONVEYED IS ALL THAT LAND of the property, anyDoug Trail. BOUNDARY cumbrances, zoning ranger ordinances, restrictions, office of the corporation is locatedthe at region 2363 is peal, the same to be in writing and made a part LYING BETWEEN THE SOUTHERLYAppalachian lor, deceased, late of Towns County, Georgia, For more details about the weather were the first auexpeLINE OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE CENTERLINE covenants, and matters of record superior Hidden Valley Road, Hiawassee, Georgia 30546 of the record in the proceedings. “We’re still awaiting are hereby notified to render their demands event, and seeitsPage 3A in riencing, thorities to arriveto at the Winkler ROAD AS the theGBI Security set out above. initial registered agent at such address & Winkler The said property, as thus affected, is de- OF THE UNIMPROVED SUBDIVISION to the undersigned according to law, and all edition. word from andDeed the first today’s scene. The officers Construction is well on its SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF SURVEY, SUBJECT TO The proceeds of said sale will be applied to deteris Phillip Coppage. scribed as follows: persons indebted to said estate are required to state crime the lab,” Sheriff indebtedness that the payment of said mined and find all ex-was inT(Oct1,8)P Project way to completing the 5,800Number: CSSTP-0007-00 (495) Towns THE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. make immediate payment to the undersigned. Clinton said. “We don’t have SUBJECT TO ALL MATTERS AND CONDITIONS penses of said sale as provided in said Deed, Countyon deed human remains. This the 3rd day of October, 2014 square foot Senior Center anything newand to share at thisif any, willAbe call AS SHOWN ON ABOVE PLAT OF SURVEY. the balance, distributed NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE Parcel Number:15 Oleta Taylor to asSheriff time. NAME SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING WATERtime. LINE We RUN-hopeprovided law. Notice is hereby given that GAGAN PARWANA, Required R/W:0.004 acres of land to havebysomePersonal Representative Clinton prompted a call from With SERVING will be conducted subject (1) to conthe undersigned, filed his petition in the the front Su- entrance Property Owners: Park Sterling Bank; Internal NING THROUGH SAID PROPERTY AND 350 Glen Road, thing later inThe thesale week.” theis sheriff to theunder GBI to asand back porch included, the Service; Federal Deposit Insurance AND FURNISHING WATER TO OTHER PROPERTY firmation that the sale not prohibited perior Court of Towns County, Georgia, on the Revenue Hiawassee, GA 30546 On Sunday, Jan. 15, sist The Towns County the and (2)investigation. to final con26th day of September, 2014, Corporation facility will be around 7,000 as Receiver for Bank of Hiawas- OF GRANTOR. GRANTOR, HIS SUCCESSORS AND the U.S. Bankruptcy Codein 706-896-2609 small game hunters Food Distribution is in the GO UPON firmationdiscovand audit of the Towns status ofCounty the loan Depupraying for a change name of petitioner see; Towns County Tax Commissioner; and City ASSIGNS, SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO T(Oct8,15,22,29)P square feet. ered what they SAID PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINwithbelieved the securedtocreditor. from for GAGAN PARWANA to JOHNAnd SINGH PAR- promises of Hiawassee scheduled Tuesday ties and DNR rangers seWinkler The property is or may be in the of were WANA.2Notice hereby pursuant to law All that tract or parcel of land lying and be- TAINING SAID WATER LINE AND SYSTEM. be human remains on U.S. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Jan.31from p.m.isto 6 given cured thepossession scene and that party theretoisn’t another EASEMENT Arvind to any interested or affected appear ing inSeLand Lot 112 of the 18th Land District of ALSO CONVEYED HEREIN IS AN Forest STATE OF GEORGIA Service landRaina nearand theManinder Kaur, successor in p.m. Allinthat in and need Centertoaround will County, Georgia, being more particu- OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO AND FROM SAID interest or tenant(s). joined by U.S. Forest Sersaidare Court to filenior objections such that Lumpkin COUNTY OF TOWNS Appalachian Trail. They of food assistance areObjections en- have vice law enforcement PROPERTY AND MILL CREEK ROAD (RUNNING Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for and name change. must the be filed with larlyview described as follows: back porch RE: Estate of Randall K. Cruse, Sr. made contact with the GBI as couraged to Court attend. If you Kaur said within thirty (30) the filing BEGINNING they began a search All creditors of the estate of Randall K. Cruse, thatdays theofTowns County Se- at the point of intersection on be- ALONG SAID UNIMPROVED SUBDIVISION ROAD Arvind Raina and Maninder Towns County Sheriff’s OfWESTERLY 1350 FEET MORE File no. 12-037205 of this petition. tween the right way line ofto drying Sr., deceased, late of Towns County, Georgia, are unable to pick up your nior Center will have. From pouring theoffoundation in theAPPROXIMATELY building, the new It southeastern LESS TOorMILL CREEK ROAD, NOW SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER HASTY, LLP* This 26th day of The September, 2014. River StreetSenior (N) with the northeastern ficeKNOWN about their discovery. See&Human Remains, page 12A are hereby notified to render their demands Center is on pace to right meet theOR180 days so construction food, please contact DILLS ROAD, BEING COUNTY Towns ROAD #92) Attorneys and Counselors at Law Clerk, Towns County Superior Court of way line deal of State Route 2/StatePhotos/Marty Route 17/ ASRoberts to the undersigned according to law, and all County Sheriff’s Lt. See Senior Center, page 12A with the county. Pantry atPamela (706)Kendall 896-4783 Floyd, P.C. US 76/N Main Street, said point being 30.00 OVER THE PRESENTLY EXISTING UNIMPROVED 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 persons indebted to said estate are required to prior to Attorney distribution at Lawday.. feet left of and opposite station 458+71.87 on SUBDIVISION ROAD, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 make immediate payment to the undersigned. All clients and inquiries are Post Office Box 1114 the construction centerline of State Route 2/ SURVEY RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 68 (770) 220-2535/KMM This the 1st day of October, 2014 Hiawassee, Georgia 30546 State Route 17/US 76/N Main Street on Georgia OF THE TOWNS COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. Brenda Mitchell kept confidential. Telephone: 706-896-7070 Highway Project CSSTP-0007-00 (495); run- KNOWN AS: 3.12 ACRES ON DILLS RD., HIA- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECPersonal Representative Towns Grand hand up 11 true bills · Probate Judge/ TOR.Jurors ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE Facsimile: 706-896-6343 By Charles Duncan ning thence northeasterly along said existing WASSEE, GA 30546. 3163 Gull’s Wharf In addition, under and by virtue of the power USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Email: [email protected] County Heraldsoutheastern right of way line of River Street Magistrate: $1,578.31; Gainesville, GA 30501 Towns County Clerk liver/distribute/administer/ in the Security Deed, the un- [FC-NOS] T(Oct8,15,22,29)B (N) a distance of 15.50 feet to a point 45.50 of sale 678-971-5318 [email protected] · contained Tax Commissioner: dersigned will also sell at public outcry to theCecil T(Oct8,15,22,29)B feet left of and opposite station 458+71.69 on $1,229.04; T(Oct8,15,22,29)P of Court Dye has re- sell/possess with intent to Towns County door of the the following indict- distribute controlled subsaidSole centerline; thence S 6° 52’ 03” E a dis- highest bidder for cash before theleased · Clerk of County, Court: Commissioner Bill Kendall of Towns Georgia, immeditance of 27.57 feet to a point 30.00 feet left of Courthouse Parents of children ments by Towns County stance; Manufacture/deately following the sale of the above-described and opposite station 458+94.50 on said cen- $1,229.04; had one order of business at all ages, as well as teens liver/distribute/administer/ Grand Jurors: the following described personal terline, said point also being a point on said real property, · Sheriff: $1,407.54; the county’s regularly are invited to meet licensed owned by $36.54; Brandon Derick Dills· andChandler Bryan sell/possess with intent to northeastern right of way line of State Route property · Coroner: scheduled meeting lastRoute 17/US 76/N Main Street; thence Carolyn professional counselor, Holloway Dills a/k/a Carolyn Nicole 2/State Manufacture/de- distribute controlled sub· Board of Educa- Adams: week in the Towns northwesterly County secured along said existing northeastern Dills, or their successors-in-title and Linda M. Silva of Family stance; unlawful for person liver/distribute/administer/ tion, Post 4: $36; Commissioner Bill Kendall Courthouse. right of way line a distance of 22.63 feet back by the Security Deed, to wit: and Play Therapy at sell/possess with intent to to purchase, possess, or · Board of EducaAll personal property described in and subject to the point of BEGINNING. Said described land Commissioner Kendall May 25th, Election SuperintenTowns County High distribute to the Security Deed, which is hereby incorpo- controlled sub- have under his control any the required rightMarie of wayShook and is shown Post 5: $36; set the qualifying feesbeing for the dent Jonni said. tion, School Cafeteria on controlled substance; stance; reference. colored yellow on the attached plats marked ratedCbyothis m m i s s i o n e r eight local races scheduled The General Primary Thursday, Jan. 26 at 7 Less and isexcept any fixtures subject to· the Annex 1-A. · Charles Kenneth Nicholas Randell Kendall the incumbent for 2012 elections. will be held on July 31st and The title, estate, or interest in the above de- security interest on the above-described p.m. Her topic will be Your Neace:realManufacture/de- Gray Sr.: Felony attempt or County Commissioner; Qualifying fees are the General Election will be property. scribed land, required by condemnor and now Child’s Role Model. A Q conspiracy to violate Rogers is by thethe incumThe debt secured Security liver/distribute/administer/ Deed is eviby condemnor public6th, use is as fol- David based on 3 percenttaken of the held onforNov. Shook & A session will follow the sell/possess with intent to Georgia’s Controlled Subdenced by a Promissory Note, dated November lows: Fee simple title to the above described bent Probate Judge/Magissalaries for each office, said. presentation. Childcare 23, 2010, from Rogers Brandon Derick to Bank of controlled sub- stance Act; landsaid. as shown colored yellow on the plats dat- trate; Bruce is theDillsdistribute Commissioner Kendall qualifying feesSheet are and refreshments will be Hiawassee, aTax division of Citizens stance; South Bank, ed 15th day of May,The 2013: Last Revised: · Erik Steven purchase, possesincumbent CommisQualifying forNo. the11ofas follows: $34,485.50, on March 3, 2014, and Sheet No. 15 on in the original principal amount ofsion, provided. The meeting is manufacture, distribu- Underwood: Aggravated fices begin at 9 a.m. June on May · C o mtomAppendix i s s i o n“A” e rto : (as same may have been further modified, re20, 2014 and attached sponsored by Towns See Qualifying, page 12A tion, or sale of marijuana; stalking; battery; cruelty to newed or amended, collectively the “Note”); Exhibiton “A” as Annex 1-A. 23rd and will end at noon $1,407.54; County Parent, Teacher, unlawful plus interest from date on the unpaid balancefor person to pur- children – allow to witness This 26th day of September, 2014. Student Organization. See until paid, and other, possess, or have un- felony/battery/Family VioJanie Walls, Deputy Clerk Page 3A for more details. Default has occurred and continues the Towns County Superior Court derunder his control any controlled lence – third degree; terms of the Note and Security Deed by reason unlawful for perT(Oct1,8)B · Kendrick Lamar substance; By Charles Duncan of, among other possible events of default, the son to purchase, possess, or Hillsman: Terroristic threats Towns County Herald nonpayment when due of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note and securedhave by theunder Se- his control any and acts; battery – Family [email protected] Violence (first offense) miscontrolled curity Deed and the failure to comply with the substance; terms and conditions of the Note and Security · Patty Diane Neace: demeanor; simple battery – The legend of robotics Deed. By reason of this default, the Security Family Violence; To the family of Manufacture/deliver/distriband Towns County Schools Deed has been declared foreclosable accord· Alisha Marie WillTowns County Sheriff ute/administer/sell/possess continues. ing to its terms. Chris Clinton. intent Three of the Towns The above-described real propertywith will be sold to distribute con- iams: False statements or unlawful writings; conceal facts or The sheriff lost his to the highest and best bidder for trolled cash as substance; the County Middle School stuproperty of Brandon Derick Dills for and person Carolyn to purchase, pos- fraudulent documents in beloved grandmother dents who placed third in the Holloway Dills a/k/a Carolyn Nicole Dills, Simone Elise Charlotte sess, orthe have under his con- matters of government; state last year in the FIRST proceeds to be applied to the payment of said Brun Nicholson, who any controlled subLEGO League Robotics indebtedness, attorneys’ fees, andtrol the lawful See Indictments, page 12A passed away on Saturstance; Tournament and first nationexpenses of said sale, all as provided in the day, Jan. 21. Banister Lori Dawn Palmer ally in Core Values InspiraNote and Security Deed. The sale shall be· subject to the following: all outstanding ad valorLovingood: Manufacture/ Funeral Home was in tion in San Diego, CA, now TOWNS COUNTY HERALD em taxes and/or assessments, if any; possible deliver/distribute/administer/ charge of the arrangesuit up for another first year redemptive rights of the Internal Revenue Serments. Please join the sell/possess with intent to team. vice, if any; and all prior assessments, easeTowns County Herald in distribute controlled subTowns County High ments, restrictions or matters of record. extending prayers for the School’s 21st Century To the best of the undersigned’sstance; knowledgeManufacture/dePiE team members Jasmine Forrester, Sara Scott, Zyndel Payne, and belief, the real property is presently owned family of Sheriff Clinton. See Robotics, page 12A Gabe Gilliland, Mia Manto. Michael pictured). by Austin Brandon(not Derick Dills and Carolyn Holloway Dills a/k/a Carolyn Nicole Dills. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, the party in possession of the real property is Brandon Derick Dills and Carolyn Holloway Dills a/k/a Carolyn Nicole Dills, and tenants holding under them. All personal property will be sold in one lot to the highest and best bidder for cash as the property of Brandon Derick Dills and Carolyn Holloway Dills a/k/a Carolyn Nicole Dills, or their successors-in-title, on an “as is, where is” basis and without representation, warranty or recourse, express or implied, of the undersigned, and subject to all matters of record affecting said personal property, the proceeds to be applied to the payment of said indebtedness, attorneys’ fees and the lawful expenses of said sale, all as provided in the Security Deed. Park Sterling Bank, successor by merger to Citizens South Bank, as successor in interest to Bank of Hiawassee, as Attorney-in-Fact for Brandon Derick Dills and Carolyn Holloway Dills a/k/a Carolyn Nicole Dills. M. Todd Westfall, Esquire Howick, Westfall, McBryan & Kaplan, LLP Suite 600, One Tower Creek 3101 Towercreek Parkway Atlanta, Georgia 30339 (678) 501-7951 Local Weather and Lake Levels Installation of hydrants ahead of pace Senior Center going up fast Sheriff: ‘No word yet’ on ID Qualifying fees for 2012 set Grand Jury Indictments Friends ... Food Pantry ... PTSO Meet ... TCHS robotics team advances to state Condolences T(Oct8,15,22,29)B
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