FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Philosophy Lecture Year Plan for 2014-5 This year plan contains details of undergraduate lectures, graduate classes, and other regular events. It is split into sections along these lines. The three columns on the right are used to indicate in which University term(s) each event takes place. The number of lectures or classes for that event in any term is found in the column for that term. (NB: the numbers for lectures/classes represent the hours allotted to the series, which may but need not be the same as the number of lectures/classes. For seminars etc, the number given is the number of events.) You will find other useful information regarding lectures and classes, including a summary of which classes/lectures are obligatory for certain student groups. This information is believed correct as at 22 October 2014, but changes may occur before and during the academic year. Before you make plans for any particular term, it is wise to check the lecture lists online as near to the start of term as is practical for your planning. Errors/queries can be addressed to [email protected]. Undergraduate Lectures: Lectures for the First Public Examination (“Prelims” / “Mods”) Lecture Lecturer(s) Early Greek Philosophy Dr Anna Marmodoro Plato, Euthyphro & Meno Prof Lindsay Judson Moral Philosophy: Mill, Utilitarianism Dr Edward Harcourt Moral Philosophy: Mill, Utilitarianism Prof Cecile Fabre General Philosophy (thematic) Prof Peter Millican General Philosophy (topic-based) Dr Ofra Magidor Introduction to Logic Dr James Studd Elements of Deductive Logic The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence Frege: Foundations of Arithmetic Turing: “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” HT 7 8 8 TT 8 8 8 8 8 Dr Brian King Dr Sophie Allen and Prof Simon Saunders Dr Steven Methven Prof Peter Millican Undergraduate Lectures: Core Lectures for the Honour Schools (“Finals”) Lecture Lecturer(s) 101 Early Modern Philosophy: Descartes Prof Bill Mander 101 Early Modern Philosophy: Locke Dr Anita Avramides 101 Early Modern Philosophy: Hume Dr Peter Kail 101 Early Modern Philosophy: Berkeley Dr Peter Kail 102 Knowledge and Reality: Metaphysics Dr Ralf Bader 102 Knowledge and Reality: Epistemology Dr Lizzie Fricker 103 Ethics I Dr Tom Sinclair 103 Ethics II: Metaethics Dr Felix Pinkert 104 Philosophy of Mind I Dr Anita Avramides 104 Philosophy of Mind II Dr Ian Phillips 106a /124 Philosophy of Science Dr Dennis Lehmkuhl 106b Philosophy of Science and Social Science Dr Louise Braddock 107 Philosophy of Religion Dr Tim Mawson 1 MT 8 6 TBC 8 1 MT 8 HT TT 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Lectures for Philosophy in the Supplementary Subject in History and Philosophy of Science, an optional paper in the natural sciences schools, are listed at the end of this section. The History lectures for this option are normally offered in Michaelmas Term. 108 Philosophy of Logic and Language 109 Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Criticism 110 Medieval Philosophy: Aquinas 111 Medieval Philosophy: Duns Scotus, Ockham 112 Kant: Critique of Pure Reason 113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Hegel 113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Sartre, MerleauPonty 113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Schopenhauer 113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Nietzsche 113 Post-Kantian Philosophy: Heidegger 114 Theory of Politics 115 / 130 Plato: Republic 116 / 132 Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics 118 The Later Philosophy of Wittgenstein 120 Intermediate Philosophy of Physics: Quantum Mechanics 120 Intermediate Philosophy of Physics: Special Relativity 121 Advanced Philosophy of Physics 122 Philosophy of Mathematics 124 Philosophy of Science 125 Philosophy of Cognitive Science I 125 Philosophy of Cognitive Science II 126 Environment (for PPE only) 127 Philosophical Logic 131 Plato: Theaetetus 131 Plato: Sophist 134 Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Pyrrhonism Philosophy of Science (for the Supplementary Subject) Dr Josh Parsons Dr James Grant and Prof John Hyman Prof Cecilia Trifogli 8 12 Prof Cecilia Trifogli 8 8 Dr Anil Gomes Prof Bill Mander 8 8 Dr Katherine Morris 8 Dr Manuel Dries Prof Stephen Mulhall Dr Joseph Schear Given by Politics Prof Terence Irwin and Dr Damian Storey Dr Karen Margrethe Nielsen and Dr Tom Ainsworth Dr Bill Child 8 Prof David Wallace Prof Harvey Brown and Dr Oliver Pooley Dr Dennis Lehmkuhl, Dr Oliver Pooley, Prof Simon Saunders (MT); Prof Harvey Brown (HT) Prof Volker Halbach Dr Dennis Lehmkuhl Prof Martin Davies Prof Martin Davies Dr Guy Kahane Dr James Studd Dr Michael Peramatzis Dr Michael Peramatzis Dr Daniel Vazquez 8 8 16 8 8 8 15 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 Dr Sophie Allen 8 Special Lectures Lecture Grahame Lock Memorial Lecture: Philosophy, the University and the Politics of Culture Gareth Evans Memorial Lecture The John Locke Lectures 2015 Other Lectures and Events Lecture The Modern Sublime in Art, Philosophy and Theology Philosophical Questions: Theological Answers The Philosophy of Economics Controversies in Frege’s Philosophy of Language Kant’s Philosophy of Religion Sceptical Theism The Philosophy of Hegel Virtue Ethics: Ancient and New Lecturer(s) Prof Stephen Mulhall MT 1 Prof Sarah-Jane Leslie (Princeton) Prof Rae Langton (Cambridge) Lecturer(s) Prof Pamela Anderson and Prof Paul Fiddes Mr Stephen Priest Mr Matthias Brinkmann Mr Michael Price Prof Pamela Anderson Ms Rachel Fraser Mr Joseph Cregan Ms Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi and Mr Jason Carter HT TT 1 6 MT 4 HT 4 TT 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Graduate Classes Class Pro-seminar for first-year graduate students Posterior Analytics and Nicomachean Ethics VI Women in Philosophy: What Needs To Change? Hume Heidegger: Being And Time Modal Logic Introductory Epistemology Practical Ethics Philosophy of Physics Stoicism and its critics Ockham’s Ontology I Feminism and/in Philosophy Leibniz Kant and Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Science Conditionals Philosophy of Action Mind and Language Logical Consequence Intro to Probability and Decision Theory Ethics Legal Philosophy Ockham’s Ontology II Butler’s Sermons Women Philosophers of the Early Modern Period Wittgenstein Sartre’s Being And Nothingness Topics in Epistemology Philosophy of Logic Philosophy of Psychology and of Cognitive Science Formal Theories of Truth The Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics Dynamics of Meaning Topics in Aesthetics Political Philosophy Population Ethics Issues in metaphysics and moral philosophy relating to abortion 2 Class-giver(s) Dr James Grant, Prof John Hyman, Prof Adrian Moore, and Dr Josh Parsons Dr Michael Peramatzis and Dr Paolo Fait Dr Paul Lodge MT TBC Dr Peter Kail and Dr Lorenzo Greco Prof Stephen Mulhall and Dr Joseph Schear Dr James Studd Prof John Hawthorne Prof Julian Savulescu Dr Dennis Lehmkuhl, Dr Oliver Pooley, Prof Simon Saunders (MT); Prof Harvey Brown (HT) Prof Terence Irwin Prof Cecilia Trifogli Dr Pamela Anderson Dr Paul Lodge Dr Anil Gomes and Dr Andrew Stephenson Prof Simon Saunders Prof John Hawthorne Prof John Hyman 16 16 Dr Philipp Koralus and Dr Salvador Mascarenhas Dr Owen Griffiths Prof Frank Arntzenius Dr Ralf Bader Dr Ambrose Lee Prof Cecilia Trifogli Prof Terence Irwin and Prof Roger Crisp Dr Paul Lodge Dr Bill Child Dr Katherine Morris and Dr Joseph Schear Prof Timothy Williamson and Prof John Hawthorne Prof Timothy Williamson Dr Philipp Koralus and Dr Ian Phillips Dr Volker Halbach Dr David Wallace Dr Daniel Rothschild Prof Alison Denham Prof Cecile Fabre and Dr Thomas Sinclair Dr Hilary Greaves and Dr Toby Ord Prof Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra HT TT 16 16 8 16 16 16 16 16 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 16 16 16 16 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 16 16 16 These classes are designed for the Philosophy Faculty’s graduate students (except where otherwise indicated). Others wishing to attend should seek the permission of the class-giver. Regular Faculty Seminars Lecture Moral Philosophy Seminar Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar Post-Kantian Philosophy Seminar Work in Progress in Ancient Philosophy Philosophy of Physics Seminar Theoretical Philosophy Work in Progress Philosophy of Mind Seminar / Reading Group The Jowett Society / Philosophical Society Convener(s)/Organiser(s) Dr Edward Harcourt and Dr G. Kahane Prof Volker Halbach, Dr James Studd, Dr Daniel Isaacson Dr Manuel Dries and Dr Joseph Schear Prof Terence Irwin, Dr Karen Nielsen, Dr Michail Peramatzis Prof Harvey Brown Dr Martin Pickup Dr Ian Phillips and Dr Josh Shepherd Various Conveners MT 8 HT 8 TT 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 TBC 3 8 TBC TBC 8 TBC TBC 8 8 8
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