U.S. Wheat Associates Weekly Price Report October 24, 2014 Export Region Great Lakes Gulf of Mexico Pacific N. West OCT (Z14) (nearbys) FOB $/bu Percent Protein 12% (Dry) Moisture Basis NS/DNS 13.0 (14.8) NS/DNS 13.5 (15.3) NS/DNS 14.0 (15.9) NS/DNS 13.0 (14.8) NS/DNS 13.5 (15.3) NS/DNS 14.0 (15.9) HRW Ord HRW 11.0 (12.5) HRW 11.5 (13.1) HRW 12.0 (13.6) HRW 12.5 (14.2) SRW NS/DNS 13.0 (14.8) NS/DNS 13.5 (15.3) NS/DNS 14.0 (15.9) HRW Ord HRW 11.5 (13.1) HRW 12.0 (13.6) HRW 13.0 (14.8) SW Unspecified SW 10.5 (11.9) Max SW 9.5 (10.8) Max WW with 10% Club WW with 20% Club M M M M M M K K K K K C M M M K K K K $ $ $ $ $ 6.97 7.37 7.87 8.27 8.77 9.27 7.74 7.79 7.79 7.84 7.89 6.58 9.37 9.67 10.07 7.64 7.69 7.79 7.94 6.95 7.05 8.55 7.35 7.70 OCT (Z14) NOV (Z14) DEC (Z14) JAN (H15) FEB (H15) MAR (H15) APR (K15) $/bu $/MT $/MT ¢/bu $/MT ¢/bu $/MT ¢/bu $/MT ¢/bu $/MT ¢/bu $/MT ¢/bu $/MT ¢/bu Year Ago (nearbys) $/MT -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 256 271 289 304 322 341 284 286 286 288 290 242 344 355 370 281 282 286 292 255 259 314 270 283 130 170 220 260 310 360 180 185 185 190 195 140 370 400 440 170 175 185 200 6.95 7.05 8.55 7.35 7.70 256 271 289 304 322 341 284 286 286 288 290 242 344 355 370 281 282 286 292 255 259 314 270 283 130 170 220 260 310 360 180 185 185 190 195 140 370 400 440 170 175 185 200 6.95 7.05 8.55 7.35 7.70 256 271 289 304 322 341 284 286 286 288 290 242 344 355 370 281 282 286 292 255 259 314 270 283 130 170 220 260 310 360 180 185 185 190 195 140 370 400 440 170 175 185 200 6.95 7.05 8.55 7.35 7.70 closed closed closed 315 334 352 285 287 287 289 291 247 334 345 359 282 283 287 293 259 263 318 274 287 N/A N/A N/A 280 330 380 180 185 185 190 195 140 330 360 400 170 175 185 200 7.05 7.15 8.65 7.45 7.80 closed closed closed 315 334 352 283 285 285 287 289 247 334 345 359 282 283 287 293 259 263 318 274 287 N/A N/A N/A 280 330 380 175 180 180 185 190 140 330 360 400 170 175 185 200 7.05 7.15 8.65 7.45 7.80 closed closed closed 315 334 352 282 283 283 285 287 247 334 345 359 282 283 287 293 259 263 318 274 287 N/A N/A N/A 280 330 380 170 175 175 180 185 140 330 360 400 170 175 185 200 7.05 7.15 8.65 7.45 7.80 256 270 289 318 336 355 280 282 282 283 285 249 338 349 364 282 283 287 293 259 263 318 274 287 110 150 200 280 330 380 165 170 170 175 180 140 335 365 405 170 175 185 200 7.05 7.15 8.65 7.45 7.80 304 304 311 341 348 355 330 332 332 336 340 296 333 339 346 336 338 340 349 301 305 312 309 323 week change FOB Basis FOB Basis FOB Basis FOB Basis FOB Basis FOB Basis FOB Basis Durum: a range of prices are available depending upon various quality attributes. Offers from the Lakes range from $12.25 to $12.79/bu ($450 to $470/MT). Offers from Gulf ports range from $12.93 to $13.47/bu ($475 to $495/MT). Futures Settlements as of October 24, 2014 Chicago BOT SRW Kansas City BOT HRW Minneapolis MGE NS/DNS Chicago BOT Corn Chicago BOT Soybeans Legend: Cash: Convert: Grey positions not quoted on specific exchange DEC (Z14) $/MT 190.24 218.16 208.33 138.99 359.16 NOV (X14) $/bu 9.7750 week change $/bu 0.2575 week week DEC (Z14) change JAN (F15) change MAR (H15) $/bu $/bu $/bu $/bu $/bu 5.1775 0.0175 5.3100 5.9375 (0.0800) 5.9625 5.6700 (0.0340) 5.7800 3.5300 0.0500 3.6675 9.8325 0.2350 9.9000 week change MAY (K15) $/bu $/bu 0.0300 5.3875 (0.0550) 5.9625 0.0240 5.8560 0.0550 3.7525 0.2200 9.9675 week week week change JUL (N15) change AUG (Q15) change $/bu $/bu $/bu $/bu $/bu 0.0425 5.4625 0.0475 (0.0225) 5.9050 0.0225 0.0220 5.9420 0.0300 0.0525 3.8275 0.0525 0.2000 10.0225 0.1850 10.0275 0.1725 M = Minneapolis Grain Exchange; K = Kansas City Board of Trade; C = Chicago Board of Trade; $ = cash price quote; N/A = quote not available; closed = Great Lakes are closed to vessels for winter; ¢/bu = cents per bushel; Futures Contract Month: H = March; K = May; N = July; U = September; Z = December NS/DNS=Northern Spring/Dark Northern Spring (subclasses of Hard Red Spring); HRW=Hard Red Winter; SRW=Soft Red Winter; SW=Soft White; WW=Western White (White Club & Soft White) F.O.B.= "Free on board" - Seller is responsible for placing grain at the end of the loading spout. Buyer is responsible for providing the ocean vessel and for all other costs after the grain is delivered on board. Basis: The difference between the cash price and futures month for specific quality, shipping period and geographical location. Durum, SW and WW are quoted in dollars per bushel ($/bu.) rather than basis for each contract month. To compute cash price, add basis level and current futures to get price per bushel. Multiply by 36.743 to get price per metric ton. Example: Basis = 70 and Future Price = $9.00, the price per bushel is $9.00 + .70 = $9.70/bu. Price per metric ton is $9.70 * 36.743 = $356/MT. All prices are based upon U.S. number two grade or better as certified by the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS). SEP (U15) $/bu 5.5575 6.0200 6.0220 3.9025 9.8750 week change $/bu 0.0500 0.0325 0.0320 0.0575 0.1425 U.S. Wheat Associates Weekly Price Report (page 2) October 24, 2014 U.S. dollars/metric ton Handymax 40-46 TMT 15 46 Panamax 54+ TMT 30 45 35 47 38 39 30 33 70 65 60 65 39 42 28 32 52 37 27 28 30 34 25 27 29 Freight Index** Week Ending 10/17/2014 10/10/2014 10/3/2014 9/26/2014 9/19/2014 9/12/2014 9/5/2014 8/29/2014 8/22/2014 8/15/2014 8/8/2014 8/1/2014 7/25/2014 7/18/2014 7/11/2014 7/4/2014 6/26/2014 6/20/2014 6/13/2014 6/6/2014 5/30/2014 5/23/2014 5/16/2014 5/9/2014 5/2/2014 4/25/2014 4/18/2014 4/11/2014 4/4/2014 41705 Note: Rates for freight leaving the Great Lakes are quoted for 18,000 MT "Salties." General Index 415.5 422.7 425.3 425.5 428.8 425.3 433.0 430.6 427.6 420.1 418.9 415.9 415.2 418.0 426.0 431.3 431.6 430.0 432.6 437.6 435.8 435.7 435.3 437.6 434.8 438.5 440.9 450.7 450.8 451.1 Grain Freight Index 502.9 511.7 514.7 511.5 514.8 508.5 517.9 517.1 513.3 507.9 506.8 505.3 505.1 508.1 511.4 518.1 520.3 519.1 521.5 530.2 530.2 529.7 528.8 530.9 529.3 533.2 536.0 539.3 536.4 540.4 Number of Fixtures 608 523 517 469 530 480 474 424 487 499 503 470 556 543 543 447 522 546 492 455 337 445 449 340 447 262 376 355 362 Ocean Freight Rate Indices 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 Aug-13 60 Canada 1.125 1.128 1.112 1.113 1.033 1.050 8.85% 7.07% Egypt 7.170 7.170 7.170 7.170 6.908 5.499 3.79% 30.38% EU 0.791 0.781 0.786 0.791 0.726 0.666 8.91% 18.80% Japan 107.615 106.023 107.923 108.671 97.554 91.746 10.31% 17.30% Russia Apr-14 Jun-14 Aug-14 General Egyptian Freight Estimates 40 30 20 10 0 Aug-13 Nov-13 Feb-14 May-14 Gulf origin Aug-14 PNW origin Selected Exchange Rates 480 41.628 40.833 40.031 39.646 31.762 28.993 31.06% 43.58% Feb-14 50 euro/US dollar xx Brazil 2.497 2.465 2.385 2.487 2.180 1.718 14.54% 45.33% Dec-13 Grain Sources: *Trade representatives and recent shipments, **Maritime Research, Inc., ***Nominal Major Currencies, Federal Reserve Board Summary of Foreign Currency Exchange Rates (versus $1 U.S. dollar) Week Ending Index*** Argentina Australia 10/24/14 N/A 8.493 1.141 10/17/14 106.00 8.478 1.141 10/10/14 106.13 8.467 1.132 10/3/14 106.70 8.453 1.139 10/24/13 100.55 5.858 1.036 10/24/09 100.66 3.824 1.080 1 year change 5.45 44.99% 10.14% 5 year change 5.34 122.09% 5.57% Oct-13 0.85 1.30 0.80 1.25 1.20 0.75 1.15 0.70 1.10 0.65 1.05 0.60 1.00 0.55 0.50 Oct-13 0.95 0.90 Dec-13 Feb-14 Apr-14 euro Jun-14 Aug-14 Canadian dollar The weekly prices as reported by U.S. Wheat Associates are compiled through research from numerous market sources, including U.S. wheat exporters of all classes from various U.S. ports. The prices reported are representative of the value of number two grade and the proteins indicated. They are not intended to represent offers nor should importers of U.S. wheat rely upon them as such. Additional factors may alter these prices significantly. These factors may include: (1) payment terms (differing from cash against documents which are the terms used in the U.S. Wheat Associates price report); (2) various quality factors, and method of quality certification; (3) loading terms (USW prices represent Free on Board and do not include loading rate guarantees, stevedoring costs or other elevator tariff charges); (4) different delivery periods than indicated in monthly prices reported by U. S. Wheat Associates. U.S. Wheat Associates recommends regular contact with exporters of U.S. wheat in order to receive offers representative of your requirements. These contracts would allow importers to review contract terms and better understand the U.S. grading system, role and function of the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS). Contact: For questions, please contact Casey Chumrau at (703) 650-0241 or [email protected]. Canadian/US dollar Handy 25-30 TMT 17 37 40 20 30 48 34 34 $/metric ton Ocean Freight Rate Estimates by Origin* Export Import Region Region US Gulf Mexico (Veracruz) W. South America (Peru/Ecu) S. South America (Chile) N. South America (Colombia) E. South America (Brazil) West Africa (Nigeria) East Mediterranean (Italy) West Mediterranean (Morocco) Middle East (Egypt) Japan Mid Atlantic N. South America (Venezuela) West Africa (Nigeria) Middle East (Egypt) St. Lawrence N. South America (Venezuela) Europe/Rotterdam Middle East (Egypt) Great Lakes East Mediterranean (Italy) West Mediterranean (Spain) Rotterdam West Africa (Morocco/Algeria) PNW W. South America (Peru/Ecu) S. South America (Chile) N. South America (Colombia) Middle East (Egypt) East Africa (Djibouti/Mombasa) South Asia (Mal/Indon/Phil/Sing) Taiwan South Korea Japan Nearby Futures Contract Prices 10 220 9 200 cents/bushel XXl 8 $/bushel HRW Basis at PNW and Gulf Ports (ordinary protein) 240 7 180 160 140 120 100 6 80 60 5 40 20 0 Oct-13 4 Oct-13 Dec-13 Feb-14 KBOT Apr-14 Jun-14 MGE Aug-14 Oct-14 Dec-13 Feb-14 Apr-14 Jun-14 PNW CBOT Aug-14 Oct-14 Gulf HRW Protein Premiums - PNW HRS Basis at Various Ports 260 500 240 220 400 200 350 180 cents/bushel XX cents/bushel XX 450 300 250 200 160 140 120 100 80 150 60 100 40 50 0 Oct-13 20 Dec-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 PNW HRS 14 Aug-14 0 Oct-13 Oct-14 Dec-13 Feb-14 Apr-14 ords G.L. HRS 14 Jun-14 Aug-14 Oct-14 Aug-14 Oct-14 12% protein HRW Cash Prices at the Gulf SW and SRW Nearby Cash Prices 370 12 350 10 8 310 $/bushel $/metric ton 330 October 24, 2014 Weekly Price Report (page 3) U.S. Wheat Associates Gulf HRS 14 Apr-14 290 270 6 4 250 2 230 210 Oct-13 0 Dec-13 Feb-14 PNW SW Apr-14 Jun-14 Aug-14 Oct-14 Gulf SRW Custom graphs of historic nearby cash prices may be accessed at: http://www.uswheat.org/priceReports/nearbyCash Oct-13 Dec-13 Feb-14 Apr-14 KCBOT Futures Jun-14 Gulf HRW basis Basis and cash prices for different delivery months are also available at: http://www.uswheat.org/priceReports/deliverymonth U.S. Wheat Associates Weekly Price Report Highlights: October 24, 2014 Daily Settlement Prices (SEP14) * Wheat futures closed mixed this week despite hitting a six-week high on Thursday. Markets found 6.4 strength midweek from planting delays in the Midwest and production issues in Australia and Russia. But weak export demand, a strengthening dollar and technical selling all pushed markets lower on Monday and Friday. Volatility in corn and soy also caused fluctuations in wheat. CBOT December wheat gained 2 cents to $5.18/bu. KCBT lost 8 cents to $5.94/bu and MGEX dropped 3 cents to $5.67/bu. CBOT December corn added 5 cents to $3.53/bu and CBOT November soybeans gained 26 cents to $9.78/bu. $/bu 6 5.6 5.2 * USDA reported total U.S. winter wheat as 76% planted by Oct. 19, in line with the five-year average. But 4.8 SRW seeding was behind in several states including Illinois and Indiana. 4.4 10/20/14 10/21/14 10/22/14 CBOT KCBT 10/23/14 10/24/14 MGEX * Argentina’s Economy Ministry authorized exports of an additional 400,000 MT of wheat this week, in addition to the 1.5 MMT previously authorized for old crop wheat. There are reports the Ministry will authorize new crop exports next week. USDA expects Argentina’s 2014/15 exports to rebound to 6.0 MMT, up from just 2.2 MMT last year. * Analyst group SovEcon said this week that a lack of moisture in Russia has already hindered winter Wheat Futures Forward Curve wheat development and 2015/16 production could fall below 50.0 MMT. If realized, it would be lowest since 2012/13 and 15% below 2014/15. 6.40 * In its weekly export sales update, USDA reported net sales of 299,400 MT, down 39 percent from the 6.00 $/bu prior 4-week average and below trade expectations of 350,000 to 500,000 MT. 5.60 * The Baltic Panamax Index closed unchanged from last Friday at 865. 5.20 * The US Dollar Index closed higher this week at 85.80, up from 85.30. 4.80 4.40 SEP 14 DEC 14 CBOT MAR 15 KCBT MGEX MAY 15
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