Document 369977

Oct. 27, 1959 '
Filed July 26, 1957
2 Sheets-Sheet 1
Edward/{7.1611 I
M, p4“,
Oct. 27, 1959
United States Patent
cc I
Patented Oct. 27, 1959'
whereby to be interchangeable and relatively inexpensive.
In connection with the foregoing object, it is another
object of' the invention to provide improved display
equipment ‘whichcan be assembled and changed when
desired without the use of nuts, bolts, screws and the
like; assembly and change can be done without screw
drivers or wrenches by relatively unskilled labor utilizing
Edward M. Levy,v Evanston'p and Dale‘ R. iLopatlraGlen- I
view, 111., assignors to Re?ector-Hardware Corporation,
a minim-um number of simple tools and in certai? in3
Chicago,Ill., a corporation of Illinois
stances no tools at all except a mallet.
Application July 26, 1957, Serial No‘. 674,417 .- "
'Still another object of the invention is to provide disé
play equipment for use on counters which is rigid and
well braced within itself whereby to eliminate the neces=
22 Claims. (01. 211-;147)
sity for auxiliary bracing devices whereby to present a
large effective display volume.
This invention relates to merchandising devices and
more particularly to merchandising display equipment
mountable upon counters in‘ retail stores and the like
‘where it is desired to furnish additional display volume
greater than ‘that provided by the counter top alone.
Yet another object of the invention is to provide dis
play equipment for use on counters in which the dis
plays of adjacent counters can be interconnected although
the adjacent counters have different heights and still
maintain a’ uniform overall ‘height for the mechandising
Many retail storm are now‘ equipped with counters for 20 display and can also be changed to elevate one display
the display and sale of merchandise. These counters
afford a relatively small amount of display volume.
to feature mechandise thereon.
\ ~
A further object of the invention is to provide in dis
play equipment of the type set forth improved assembly
structures and particularly improved structures for as
Modern retailing practices have demonstrated that ‘it is
desirable to have greater display volume than that afford
ed‘ by va simple counter top.’ Various display devices are 25 sembling the display equipment on counters, improved
customarily now sold by manufacturers of items sold
constructions for interconnecting‘ different members of
on the counter and which will be furnished upon demand
the same displays, and improved structure for intercon
for use on a counter.
Although the provision of such
nectingadjacent displays on adjacent counters.
display devices does increase the display volume, there
is‘ no cohesion or unity of display since each item in gen 30
eral utilizes its own display device. Furthermore, the
added display volume possible using such independent
' These and‘ other objects ‘and advantages will be better
understood front the following description whenwtaken in
conjunction‘ ‘with the accompanying drawings. In the
drawing'swherein like reference numerals have been uti
devices is not very great and is only a small fraction of
lized? to designate like parts throughout:
the possible display volume available‘ above a counter.
Figure 1 is a perspective View of a merchandising de-'
Often the counters already owned by the retail store 35 vice’ including-therein display ‘equipment made in ac
are of the movable type whereby to provide so-called
cordance with and‘ embodying the principles of the pres
“islands.” These movable counters may .be of varying
ent invention, the display equipment of the present in
heights and may, for example, have heights as low as
ventiori being mounted on adjacent counters having dif
six inches and as high as twenty-eight inches with ten
ferent heights;
inch and twenty inch heights also being common.‘ For 40 Figure 2 is a side elevational view on' a reduced scale
of a relatively complicated ‘merchandising display which
reasons of economy it is desirable to make use of such
counters but the appearance madeby assembling counters
can‘ be made utilizing the display‘equipment' of the pres
of varying heights in proximity is not pleasing and not
ent invention and further illustrating the maintenance
conducive to effective display. Better display of‘ the
of overall maximum height of displays although uti
goods to be sold is achieved if the display volume'vhas a 45 lizing adjacent counters of different heights;
uniform height throughout its area of‘ extent.’ It further
Figure 3" is a plan view of the mechandi’singg'dji'splay
is desirable periodically to change the display arrange
ment whereby to avoid - monotony.
Figure 4 is a» fragmentary enlarged‘ viewin horizontal
section; through the display'equiprnent of Figure 1 sub
Preferably the
changes in the display equipment must be such as‘ can
be made by relatively unskilled laborers and with a 50 stantially as seen in the direction of the arrows along
minimum of tools and equipment;
Accordingly, it is an important object of‘the present
invention to provide in merchandising devices improved
display equipment and- particularly improved vdisplay
equipment for use on top of counters.
, the. lines 41-4 thereof;
Figure 5 is a view in vertical section through the
Another object of the invention is to provide display
equipment of the type set forth in which the overallheight
of the merchandising device is constant throughout the
a connection of Figure 4‘ substantially as seen in the- di
rection of the arrows‘ along the line 5—-5 thereof;
Figure 6 is- an enlarged fragmentary view in hori
zontal section through a connector between adjacent
pieces of‘ display- equipment substantially as seen in the
direction, of the arrows along the line 6—6 of Figure 1‘;
display area whereby to increase effectiveness of display.
Figure 7‘ is an enlarged rragmentary‘view in vertical
In connection with the foregoing object, it is another 60 section‘ illustrating the interconnection between ‘the dis
object of the invention to provide display equipment in
play‘ eqiiipiiieiit and a counter" substantially as seen in
which uniform height of all displays can be obtained
the‘ direction- of the arrows along the" line 7—7 of
although the counters upon which the displays are pro
Figure‘ l;
vided are of different heights.
universally adjustable whereby to give substantial ?exi
Figure 8 is a‘ fragmentary enlarged view in‘ horizontal
section illustrating another connection between adjacent
display devices substantially as seen‘ in the direction of
the‘arrow's along the line 8'-e8 of Figure 2; and?
bility of the displays that can be constructed using/the
' Figure 9" is‘ an enlarged‘ fragmentary 'view in vertical
Yet another object of the invention is to provide dis 65
play equipment of the type set forth which is readily and
display equipment.
section through yet another interconnection‘ between‘ ad‘
Still another object of the invention is to provide dis-7 70 jacent-v display devices substantially as seen in the direc
tion of the- arrows along the’ line 9-9 of FigurerSr
play equipment of the type set forth which utilizes a
number of parts, the parts being mass produced
There is shown in Figure 1 of the drawings a mer
chandising display incorporating therein display equip
dimension thereof disposed upwardly and the smaller
dimension thereof disposed downwardly.
Stud 66 which is disposed in socket 64 is substantially
cylindrical in shape. A ?rst cylindrical attachment mem
ment made in accordance with and embodying the prin
ciples of the present invention. The display of Figure
1 includes a counter 2i} which is illustrated as a movable
counter provided with legs 22. Positioned adjacent to 5 ber 78 is provided which is suitably secured as by weld
the counter 20 is a second lower counter 24, counter 24
ing to the outwardly facing wall 86 of frame member 54.
being shown in position against counter 20. Mounted
More speci?cally, a projection 81 extends through an
upon counter 21) is display equipment generally desig
aperture in wall 80 and is welded thereto. Extending out
nated by the numeral 26. Equipment 26 includes a pair
wardly from attachment member 78 is a cylindrical neck
of end display frames 28 and 30 which are connected by
32'having a diameter substantially less than that of at
‘a longitudinal display frame 32. Supported upon the
tachment member 78. Formed integral with the outer
display equipment 26 are two display panels 34 and 36.
end of neck 82 is a larger cylindrical button or head 84
End frames 28 and 34} together with the longitudinal dis—
which is adapted to be received within socket 644. The
play frame 32 form a rigid integrated display framework
surface ‘86 interconnecting the periphery of head 84 and
upon which various display devices can be mounted. The 15 neck 82 is frusto-conical in shape.
panels 34 and 36 are only illustrative of display devices
A ?rm lock is provided between socket ‘64 and stud 66
that can be used in conjunction therewith. Panels 34
and 36 have been illustrated mounted to provide shelv
ing. These panels can also be mounted vertically to pro
vide wall panels.
End display frame 28 is formed from hollow tubing,
by means of a wedging action.
More speci?cally the
?anges 74 and 76 are ?rmly wedged between ‘the frusto
conical surface 86 and the adjacent face of attachment
20 member 78. To insure such a wedging action, the neck
the tubing having substantially a square cross section.
82 is formed so that the axial length thereof is substan-v
tially less than the thickness of socket ?anges 74 and 76.
As a result the ?anges 74 and 76 are ?rmly wedged be
tween surface 86 and the adjacent face of member 78 by
A pair of vertical frame members 38 and 40 is provided,
these frame members being interconnected by transverse
frame members 42 and 44. Frame member 42 inter 25 simply moving stud 66 downwardly within socket 64.
connects frame members 38 and 40 at the upper ends
This engagement between the socket 64 and stud 66 has
thereof as viewed in Figure 1 and frame member 44
an additional advantage of placing the cylindrical surface
of head 84 and the outwardly‘ disposed surface thereof
interconnects frame members 38‘ and 40 at points dis- ‘
posed substantially, intermediate the ends thereof. Any
suitable method of joining the various frame members
out of contact withsocket 64.
As a result there is no
A preferred material
marring of these surfaces and these surfaces can be
painted or otherwise decorated for a pleasing appearance.
of construction for end display frame 28 is metal whereby
to provide the necessary structural strength.
This is particularly important since these surfaces are
such as welding can be utilized.
End display frame 28 is mounted upon counter 20 in a
manner such that there is substantially no tendency of end
display frame 28 to be displaced along the surface of
counter 29. More speci?cally, each of the vertical frame
members 38 and 40 is provided at the lower end thereof
with a pin 46 (see Figure 7 of the drawings), the axis of
pin 46 being substantially parallel to the axis of the asso 40
ciated frame member and extending outwardly from the
readily available to view in those studs which are not en
gaged in a socket (see, for example, studs 66 at the left
hand end of display frame 32 in Figure 1).
A socket 64 is mounted on the inwardly facing sur
face of each of the transverse frame members 42 and 44
substantially at the center thereof. As illustrated in Fig
ure 1 of the drawings, six studs 66 are provided along the
outwardly facing wall 80 of frame member 54. Studs 66
are equally spaced and are so spaced that the ?rst and
lower end thereof. The upper end of pin 46 is ?attened
fourth studs 66 will engage in the sockets 64 on frame
as at 48 and suitably secured as by welding to the inner
members 42 and 44. Similarly the second and ?fth studs
side of frame member wall 56, wall 50 being disposed
provide a pair which will cooperate with sockets 64 as will
inwardly toward the center of counter 20. Suitable aper 45 the third and sixth studs. Accordingly, there are three
possible adjusted positions of display frame 32 with re_
tures 52 are formed in‘counterl? to receive pins 46 there
in whereby to mount the display frame in the selected and
spec-t tothe end display frame 28. Preferably when dis
desired position.
play frame 32 is in the lowermost position as illustrated in
The longitudinal display frame 32 includes aqpair of
Figure l, the lower side of frame member 60 is spaced
vertical frame members 54 and 56 which are intercon 50 from the top of counter 20 a short distance such as for
example an inch.
nected by horizontal frame members 58 and 60. A third
vertical frame member 62 is provided intermediate the
The other end of the longitudinal display frame 32 is
ends of frame members 58 and 60 and interconnecting the
supported by the end display frame 30. Display frame 30
frame members at such points. The various frame mem
is in turn mounted upon a counter 24 having a height
bers 62 are all formed from hollow tubing having substan 55 substantially less than that of counter 20. Display frame
tially a square cross section, see for example Figures 4
30 is identical with display frame 28 except for the lower
and 6 which show the cross section of frame members 54
horizontal frame member 45 which is positioned nearer
and ‘56, respectively.
frame member 42 and, accordingly, like reference nu
A stud and socket connection is provided to intercon
merals have been applied to the various parts thereof
nect longitudinal display frame 32 and the end display 60 where applicable.
frame 28. Referring to Figure 4 it will be seen that the
Means is provided to interconnect the longitudinal
display frame 32-which is mounted on counter 20 with
transverse frame member 44 of display frame 28 is pro
‘the end display frame 36 which is mounted on an ad
vided with a wedge shaped socket or receptacle generally
jacent counter 24. Ordinarily the longitudinal display
designated by the numeral 64 which receives therein a
stud 66 mounted on display frame 32 and particularly 65 frame 32 has a length less than the length of counter 29,
the difference in the lengths being equal to twice the
frame member 54 thereof. Referring also to Figure 5 it
will be seen that socket 64 includes an attachment wall 68
transverse dimension of a frame member such as frame
member 40. Although display frame 36 is positioned
against the adjacent end of counter 29, there
from each other. Formed on the edges of wall 68 and
extending perpendicular thereto are side walls 70 and 72 70 will be a space between display frame 3th and display
‘frame 32 equal to the transverse dimension of frame
which diverge upwardly as viewed in Figure 5. Formed
member 40. The studs 66 provided on frame member
having vertical edges that extend upwardly and outwardly
on side walls 70 and 72 are retainer walls 74 and 76, re- . - 56 therefore will not reach or be in position to engage the
spectively. Walls 70 through 76 together with main wall
"sockets 64 mounted on the transverse frame members
68 form a wedge shaped panel of socket having the wider 75 42 and 45 of display frame 30. To make this connection
a. cb?nector generally designatedjby the numeral 90 has
1112 to“ mount panels 34 and 36 upon the display frames.
been provided. Connector 90 includes a’. generally cylin
Instead of being disposed horizontally as illustrated,
drical portion 92 from one end of which extends? a cylin
drical neck 94 having a diameter substantially less than
body 92. Formed integral with the outer end- of‘ neck
94 is a head- 96 cylindrical in shape and having a diameter
panels 34 and 36 can. be inclined with respect to the
horizontal or may be disposed vertically to provide a
substantially equal to body 92. A. frusto-conical surface
support wall.
Referring to Figures 2' and 3 of the drawings, there is
shown a. relatively complicated merchandising display in~
98 interconnects the outer periphery of head 96 and neck
corporating display frames and display equipment made
94.. It will be seen that head 96 is substantially identical
in accordance with the invention. One of the primary
in construction with head- 84 described‘ above and there 10 advantages of the display equipment of the present in
forevisl suitable for insertion in one of the sockets 64.
vention is to provide uniform overall height although the
The other end of connector 90- has formed thereon a
basic counters associated with the display equipment may
socket substantially like socket 64. More speci?cally,
be of varying heights. There is best illustrated in Figure
connector body 92 has provided thereon a. main Wall 100
2 the’ use of four counters 1120-, 122, 124 and 126, all of
having tapered edges. Formed integral. with the tapered 15 diiferent heights. Counter 120' for example may have a
edges of Wall 100 are side walls? 102 and 104.
ing inwardly from the outer edges~ of side walls 102 and
104 are retaining walls 106 and 108, respectively. The
height of twenty inches, counter 122 ten inches, counter
124 twenty-eight inches and5 counter 126=sixr inches. Each
of counters 120, 122 and 124 has been illustrated‘ as
inwardly facing edges of walls 106' and 108- are spaced
being square and- of equal ?oor‘ area. Counter 126 has
apart a distance greater than the diameter of neck 82 20 been illustrated as having a' length equal to the length
on the studs 66. The distance between the inner surface
of the other counters but a width only approximately half
of walls 106-108 and the adjacent surface of wall: 100 is
that of the remaining counters.
greater than the longitudinal‘ extent of stud head 84
Mounted upon counter 120 is an end‘ display frame
whereby to receive head 84 therein. The dimensions of
128 which is substantially shorter than the display frames
connector body 9-2 are so chosenv that connector head 96 25 28- and 30v described: above but of the‘ same general con—
will ?t‘ in a. socket 64 on display frame 30 and the' con
struction'. A longitudinal display frame 130' is connected
nector socket can receive the stud‘ head 84 on display
to displayv frame 128 and‘ extends the‘ length of counter
frame 32;
29 along substantially the center thereof. A pair of end
The end; display frames 28' and~ 30 are assembled with
frames 132 and 134- is provided on counter 122, ‘display
the longitudinal display frame 32 as follows. The end 30 frames 132 and 134 being substantially identical to dis—
display frames 28 and 30 are ?rst- mounted upon the
play frame 28. A longitudinal display frame 136' inter
counters 2G- and 24, respectively, by‘inserting pins 46
connects the: end display frames 1:327 and 134. Display
in apertures, such as apertures 52.v Display frame 28 is
frame 136 is substantially like display frames 32 and
positioned with, the socket 64 extending inwardly toward
130- but has a‘ vertical extent substantially greater where‘
the center of counter 20 and display frame 30 is posi
by to place the top frame member thereof in general
tioned. so that the sockets ,64 thereon will» extend toward
horizontal alignment with the‘ top frame member‘ of dis
counter 20. Display frame 32 is.- then moved into ap
play frame’ 130. Socket and stud connections identical’
proximate position and the topmost stud and the fourth
with that illustrated‘ in Figures 4- and 5 and discussed
stud from the top on- frame member 54 are slipped into
above are made betweenv display frames 128 and 130 and
the socket 64 on transverse frame members 42 and 44, 40 between display frames 1‘32 and 136 and between display
respectively. Downward pressure upon- frame member
frames 134 and 136.
54~will serve ?rmly to ?t stud heads 84 within the corre
In addition‘ a connection is made between the aligned
sponding sockets 64. A connector 90 is then applied to
longitudinal display frames 130 and 136 to add rigidity.
interconnect frame member 56 and frame member 42
To this end a connector 140' is provided. Connector'14t)‘
on. display frame 30. More speci?cally, connector 90 is 45 includes a connector body 142 which‘ is preferably square
positioned so that the wider dimension of they socket
in cross section and may be formed of the same square
thereon is positioned downwardly and the socket is forced,
cross section hollow tubing from which‘ the various frame
downwardly to receive therein the stud‘66' spaced‘- third
members are formed. There is‘ mounted on each end of
fromv the bottom on frame member 56. Simultaneously
connector body 142 a- socket. More speci?cally, two
the connector head 96 will be moved into the‘ socket. 64 50 sockets 144 and 146 are provided. Sockets 144 and 146
onframe member 42 of display frame 30. A1 second con
are identical with so‘cket' 64 described above. The sockets
nector 90 isthen applied in-alike manner to interconnect
are" arranged so‘ that the‘ Wider end of’ one is‘ disposed’
the bottommost stud 66 on frame member 56 and the
upwardly and the' n'arrower’e'ndi of the other one is‘ dis»
socket- positioned. on. frame member 45.
posed upwardly, iiez, the sockets are arranged 180° out
-Because of the substantial. longitudinal extent of dis
of alignment with respect to‘ each other. ' Connector 140'
play. frame32, means is provided’ intermediate the ends
is assembled on frame member 1136" with the connector
thereof. to give added support. To this end an adjust‘
146‘ positioned to havev the narrower e'ndl disposed up‘
able. foot 110. is provided. in. alignment with frame memwardly. The stud 66 on display frame 1‘30'i's then moved
ber 62. Preferably foot 110 is adjustable‘ with respect
downwardly into socket 144' which is positioned with the~
to. display frame 32. to give good support. therefor.
60 wider endi disposed upwardly. By this interconnection the
Means is provided to- mount- display devices such‘ as
display frame 130" is supported at least in part by dis‘
panels 34. upon the various display frames. To this end
play frame 136'.
the vertical frame members. are Provided with a- series‘
Mounted‘ upon- counter 1.24‘ is- a longitudinal display‘
of aligned elongated slots 112.. Preferably both sides of
frame 148- substantially‘identical in‘ construction with dis
each frame member lying. in. the general plane of the
play frame'32 described above. The left hand end of
display frames is provided with. a- series of slots 112.
display frame 148 as viewed in Figure 2 is connected to
The‘ slots 112 are equally spaced and of uniform length.
display frame'136 by means of a connector 140. The
In addition, the slots 112 on each display frame are in»
horizontal1 alignment.
Each of panels 34.‘ and 36 includes a substantially rec
tangu'lar frame 114' which is covered by wire mesh
screening or‘ expanded metal 116 to provide a support
surface. Brackets 118 are provided ‘underneath the
frame; the‘ outwardly directed edges of brackets 118 be
ing:provided with hooks (not shown-)1 engageablein slots“
right hand end of display frame 148' is connected to and
70 supported by a transverse display frame 150 positioned
upon counter 126; Also mounted‘ on‘count'er' 126 aret'wo
short longitudinal display frames 1'52 and 154 ha'vingqa
construction generally like that of display frames 28 and
30 described above; Display frames 152' and 154 are
each connected to' display‘ frame 150" by means of stud
and socket connections of the type illustrated in Figures
4 and 5 of the drawings.
Yet another form of connection is provided between
the 'end of display frame 148 and the transverse display
frame 150. The right hand end of display frame 148 is
provided with studs 66. The frame member of display
frame 150 adjacent'display frame 148 is provided with
slots 112.
Accordingly, a connector is required which
vention. Accordingly, the invention is to be limited only
as set forth in thefollowing claims.
We claim:
1. A merchandising device for use on a pair of juxta
posed counters of different heights, comprising a pair of
upstanding end display frames, means to mount one of
said end display frames upon one counter and means to
mount the other of said end display frames on the other
counter at a point spaced from said one end display
will interconnect a slotted frame member and a frame
member having a stud 66 thereon. Such a connector is 10 frame, an upstanding longitudinal display frame disposed
illustrated in Figure 9 of the drawings and is generally
designated by the numeral 160. Connector 166 includes
a substantially ?at plate-like body 162.. Mounted on one
end of body 162 and disposed perpendicular thereto is
a socket 64. Socket 64- is positioned with the wider end
thereof disposed upwardly whereby to receive therein the
stud 66 on display frame 148 whereby to interconnect
substantially perpendicular to said end display frames,
and connectors interconnecting said longitudinal display
frame and each of said end display frames, the vertical
position of said longitudinal display frame relative to
said end display frames being adjustable.
2. A merchandising device for use on a pair of juxta-v
posed counters of different heights, comprising a pair
display frame 148 and connector 168. Formed on the
of upstanding end display frames, means to mount the
edge of plate 162 opposite that on which is mounted con
?rst of said end display frames upon the ?rst counter
nector 66 is a pair of spaced apart hooks 164. Hooks 20 on the end thereof disposed away from the second
164 are directed downwardly, i.e., in a direction toward
counter, means to mount the second end display frame
the narrower end of the attached socket 64 and are spaced
upon the second counter at the end thereof adjacent
apart a distance equal to the distance betwen two slots
to the ?rst counter, an upstandiing longitudinal display
112. Accordingly, hooks 164 are adapted to engage in
frame disposed substantially perpendicular to said end
slots 112 to be supported by the vertical frame member 25 display frames, and connectors interconnecting said 1011
of display frame 150. Struck from plate 162 is a pair
gitudinal display frame and each of said end display
of oppositely disposed brace portions 166 and 168 which
frames to support said longitudinal display frame above
are positioned to engage the adjacent surface of a frame
the ?rst counter, the vertical position of said longitu
member of display frame 150 whereby to hold con
dinal display frame relative to said end display frames
nector 160 in a position such that plate 162 is perpen 30 being adjustable.
dicular thereto. It will be seen that connector 160 will
3. A merchandising device for use on a pair of juxta
readily interconnect display frames 14S and 150. As
posed counters of different heights, comprising a ?rst
may be best seen in Figure 2 of the drawings preferably
and a second upstanding end display frame, means
two connectors 160 are provided between display frames
detachably to mount said ?rst end display frame upon
148 and 150.
the ?rst counter at the end thereof opposite the second
From the above description it can be seen that the
counter, means detachably to mount said second end
various display frames can be readily mounted upon
display frame on the second counter at the end thereof
counters with a minimum of effort and using a minimum
adjacent to the ?rst counter and parallel to said ?rst
number of simple tools and in certain cases no tools at
end frame, an upstanding longitudinal display frame dis
all. Once the apertures 52 have been drilled in the 40 posed substantially perpendicular to said'end display
counters, no tools need be used thereafter to change the
frames, connectors interconnecting said longitudinal dis
arrangement of the displays except perhaps a hammer
play frame and each of said end display frames to sup
or mallet or some similar striking instrument. Despite
port said longitudinal display frame above the ?rst
the simplicity of construction and assembly, the assem~
counter, the vertical position of said longitudinal display
bled display frames provide a rigid display structure.
frame above the ?rst counter being adjustable, and
This results in part from the self bracing arrangement
means formed on said display frames to mount display
of the parts and also from the stud and socket connec
devices thereon.
tions between display frames. The special connectors
4. A merchandising device as set forth in claim 3,
90, 140 and 160 also utilize these desirable stud and
wherein the means to mount the end display frames
socket connections.
upon the associated counters includes pins mounted on
The resultant display structure is extremely ?exible and
and extending downwardly from said end display frames
is universal in the sense that various parts thereof can
be arranged and adjusted in a great number of combina~
tions and permutations. However, where desired, it is
possible to arrange the display frames so that the upper
edgesof all the frames are in alignment as is illustrated
in Figure 2 of the drawings. Because of the hook and
slot connection that can be made between display devices
and the display frames, substantially all of the volume en
closed by the tops of the various counters and the tops
of the display frames can be utilized for display pur
and adapted to be received in complementarily shaped
apertures formed in the associated counters.
5. A merchandising device comprising a counter, a
?rst upstanding display frame mounted on said counter,
a second upstanding display frame supported by said
?rst display frame above said counter, and a connector
interconnecting said display frames and including a wedge
shaped socket mounted on one of said display frames
and a cylindrical stud head mounted on the other of
said display frames and engageable in said socket.
A substantially increased display e?iciency is
6. A merchandising device comprising a counter, a
?rst upstanding display frame mounted upon said counter
effectiveness of display. This display structure also per
and extending upwardly therefrom, a second upstand
mits the use of counters already owned by retail stores 65 ing display frame mounted on and supported by said
thereby achieved while simultaneously enhancing the
whereby to render this additional economy in use.
It will be seen that there has been provided a display
?rst display frame above said counter, a wedge shaped
socket mounted on said ?rst display frame and having
structure including display frames and connectors which
the wider end thereof disposed upwardly,'and a stud
will ful?ll all of the objects and advantages set forth
mounted on said second display frame and having a
above. Althoughcertain preferred examples of the in 70 cylindrical head engageable in said socket to support
vention have been shown in the drawings and described
said second display frame upon said ?rst display frame
for purposes of illustration, it is to be understood that
above said counter.
various changes and modi?cations can be made therein
7. A merchandising device comprising a counter, a ?rst
without departing from the spirit and scope of the in 75 upstanding display frame mounted upon said counter and’
extending upwardly therefrom, a second upstanding dis:
1-3.1.v A merchandising deyiceifor. rise-m1 a- pair of insta
play frame mounted on. and supported by said ?rst dis
posed countersv of" different heights, comprising a: ?rst
upstanding end displ-ay- member mounted on. the, ?rst
counter at the end‘. thereof. opposite the second counter,
play frame above said counter, a socket mounted on said
?rst frame member and including a pair of confronting
spaced apart ?anges having the facing edges thereof dis
a. second upstanding end. display frame mounted on the
second counter at. the end thereof adjacent to; the ?rst
posed at an acute angle. to each. other, and a plurality of
studs: mounted on said second display frame, each of said
studs having a groove formed therein and extending
counter, a ?rst upstanding, longitudinal 'displ-ay- frame
supported by said ?rst end display frame above the
?rst counter, a. second upstanding, longitudinal display
therearound', the opposite walls of said groove being dis<
posed at an acute angle with respect to each other, said 10 frame mounted on- said second. end display frame above
the second counter, the upper edges of said longitudinal
groove providing. a. neck and a head, said ?anges having
display frames being in horizontal alignment, and a COD?
awidth greater than the length of said neck whereby said
necting means- interconnecting said longitudinal display
?anges: are adapted to be wedged in said groove between
frames to support said ?rst longitudinal display frame
the. converging walls thereof while maintaining the pe
riphery and outer end of said head out of contact with 15 upon said second longitudinal display frame.
14. A merchandising device as. set forth in claim- 13,
said socket thereby positively to prevent scarring of the
wherein the connecting means. comprises a ?rst stud
periphery and the outer end of said head whereby heads
mounted on the’ end of said ?rst longitudinal: ‘display
not engaged in a socket present a pleasing appearance.
frame» disposed toward said second longitudinal’ display
8. A merchandising device comprising a counter, a
?rst upstanding display frame mounted uponsaid counter .20 frame, a second stud mounted on the end of said second
longitudinal display frame disposed toward said ?rst
longitudinal- display frame, and a connector having a
wedge shaped socket formed on- each end thereof and
extending in‘. opposite directions therefrom, one of» said
and extending upwardly therefrom, a. second upstanding
display frame mounted on and supported by said ?rst dis
play frame above said counter, a Wedge shapedsocket in
eluding an attachment member mounted upon said ?rst
display frame, a pair of inwardly directed’ spaced apart 25 sockets having thewider end thereof disposed upwardly
and engaging said ?rst stud therein and the ‘other of said
?anges- mounted on- said attachment member and dis
sockets having, the wider end thereof disposed down
posed outwardly therefrom and substantially parallel
wardly and engaging, said second stud therein to support
thereto, the confronting edges of said ?anges being in
said ?rst longitudinalr display frame upon said second
clined upwardly and outwardly away from each. other,
a stud having a second attachment member mounted on 30 longitudinal display frame.
15;. In a merchandising display mounted’ upon a pair
of counters. of different heights, the combination com
prising a ?rst upstanding, display frame mounted upon
said ?anges, a head- formed on the outer end of said. neck
the ?rst counter, a second upstanding; display frame
and being joined to said neck by an outwardly directed
frusto-conical surface, the diameter of a portion of said 35 mounted on the’ second counter in alignment with said
said second display frame and including a neck extending
outwardly therefrom a distance less than. the widthv of
?rst display frame, the end of said ?rst display frame
disposed. away from said second display frame being
supported by the; ?rst, counter, the end of the second
display frame, disposed toward the v?rst display frame
frusto-conicall surface being greater than the distance- be
tween said ?anges at one point therealong whereby to
wedge said ?anges between said frusto-conical surface
and said second‘ attachment member while maintaining
the periphery and the free end of said head out of con 40 being supported upon the second counter, a ?rst stud
tical frame members, a pair of transverse frame mem
mounted upon the end: of. said ?rst display frame disposed
toward said second display frame and including: a; neck
and a- head on the end thereof supported; by said neck,
bers interconnecting said vertical frame members at
spaced apart points, each of said vertical; frame members
having at least one row of vertically aligned and horizon
tally aligned openings in the front and. rear faces‘ thereof,
the end thereof adjacent to- said ?rst display frame and:
spaced from: said ?rst stud and in. general horizontal;
alignment therewith, and? a connector’ interconnecting.
tact with said socket.
, l
9; A display frame comprising a pair of parallel ver
a-. second stud. mounted on said second. display frame:- orr
said studs, said.- connector having a. ?rst. socket; formed: on:
and a \Ieshaped socket mounted, on each of said trans
one end thereof, including a: pair of: spaced apart inwardly
directed. ?anges adapted to receive’
neck. ofv the‘- ?rst
verse framev members intermediate the ends thereof, said
sockets being. disposed in alignment along a line: parallel
studi thertebetweenathe: confronting edges", of said flanges-v
diverging upwardly whereby to support the adjacent end
to the axis of said vertical frame ‘members, and means
formed on one end of said vertical frame members to
mount said frame members upon an associated counter.
of said ?rst display frame, a second socket formed on the
other end of said connector and including a pair of
10. A display frame as set forth in claim 9, wherein the
frame members are square in cross section and the means 55
to mount the vertical frame members on a counter in
spaced apart ?anges adapted to engage in the neck of
said second stud, the opposed faces of said second ?anges
clude a pin mounted within each vertical frame member
diverging downwardly whereby to support said socket
vertical frame members interconnecting said transverse
frame members at the ends thereof, said vertical frame
members each having at least one row of vertically and
horizontally aligned openings in the front and rear faces
thereof, and a plurality of stud connectors mounted on 65
necks and outstanding heads, comprising a body, a ?rst
socket mounted on one end of said body andincluding
an attachment member, a pair of ?anges mounted on said
attachment member and spaced outwardly therefrom
and lying in substantially the same plane to receive a
and said connector upon said second stud.
and extending outwardly therefrom.
16. A connector for use in interconnecting a pair of
11. A longitudinal display frame comprising a pair of
parallel disposed transverse frame members, a pair of 60 display frames having studs formed thereon including
said vertical frame members and extending outwardly
disposed at an acute angle, a second socket mounted on
therefrom in a direction parallel to the axis of said trans
the other end of said body and including a second attach
verse frame members.
ment member having a second pair of ?anges spaced
therefrom and disposed substantially parallel thereto to
receive a stud head, the confronting edges of said second
?anges being disposed at an acute angle with respect to
each other, the confronting edges of said ?rst ?anges
diverging in a direction opposite to that of said second
12. A display frame as set forth in claim 11, wherein
the frame members are square in cross section and an
adjustable support foot is mounted on one of said trans
verse frame members intermediate the ends thereof and
adapted to be disposed upon the top of an associated
stud head, the confronting edges of said ?anges being
“I117. In 'a merchandising “device for use on adjacent
counters of different heights, the combination comprising
said body and adapted to engage a display frame engaged
by said body in a fixed position with respect to the as,
a ?rst display frame mounted upon one of the counters
sociated display frame.
and extending to the edge thereof disposed adjacent to
21. In a merchandising display device including two
the other counter, a second display frame mounted on the
second counter on the edge thereof adjacent to the ?rst
display frames, a connector comprising a vsocket formed
on one display frame and including a pair of confronting
counter and disposed substantially perpendicular to said
spaced apart ?anges having the facing edges thereof dis
?rst display frame, a stud mounted on said ?rst display
frame at the end thereof adjacent to said second display
frame, said second display frame having at least one row
of vertically aligned openings formed on the side thereof
posed at an acuate angle to each other, and a stud mount
ed on the other display frame and having a groove formed
therein and extending therearound, the opposite walls of
said groove being disposed at an acute angle with respect
adjacent to said ?rst frame member, and a connector en
to each other, said groove providing a neck and a head,
gaging said stud and engaging in said openings to inter
said ?anges having a width greater than the length of
connect said display members.
said neck whereby said ?anges are adapted to be wedged
18. In a merchandising deviceyfor use on adjacent 15 in said grooves between the converging Walls thereof
counters of dilferent heights, the combination comprising
while maintaining the periphery and outer end of said
a ?rst display frame mounted upon one of the counters
i€3d out of contact with said socket.
and extending to the edge thereof disposed adjacent the
22. In a merchandising display device including two
other counter, a second display frame mounted on the
display frames, a connector comprising a wedge shaped
second counter on the edge thereof adjacent the ?rst coun
socket including an attachment member mounted upon
ter and disposed substantially perpendicular to said ?rst
one display frame, a pair of inwardly directed spaced
display frame, a stud mounted on said ?rst display frame
apart ?anges mounted on said attachment member and
at the end thereof adjacent to said second display frame,
disposed outwardly therefrom and substantially parallel
thereto, the confronting edges of said ?anges being
said second display frame having at least one row of ver
tically aligned openings formed on the side thereof adja
inclined upwardly and outwardly away from each other,
cent said ?rst frame member, and a connector including
a stud having a second attachment member mounted on
a socket formed on one end thereof to engage said stud
the other display'frame and including a neck extending
and a hook formed on the other end thereof to engage
outwardly therefrom a distance less than the width of
in said openings to interconnect said display frames.
said ?anges, a cylindrical head formed on the outer end
19. A connector for interconnecting a display frame 30 of said neck and being joined to said neck by an out
having a headed stud mounted thereon and a display
wardly directed frusto-conical surface, the diameter of a
frame provided with aligned openings therein, compris
portion of said frusto-conical surface being greater than
the distance between said ?anges at one point therealong
whereby to wedge said ?anges between said frusto-conical
ing a body, a socket formed on one end of said body, said
socket including an attachment member and a pair of
spaced apart ?anges mounted thereon and spaced there 35 surface and said second attachment member while main
taining the periphery and the free end of said head out
from, the adjacent edges of said ?anges being spaced apart
to receive a headed stud therein in a wedging manner, and
a pair of hooks formed on the other end of said body and
of contact with said socket.
adapted to engage in the openings of an associated dis
play frame.
20. A connector for interconnecting a display frame
having a headed stud mounted thereon and a display
frame provided with aligned openings therein, comprising
a body, a socket formed on one end of said body, said
socket including an attachment member and a pair of 45
spaced apart ?anges mounted thereon and spaced there
from, the adjacent edges of said ?anges being spaced apart
to receive a headed stud therein in a wedging manner,
a pair of hooks formed on the other end of said body
and adapted to engage in the openings of an associated 50
display frame, and a pair of brace members formed‘on
References Cited in the ?le of this patent
Oberdorfer __________ __ Aug. 17, 1926
Rowling ______________ __ Jan. 6, 1931
Baker _______________ __ Jan. 10,
Rowland ____________ __ Oct. 17,
Von Palmenberg _____ __ Nov. 17,
Peterson _____________ __ Feb. 1,
Magnuson __________ __ Mar. 18,
Bales _______________ __ July 22,
_ Samules ____________ __ June 16, 1953
Williams _____________ __ Apr. 2, 1957
Patent No“ 2,910,187
October 27, 1959
Edward M. Levy et 211
It is hereby certified that error appears in the-printed specification
of the above numbered patent requiring correction and that the said Letters
Patent should read as corrected below.
Column 12, line 8, for "acuate" read -- acute -=-°
Signed and sealed this 5th day of April 1960.
Attesting} Officer
Commissioner of Patents