The Open WorshipService 9:30 a.m. Interim Pastor Roger Giese Phone (419) 396-7360 Secretary Nikki O'Dell Church E-Mail [email protected] Church Phone (419) 894-6330 Office Hours 8:00 -1:00 (Monday-Friday) Church Website Church Facebook Page Trinity-Evangelical-Lutheran-Church-Arcadia-OH ·Door WHAT DOES "CHURCH" MEAN? The word "church" comes from a Greek word ecclesia which means "to be gathered." In the Roman Empire, citizens would be called out of the community to gather at town meeting and to make laws regulating community life. Those who did not gather were not part of the ecclesia and were not fulfilling their duties as a citizen. The early Church adopted this word to describe what they did as people, gather each day around Word and Sacrament. So, in like manner, on Sunday we are the Church because we are called out of our communities and gather together. The Church also uses a Latin word to describe itself. It is a word made of two parts: con, which means ''together'' and gregare, which means ''to collect as a flock" or ''to gather." So, whether we are using the Latin or the Greek, the essential part of being the church is to gather together. Times have changed since then, and although we are still the church when we are in our individual homes, we are most visibly and authentically the church when we gather together around Word and Sacrament. It is there and only there that we meet our Lord Jesus, hear His words, and receive him in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion. For health reasons, I know that many cannot make it to church every Sunday in spite of their desire to be here. So I'm hoping that having the worship service available on our website will make it possible for these people to gather with us if only in their imagination, and our (Continued on next page) Eucharistic Ministers bring the Sacrament to them from the altar as another way of having them "gather" with us, in reality through the bread and wine and in their imaginations. Perhaps the Holy Spirit has led the church in this direction because God knows that, as a people, we need the fellowship, the encouragement, and the community that is provided in our being together, in our gathering together. There is another reason why it is important to gather as a community, and that is to be a witness to those around us. We give witness to the importance of our Lord Jesus in our lives by getting up out of bed, driving or walking to our gathering every Sunday morning in His worship. Be the church! Go to church! See you there! Helen Brown 300 W. Peters St. Arcadia, OH 44804 419-894-6186 Ken Fox 20699 TR218 Fostoria, OH 44830 419-894-6508 KateOgg Countryside Continuing Care 1865 Countryside Dr. Fremont, OH 43420' 567-208-5360 Carol Reddick The Grand Court 600 Fox Run Rd. Apt. CC12 Findlay,OH 45840 419-422-1256 Helen Snyder 461 W. Lytle St., Lot #7 Fostoria, OH 44830 419-435-0985 Carolyn Etzinger 354 W. Center St. Fostoria, OH 44830 419-435-5628 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• u •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , If you have a few minutes during the month, please consider these special people and drop them a card so they know that we are thinking of them! If you plan to visit any of these folks, please give those living in their homes a phone call before your visit to let them know to expect you. Margaret Taylor The Heritage 2820 Greenacre Dr. Findlay, OH 45840 - August is" Council Meeting Minutes Present: Trent Beamer, Ray Beck, Audra Deuble, Barb Ebersole, Jon Fleegle, Kendra Holman, Carol McDonald, Eric Metcalfe, Bruce Myers and Pastor Giese; also in attendance: Marla Roller and Nikki O'Dell Devotions: Given by Trent. Minutes: The June Minutes were reviewed and approved with no changes. TreaSurer's Report: The Treasurer's Reports for June and July were reviewed and approved with no corrections. Pastor's Report: Pastor Giese's report included his activities for July. He reported: 2 Sermons/Worship Services; I Homebound Call; 2 Hospital Calls; 2 Member Visits; 2 Conference/Synod Meetings; 1 Visit to Day Care. Committee Reports: • Youtb: Audra reported that the Youth are looking for service project suggestions. • Christian Education/Leaming: Highlights of their July 16 and August 11 meetings are: It was decided to continue to have the little ones leave for class after the children's sermon as we get the most attendance this way. Melinda will continue to do this class with Patti and Katyann/Ann. - Only one class will be offered for the lower grades after church services. Sue and Kendra will teach this class. Carolyn will be teaching the Conftrmation Class again this year. - Jacinda will teach the high schoolers. - It was decided to have intergenerational Sundays once a month. Each committee member will take a turn being "in charge." The following dates/activities were set: Sept. 7m Rally Day - School Kits will be put together; October - A name will be drawn out of a pumpkin and family "adopts" them and takes a decorated pumpkin and some goodies; November - Share Advent story and decorate church. - A director for the summer 2015 Bible School is being sought. - The theme for 2014/2015 comes from Psalms 17:8, "Keep me as the apple of your eye." Children will play bells once a month. Details of the September, October, November & December intergenerational activities were planned. • Property: Trent reported that the air conditioning in the Day Care area has been fixed; also that a fan on the Fellowship Hall side of the air conditioning unit is out and needs to be replaced. • Finance: Eric reported the current balance in the Endowment Fund. • Worship: Minutes for the July 28m Music & Worship Committee included: Old Business: - Order of St. John & Order of Ruth - Nothing to report. Summer Joint Service - Scheduled for August 3rd with the Methodist Church; Oasis will be providing the music as they did last year. Karen Roth placed signs at the Restaurant and the Superette inviting the community (also possibly placed at the Methodist Church and ours as well). Lutherans will provide table service for those that forget to bring theirs. Don Moses will do the setup at the Park. Discussion about Hymn Singing by CongregationlUshers - Ushers are moving people forward; still struggling with the offering pattern the ushers are to follow (center to get plates and go down center aisle; go down side aisles and then back to the back center to wait for the Offertory to bring the plates forward). Piano Tuning - Neal Deniston has tuned the pianos. New Business: - Assistant Ministers - Bruce Myers and Mike Mock have both agreed to come back as assistant ministers; Nikki will do the scheduling. - New Lectors - Mike Mock, Bruce Myers, Audra Deuble, Teresa Margraf and Jim Hitchings (summer only) have agreed to be added to this group. - Window Candles - Bruce Myers has been constructing sets of candle holders for the sanctuary windows to be used with batteryoperated candles year-round (with the exception of Christmas Eve when we will use the traditional candles); Kris will put the candles back in the holders on the north side of the sanctuary. - Children's ChoirlBells - The children will be ringing bells andlor singing once a month as was requested by Kendra Holman; the Pastor will decide where to put them in the service when they sing/ring during a regular Sunday choirlhandbell anthem. It will need to be somewhere other than during the offering for those Sundays. • • • EV8ngelism/Witness: Ray thanked Barb Ebersole for making new church flyers on behalf of the committee; he also reported that they are thinking about doing something for trick-or-treat. Day Care Board: Jon reported that the enrollment is at 41; the next fundraiser will be the Football Pool for the OSUlMichigan game; and that the playground parts have now been replaced, but some other issues have been found. Call Committee: Audra reported that the Committee has had a second interview with a potential candidate, but after that interview did not feel the candidate was a good fit for our congregation; we won't have additional names until the middle/end of September. If anyone has questions or concerns, please feel free to ask a committee member about it/them. Communications: • A letter was received from Pastor Bliss regarding a Stephen Ministry Workshop that will be held at his church in Bucyrus on Saturday, September 20th• • • Religious Ed. Bus Monitors - Looking for new people to help with this ministry (Trinity has this responsibility for 2 months of the school year). "Open Door" - Some discussion was given to discontinuing our mailings since it is posted on our website and there would be copies available for pickup in the Narthex. It was felt that we should continue on as we have been doing for now. Thank-You Suggestions; • • Bea Waaland - For serving as our Religious Ed Monitor for several years Sheryl Bumgardner - For all the things she does Meeting was closed with prayer around the Altar. Next Meeting; September 16th at 7:00 p.m. Devotions: Bruce Myers Submitted by: Audra Deuble, Secretary lOu'rea Blessing! Recent Thank You Notes Old Business: Dear Trinity Family, • Thank you for the cards and well wishes we received for our 50th Anniversary. The Altar Flowers were beautiful. • • • Good Hope Lutheran of Arlington will be celebrating Reformation Sunday, along with the 25th year anniversary of their pipe organ, on October 26, 2014. All are welcome to attend. Joint gathering with North Baltimore & McComb Lutheran Churches on September 21st, from 4-6pm, here at Trinity - There will be intros, food, mixing games, etc. Council Members were urged to attend. Carpet Estimates - Tabled until next month. Banking - Some thought has been given to possibly moving our financial accounts to another institution, but the current thinking of the Finance Committee is to stay with Huntington. New Business; • • • New people are being sought to run for Council; if anyone is interested, please see Kendra or Audra. Current Noisy Offerings - Are going to the "Feed Our Kids" program. It was suggested that the Noisy Offerings for the next quarter go to a Miscellaneous Council Fund. Rally Day - Will be on September 7th and School Kits will be put together. The Evangelism Committee will provide treats. Mike & Nancy Curtis Thank you so much for your time and energy in preparing the dinner in Pat Rader's honor. Pat Rader's Family A big THANK YOU to Bea Waaland for being our Religious Ed. volunteer for the past 9 years. To keep this very important program going, Trinity is responsible for supplying a bus monitorlhelper every Friday morning for the months of November and March. That's only 7 Fridays total!! The duty entails helping Arcadia students on and off the bus as they are transported over to our Fellowship Hall for Bible Story Telling. If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact Kendra Holman at 419-894-6539. It would be ideal if we could get two or three volunteers to share in this. Thank you! We offer our congratulations to Jenna & Travis Bohn who were joined in marriage here at Trinity on Saturday, August 9th• We pray that God will bless their marriage with much happiness. . . :. Rally Day JUI.fJJi Coming Soon! September Congratulations to... ... Ridge & Leslie Lewis on the birth of their baby girl, Nora Lynn. Nora was born on July 25th, was 21 inches long and weighed 8 Ibs. 9 oz. Grandparents are Brad & Karla Lewis and greatgrandparents are Gene & Nancy Lewis and Karl & Gert Gingrich. ... Josh Herod & AUie Wesson on the birth of their daughter, Dakota Lynn Herod, born on June 29th and weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. Janet & Cecil Herod and her inchurch grandparents and Bill & Sharon Craig and her great-grandparents. 7th Mark your calendars! Will be packing School Kits First day for Sunday School Classes is September 14th '~a., ..:._ ~ "'0 M tw.J~blfi" Ir'nH~q, ,.~...... ~~~ (\ :.~~ ~~J.UIU.1~L~ Please mark your calendar for our Fall Bazaar on Saturday, October 18th, and also our apple-dumpling making date ... Tuesday, October at 9 o'clock. Helpers can bring your lunch if you want. Last year we made 350 dumplings and we were fmished at about 1 o'clock. r. Dorcas Bible Study Dorcas Bible Study will be held on Tuesday, September 2nd, with Le Jean Ford being the leader and hostess at Trinity Lutheran Church at 9:30 a.m. We will be using the June lesson in "The Gather" since we did not meet in the summertime. Then the next three months we will use the lessons from July, August and September books. Hope to see you there! Sandy & Gary Franks 15703 Mahogany Trail Findlay, OH 45840 Phone: 419-345-1036 Shauna & Trent Pessell 101 TR 254 Arcadia, OH 44804 Phone: 419-894-6183 ... Audie & Carol McDonald and Family on the death of Audie's mother, Mary "Lucy" McDonald, who passed away on July 26th• ... Max Rader and Family on the death of Pat Rader. Pat passed away on July 28th• ... Linda Schwepe and Family on the death of her husband, John, who passed away on August 16th• His funeral was held here at Trinity on August zo". !May tlie love of friendS comfort you; 5l1ay tlie love of qOdgive you peace. Confirmation Class Confirmation Class will be starting in September. Please contact the Church Office if any 7th grader or older is interested in Confirmation. Hope Bible Volunteers Needed! Area churches provide adult supervision for students traveling from Arcadia School to our church for Friday Religious Education Classes. Trinity Lutheran is responsible for the months of November and March. This could be rotated by 2,3,4 or more willing people. Please contact Kendra Holman if you are interested. Bea Waaland has served in the past as our representative to this ministry. Thanks for your dedication, Bea! Study Beginning Thursday, September 18, Hope Circle will again be meeting the third Thursday of every month at 7 o'clock at the church. We will be reading and discussing Sensible Shoes A St0O' About the Spiritual Journey, by author Sharon Garlough Brown. This book can be bought or ordered through the Christian Book Store in Findlay or bought on line. This book promises to take you on an incredible adventure in your relationship with the Lord. If you plan on joining in and/or have any questions, please contact Chris Thornton at 419889-5758 or DThom [email protected]. In the last several years I have been collecting pillowcases and assorted trims and giving them to Sheryl Beeson, Jim and Pat Beeson's daughter-in-law, who makes them into cute little dresses for mission. I think she has made hundreds now, along with others who have joined in this mission. She has shared this picture (below) of some of them. I believe that colored and print pillowcases make the really pretty dresses; if anyone has these to donate, bring them on in. Sheryl works for HATS and I drop stuff off to her there. She has thanked me so many times for all our help and I hope we can continue to supply her with "goodies." Sharon is", ...Travis & Jenna Bohn on their marriage on August The church was full of family and friends to share this day with them . ...Everyone who helped make the combined outdoor worship service such a successon August 3'd. I actually managed to sneak in to the luncheon and pack up some goodies for my pantry! Hi to All, Onions to ... As a Christian, I count my blessings every day ...well ok, most every day! There are so many things to be thankful for that I never run out of blessings. I'm ...The no-show greeters on Sundays; your job is very important. blessed to be a church mouse. Yes, you read that right. As the church mouse, I have many privileges. I don't have far to go on Sunday mornings; I enjoy seeing all of you on Sundays;and, if I'm lucky, I get to see you during the week as well; and I get plenty to eat after fellowship each week. We really do have good cooks here! I also can count on the same blessings as you humans do, such as watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset. I know the early bird gets the worm, but who wants worms? How can you ignore the beauty of a rainbow or the fascination of the moon and stars that fill the night sky? I think you get my point that a thankful heart makes for a happier life. Yes, I do need to be reminded of this occasionally, the same as all of you. Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches. They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin. Their leader, Lucifer Bin Workin, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy. However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter-terrorism force in the church. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, JesusChrist, to return. Stop and give me a high-five in passing and may God bless us all. Love, ~ ._lLMJa~ RecipeNo.9 Potluck Potatoes From Karla Giese 2 pounds shredded hash browns (completelythawed) 'i4 cup melted margarine 1 teaspoon salt Y:z teaspoon pepper 'i4 cup diced onion 1 (1531.ounce)can condensed cream of mushroom soup 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese 1 pint dairy sour cream For topping: 2 cups lightly crushed French fried onion rings (seenote) Y:z cup melted margarine In a 3-quart oven-proof casserole, mix together hash browns, margarine, salt, pepper, onion, soup, cheese and sour cream. For topping, mix together crushed French fried onion rings and margarine. Put topping mixture on top of hash brown mixture. Bake uncovered in .a preheated 350degree oven 45 minutes. Yield: 6 to 8 servings Note: You can substitute 2 cups crushed com flakes for the French fried onion rings. NO CHURCHIS EXEMPT! (However, you can spot them if you bin lookin and bin goin.) Did you know love is a fruit in season at all times and within the reach of every hand? Orchids to ... Chocolate Frosting
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